I have a GWTP Presenter in which I want to add an undetermined number of instances of GWTP PresenterWidget. To each of that instances I need to pass an argument (a different argument to each instance) that the parent Presenterowns.
There are two things that I need to accomplish here:
1. Instantiate an undetermined number of PresenterWidget
Reading here, it looks like I just need a Provider.
2. Transfer to each of those PresenterWidget the argument I want.
ProxyEvent does not seem an option since the PresenterWidget has no proxy
I need to pass the argument before revealing the PresenterWidget
Is it possible or is it a good practice to just declare a public method on the PresenterWidget and access it from the parent presenter?
For example:
public class MyWidgetPresenter extends PresenterWidget<MyWidgetPresenter.MyView> {
private MyArgument argument;
public void setArgument(MyArgument argument){
And then the Parent presenter could:
#Inject Provider<MyWidgetPresenter> myWidgetPresenterProvider;
[this could be part of a loop]
MyWidgetPresenter myWidgetPresenter = myWidgetPresenterProvider.get();
getView().addToSlot(SLOT_MyWidgetPresenters, myWidgetPresenter);
[loop end]
Is this a valid solution at all? I have implemented it and everything works except that my PresenterWidget never calls onReveal or onReset which prevents to show the content. Any ideas why?
There are different ways to solve this problem, one of them is the way you showed in your own answer.
create a setter on your PresenterWidget and set it from your parent Presenter (how you have done it).
Fire an Event on the EventBus and handle it in your PresenterWidgets (The event contains the EntryProxy instance).
Let the PresenterWidget itself retrieve the data from the backend.
Solution 3 won't work in your case because you have not a single PresenterWidget but as many as you have data.
Solution 2 has the least coupling. However when you use PresenterWidgets you have anyways a coupling between your parent Presenter and your PresenterWidget so there is not much benefit. I would only use this method if you want to use your retrieved EntityProxy elswhere (i.e. breadcrumb PresenterWidget).
Solution 1 (the one you suggested) is fine if you only deal with the EntryProxy in those PresenterWidgets.
I am answering this since I found where the problem is. Still I don't know if what I am doing is considered a good practice. [See Ümit's answer]
The reason why my WidgetPresenter was not calling onReveal() or onReset() was because I was calling the view's setInSlot, instead of the Presenter. This can be an easy mistake.
On your presenter never do this:
But rather
[this.] setInSlot(whatever,whatever)
Here is my code, for completeness sake:
The parent Presenter:
public void onReset(){
/* Request the Topic graph to show using RequestFactory*/
TopicService service = requestFactory.topicService();
service.getTopicGraph(movieId).with("entries").fire(new Receiver<TopicProxy>(){
public void onSuccess(TopicProxy response) {
/* Clear whatever was in the slot before */
getView().setInSlot(null, null);
/* Get the Topic and set the title in this Presenter*/
topic = response;
/* Then:
* - retrieve the Entries and add them to as many PresenterWidgets as needed
* - add those widgets to an slot on this Presenter
* - set on the PresenterWidget the Entry, that call also set's the child's view*/
Iterator<EntryProxy> it = topic.getEntries().iterator();
//TODO: pagination
ReviewPresenter myRP = myReviewPresenterProvider.get();
setInSlot(SLOT_movie, myRP);
public void onFailure(ServerFailure error){
//TODO use a label or go to error Place
And the setEntry method on the PresenterWidget:
public void setEntry(EntryProxy entry){
this.entry = entry;
I'm working on a code in a wicket project, where the original devs used the onModelChanged() method quite a lot in Ajax request handling methods. I, for one, however am not a strong believer of this implementation.
In fact, I can't think of any examples, where calling the target.add(...) is inferior to calling the onModelChanged method.
Am I missing some key concepts here?
public MyComponent extends Panel {
public MyComponent(String id, Component... componentsToRefresh) {
add(new AjaxLink<Void>("someId") {
public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
// some logic with model change
for(Component c: componentsToRefresh) {
Now, there are a couple of things I don't agree with, the very first is the componentsToRefresh parameter, the second is (as the question suggests), the fact that we called c.modelChanged() on all components in that array. My guess would be that it is completely un necessary and instead of a parameter in the constructor, one should just write an empty function in MyComponent and override it, and put the necessary components in there when needed.
I would suggest to use Wicket Event system instead. That is, whenever the AjaxLink is clicked you will broadcast an event:
send(getPage(), Broadcast.BREATH, new MyEventPayload(target));
This will broadcast the event to the current Page and all its components.
