eclipse kepler "Cannot install remote marketplace locations" - eclipse

I have downloaded the latest eclipse version, eclipse kepler.
But when i try to access the Marketplace inside eclipse or try to install ADT plugin for Android, it gives me this creepy error which is driving me crazy:
Cannot open Eclipse Marketplace
Cannot install remote marketplace locations: Connection failed
This is most often caused by a problem with your internet connection. Please check your internet connection and retry.
Unable to read repository at
Connection reset
Connection failed
This is most often caused by a problem with your internet connection. Please check your internet connection and retry.
Connection reset

please put below line to eclipse.ini in the last it worked for me

I figured out finally that:
Avira Anti-Virus Software was blocking the network requests by eclipse.
After deactivating "enable web protection" in the Anti-Virus,
the stupid Eclipse was able to update itself.

If you are sitting behind a corporate network it could be filtering out requests coming from eclipse. Switching to 3G on my phone made it work for me.

This frustrated me for a while before I stumbled upon this link:
It says clear SOCKS entry in Network connections and be in manual Active Provider.
The SOCKS entry was already clear but after clicking on clear again, it just worked so worth a shot.


eclipse market place connection issue

I have issue in connecting to eclipse market place from Eclipse Version: Oxygen.3a Release (4.7.3a)
I am getting below error when try to open eclipse market place.
"Cannot open Eclipse Marketplace
Cannot install remote marketplace locations: Connection failed
This is most often caused by a problem with your internet connection. Please check your internet connection and retry.
Cannot complete request to Unable to connect to repository
Unable to connect to repository
Connection timed out: connect
Connection failed
This is most often caused by a problem with your internet connection. Please check your internet connection and retry.
Connection timed out: connect"
have tried changing window-->preferences-->General-->Network connections-->active provider to Direct/Manual, updating eclipse.ini with ""..
None of the things worked out for me..
Please suggest me on this.
The point in the comment is well-taken. I find it hard to understand why so many people at my company are still trying to get Oxygen to work.
However, it is within the realm of possibilities that you can get the Marketplace connection working with this. I would assume that you are running behind a corporate firewall. There will be a particular proxy url you're supposed to use behind the firewall, which you have to configure in "Manual" mode in Network Connections. If you don't know what that proxy url is, you won't be able to get this to work.
Once you get the proxy working, you may get a different error, related to SSL and certificates. That would imply that your firewall requires a particular root certificate provided by your company. Assuming that's the case, that certificate needs to be installed in the Java distribution that is being used to run Eclipse. If you run into this, I would post a new question if you're unable to resolve this.

Eclipse SVN error "svn:E210003:connection refused by the server"

I am using eclipse Juno Service Release 2, and I am trying to connect to a SVN server via SVN Repository Exploring perspective but I get an "svn:E210003:connection refused by the server" error.
I tried the suggested solutions to modify Active Provider to "Manual" and "Native" also in Network Connections from Window->Preferences but I still face this issue. Please take note that I am not able to access command prompt due to insufficient privileges and also the credentials work for one of my colleague, so I just think it might be a proxy issue.
Could you please suggest how can I solve this issue or what to investigate further more?
You likely have to be given permission to connect to the svn server by whoever is acting as its administrator.

Eclipse unable to connect to internet when using a VPN

Eclipse is unable to connect to the internet when I am using a VPN.
The VPN I am using is:
I have no issues when I try browsing the web using the VPN.
If I try to do something like access the Eclipse Marketplace I get an error saying connection fails and it suggests I should check my internet connection and retry.
I have tried restarting eclipse many times. I have tried changing my network connection preferences in eclipse (Direct, Manual, Native).
I don't really understand why connecting to a VPN should have any effect on eclipse.
Maybe, you have not set proxy (and login credentials) in the eclipse.

