If I evaluate
(def ^:macro my-defn1 #'defn)
a macro named 'my-defn1' is defined, which I can use just like 'defn'.
However, if I evaluate instead
(if true
(def ^:macro my-defn2 #'defn))
the var for 'my-defn2' doesn't have the :macro metadata set and I can't use it as a macro, even though the 'def' form is equal to the previous case.
Here is the complete code (http://cljbin.com/paste/52322ba5e4b0fa645e7f9243):
(def ^:macro my-defn1 #'defn)
(if true
(def ^:macro my-defn2 #'defn))
(println (meta #'my-defn1)) ; => contains :macro
(println (meta #'my-defn2)) ; => doesn't contain :macro!
(my-defn1 hello1 []
(println "hello 1"))
(hello1) ; => prints "hello 1"
(my-defn2 hello2 [] ; => CompilerException: Unable to resolve
(println "hello 2")) ; symbol: hello2 in this context
What makes the behaviour different?
Clojure's def cannot really be conditionally applied. The documentation for def is IMO insufficiently strong on that part. It's not just bad style, it can cause all kinds of subtle issues.
You should only use def at the top-level, or in a do or let form at the top-level. Conditionally applying def will result in the functionality being split up in something like declare and a subsequent conditional def, but not always in the way that you'd expect/like.
You might be better off using def at the top level here and then conditionally using alter-var-root. Or use (def my-var (if .. .. ..)). Think about why you'd ever want to have a global definition "disappear".
I'm new to Clojure.
In Java I can do something like this extremely contrived example:
public abstract class Foo {
public void sayHello(String name) {
System.out.println("Hello, " + name + "!");
public interface Fooable {
public void sayHello(String name);
public class Bar extends Foo implements Fooable, Barable {
public class Baz extends Foo implements Fooable, Barable {
So, here we have two classes, implementing the Fooable interface the same way (through their abstract base class parent) and (presumably) implementing the Barable interface two different ways.
In Clojure, I can use defrecord to define types Bar and Baz, and have them implement protocols rather than interfaces (which, essentially, are what protocols are, from what I understand). I know how to do this in the most basic sense, but anything more complex is stumping me.
Given this:
(defrecord Bar [x])
(defrecord Baz [x y])
(defprotocol Foo (say-hello [this name]))
how would I recreate the abstract base class functionality above, i.e. have one protocol implemented the same way across multiple defrecord types, without duplicating code? I could of course do this, but the code repetition makes me cringe:
(extend-type Bar
(say-hello [this name] (str "Hello, " name "!")))
(extend-type Baz
(say-hello [this name] (str "Hello, " name "!")))
There has to be a cleaner way of doing this. Again, I'm new to Clojure (and Lisp in general; I'm trying to learn Common Lisp concurrently), so macros are an entirely new paradigm for me, but I thought I'd try my hand at one. Not surprisingly, it fails, and I'm not sure why:
(defmacro extend-type-list [tlist proto fmap]
[t tlist] (list 'extend t proto fmap)))
fmap of course is a map of functions, i.e. {:say-hello (fn [item x] (str "Hello, " x "!"))} The doseq, applied to a concrete list of record types and a concrete protocol, does work. Within the macro, of course, it doesn't, macroexpand calls return nil.
So, question 1, I guess, is "what's wrong with my macro?". Question 2 is, how else can I programmatically extend protocols for types without a lot of repetitive boilerplate code?
Your macro is returning nil because doseq returns nil.
A Clojure macro should generate a new form using a combination of syntax-quotes (`), unquotes (~), and unquote-splicing (~#) reader macros.
(defmacro extend-type-list [types protocol fmap]
`(do ~#(map (fn [t]
`(extend ~t ~protocol ~fmap))
Without using a macro, you have a few options:
(defrecord Bar [x])
(defrecord Baz [x y])
Use a simple var to hold the function map:
(defprotocol Foo (say-hello [this name]))
(def base-implementation
{:say-hello (fn [this name] (str "Hello, " name "!"))})
(extend Bar
(extend Baz
(say-hello (Bar. 1) "Bar") ;; => "Hello, Bar!"
(say-hello (Baz. 1 2) "Baz") ;; => "Hello, Baz!"
