PostgreSQL ERROR: EXECUTE of SELECT ... INTO is not implemented - postgresql

When I run the following command from a function I defined, I get the error "EXECUTE of SELECT ... INTO is not implemented". Does this mean the specific command is not allowed (i.e. "SELECT ...INTO")? Or does it just mean I'm doing something wrong? The actual code causing the error is below. I apologize if the answer is already out here, however I looked and could not find this specific error. Thanks in advance... For whatever it's worth I'm running 8.4.7
vCommand = 'select ' || stmt.column_name || ' as id ' ||
', count(*) as nCount
INTO tmpResults
from ' || stmt.table_name || '
WHERE ' || stmt.column_name || ' IN (select distinct primary_id from anyTable
WHERE primary_id = ' || stmt.column_name || ')
group by ' || stmt.column_name || ';';
EXECUTE vCommand;

INTO is ambiguous in this use case and then is prohibited there.
You can use a CREATE TABLE AS SELECT instead.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.f1(tablename character varying)
RETURNS integer
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$
execute 'create temp table xx on commit drop as select * from '
|| quote_ident(tablename);
return (select count(*) from xx);
postgres=# select f1('omega');
(1 row)


Update Null columns to Zero dynamically in Redshift

Here is the code in SAS, It finds the numeric columns with blank and replace with 0's
DATA dummy_table;
SET dummy_table;
I am trying to replicate this in Redshift, here is what I tried
create or replace procedure sp_replace_null_to_zero(IN tbl_nm varchar) as $$
Execute 'declare ' ||
'tot_cnt int := (select count(*) from information_schema.columns where table_name = ' || tbl_nm || ');' ||
'init_loop int := 0; ' ||
'cn_nm varchar; '
While init_loop <= tot_cnt
Raise info 'init_loop = %', Init_loop;
Raise info 'tot_cnt = %', tot_cnt;
Execute 'Select column_name into cn_nm from information_schema.columns ' ||
'where table_name ='|| tbl_nm || ' and ordinal_position = init_loop ' ||
'and data_type not in (''character varying'',''date'',''text''); '
Raise info 'cn_nm = %', cn_nm;
if cn_nm is not null then
Execute 'Update ' || tbl_nm ||
'Set ' || cn_nm = 0 ||
'Where ' || cn_nm is null or cn_nm =' ';
end if;
init_loop = init_loop + 1;
end loop;
$$ language plpgsql;
Issues I am facing
When I pass the Input parameter here, I am getting 0 count
tot_cnt int := (select count(*) from information_schema.columns where table_name = ' || tbl_nm || ');'
For testing purpose I tried hardcode the table name inside proc, I am getting the error amazon invalid operation: value for domain information_schema.cardinal_number violates check constraint "cardinal_number_domain_check"
Is this even possible in redshift, How can I do this logic or any other workaround.
Need Expertise advise here!!
You can simply run an UPDATE over the table(s) using the NVL(cn_nm,0) function
UPDATE tbl_raw
SET col2 = NVL(col2,0);
However UPDATE is a fairly expensive operation. Consider just using a view over your table that wraps the columns in NVL(cn_nm,0)
CREATE VIEW tbl_clean
, NVL(col2,0) col2
FROM tbl_raw;

Concat text variables in postgresql function

I have this code and I want to concatenate the variables but don't work.
This is my DDL code for the view:
CREATE OR REPLACE function acd.add_credito2()
SET search_path = acd
AS $$
auxsigla text;
auxnome text;
_sql text := 'CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW acd.teste AS SELECT md.matriz_disciplina_id AS id, dcp.nome, mc.curso, mc.versao AS matriz';
_join text := ' FROM matriz_disciplina as md LEFT JOIN disciplina as dcp ON md.disciplina_id = dcp.disciplina_id LEFT JOIN matriz_curricular as mc ON md.matriz_curricular_id = mc.matriz_curricular_id';
select into auxsigla, auxnome from ( select sigla, nome from acd.categoria_credito where categoria_credito_id = 9) as foo;
_join := _join || ' LEFT JOIN (SELECT creditos, matriz_disciplina_id FROM acd.disciplina_credito WHERE categoria_credito_id = ' || x || ') AS ' || "auxsigla" ' ON ' || "auxsigla" || '.matriz_disciplina_id = md.matriz_disciplina_id';
_sql := _sql || ', ' || "auxsigla" || '.' || auxnome || ' AS ' || auxnome;
_sql := _sql || _join;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql
So, when I execute the function
database-1=# select acd.add_credito2();
This error appears:
ERROR: type "auxsigla" does not exist
LINE 1: ...WHERE categoria_credito_id = ' || x || ') AS ' || "auxsigla"...
QUERY: SELECT _join || ' LEFT JOIN (SELECT creditos, matriz_disciplina_id FROM acd.disciplina_credito WHERE categoria_credito_id = ' || x || ') AS ' || "auxsigla" ' ON ' || "auxsigla" || '.matriz_disciplina_id = md.matriz_disciplina_id'
CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function add_credito2() line 13 at assignment
Can anyone help me? I don't know what to do now.
(I know, this study view don't have a purpose but this is the idea that I want to use in the real view)
The error comes from this construct:
"auxsigla" ' ON '
You forgot a concatenation operator || between these two tokens, and now the SQL parser interprets it as
data_type string_constant
which is a way to specify constants of a certain data type.
Working examples would be DATE '2018-09-20' or INTEGER '-20'.
Your function has numerous other problems, two of which I could spot:
select into auxsigla, auxnome from will always set the variables to NULL because you forgot to specify which columns you want to select.
you do not properly escape single quotes while composing your dynamic query string. What if auxsigla has the value with'quote?
Use format() or quote_literal() and quote_ident() for that.