Then in any of your components you can listen for events:
public void onEvent(IEvent event) {
Object payload = event.getPayload();
if (payload instanceof MyEventPayload) {
((MyEventPayload) payload).getTarget().add(this); // or any of my sub-components
event.stop(); // optionally you can stop the broadcasting
This way you do not couple unrelated components in your application.
See Wicket Guide for more information.
Let's say I specify an outputText component like this:
<h:outputText value="#{ManagedBean.someProperty}"/>
If I print a log message when the getter for someProperty is called and load the page, it is trivial to notice that the getter is being called more than once per request (twice or three times is what happened in my case):
DEBUG 2010-01-18 23:31:40,104 (ManagedBean.java:13) - Getting some property
DEBUG 2010-01-18 23:31:40,104 (ManagedBean.java:13) - Getting some property
If the value of someProperty is expensive to calculate, this can potentially be a problem.
I googled a bit and figured this is a known issue. One workaround was to include a check and see if it had already been calculated:
private String someProperty;
public String getSomeProperty() {
if (this.someProperty == null) {
this.someProperty = this.calculatePropertyValue();
return this.someProperty;
The main problem with this is that you get loads of boilerplate code, not to mention private variables that you might not need.
What are the alternatives to this approach? Is there a way to achieve this without so much unnecessary code? Is there a way to stop JSF from behaving in this way?
Thanks for your input!
This is caused by the nature of deferred expressions #{} (note that "legacy" standard expressions ${} behave exactly the same when Facelets is used instead of JSP). The deferred expression is not immediately evaluated, but created as a ValueExpression object and the getter method behind the expression is executed everytime when the code calls ValueExpression#getValue().
This will normally be invoked one or two times per JSF request-response cycle, depending on whether the component is an input or output component (learn it here). However, this count can get up (much) higher when used in iterating JSF components (such as <h:dataTable> and <ui:repeat>), or here and there in a boolean expression like the rendered attribute. JSF (specifically, EL) won't cache the evaluated result of the EL expression at all as it may return different values on each call (for example, when it's dependent on the currently iterated datatable row).
Evaluating an EL expression and invoking a getter method is a very cheap operation, so you should generally not worry about this at all. However, the story changes when you're performing expensive DB/business logic in the getter method for some reason. This would be re-executed everytime!
Getter methods in JSF backing beans should be designed that way that they solely return the already-prepared property and nothing more, exactly as per the Javabeans specification. They should not do any expensive DB/business logic at all. For that the bean's #PostConstruct and/or (action)listener methods should be used. They are executed only once at some point of request-based JSF lifecycle and that's exactly what you want.
Here is a summary of all different right ways to preset/load a property.
public class Bean {
private SomeObject someProperty;
public void init() {
// In #PostConstruct (will be invoked immediately after construction and dependency/property injection).
someProperty = loadSomeProperty();
public void onload() {
// Or in GET action method (e.g. <f:viewAction action>).
someProperty = loadSomeProperty();
public void preRender(ComponentSystemEvent event) {
// Or in some SystemEvent method (e.g. <f:event type="preRenderView">).
someProperty = loadSomeProperty();
public void change(ValueChangeEvent event) {
// Or in some FacesEvent method (e.g. <h:inputXxx valueChangeListener>).
someProperty = loadSomeProperty();
public void ajaxListener(AjaxBehaviorEvent event) {
// Or in some BehaviorEvent method (e.g. <f:ajax listener>).
someProperty = loadSomeProperty();
public void actionListener(ActionEvent event) {
// Or in some ActionEvent method (e.g. <h:commandXxx actionListener>).
someProperty = loadSomeProperty();
public String submit() {
// Or in POST action method (e.g. <h:commandXxx action>).
someProperty = loadSomeProperty();
return "outcome";
public SomeObject getSomeProperty() {
// Just keep getter untouched. It isn't intented to do business logic!
return someProperty;
Note that you should not use bean's constructor or initialization block for the job because it may be invoked multiple times if you're using a bean management framework which uses proxies, such as CDI.
If there are for you really no other ways, due to some restrictive design requirements, then you should introduce lazy loading inside the getter method. I.e. if the property is null, then load and assign it to the property, else return it.
public SomeObject getSomeProperty() {
// If there are really no other ways, introduce lazy loading.
if (someProperty == null) {
someProperty = loadSomeProperty();
return someProperty;
This way the expensive DB/business logic won't unnecessarily be executed on every single getter call.