If you move to multimethods, you can accomplish something similar with clojure.core/derive
(defmulti say-hello (fn [this name] (class this)))
(derive Bar ::base)
(derive Baz ::base)
(defmethod say-hello ::base [_ name]
(str "Hello, " name "!"))
(say-hello (Bar. 1) "Bar") ;; => "Hello, Bar!"
(say-hello (Baz. 1 2) "Baz") ;; => "Hello, Baz!"
Question 1
Macros are just normal functions that are called at compile-time rather than run-time. If you look at the definition of defmacro, it actually just defines a function with some special meta-data.
Macros return Clojure syntax, which is spliced into the code at the point of the macro call. This means that your macro should return (quoted) syntax that looks exactly like what you would have typed manually into the source file at that point.
I find that a good way to design complex macros is to first declare it with defn, tweaking it until it returns my expected output. As with all Lisp development, the REPL is your friend! This approach requires you to manually quote any parameters being passed to your proto-macro function. If you declare it as a macro then all the arguments are treated as data (e.g. variable names are passed in as symbols), but if you call it as a function it'll try to actually evaluate the arguments if you don't quote them!
If you try this out with your macro you'll see that it doesn't actually return anything! This is because you're using doseq, which is for side-effecting computations. You want to use for in order to build up the syntax to do all of the extend-type calls. You'll probably need to wrap them in a (do ) form since a macro must return a single form.
Question 2
According to the documentation, you can actually implement multiple interfaces/protocols directly within inside the defrecord macro. After your field declaration, just add the bodies of all the extend-type forms you would have declared.
(defrecord Bar [x]
(method1 [this y] 'do-something)
(method2 [this y z] 'do-something-else))
It looks like the two questions you asked at the bottom have been pretty comprehensively answered, but you asked something interesting in the text of the question: "how would I recreate the abstract base class functionality above, i.e. have one protocol implemented the same way across multiple defrecord types, without duplicating code?"
If we look at the documentation for datatypes, two quotes jump out:
Concrete derivation is bad
you cannot derive datatypes from concrete classes, only interfaces
Tying polymorphism to inheritance is bad
Clojure datatypes intentionally restrict some features of Java, for example concrete derivation. So I believe the answer to your question really is, "you shouldn't". Multimethods or def'ing the functionality outside the defrecord and calling into it (like DaoWen's answer) should be preferred.
But if you really, really want to do exactly what you're doing in Java, you can use gen-class to extend a class.
(gen-class :name Bar :extends Foo :implements [Fooable])
(gen-class :name Baz :extends Foo :implements [Fooable])
Note that this implementation is a bit of a hack (you can't test in the repl because gen-class only does something when compiling), and doesn't use the :gen-class key in the ns macro like you typically would if you really had to gen-class. But using gen-class at all is a bit of a hack.
I need to get the AST of the implementation of a lambda function. And I get stuck because reify works on the argument and not on it's value.
val x = (a: Int) => println("a")
val t = showRaw(reify(thevalueof x)) //something here should change
should print:
Expr(Function(List(ValDef(Modifiers(PARAM), newTermName("a"), Ident(scala.Int), EmptyTree)), Apply(Select(Select(This(newTypeName("scala")), newTermName("Predef")), newTermName("println")), List(Literal(Constant("a"))))))
I supposed there should be a trick with splice or so, but I just can't manage to do this.
Currently there is no robust way of getting ASTs of the program outside of a macro application (and reify is a macro, so it abides by the same rules). However, we are experimenting with a next-gen macro engine that might fix this problem: http://scalamacros.org/news/2014/03/02/project-palladium.html.
I want to switch on the class of a given object in order to encode it.
(defn encoded-msg-for [msg]
(case (class msg)
java.lang.Double (encode-double msg)
java.lang.String (encode-str msg)
java.lang.Long (encode-int msg)
java.lang.Boolean (encode-bool msg)
clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap (encode-hash msg)
clojure.lang.PersistentVector (encode-vec msg)
nil "~"
When I call (encoded-msg-for {}), it returns No matching clause: class clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap
What is odd is that putting the cases into a hash-map (with the classes as keys and strings as values) works perfectly well.
Also, (= (class {}) clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap) is true. What comparison is happening here and how can I switch either on the class of the object itself or (better) something in its hierarchy?
