Editing the Manifest.MF file with new plugin template wizard - eclipse

I want to create a plugin template that includes a declarative service. so far, i have been following the lead of "Creating your own Eclipse-plugin", which works fine.
Then I generate the OSGI-INF/my-component.xml file in the updateModel(..) method of the MyOptionTemplateSection, which also works perfectly.
..but then I need to add an additional line to the MANIFEST.MF file of the project that I want to create, and that's where I get stuck:
Service-Component: OSGI-INF/mycomponent.xml
How can I best achieve this?
I don't see any means of inserting this in the project's model prior to generating the bundle, and if I try to access the Manifest.MF file during the updateModel(..) of my OptionTemplateSection, it isn't available yet. Before I start with executors and the likes, I was wondering if there is an elegant way to approach this; I don't think it is an unusual request, to be able to declare components in the template.
Thanks in advance!

Well, after a day of following Greg's lead, I have found a solution that is not overly elegant, but comes close enough. If anyone ever wants to change the manifest.mf file, then one has to get PDE's IBundle interface. Sadly, access to this interface in discouraged by PDE , most likely because it is still under development (I have the feeling that the PDE team is phasing out the notion of 'plugin' in favour of 'bundle', which makes sense).
Anyhow, in the updateModel(...) method of your OptionTemplateSection -or the performFinish(..) method of your NewPluginTemplateWizard- you get an IPluginModel, which is actually an IBundlePluginModelBase. The following three lines will add a Service-Component to your manifest file:
protected void updateModel(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
IBundlePluginModelBase mb = (IBundlePluginModelBase) model;
IBundle bundle = mb.getBundleModel().getBundle();
bundle.setHeader( "Service-Component", "OSGI-INF/component.xml" );
bundle.setHeader(key, value) allows you to include any line to your manifest file, so you can also use this to create a fragment bundle, Web-Context or a custom manifest
As I said, this solution will produce 'discouraged acccess' warnings, but personally I think this an overly restricted choice of PDE, and not so much a matter of incorrect coding.


xtend2 code generation with ecore meta-model

I created an ecore-Metamodel, a genmodel and a corresponding model.
Now I want to generate Code from this.
I found this post and wanted to implement it. I get no errors and so on, but how do I bring the CodeGenerator to generate the wanted output in a File like 'test.txt' (taken that example from the referenced question)?
Do I require a workflow file (mwe2) or do I miss something?
I only needed to run the application as Java and the code worked. I don't need any workflow or mwe2!
But appearently I still cant create the files like I can with a Generator.
I just can use a simple filewriter.

Using OpenWrap with Scope

I may not fully understand the wiki article on scoping, so forgive me if this sounds dumb.
I have a solution (ABC.sln) with over 40 projects and am trying to implement OpenWrap for package management.
So I did the following in the solution's root folder:
o init-wrap -all
That worked fine: I now have a file called SLN.wrapdesc in the solution's root folder. All of the .csproj files in the subfolders contain the OpenWrap targets line.
I then proceded to add the different wraps to the solution with:
o add-wrap -Name xxx
Again, this worked fine: I have some wraps in the wraps folder, and the build doesn't break after removing the old references from the projects.
All of the contents of the wraps are going to all of the projects, even for those that don't need it. I would like to be able to specify which wraps go where, eg AjaxControlToolkit only goes into web projects.
What I tried
First, I removed the AjaxControlToolkit from the wrapdesc:
o remove-wrap AjaxControlToolkit
This causes the build to break (as expected). Then I tried the following:
1. Try to add the wrap back with a scope:
o add-wrap -Name AjaxControlToolkit -scope webproject
This simply puts the wrap back in the wraps folder. I then added <OpenWrap-Scope>customscope</OpenWrap-Scope> to the project file, but the build still broke.
2. Try and manually add a file called ABC.webproject.wrapdesc to the root folder. This causes the following error when I try to open the solution:
The "exists" function only accepts a scalar value, but its argument "#(_WrapFile->'%(FullPath)')" evaluates to "D:\Projects\ABC.webproject.wrapdesc;D:\Projects\ABC.wrapdesc" which is not a scalar value.
I guess it doesn't like 2 wrapdesc files. That is strange because the wiki says "...you can add a second descriptor alongside your default descriptor..."
So now I'm stuck. Anyone have any ideas?
The per-msbuild file is really not a recommended approach to managing dependencies. Doing it per project is not quite the design philosophy behind OpenWrap, so the system is not quite optimized for those scenarios.
If you don't need something from those assemblies then the easiest way to solve it is to not use the references by not using any code from those packages. This solves the problem very easily as nothing will get loaded (or even need to be on disk) if no code has been added to it.
That said, add-wrap -scope newscope will create an additional .wrapdesc file that will add the new dependency to the new scope, by creating a myProject.newscope.wrapdesc file independently of the original myProject.wrapdesc.
If you do want to do this per-project, have you tried using the convention-based scoping? Something like:
directory-structure: src\*{scope: Web=WebProjects}*
Would take any project in a folder child of src containing Web in the name and assign those to the WebProjects scope.
I know that one has worked fine for my projects so far, although you do have to restart VS as it aggressively caches certain files and will not see the change.
Customizing the msbuild file itself is not fully tested (and the wiki entry was very much a design spec rather than final documentation, not all of it has been built that way) so it may or may not work. Happy to take a look if you can open a bug ticket on http://github.com/openrasta/openwrap/issues

