iOS Making a custom table view with spaced out and custom cells - iphone

I am attempting to make a custom view that looks like the attached picture. The top two cell would be static while the bottom three would scroll if there are more than the screen can fit, and only scroll within that given area. I am wondering what the best approach is to making these types of custom views. I know how to make custom UItableviewcells and have custom content in them, but I am struggling with an overall strategy to make a custom UITableview that has certain cells be static and others scroll. Should I just implement a table view to be part of the screen in storyboards? Or are there better ways to do so?

I would do this by making the top two "cells" just be UILabels, and the bottom a table view where both the cells and the table view would have a clear background. The table view should be set to have no separators between the cells, and the cells should have a UILabel with a background cooler the same as the top UILabels.
This was the result:

I normally do not like to use story board much. And prefer SubClassing UIView. It might take more time to code at first but in a long run it is easier and very dynamic to control the UI programmatically.
In your problem I would make two static UIView(s). If the two view are similar the advantage of using UIView class is that you can use same class with different data model to generate multiple views. But if you use story board you need to copy past multiple times. Hence try to create UIViews class objects as much as possible.
And then the bottom one will be a simple table view. Do not think there is much you can do in this case. Do submit some codes you have done so that we can better refine it.


How to lay out scrollable iPhone view

I need advice on the most pragmatic way to layout the following view. As you can see from the image attached, I have a static logo and text that appears at the top of the view, followed by a variable number of items.
Initially, I was going to use a TableView for the variable number of items, that way I would be able to load any given number of cells at runtime.
My problem is that if I drop a tableView onto this view below my static logo and text, when the user scrolls, the static logo and text will remain fixed. I need both the static logo/text AND the tableView to scroll up.
My next inclination is to use a scrollView, inside which I would place my tableView and static logo.
Is this the most pragmatic way to approach the problem? If so, will there be usability issues when scrolling the scrollView vs scrolling the tableView? In my mind this could get messy.
Any advice on the best way to approach this is greatly appreciated.
Using a table view inside of a scroll view is a bad idea and warned against by Apple in their docs. Basically the internal gesture recognizers can conflict and create a clunky user experience. The best path forward would be to go with the tableview (which is a subclass of scroll view) and have two different kinds of cells– one for the logo and one for the repeating contents at the bottom. Make the first cell the logo and adjust the table view's settings to format it to your heart's content.

How can I make my custom UITableViewCells as fast as possible?

I'm creating custom UITableViewCells, and I'd like to make them in a way that allows the table view's scrolling to be as smooth as possible. In their current state, with a custom background image on each cell using the cell's backgroundView property, scrolling is is still fairly smooth.
But my question is, how can I add content to the cell and maintain this? The cells are fairly different from each other -- one may have a single label, another may have two labels and an icon, and another may have a bunch of other controls.
I've found that using unique cell identifiers for non-similar rows makes the overall experience laggy, so I need a method that allows me to use the same cell identifier and have very different cells.
Should I be using an XIB for this? If not, how should my subclass function? I was thinking of adding all of the controls to the cell, and only hiding/using the ones necessary at the time. Is there a cleaner way?

How To Replicate This User Interface Design?

I want to create a UI like the on in app. Is it a UIScrollView with UITableView cells in it?
Notice how each block/cell has multiple data values in it.
This is all about customising the table view and table view cells. The best tutorial I've found is Cocoa with Love: Easy custom UITableView drawing. It's a good place to start.
This is a UITableView with UITableViewStyleGrouped and multiple sections. The spacing between sections appears to be increased from the default value.
The cell backgrounds have a slight gradient added to give them depth. Each section appears to have a different custom layout of labels, and, in the one case, a custom slider-like object. The object on the right is a standard UITableViewCellAccessoryDetailDisclosureButton.
You can achieve similar effects by subclassing UITableViewCell.

TableVIew Problem

i i want to activate scrolling vertically through programming for 2 UITableview at sametime?(one table view length 160,another one has 160).is it possible ?In one Viewcontroller's view i have scrollview, on that i have two tableviews(instead of one,like two column) can i scroll vertically both at same time?any help please?
If you want to implement 2 separated and round-rected columns then it might make some sense.
In any other case just use one UITableView and separate each cell visually (the left half will display the data for the first column and the right - for the second).
If you still want to have 2 separate table views and have them both scrolled simultaneously then get rid of the containing scroll view and implement the UIScrollViewDelegate as was already suggested.
Something like this:
- (void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView {
self.leftTableView.contentOffset = scrollView.contentOffset;
self.rightTableView.contentOffset = scrollView.contentOffset;
I think that this code should do the magic...
Don't forget to set the view controller to be the delegate of both table views.
I don't really get it but a table View on top of a scroll View will create problems. Because, when users scroll, both of the views will try to get the interaction of the user, and they can take turn to get that interaction randomly.
Can you post a picture, or clearer description of what you want?
If your next question is "how do I make the scroll views stay at the same offset?" -- i.e. you want them to sync vertically -- than I would advise that you abandon the idea of using two UITableViews.
Instead, define a two-column UITableViewCell, which can easily be done with Interface Builder, and use that to give the appearance of two columns.
I think that doing away with neither UITableView’s userInteractionEnabled set to YES, and implementing your own touchesMoved:withEvent: method (maybe also try UIGestureRecognizers) would prove fruitful.
I am guessing that these UITableViews are not used to show plain tabular data but images or other content, and have a different interaction paradigm (e.g., when the two fingers slide separately the two table views scroll in separate velocity & direction). If that is the case you might ultimately want to use custom controls.
But if you just want a 2-column UITableView then as Jonathan said, simply use a two-column cell.

Create a view like Tweetie's User Profile view

I'm just wondering if anyone has any idea on how you can create a view that looks like the user profile view in apps like Tweetie, where there are seemingly multiple tables with a couple of normal (straight up and down tables) and then two rows of six cells, which in Tweeties case have the number of followers, following etc.
I'm trying to make a similar view for my app, but can't seem to find out the best way to create it. Any tutorials, advice etc. would be appreciated.
P.S. Here's a picture of the view which I'm trying to recreate.
alt text
To get the same effect as Tweetie's split cell, create a custom cell and add a Segmented Control and create title and detail labels
It is a grouped tableview using custom cells. The image you show has two visible sections, and the top of a third. It also has a custom table header view. The second section has two cells built from four UILabels and a dividing line graphic in the middle. You can create this in a nib, or by hand.
You can even change the grey pin-stripe background if you want.