See also:
Why is the getter called so many times by the rendered attribute?
Invoke JSF managed bean action on page load
How and when should I load the model from database for h:dataTable
How to populate options of h:selectOneMenu from database?
Display dynamic image from database with p:graphicImage and StreamedContent
Defining and reusing an EL variable in JSF page
Measure the render time of a JSF view after a server request
With JSF 2.0 you can attach a listener to a system event
<h:outputText value="#{ManagedBean.someProperty}">
<f:event type="preRenderView" listener="#{ManagedBean.loadSomeProperty}" />
Alternatively you can enclose the JSF page in an f:view tag
<f:event type="preRenderView" listener="#{ManagedBean.loadSomeProperty}" />
.. jsf page here...
I have written an article about how to cache JSF beans getter with Spring AOP.
I create a simple MethodInterceptor which intercepts all methods annotated with a special annotation:
public class CacheAdvice implements MethodInterceptor {
private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CacheAdvice.class);
private CacheService cacheService;
public Object invoke(MethodInvocation methodInvocation) throws Throwable {
String key = methodInvocation.getThis() + methodInvocation.getMethod().getName();
String thread = Thread.currentThread().getName();
Object cachedValue = cacheService.getData(thread , key);
if (cachedValue == null){
cachedValue = methodInvocation.proceed();
cacheService.cacheData(thread , key , cachedValue);
logger.debug("Cache miss " + thread + " " + key);
logger.debug("Cached hit " + thread + " " + key);
return cachedValue;
public CacheService getCacheService() {
return cacheService;
public void setCacheService(CacheService cacheService) {
this.cacheService = cacheService;
This interceptor is used in a spring configuration file:
<bean id="advisor" class="org.springframework.aop.support.DefaultPointcutAdvisor">
<property name="pointcut">
<bean class="org.springframework.aop.support.annotation.AnnotationMatchingPointcut">
<constructor-arg index="0" name="classAnnotationType" type="java.lang.Class">
<constructor-arg index="1" value="com._4dconcept.docAdvance.jsfCache.annotation.Cacheable" name="methodAnnotationType" type="java.lang.Class"/>
<property name="advice">
<bean class="com._4dconcept.docAdvance.jsfCache.CacheAdvice"/>
Hope it will help!
Originally posted in PrimeFaces forum # http://forum.primefaces.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=29546
Recently, I have been obsessed evaluating the performance of my app, tuning JPA queries, replacing dynamic SQL queries with named queries, and just this morning, I recognized that a getter method was more of a HOT SPOT in Java Visual VM than the rest of my code (or majority of my code).
Getter method:
Referenced by ui:include in in index.xhtml
Below, you will see that PageNavigationController.getGmapsAutoComplete() is a HOT SPOT (performance issue) in Java Visual VM. If you look further down, on the screen capture, you will see that getLazyModel(), PrimeFaces lazy datatable getter method, is a hot spot too, only when enduser is doing a lot of 'lazy datatable' type of stuff/operations/tasks in the app. :)
See (original) code below.
public Boolean getGmapsAutoComplete() {
switch (page) {
case "/orders/pf_Add.xhtml":
case "/orders/pf_Edit.xhtml":
case "/orders/pf_EditDriverVehicles.xhtml":
gmapsAutoComplete = true;
gmapsAutoComplete = false;
return gmapsAutoComplete;
Referenced by the following in index.xhtml:
<ui:include src="#{pageNavigationController.gmapsAutoComplete ? '/head_gmapsAutoComplete.xhtml' : (pageNavigationController.gmaps ? '/head_gmaps.xhtml' : '/head_default.xhtml')}"/>
Solution: since this is a 'getter' method, move code and assign value to gmapsAutoComplete prior to method being called; see code below.
* 2013-04-06 moved switch {...} to updateGmapsAutoComplete()
* because performance = 115ms (hot spot) while
* navigating through web app
public Boolean getGmapsAutoComplete() {
return gmapsAutoComplete;
* ALWAYS call this method after "page = ..."
private void updateGmapsAutoComplete() {
switch (page) {
case "/orders/pf_Add.xhtml":
case "/orders/pf_Edit.xhtml":
case "/orders/pf_EditDriverVehicles.xhtml":
gmapsAutoComplete = true;
gmapsAutoComplete = false;
Test results: PageNavigationController.getGmapsAutoComplete() is no longer a HOT SPOT in Java Visual VM (doesn't even show up anymore)
Sharing this topic, since many of the expert users have advised junior JSF developers to NOT add code in 'getter' methods. :)
If you are using CDI, you can use Producers methods.