Eclipse Kepler not connecting to internet via proxy

I have managed to get Eclipse Juno connecting to the internet. For this to accomplish, there are many posts here on stackoverflow. here is one of this links:
Eclipse not connecting to internet via proxy
Today i installed Eclipse Kepler on my Windows7 box. But accessing the eclipse marketplace or installing new software does not work.
I am using exactly the same proxy configuration as i used for Eclipse Juno. Juno can access the marketplace but Kepler does not.
The proxy uses NTLM Authentification.
Any one here with similar problem?
No success til now. I am still wondering why Juno can connect whereas Kepler can not:-(
I had same issue. I searched and found this.
This post says don't set SOCKS proxy. I tried this advice, and connection was succeeded.
I did below:
Open Network Connection Settings.
Select Active Provider to "Manual".
Set HTTP/HTTPS proxy.
Clear SOCKS proxy if this is set.(select SOCKS proxy row and click "Clear" button)
Restart Eclipse to apply these settings.
I spent hours trying to use this method suggested by mhanada and although it is correct and should have worked the default Secure Storage associated with eclipse was preventing my proxy credentials from being saved. I advise: Be wary of exceptions being thrown regarding Secure Storage. In my case the errors related to being unable to connect to a remote location where the default secure storage path was. In my case I just deleted the Default Secure Storage information via Preferences > General > Security > Secure Storage > Contents > Delete.
In my case I set it to "native" settings where socks was enabled for proxy. (Internet Explorer->Internetoptions->Connections->LAN-Settings->Proxy Settings). After disabling it there and adding the following lines to eclipse.ini everything works well:
In my case the problem started after installing the Spring Tool Suite. Uninstalling it solved the problem.
Version: Kepler Service Release 1
A friend of mine ran into that exact problem (fresh machine with a fresh eclipse Kepler installation, the computer was not behind a firewall or proxy.) It turned out to be an issue with Java 7 update 51, when we used a Java 6 JRE to run eclipse the problem was magically solved.
Another note:
After changing my Windows password, eclipse's Windows-integrated secure storage seemed to have become inaccessible without notice. Apparently this not only made eclipse 'forget' my proxy auth settings but also prevented it from storing the credentials after I set them up again. I could configure them any way I wanted but as soon as I clicked "OK" they were gone again.
The solution for me was to go to General > Security > Secure Storage and click on "Change Password..." for the Windows Integration master password provider. Of course, this wiped all passwords previously stored by eclipse, but it left me with a clean, working Secure Storage and allowed me to successfully set up and store the proxy credentials again.
I had faced the same problem , The issue with my set up was I was using JDK, after repointing to JRE it is working perfectly now.
Proxy Setup- Windows->Preferences->General->Network Connections.
Active Provider-Native, Just make sure HTTP - Dynamic should be checked, remaining all should be Unchecked.
Note: Above Description Tried and tested with Kepler only.
It happened to me because eclipse was using JRE and not JDK.
To force eclipse to use a given VM, edit
and add those 2 lines at the top of the file:
C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.6.0_45/bin/javaw.exe
Eclipse using JRE was triggering a:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/net/ssl/SSLSocket
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/net/ssl/SSLSocket
at org.apache.http.impl.conn.SchemeRegistryFactory.createDefault(
at org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClient.createClientConnectionManager(
at org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClient.getConnectionManager(
at org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClient.createHttpContext(
at org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClient.execute(
at org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClient.execute(
at org.eclipse.ecf.provider.filetransfer.httpclient4.HttpClientFileSystemBrowser.runRequest(
at org.eclipse.ecf.provider.filetransfer.browse.AbstractFileSystemBrowser$
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: cannot be found by org.apache.httpcomponents.httpclient_4.1.3.v201209201135
at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.BundleLoader.findClassInternal(
at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.BundleLoader.findClass(
at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.BundleLoader.findClass(
at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.baseadaptor.DefaultClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
Did you make sure that you selected the Manual mode in the Active Provider section? Go to the Preferences/General/Network Connections menu again and change that if it is not. I think that part is kind a buggy.
I had this issue, and i changed the proxy settings with password in eclipse.
go to windows-> preferences-> search for "proxy"
open Network connections.
Select Active Provider to Manual.
Set HTTP and HTTPS proxy, system username and password.
(it was not working without username and password in my machine)
Clear SOCKS proxy if its set.
File-> Restart

Can't update Eclipse

When I want to update the eclipse I get the following error:
Some sites could not be found. See the error log for more detail.
Unable to connect to repository Connection
timed out: connect Unable to connect to repository Connection
timed out: connect
the available software sites are: and
The version of eclipse is 3.7.2
I have now set the proxy with
Window -> Preferences then General -> Network Connection
There I filled in my proxy and now I can update eclipse without any problems.
At work, I am behind a proxy, so on my MacBook Pro, I had to click on Eclipse->Preferences->General->Network Connections.
From there, choose Active Provider: Manual, and ensure the proxy entries below are all checked.
If there are no proxy entries, you will have to manually enter them.