I believe case treats the class names as literal symbols - it does not resolve them to actual classes:
>>> (case 'clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap 1 17)
>>> (case clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap 1 17)
This is rather unintuitive, but so it works in Clojure's case. Anyway, the idiomatic way is to use defmulti and defmethod instead of switching on type:
(defmulti encoded-msg class)
(defmethod encoded-msg java.util.Map [x] 5)
(defmethod encoded-msg java.lang.Double [x] 7)
>>> (encoded-msg {})
>>> (encoded-msg 2.0)
The dispatcher uses the isa? predicate which deals well with the comparisons of types, in particular it works well with Java inheritance.
If you don't want to use defmulti, then condp might replace case in your use case, as it properly evaluates the test-expressions. On the other hand it doesn't provide constant time dispatch.
If you are dispatching only on the class then protocols might be a nice solution, because they will enable you (or your API's client) to provide implementations for other types at a later time, here is an example:
(defprotocol Encodable
(encode [this]))
(extend-protocol Encodable
(encode [this] (println "encoding string"))
(encode [this] (println "encoding vector")))
If you need to have finer-grained dispatch or you know extending to other types is not necessary then there might be too much boilerplate in this solution.
If you are looking for an alternative way to achieve this, take a peek at condp:
(condp = (type {})
clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap :one
clojure.lang.PersistentVector :many
:unknown) ;; => :one
I'm experimenting with the scala 2.10 macro features. I have trouble using LabelDef in some cases, though. To some extent I peeked in the compiler's code, read excerpts of Miguel Garcia's papers but I'm still stuck.
If my understanding is correct, a pseudo-definition would be:
LabelDef(labelName, listOfParameters, stmsAndApply) where the 3 arguments are Trees and:
- labelNameis the identifier of the label $L being defined
- listOfParameters correspond to the arguments passed when label-apply occurs, as in $L(a1,...,an), and can be empty
- stmsAndApplycorresponds to the block of statements (possibly none) and final apply-expression
label-apply meaning more-or-less a GOTO to a label
For instance, in the case of a simple loop, a LabelDef can eventually apply itself:
LabelDef($L, (), {...; $L()})
Now, if I want to define 2 LabelDef that jump to each other:
LabelDef($L1, (), $L2())
LabelDef($L2, (), $L1())
The 2nd LabelDef is fine, but the compiler outputs an error on the 1st, "not found: value $L2". I guess that is because $L2 isn't yet defined while there is an attempt to apply it. This is a tree being constructed so that would make sense to me. Is my understanding correct so far? Because if no error is expected, that means my macro implementation is probably buggy.
Anyway, I believe there must be a way to apply $L2 (i.e. Jumping to $L2) from $L1, somehow, but I just have no clue how to do it. Does someone have an example of doing that, or any pointer?
Other unclear points (but less of a concern right now) about using LabelDef in macros are:
-what the 2nd argument is, concretely, how is it used when non-empty? In other words, what are the mechanisms of a label-apply with parameters?
-is it valid to put in the 3rd argument's final expression anything else than a label-apply? (not that I can't try, but macros are still experimental)
-is it possible to perform a forwarding label-apply outside a LabelDef? (maybe this is a redundant question)
Any macro implementation example in the answer is, of course, very welcome!
Because if no error is expected, that means my macro implementation is probably buggy.
Yes, it seems that was a bug (^^; Although I'm not sure whether or not the limitation with the Block/LabelDef combination exists on purpose.
def EVIL_LABELS_MACRO_impl(c:Context):c.Expr[Unit] = { // fails to expand
import c.universe._
val lt1 = newTermName("$L1"); val lt2 = newTermName("$L2")
val ld1 = LabelDef(lt1, Nil, Block(c.reify{println("$L1")}.tree, Apply(Ident(lt2), Nil)))
val ld2 = LabelDef(lt2, Nil, Block(c.reify{println("$L2")}.tree, Apply(Ident(lt1), Nil)))
c.Expr( Block(ld1, c.reify{println("ignored")}.tree, ld2) )
def FINE_LABELS_MACRO_impl(c:Context):c.Expr[Unit] = { // The End isn't near
import c.universe._
val lt1 = newTermName("$L1"); val lt2 = newTermName("$L2")
val ld1 = LabelDef(lt1, Nil, Block(c.reify{println("$L1")}.tree, Apply(Ident(lt2), Nil)))
val ld2 = LabelDef(lt2, Nil, Block(c.reify{println("$L2")}.tree, Apply(Ident(lt1), Nil)))
c.Expr( Block(ld1, c.reify{println("ignored")}.tree, ld2, c.reify{println("The End")}.tree) )
I think a Block is parsed into { statements; expression } thus the last argument is the expression. If a LabelDef "falls in" expression, e.g. the EVIL_LABELS_MACRO pattern, its expansion won't be visible in statements; hence error "not found: value $L2".