How to use a WITH block with dynamic sql query

I've got a plpgsql function that needs to prepare data from 3 tables based on user input, and export the data using COPY TO. The data are road accidents, so the 3 tables are accident, casualty and vehicle, each accident links to zero or more records in the vehicle and casualty tables via an accidentid column that exists in all three tables. severity and local_authorities are input parameters (both text []).
sql_query = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM accident WHERE severity = ANY(' || quote_literal(severity)
|| ') AND local_auth = ANY (' || quote_literal(local_authorities) || ')';
EXECUTE sql_query INTO result_count;
IF result_count > 0 THEN
-- replace Select Count(*) With Select *
sql_query = Overlay(sql_query placing '*' from 8 for 8);
-- copy the accident data first
EXECUTE 'COPY (' || sql_query || ') TO ' || quote_literal(file_path || file_name_a) ||
' CSV';
This first bit will get the relevant accidents, so I'm now looking for the most efficient way to use the accidentid's from the first query to download the related vehicle and casualty data.
I thought I'd be able to use a WITH block like this:
-- replace * with accidentid
sql_query = Overlay(sql_query placing 'accidentid' from 8 for 1);
WITH acc_ids AS (sql_query)
EXECUTE 'COPY (SELECT * FROM vehicle WHERE accidentid IN (SELECT accidentid FROM
acc_ids)) TO ' || out_path_and_vfilename || ' CSV';
EXECUTE 'COPY (SELECT * FROM casualty WHERE accidentid IN (SELECT accidentid FROM
acc_ids)) TO ' || out_path_and_cfilename || ' CSV';
but get an error:
ERROR: syntax error at or near "$1"
LINE 1: WITH acc_ids AS ( $1 ) EXECUTE 'COPY (SELECT * FROM accident....
I have tried the above in a non-dynamic test case e.g.
WITH acc_ids AS (
SELECT accidentid FROM accident
WHERE severity = ANY ('{3,2}')
AND local_auth = ANY ('{E09000001,E09000002}')
SELECT * FROM vehicle
WHERE accidentid IN (
SELECT accidentid FROM acc_ids);
which works. Unfortunately the server is still running Postgres 8.4 so I can't use format() for the time being.
Perhaps this isn't possible with a WITH block, but I hope it at least illustrates what I'm trying to achieve.
The main goal is to get the relevant data from the 3 tables in 3 separate csv files, ideally without having to run the selection on the accident table 3 times
If you want to run a query (part) that is stored in a string variable, you need a dynamic query like
EXECUTE 'WITH acc_ids AS (' || sql_query || ')'
'SELECT ... ';
Either the whole query is a string executed by EXECUTE, or the whole query is static SQL. You cannot mix them.
Do you need a CTE? If you can express the query as a join, the optimizer has more options.
This does what I need to do without CTE but I can't see this being the most efficient way of solving this since I have to perform the same query on the accident table 3 times:
sql_query = sql_query || which_tab || ' WHERE severity = ANY ('||
quote_literal(severity) ||') AND ' || date_start || ' AND ' ||
date_end || ' AND local_auth = ANY (' ||
quote_literal(local_authorities) || ')';
-- replace * with COUNT(*)
sql_query = Overlay(sql_query placing 'COUNT(*)' from 8 for 1);
EXECUTE sql_query INTO result_count;
IF result_count > 0 THEN
-- replace COUNT(*) with *
sql_query = Overlay(sql_query placing '*' from 8 for 8);
-- copy the accident data first
EXECUTE 'COPY (' || sql_query || ') TO ' || quote_literal(file_path ||
file_name_a) || ' CSV';
sql_query = Overlay(sql_query placing 'accidentid' from 8 for 1);
-- vehicles
EXECUTE 'COPY (SELECT * FROM vehicle WHERE accidentid IN (
SELECT accidentid FROM accident
WHERE severity = ANY (' || quote_literal(severity) || ')
AND local_auth = ANY (' || quote_literal(local_authorities) ||')))
TO ' || quote_literal(file_path || file_name_v) || ' CSV';
-- casualties
EXECUTE 'COPY (SELECT * FROM casualty WHERE accidentid IN (
SELECT accidentid FROM accident
WHERE severity = ANY (' || quote_literal(severity) || ')
AND local_auth = ANY (' || quote_literal(local_authorities) ||')))
TO ' || quote_literal(file_path || file_name_c) || ' CSV';

