How should Cordova plugin for single platform be packaged? - plugins

I am developing a Cordova app that must run as a service, i.e. continue in the background and restart when the device does. As far as I can tell, on iOS it is just a case of setting the UIBackgroundModes correctly but on Android requires a little more effort and the service needs to be explicitly started.
I have developed a plugin for Android based on Mark Taylor's example here.
At present I have some JS called on deviceready to start the Android code but don't need to do anything for iOS.
How should I package my plugin so that it will work on all platforms with zero config. It seems clunky to write if (Device.type == 'android') statements in my main JS but I don't really want to write native null implementations.
Is there a suggested approach for this?

Figured it out using the <js-module> tag described here.
Added this to my plugin.xml:
<platform name='android'>
<js-module src="androidSpecificStuff.js" name="SomeModule">
<clobbers target="SomeModule" />
Then in androidSpecificStuff.js had code like:
document.addEventListener('deviceready', function () {
// do android-specific initialisation here


Flutter Web Get Chrome Extension info from Polkadot.js web3Enable

I am hoping to confer on a strategy for a flutter web app (as can ignore mobile cases here) to get chrome extension info for a Polkadot.js wallet from the Polkadot browser extension.
My first thought is to use dart's JS library and use the Polkadot extension JS package and then try and pull the info from there. However, I'm not sure how to properly use this in flutter as it is a whole package full of dependencies, not just a single JS file. Also it is in TS not JS. Any thoughts here?
Eg., I need a JS file to be able to call this; and for flutter to in turn call the JS file:
import {
} from '#polkadot/extension-dapp';
By writing out a "bridging" layer, you can do it easily.
Firstly, create a normal javascript (or typescript) application (nothing related to Flutter). You should be able to happily use the polkadot lib in your js/ts code without any problem. You may need to learn a bit about how to develop js code normally (e.g. you can depend on polkadot using npm, etc).
One small thing is that, you should "expose" some object publicly in your js/ts code. For example, your code may look like window.myFancyFunction = function() { call_some_polkadot_function(); }. Of course you can do more things like exposing other functions/objects/...
Then, you can bundle this normal js/ts application into a .js file. This is still very normal for js/ts developers and should have nothing special to deal with here, and you still do not need to touch Flutter at this stage.
Next, load this single-filed .js file when you are loading your Flutter Web application. You may simply do this by editing your Flutter Web's html file and add <script src="my_single_filed_js_mentioned_above.js" />. Notice that, when loading this script, it simply sets window.myFancyFunction and does not do anything more. Still very trivial here, should have no problem.
Lastly, in your Flutter Web code, i.e. Dart code, call that window.myFancyFunction function. For example, Flutter Web : How to run javascript using dart js says you can do import 'dart:js' as js; js.context.callMethod('myFancyFunction', ['some arguments']);

Passing command line arguments to a flutter app

Is package:args ArgParser compatible with flutter apps? I see on Github that it is used several times in some Flutter tools, but I'm not sure it's used in any of the sample apps.
If it is not compatible, is there another way to pass configuration options to my app at compile time as part of its build rule?
package:args operates on List<String>, which can come from anywhere. For example, I've used it in a browser app, in which the arguments came from Chrome's JS console. If you are OK with using the HostMessages API, then the following might work for you:
On Android, turn Intent.getExtras into List<String> and pass it to package:args. Similarly, this answer may help on the iOS side.

how to show showBusyIndicator into xdk html5 hybrid application?

i added the cordova-notification plugin into intel-xdk appication, when try to show the indicator i get this error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'showBusyIndicator' of undefined
this is the code:
$(document).on("change","#sel_produttori", function(evt)
maybe it is strange the plugin is listed in the first window but not in the second one.
Many of the 'intel.xdk' plugins have been or are being deprecated in favor of their standard core Cordova counterparts. I would recommend using that instead.
The problem you're running into appears to be that you've included the standard Cordova notification plugin, but you're trying to access the intel.xdk notification plugin, which is not included and therefore doesn't exist in your app.
It looks like the corresponding method on the standard Cordova Notification plugin was deprecated some time back and isn't there anymore. You might want to try a plugin like this:
It seems to work for me but, as always, use at your own risk.

How can I accessing a 3rd party plugin (phonegap-facebook-plugin) in Intel XDK?

I am importing the Wizcorp phonegap-facebook-plugin using the intelxdk.config.additions.xml file with this code:
<intelxdk:plugin intelxdk:name="com.phonegap.plugins.facebookconnect" intelxdk:value="">
<intelxdk:param intelxdk:name="APP_ID" intelxdk:value="MyActualAppID" />
<intelxdk:param intelxdk:name="APP_NAME" intelxdk:value="fizz points" />
I've read and understand that I will not be able to test this 3rd party plugin in the emulator, or via the test or debug tabs, so I've created a test build for Android.
Based on the documentation, I believe I am supposed to reference this API via calls to the facebookConnectPlugin, such as:
facebookConnectPlugin.login(["publish_stream", "publish_actions", "offline_access"],
function (error) { alert("There was an error: " + error) });
However, I know that in the built app, as in the emulator, the facebookConnectPlugin is not defined, because I get an alert based on the following block:
if (typeof facebookConnectPlugin != 'undefined'){
// do stuff
} else {
alert("FacebookConnectPlugin Not Defined");
I assume this is because I need to include the 3rd party library in my code in addition to including it in my project where suggested by the helpful comments, something like:
<!-- Most third-party libraries should go here. References (below) are just examples to give you the general idea... -->
<!-- <script src="lib/mc/hammer.js"></script> -->
Initially, I didn't know the path where the 3rd party library is ultimately located in the package after the build tool retrieves it. But I was told that I could change the .apk extension to .zip extract and explore the contents.
I did this, and found that the library was stored in:
So I added the following to my index.html file:
<script src="plugins/com.phonegap.plugins.facebookconnect/www/phonegap/plugin/facebookConnectPlugin/facebookConnectPlugin.js"></script>
However, when built, my test to see if the FacebookConnectPlugin is defined still fails.
[I've essentially asked the same question on the Intel forums here: . No solution yet, but if I get one I will post it here.]
You need to build your app and install it on your device to test the WizCorp Facebook plugin. Please make sure you follow the instructions for configuring your app on Facebook.
note the Emulator (simulator) does not support third party plugins as you have noted. Same for using App Preview to test. You must build your app in the cloud.
Are you accessing the facebookConnectPlugin object from inside device ready event?
document.addEventListener("intel.xdk.device.ready",function() {
// try in here
}, false);
It could be undefined if you are accessing it from outside as the plugin is not ready to be used yet.

WinJS.UI Metro Animation Library

I'm starting to port over my web app that I've built with Sencha Touch into the Windows 8 world. I'm seeing a lot of WinJS.UI documentation, basically telling me that there are more 'native' feeling animations and UI actions already build into this framework.
My app is already structured, but I'd like to mix in WinJS.UI if I can. How do I go about doing this? I haven't found a link to download the library or anything of the sort.
For example, this link:
I see that they are using:
function runAnimation(){
enterPage = WinJS.UI.Animation.enterPage(input);
But I find no documentation on where to include the library.
Little bit lost, any help is appreciated!
These animations are included in the UI.Js from the WinJS Package -- this is the same WinJS that is included in the default Visual Studio Templates. Just create a new HTML Windows Store application, and the details will be there.
Here's your library:
You can deploy this on your computer and play with the animations.