It will be called many times, but the result of first call is cached in scope of the bean and is efficient for getters that are computing or initializing heavy objects!
See here, for more info.
You could probably use AOP to create some sort of Aspect that cached the results of our getters for a configurable amount of time. This would prevent you from needing to copy-and-paste boilerplate code in dozens of accessors.
If the value of someProperty is
expensive to calculate, this can
potentially be a problem.
This is what we call a premature optimization. In the rare case that a profiler tells you that the calculation of a property is so extraordinarily expensive that calling it three times rather than once has a significant performance impact, you add caching as you describe. But unless you do something really stupid like factoring primes or accessing a databse in a getter, your code most likely has a dozen worse inefficiencies in places you've never thought about.
I would also advice using such Framework as Primefaces instead of stock JSF, they address such issues before JSF team e. g in primefaces you can set partial submit. Otherwise BalusC has explained it well.
It still big problem in JSF. Fo example if you have a method isPermittedToBlaBla for security checks and in your view you have rendered="#{bean.isPermittedToBlaBla} then the method will be called multiple times.
The security check could be complicated e.g . LDAP query etc. So you must avoid that with
Boolean isAllowed = null ... if(isAllowed==null){...} return isAllowed?
and you must ensure within a session bean this per request.
Ich think JSF must implement here some extensions to avoid multiple calls (e.g annotation #Phase(RENDER_RESPONSE) calle this method only once after RENDER_RESPONSE phase...)
Is there a way to get the proxy that editor is editing?
The normal workflow would be:
public class Class implments Editor<Proxy>{
#UiField AntoherClass subeditor;
void someMethod(){
Proxy proxy = request.create(Proxy.class);
Now if i got a subeditor of the same proxy
public class AntoherClass implements Editor<Proxy>{
// method to get the editing proxy ?
Yes i know i can just set the proxy to the Child editor with setProxy() after its creation, but i want to know if there is something like HasRequestContext but for the edited proxy.
This usefull when you use for example ListEditor in non UI objects.
Thank you.
Two ways you can get a reference to the object that a given editor is working on. First, some simple data and a simple editor:
public class MyModel {
//sub properties...
public class MyModelEditor implements Editor<MyModel> {
// subproperty editors...
First: Instead of implementing Editor, we can pick another interface that also extends Editor, but allows sub-editors (LeafValueEditor does not allow sub-editors). Lets try ValueAwareEditor:
public class MyModelEditor2 implements ValueAwareEditor<MyModel> {
// subproperty editors...
// ValueAwareEditor methods:
public void setValue(MyModel value) {
// This will be called automatically with the current value when
// driver.edit is called.
public void flush() {
// If you were going to make any changes, do them here, this is called
// when the driver flushes.
public void onPropertyChange(String... paths) {
// Probably not needed in your case, but allows for some notification
// when subproperties are changed - mostly used by RequestFactory so far.
public void setDelegate(EditorDelegate<MyModel> delegate) {
// grants access to the delegate, so the property change events can
// be requested, among other things. Probably not needed either.
This requires that you implement the various methods as in the example above, but the main one you are interested in will be setValue. You do not need to invoke these yourself, they will be called by the driver and its delegates. The flush method is also good to use if you plan to make changes to the object - making those changes before flush will mean that you are modifying the object outside of the expected driver lifecycle - not the end of the world, but might surprise you later.
Second: Use a SimpleEditor sub-editor:
public class MyModelEditor2 implements ValueAwareEditor<MyModel> {
// subproperty editors...
// one extra sub-property:
#Path("")//bound to the MyModel itself
SimpleEditor self = SimpleEditor.of();
Using this, you can call self.getValue() to read out what the current value is.
Edit: Looking at the AnotherEditor you've implemented, it looks like you are starting to make something like the GWT class SimpleEditor, though you might want other sub-editors as well:
Now if i got a subeditor of the same proxy
public class AntoherClass implements Editor<Proxy>{
// method to get the editing proxy ?
This sub-editor could implement ValueAwareEditor<Proxy> instead of Editor<Proxy>, and be guaranteed that its setValue method would be called with the Proxy instance when editing starts.
