How to access (closed user group) programmatically? - aem

I have created Closed User Groupe My_CUG in crx and added some users user1 and user2. I would like to get the user registered in My_CUG and their email. How can I Access My_CUG programmatically?

You can do that in the following way -
If you group name is "My_CUG" then you can resolve the corresponding group object by using the correct admin privileges -
Session adminSession = resourceResolver.adaptTo(Session.class);
UserManager um = AccessControlUtil.getUserManager(adminSession);
Group naGrp = (Group) um.getAuthorizable("My_CUG");
Now you can add any user (user1) to this group by -
Hope this solves your problem.


Alfresco filter people by creator name

I want to modify the webscript alfresco-remote-api-5.0.d.jar\alfresco\templates\webscripts\org\alfresco\repository\person\people.get.js. I need to display for the connected user only user he has created.
I have modify the filter to include username in query.
filter = filter + " AND cm:creator:admin";
people.getPeoplePaging(filter, paging, sortBy, sortAsc);
This must display only users created by admin.
But it's not working(no user is returned).
How can i select only users created by a certain user ?
By looking at below definition of content model I sure , what you want to achieve is not possible ,as person(user) does not have creator property.Below link shows the content model for users.

how to give backend login acces to groups/roles other than administrator in fuelphp?

I am using Ormauth as auth package and used it for login at backend. Now I want to give login access for group 'moderator' along with 'superadmmin' and 'administrator'. How I am to proceed ? I tried changing options in default fuelphp tables for 'user_roles', 'user_role_permissions' and so on but to no avail. I am new to this ? Any help/suggestions are welcome. Thanks in advance.
i do this:
create a base class for admin area, in function "before" of that base class use \Auth::has_access('area.permission') for check that current user has access to current controller or not,
create some permissions (in table users_permission) for your admin area, you can use any names for area and permissions here but i suggest use your application or module name as "area" and controller name as "permission",
if you wish to use "groups" so use "users_grouppermission" or if you wish to use "roles" then use "users_rolepermission" for inserting some recordes for allowing access to groups/roles,
at least assign users to that groups or roles (using user_roles and user_groups tables)

How to get group info of a user

I get a user's JID,i want to get the group info that the user has joined by user JID.
Can someone help me ?Please.
Depending on which storage type you are using in there (CoreData/Memory) - the 'groups' field on the user (XMPPUserCoreDataStorageObject) is a 1:m relation to the groups (XMPPGroupCoreDataStorageObject) of that user, and each group also has a 1:m relation to users (group.users).
So you should be able to get the user object via the jid of that user ([xmppRosterStorage userForJID:jid ...]), and from there, get the groups (user.groups).

Read only logic on the basis of user logged in to openbravo

I have a requirement in Openbravo 3.0 framework . I have two user one is HR and the other is employee . Their is a checkbox in user window called HR USER .. In my window I need to write a read only logic so that when HR logins the record has to be editable , and when the employee logins the record has to be non editable,, I know how to do that for normal fields ,, But i am not getting anything about user validation..
In the employee screen i am assigning the user id to that employee.
Please Help
Read Only Logic based on Logged in User:
finding out the ID (primary key) of the User (HR or Employee) using PGAdmin Query tool.
Add read only as shown below.
Read Only Logic based on Logged in Role :
This can be achieved in three steps
creating Auxiliary Input.
finding out the ID (primary key) of the role (HR or Employee)
associating Read Only Logic to the Column.
First of all, we need to add an Auxiliary Input that will make
AD_ROLE_ID of the currently logged in user available to the user
window. Using the System Administrator role navigate to the
Application Dictionary || Setup || Auxiliary Input and create a new
record as shown below:
This will make the #AD_ROLE_ID session variable available to the [user] tab of the HR User window through the #ROLE_ID# variable.
Secondly, you need to find out what the AD_ROLE_ID of the HR role
is. Use the PgAdmin to query the AD_ROLE table and find that out. A
simple query reveals the following:
select ad_role_id, name from ad_role;
ad_role_id | name
1000001 | Admin
(38 rows)
The primary key (AD_ROLE_ID) of the HR role is 054A32701D6D4CE6BF4F695DAB23EDB3. This will clearly be different in your case.
With this information, we can now find the HR User field definition
and set its Read Only Logic to
#ROLE_ID#!'054A32701D6D4CE6BF4F695DAB23EDB3' as shown below:

How to restrict other user group members to view the Documents

I have created an Organization which has four user groups. I want to restrict the user group to view the file uploaded by the other user group.
Organization 1
User Group 1
User Group 2
User Group 3
User Group 4
I am using CustomLanding hook to land on the organization page.
From above, If A uploads a document, it can be viewed only by B in user group 1.
Like the same I want to restrict the viewable condition to other groups also.
Please guide me to achieve this.
you can create different roles for the user and apply permission for role.
Instead of taking as user group with in organization we have teams. you can try with teams.