Evo Pdf - Page numbering from within HTML - evopdf

I know it is possible to render "Page X of Y" in a header/footer using the C# API like this:
//write the page number
TextElement footerText = new TextElement(0, pdfConverter.PdfFooterOptions.FooterHeight - 15, "This is page &p; of &P; ",
new System.Drawing.Font(new System.Drawing.FontFamily("Times New Roman"), 10, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point));
footerText.EmbedSysFont = true;
footerText.TextAlign = HorizontalTextAlign.Right;
..but i'd rather position and style it directly in html using:
HtmlToPdfElement footerHtml = new HtmlToPdfElement(pdfOptions.DocumentFooterHtmlString, pdfOptions.BaseUrl);
footerHtml.FitHeight = true;
where pdfOptions.DocumentFooterHtmlString looks something like this:
<div class="clearfix">
<span class="pull-right">This is page &p; of &P;</span>
Is this something that is possible? If I try this I just get the: This is page &p; of &P; rendered in the footer.

I struggled with this briefly. For the sake of others who find this through search, the trick is that when you add the HTML element, it has to be a HtmlToPdfVariableElement instead of a HtmlToPdfElement.
HtmlToPdfVariableElement footerHtml = new HtmlToPdfVariableElement(pdfOptions.DocumentFooterHtmlString, pdfOptions.BaseUrl);
footerHtml.FitHeight = true;

It looks like you can do this. See http://www.evopdf.com/demo/PDF_Creator/Headers_and_Footers/Page_Numbers_in_HTML.aspx
In the sample code Evo Provides they use HtmlToPdfVariableElement.


dynamically create bound datas with polymer

I would like to create a dynamic form using polymer, meaning that everytime the user press "add" button,it will add a new field in the form. Or, more specifically, it will add a paper-dropdown-menu, where all of the options come from a dom-repeat fed by an ajax call.
this is what i've done so far:
<div id="filterContainer">
<div class="flex rulesForm" id="filter1">
<paper-dropdown-menu name="rule1A" no-label-float>
<paper-listbox attr-for-selected="value" selected="{{filter1A}}" class="dropdown-content" id="thirdPartyFilter1A">
<template is="dom-repeat" items="{{rule1A}}">
<paper-item value="[[item]]">[[item]]</paper-item>
<paper-button raised on-tap="addFilterField">Add</paper-button>
and in the JS:
addFilterField: function () {
let dropdown = document.createElement('paper-dropdown-menu');
dropdown.name = "";
dropdown.noLabelFloat = true;
let listbox = document.createElement('paper-listbox');
listbox.class = "dropdown-content";
listbox.attrForSelected = "value";
listbox.selected = "{{filter1A}}";
let paperItem = document.createElement('paper-item');
paperItem.value = "[[item]]";
var itemNode = document.createTextNode('[[item]]');
my problem is about the data-binding... If I use createTextNode with [[item]], it will simply write it as a string in the document. Is there a way to fix this? (or a way easier solution to add field in a form?)
first of all you cannot use binding notation in javascript. it is markup
2nd, polymer doesn't yet support creating data bindings dynamically. however I'm sure you can accomplish what you are trying to do.
you have to use the Polymer Dom API. https://www.polymer-project.org/1.0/docs/devguide/local-dom#dom-api
instead of paperItem.appendChild(itemNode)
you would use

how to create a repeating list of links inside a li tag using apache wicket?

In Apache Wicket I would like to create a repeating list of links from code. I am not sure what the template should be to get to an html result that looks like this:
so after much testing this worked for me. HTML should look like:
<ui wicket:id="LinkList"><a wicket:id="Link"><span wicket:id="Text"/></a></ui>
and then the repeating view code will be:
RepeatingView view = new RepeatingView("LinkList");
WebMarkupContainer list = new WebMarkupContainer(view.newChildId());
ExternalLink externalLink = new ExternalLink("Link", "http://www.google.com");
externalLink.add(new Label("Text","Google"));
You can use ListView to create a repeating list of links from code. A ListView is a repeater that makes it easy to display/work with Lists. A ListView holds ListItem children. Items can be re-ordered and deleted, either one at a time or many at a time.
<tr wicket:id="rows" class="even">
<td><span wicket:id="id">Test ID</span></td>
Though this example is about a HTML table, ListView is not at all limited to HTML tables. Any kind of list can be rendered using ListView.
The related Java code:
add(new ListView<UserDetails>("rows", listData)
public void populateItem(final ListItem<UserDetails> item)
final UserDetails user = item.getModelObject();
item.add(new Link("id", user.getId()));
Where listData contains the id of every link.
There are many choices in how to implement this sort of thing, but they all use some sort of repeater.
See wicket repeater examples for many examples of this.