So it's better to make sure all LabelDef "fall in" statements. FINE_LABELS_MACRO does that and expands to:
scala.this.Predef.println("The End")
If I had a complex if statement that I did not want to overflow simply for aesthetic purposes, what would be the most kosher way to break it up since coffeescript will interpret returns as the body of the statement in this case?
if (foo is bar.data.stuff and foo isnt bar.data.otherstuff) or (not foo and not bar)
awesome sauce
else lame sauce
CoffeeScript will not interpret the next line as the body of the statement if the line ends with an operator, so this is ok:
# OK!
if a and
it compiles to
if (a && !b) {
so your if could be formatted as
# OK!
if (foo is
bar.data.stuff and
foo isnt bar.data.otherstuff) or
(not foo and not bar)
awesome sauce
else lame sauce
or any other line-breaking scheme so long as the lines end in and or or or is or == or not or some such operator
As to indentation, you can indent the non-first lines of your if so long as the body is even more indented:
# OK!
if (foo is
bar.data.stuff and
foo isnt bar.data.otherstuff) or
(not foo and not bar)
awesome sauce
else lame sauce
What you cannot do is this:
if (foo #doesn't end on operator!
is bar.data.stuff and
foo isnt bar.data.otherstuff) or
(not foo and not bar)
awesome sauce
else lame sauce
This changes your code's meaning somewhat, but may be of some use:
return lame sauce unless foo and bar
if foo is bar.data.stuff isnt bar.data.otherstuff
awesome sauce
lame sauce
Note the is...isnt chain, which is legit, just as a < b < c is legit in CoffeeScript. Of course, the repetition of lame sauce is unfortunate, and you may not want to return right away. Another approach would be to use soaks to write
data = bar?.data
if foo and foo is data?.stuff isnt data?.otherstuff
awesome sauce
lame sauce
The if foo and is a little inelegant; you could discard it if there's no chance that foo is undefined.
Like any other language, by not having them in the first place. Give names to the different parts an treat them separately. Either by declaring predicates, or by just creating a couple of boolean vars.
bar.isBaz = -> #data.stuff != #data.otherstuff
bar.isAwsome = (foo) -> #isBaz() && #data.stuff == foo
if not bar? or bar.isAwesome foo
awesome sauce
else lame sauce
Escaping the linebreak looks most readable to me:
if (foo is bar.data.stuff and foo isnt bar.data.otherstuff) \
or (not foo and not bar)
awesome sauce
else lame sauce
When a lot of low-level boilerplate occurs you should increase level of abstract.
The best solutions are:
to use good named variables and functions
logic rules in if/else statements
One of logic rules is:
(not A and not B) == not (A or B)
The first way. Variables:
isStuff = foo is bar.data.stuff
isntOtherStuff = foo isnt bar.data.otherstuff
isStuffNotOtherStuff = isStuff and isntOtherStuff
bothFalse = not (foo or bar)
if isStuffNotOtherStuff or bothFalse
awesome sauce
else lame sauce
The main disadvantage of this method is its slowness. We will get better performance if we use and and or operators features and replace variables with functions:
C = A and B
If A is false operator and wouldnt call
C = A or B
If A is true operator or wouldnt call
The second way. Functions:
isStuff = -> foo is bar.data.stuff
isntOtherStuff = -> foo isnt bar.data.otherstuff
isStuffNotOtherStuff = -> do isStuff and do isntOtherStuff
bothFalse = -> not (foo or bar)
if do isStuffNotOtherStuff or do bothFalse
awesome sauce
else lame sauce