plpgsql didnt work in my greenplum 4.3.5.x

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dp_insert_trigger()
RETURNS trigger AS $dp_insert_trigger$
tablename_1 text;
tablename_2 text;
RAISE WARNING 'Insert into process.';
tablename_1='raw_kafka_input_dt2_1_prt_' || NEW.customer;
tablename_2='raw_kafka_input_dt2_1_prt_' || NEW.customer || '_2_prt_' || NEW.method;
IF not exists(select * from pg_class where relname = tablename_1) THEN
EXECUTE 'CREATE TABLE ' || tablename_1 || '(CHECK (customer=' || NEW.customer || ')) INHERITS (raw_kafka_input_dt2)';
IF not exists(select * from pg_class where relname = tablename_2) THEN
EXECUTE 'CREATE TABLE ' || tablename_2 || '(CHECK (customer=' || NEW.customer || ' and method=' || NEW.method || ')) INHERITS (raw_kafka_input_dt2_1_prt_' || NEW.customer || ')';
EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO ' || tablename_2 || ' VALUES (($1).*)';
$dp_insert_trigger$ language plpgsql;
CREATE TRIGGER dp_insert_trigger
BEFORE INSERT ON raw_kafka_input_dt2
i try to print some info like:
RAISE WARNING 'Insert into process.';
but nothing output but:
eqbase=# insert into raw_kafka_input_dt2 select * from raw_kafka_input_dt0 limit 1;
So,i am confused did trigger fired when i insert ?
my pg is 8.2 any suggestion is grateful.
There are many things wrong here with the first being Greenplum doesn't support triggers. Greenplum is an analytics and data warehousing database so you shouldn't be trying to use OLTP features.

db2 issue selecting dynamically from an unknown table

I need a store procedure that loop in a table that returns a name of a table in the db2 and depending from that name i need to do a select statement from the named table. i have tried doing it with an 'execute immediate' in so many ways that a lost the count here is an example of the execute immediate:
set insertstring = 'INSERT INTO pribpm.TEMP_T_TOQUE_CICLO (idSemana,tiempo_ciclo,tiempo_toque)
SELECT to_number(to_char( '''|| ' time_stamp ' ||''' ,' || ' IW ' || ')) ,SUM(KPITOTALTIMECLOCK),SUM(s.KPIEXECUTIONTIMECLOCK) FROM ' || TABLA || ' where to_number(to_char( '''|| ' time_stamp ' ||''' ,' || ' IW ' || ')) between ' || (to_number(to_char(FECHA,'IW'))-3) || ' and ' || to_number(to_char(FECHA,'IW')) || ' GROUP BY to_number(to_char('''|| ' time_stamp ' ||''' ,' || ' IW ' || '))';
PREPARE stmt FROM insertstring;
where tabla is a string that contains the name of the table and fecha is a date in timestamp type
besides i've tried it with cursors like this
PREPARE stmt FROM select_;
c2 cursor for
execute select_
if to_number(to_char(time_stamp,'IW')) between
(to_number(to_char(fecha,'IW'))-3) and to_number(to_char(fecha,'IW')) then
--something here
end if;
but with no success.
may you or may someone please help me clear my error or giving some other idea about this im trying to do?
all this in db2 environment
Write a procedure and loop tables from SYSCAT.TABLES to get the table name and again loop to fire a select query for each and every table.
I am not 100% sure as it has been a long time I worked on db2