Social media links in TYPO3 using typoscript

I'm newbie to TypoScript. I actually don't know how to make link like this:
By googling, I got some idea on typoscript like this:
lib.social = COA
lib.social.special = language
lib.social.special.value = 0,1,2
lib.social.1 = GMENU
wrap = <ul> | </ul>
noBlur = 1
expAll = 1
NO = 1
NO {
ATagTitle.field = title // nav_title
stdWrap.htmlSpecialChars = 1
wrapItemAndSub = <li> | </li>
accessKey = 1
XY = [5.w]+4, [5.h]+4
5.file = {$global.imagePath}facebook.png || {$global.imagePath)twitter.png || {$global.imagePath)xing.png
5.offset = 2,2
I'm sure I got a problem with lib.social = language and I also try different things lik directory or browse but it still does not work and I may have some mistakes with the above script which I can't figure out.
In overall, I don't know how to make it work by linking to the external urls using typoscript.
Most of social networks has their own embedding code so you don't need to create it manually, just can put into the marker the code...
lib.social = COA
lib.social.10 = TEXT
lib.social.10.value = <fb:like send="true" width="450" show_faces="true"></fb:like>
you can also use www.addthis.com to place many different social buttons
If you need to use custom graphics anyway, use common links, each with custom id attribute, then just use CSS to set it's display as block set the width,height, float (to make sure the each button is in the sam line, and finally background-image with your buttons. Use sprite technique for the image for best results (all buttons in one file, then set correct button for link with background-position
I see u just want to have some image menu.
Create a new page of type Menu Separator in your pagetree
Create a new page for every menu item and use type Link to External URL (don't forget to fillin the url in the page properties)
Upload your image inside the page properties under Resources -> media
Use the code below to show the menu on your front-end (replace special.value = 2000 with the page ID of your social page.
Code: http://shrib.com/gRrK9uGL
(sorry didnt get the code visible here)

How to capture a value not through an input field in a form using php and mysql ?

Hello everybody and good day ,
I am making a web application in php and mysql
Iam trying to make a page where a user can create a custom form eg. User can create custom forms so they can type the name of the input, however the place where they type the name of the input i have it formated like this:
<div contenteditable="true">
<span spellcheck="false" id="a">Editable Content</span><em>o!</em>
so its not an input field .
How can i capture this information in a form , maybee with a hidden input field, a label or with jquery ?
if my question is not clear let me know i will edit ti it as soon as i get a chance .
You can use javascript to collect the text inside the span.
This question is related How do I change the text of a span element in JavaScript
The answers mention document.getElementById("myspan").innerHTML which is the place that text resides. You'll want to change the "myspan" though.
You have to use either a form or send the data with AJAX.
document.getElementById("your-form").onsubmit = function()
var spanInput = document.createElement("input");
spanInput.setAttribute("type", "hidden");
spanInput.setAttribute("name", "spanData");
spanInput.setAttribute("value", document.getElementById("a").innerHTML);
return true;
// or
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){} // please change
xhr.open("POST", "your-script.php");
var spanData = document.getElementById("a").innerHTML;

Select a single 'featured' post in Tumblr?

I would like my Tumblr homepage to show a single Question/Answer post that is selected by a 'featured' tag, or rather by being the most recent Question/Answer post tagged 'featured'. I don't see any built in Tumblr tags that will do this.
I am using jQuery to get the featured post (n number of them) from a category 'featured' by default. I have implemented this solution to my theme - Purely
Here is a screen-shot (displaying three featured posts)
Add this line 's meta section
<meta name='text:Featured Tag' content='featured' />
Add jQuery library in
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.0.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
Add these lines in where you want to display the featured post
<h1 class="featured-subhead">
Featured Posts +
Add these lines just before the closing tag
var rssurl = '/tagged/{text:Featured Tag}/rss';
$.get(rssurl, function(data) {
$('.featured-subhead').append('<div class="featured-posts">');
var $xml = $(data);
var vari = 0;
$xml.find("item").each(function() {
var $this = $(this),
item = {
title: $this.find("title").text(),
link: $this.find("link").text(),
description: $this.find("description").text(),
pubDate: $this.find("pubDate").text(),
author: $this.find("author").text()
vari = vari +1;
if(vari <4){
$('.featured-subhead').append('<div class="featured-post" style="overflow:hidden;"><h2 class="featured-title">' + item.title + '</h2><div class="featured-post-description' + vari + '">' + item.description + '</div><div class="featured-post-link">Read More</div></div>');
//Do something with item here...
You can change if(vari <4){ line according to the numbers of posts you want to display as featured. For example, to display a single post, it would be if(vari <2){ .
I have also added few CSS classes to design the output. This can be declared in segment in
/* Heading of featured post */
/* Outer box of all featured posts */
/* Inner box of each featured post */
/* Heading of each featured post */
/* Description or body of each featured post */
/* Link to Permalink page of each featured post */
Here only featured-subhead class is necessary. This must be added to the heading of featured post. jQuery will add the featured posts after that.
How does it work?
No surprises here. Tumblr generates a tag RSS page for each page. By using javascript, I am fetching that specific tag page and displaying 'n' number of elements from the XML elements. Sometimes, Tumblr takes a little more time (I don't know why) to generate the RSS page of newly added tags. Be patient and try to browse your-blog.tumblr.com/tagged/featured/rss page to check it is generated or not.
What you're asking is not a native setting to tumblr, in other words there's no preference setting you can simply check.
In order to do what you describes above, you will either need to edit your current theme code, or code a new theme from scratch.
In order to only show 1 question post, at the top, with a tag of featured, you will need to work with the jQuery/Javascript and the Tumblr API.
It's pretty complex coding, but if you're up for it, head on over to the Tumblr API Codex.
This is a little late, but in case it's of any help: Our free Single A theme has the sticky post feature built in. It's the first (and only) tumblr theme to have it. You can get it here: http://www.tumblr.com/theme/28638 or learn more about it here: http://singleatheme.tumblr.com/. Hope this helps!