In your child editor class, you can just implement another interface TakesValue, you can get the editing proxy in the setValue method.
ValueAwareEditor works too, but has all those extra method you don't really need.
This is the only solution I found. It involves calling the context edit before you call the driver edit. Then you have the proxy to manipulate later.
I have a WPF view that has a corresponding ViewModel. All instances are resolved via an unity container. Because I'm using prism I need two independent instances of the view to add it into two different regions the view is registered to. If I'd try to add one instance into both regions I get an
InvalidOperationException: Specified
element is already the logical child
of another element. Disconnect it
when the view is added into the second region because it is already added to the first region.
This problem can easily be solved by using a TransientLifetimeManager that always returns a new instance so both regions would be filled with an independent instance.
But we have decided to create a child container when a new user logs on. Every session related view and view model are resolved using this child container. When the user's session ends, the child container is disposed so that also every session related instances are disposed. But using a TransientLifetimeManager the unity container cannot dispose those instances.
What we need is a lifetime manager that always returns a new instance, but is also capable of disposing those instances. Is there already such an lifetime manager around? Or is there another way to achieve what I described above?
What you want sounds like a variant of the ContainerControlledLifetime manager that does not maintain a singleton instance, but a collection of instances. Unfortunately this is not one of the built-in lifetime managers.
You can look at the code for the ContainerControlledLifetimeManager and see that it is pretty simple. Your "SynchronizedGetValue" implementation would always return null (signaling to the container that a new instance needs to be instantiated). You could just subclass ContainerControlledLifetimeManager and override that method.
I've pretty much written it. I suppose I could give you the code. :)
public class ContainerTrackedTransientLifetimeManager :
protected override object SynchronizedGetValue()
return null;
That should work. I've not tested it... from the interface, it looks like it's designed for a 1 to 1 LifetimeManager to Object relationship, but if it turns out it is more than that, you might have to override SetValue (adds to a collection of objects) and dispose (disposes that collection of objects). Here's that implementation:
public class ContainerTrackedTransientLifetimeManager :
SynchronizedLifetimeManager, IDisposable
private ConcurrentCollection<object> values = new ConcurrentCollection<object>();
protected override object SynchronizedGetValue()
return null;
protected override void SynchronizedSetValue(object newValue)
public override void RemoveValue()
public void Dispose()
protected void Dispose(bool disposing)
var disposables = values.OfType<IDisposable>();
foreach(var disposable in disposables)
I'm not sure which of these is the right answer. Let me know how it goes for you.
When you use transient lifetime manager (which is the default), Unity does not keep a reference to the created instance.
Thus, when there are no more reference to the instance, it will be GCed.
Is this possible? I know it is for MS since they have WF activity packs but I'm not sure how it's done. It would be nice to be able to have Activities with Body blocks to insert other activities, buttons, etc. If not too much trouble and/or time consuming that is.
Its easy enough if you follow a few rules. Here's an example of a NativeActivity that has a child:
[Designer(typeof(MyActivityDesigner)), ContentProperty("Child")]
public sealed class MyActivity :
NativeActivity, IActivityTemplateFactory
// this "activity delegate" holds our child activity
public ActivityAction Child { get; set; }
// may be necessary to do this
protected override void
CacheMetadata(NativeActivityMetadata metadata)
protected override void
Execute(NativeActivityContext context)
// do some work here, then
// better to use a template factory than a constructor to do this!
Activity IActivityTemplateFactory
.Create(System.Windows.DependencyObject target)
return new MyActivity
// HAVE to have this set, or it fails in the designer!
Child = new ActivityAction()
Note a few things: We use an Activity Delegate type to hold our child. Second, we implement IActivityTemplateFactory to configure our activity for the designer. Its always better/more stable to do this than set stuff up in the constructor. We will be binding to a property of the delegate, so we have to set an instance; otherwise the binding will fail.
When we execute, all you have to do is schedule your child when appropriate and return. You shouldn't block, of course.
Then, in the designer, you'd bind to Child like this:
HintText="Add children here!"
Item="{Binding Path=ModelItem.Child.Handler}" />
The Pro WF : Windows Workflow in .Net 4 book by Bruce Bukovics also has lots of examples. You might want to check that out.
You need to start with a NativeActivity instead of a CodeActivity. The NativeActivity lets you schedule child activities through its execution context. There is no template for the NativeActivity, instead you just create a class and derive from NativeActivity.