Read remote properties

First of all, Hello everyone(/world) !
I am making an Eclipse RCP app' who needs to inspect some .properties located in some plugins who's Id I know at runtime.
I'd like to know if there is an easy way to read them, for example I know that in my plugin *org.anyname.myplugins.mypluginthatrocks I have a file named myawsomeproperties.properties*, how can I open it and read it easyly with a sort of getter/setter system like String getInProperties(String fileNameOrPath,String myPropertieId)
void setInProperties(String fileNameOrPath,String myPropertieId,String myPropertieValue)orString getInProperties(File file,String myPropertieId)
void setInProperties(File file,String myPropertieId,String myPropertieValue)or any other mean in that type if you get what I mean ...
Thanks in advance ^^
Well, if these are juste plain old properties, there is the good old ResourceBundle that will do the trick.
But, if you would like to do it, IMHO, a little bit cleaner, and in a more Eclipse oriented mind, I would suggest that you create a class that you use the NLS class, as explained here.

Xcode - exclude files in a custom configuration - better way?

I'm trying to come up with a way to make it easy to switch out our "mock" data services and our live ones. Basically, we'll have live servers with real web services, but for whatever reason, a developer may want to load data from static files (file urls).
I figured I would solve this problem by creating categories that override the methods that fetch the data, thus leaving original code untouched (it has no concept of the "mock" data). I don't want to litter my code with #ifdef.
I can put an #ifdef at the very beginning of each file that has categories in it, and I can set a custom flag in the configuration settings, but I'd rather just have a way to include or exclude the files depending on the configuration. Is that possible? How do you solve this problem?
See http://lists.apple.com/archives/xcode-users/2009/Jun/msg00153.html
The trick is to define EXCLUDED_SOURCE_FILE_NAMES in the configuration you want to exclude the files from, and set the value of that custom build setting to a list of the file names (or a pattern that matches those, and only those, file names).
I would recommend creating two targets one of which has the mock categories included and another one which does not.
When you want to test, just build the target containing the mock categories. Everything else can remain identical.
If you would like to add a file but do not wont to compile it. Go to (for all your targets) project>build phases>compile source and take out the file that you do not want to compile.

In a project using GNU Autotools, is there a task to launch xgettext?

Summary :
I have a project using GNU Autotools. I have a pot file. I need to update it. Is there a magical "make" task that run xgettext for me (I'm lazy ?)
Verbose version :
I am trying to setup a project using GNU autotools and gettext.
I'm trying to follow the 'lazy' path (that is, only writing configure.ac, Makefile.am, and such, and let tools generate the rest for me as much as possible).
I used gettextize once on my package, so I got a package.pot file created, and I derived a fr.po file (I'm trying to translate in french).
I never managed to get my code translated, but I figured out it might be because the code was not in the proper place. The translated string is in a lib instead of a main, and the documentation is quite unclear about what I must do in this case. If my main call a function in a lib, and the function from the lib is using _(). Should I use gettext of dgettext in this case ? My lib is just here for organisation purpose, so I'm okay with using the same domain (only one package.pot file for the whole app).
So, to try something simpler, I moved my string to the main (it's really just a hello world, for the moment). So I need to update the package.pot file, at least, to realize that the string position changed, need I ? In this case, would I use xgettext manually (painfully passing it the list of all interesting cpp files, which will be a pain in the ass when I have more than one file), or is there a 'make whatever' task somewhere that I can run ?
This may look stupid, but I've not been able to find it.
Also, any help on finding why my code is not translated, (anything not in http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/FAQ.html#integrating_noop) is welcome !
Ok, it turns out that :
there is a update-po task in the generated Makefile of the po/ folder, that does just what I want ;
this tasks looks to file referenced in the POTFILES.in file, which I had forgotten to update.
So it was something stupid.