I have no idea how to get documentation about this. I just discovered that most of the compilers are using the Backus–Naur Form to describe a language.
From the Marpa::R2 perl package, get this simple example that parse arithmetic strings such as 42 * 1 + 7:
:default ::= action => [name,values]
lexeme default = latm => 1
Calculator ::= Expression action => ::first
Factor ::= Number action => ::first
Term ::=
Term '*' Factor action => do_multiply
| Factor action => ::first
Expression ::=
Expression '+' Term action => do_add
| Term action => ::first
Number ~ digits
digits ~ [\d]+
:discard ~ whitespace
whitespace ~ [\s]+
I would like to modify this in order to recursively parse an XML like sample such as:
Some content here
I am nested into foo
A nested block was before me.
And express it into something like:
>(Some content here)
>>(I am nested into foo)
>(A nested block was before me)
Where I may use this function:
sub block($content, $level) {
for each $content line
$line = (">" x $level).$content
return $content
Was would be a good start for me?
There is an open-source Marpa-powered XML parser.
I have written following grammar
package = PackageDec?
usage+=Usage* ;
'package' name=QualifiedName ;
'greet' name=ID '{' ops += Operation* '}' ;
'op' name=ID ('(' ')' '{' '}')? ;
ID ('.' ID)*;
With above i can write following script.
package p1.p2
greet G1 {op f1 op f2 }
Now i need to write something like this:
package p1.p2
greet G1 {op f1 op f2 op f3}
use p1.p2.G1.f1
use p1.p2.G1
use p1.p2.G1.f3
To support that i changed Usage RULE like this
'use' head=[Greet|QualifiedName] =>('.' tail=[Operation])?
However when i generate xtext artifacts it is complaining about multiple alternatives.
Please let me know how to write correct grammar rule for this.
This is because QualifiedName consumes dots (.). Adding ('.' ...)? makes two alternatives. Consider input
This could be parsed as
head="a" tail = "b.c"
head="a.b" tail = "c"
If I understand your intention of using predicate => right, than you just have to replace
In this case however you will not be able to parse references with dots.
As a solution I would recommend to substitute your dot with some other character. For example with colon:
'use' head=[Greet|QualifiedName] (':' tail=[Operation])?
I'm trying to set up a grammar that requires that [\w] characters cannot appear directly adjacent to each other if they are not in the same lexeme. That is, words must be separated from each other by a space or punctuation.
Consider the following grammar:
use Marpa::R2; use Data::Dump;
my $grammar = Marpa::R2::Scanless::G->new({source => \<<'END_OF_GRAMMAR'});
:start ::= Rule
Rule ::= '9' 'september'
:discard ~ whitespace
whitespace ~ [\s]+
my $recce = Marpa::R2::Scanless::R->new({grammar => $grammar});
dd $recce->read(\'9september');
This parses successfully. Now I want to change the grammar to force a separation between 9 and september. I thought of doing this by introducing an unused lexeme that matches [\w]+:
use Marpa::R2; use Data::Dump;
my $grammar = Marpa::R2::Scanless::G->new({source => \<<'END_OF_GRAMMAR'});
:start ::= Rule
Rule ::= '9' 'september'
:discard ~ whitespace
whitespace ~ [\s]+
word ~ [\w]+ ### <== Add unused lexeme to match joined keywords
my $recce = Marpa::R2::Scanless::R->new({grammar => $grammar});
dd $recce->read(\'9september');
Unfortunately, this grammar fails with:
A lexeme is not accessible from the start symbol: word
Marpa::R2 exception at marpa.pl line 3.
Although this can be resolved by using a lexeme default statement:
use Marpa::R2; use Data::Dump;
my $grammar = Marpa::R2::Scanless::G->new({source => \<<'END_OF_GRAMMAR'});
lexeme default = action => [value] ### <== Fix exception by adding lexeme default statement
:start ::= Rule
Rule ::= '9' 'september'
:discard ~ whitespace
whitespace ~ [\s]+
word ~ [\w]+
my $recce = Marpa::R2::Scanless::R->new({grammar => $grammar});
dd $recce->read(\'9september');
This results in the following output:
Inaccessible symbol: word
Error in SLIF parse: No lexemes accepted at line 1, column 1
* String before error:
* The error was at line 1, column 1, and at character 0x0039 '9', ...
* here: 9september
Marpa::R2 exception at marpa.pl line 16.
That is, the parse has failed due to the fact that there is no gap between 9 and september which is exactly what I want to happen. The only fly in the ointment is that there is an annoying Inaccessible symbol: word message on STDERR because the word lexeme is not used in the actual grammar.
I see that in Marpa::R2::Grammar I could have declared word as inaccessible_ok in the constructor options but I can't do that in Marpa::R2::Scanless.
I also could have done something like the following:
Rule ::= nine september
nine ~ word
september ~ word
then used a pause to use custom code to examine the actual lexeme value and return the appropriate lexeme depending on the value.
What is the best way to construct a grammar that uses keywords or numbers and words but will disallow adjacent lexemes to be run together without white space or punctuation separating them?
Well, the obvious solution is to require some whitespace in between (on the G1 level). When we use the following grammar
:default ::= action => ::array
:start ::= Rule
Rule ::= '9' (Ws) 'september'
Ws ::= [\s]+
:discard ~ whitespace
whitespace ~ [\s]+
then 9september fails, but 9 september is parsed. Important points to note:
Lexemes can be both discarded and required, when they are both a longest token. This is why the :discard and Ws rule don't interfere with each other. Marpa doesn't mind this kind of “ambiguity”.
The Ws rule is enclosed in parens, which discards the value – to keep the resulting parse tree clean.
You do not usually want to use tricks like phantom lexemes to misguide the parser. That way lies breakage.
When every bit of whitespace is important, you might want to get rid of :discard ~ whitespace. This is meant to be used e.g. for C-like languages where whitespace traditionally does not matter.
I built a grammar in xText to recognize formal expressions of a specific format
and to use the generated object tree in Java.
This is what it looks like:
grammar eu.gemtec.device.espa.texpr.Texpr with org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals
generate texpr "http://www.gemtec.eu/device/espa/texpr/Texpr"
MatcherExpression | Assignment;
TerminalMatcher ({Operation.left=current} operator='or' right= MatcherExpression)?
TerminalMatcher returns MatcherExpression:
'(' MatcherExpression ')' | {MatcherLiteral} value=Literal
CharMatcher | ExactMatcher
type=('text'|'number'|'symbol'|'whitespace') ('(' cardinality=Cardinality ')')?
/* Kardinalitäten für CharMatcher*/
CardinalityMin | CardinalityMinMax | CardinalityMax| CardinalityExact
CardinalityMin: min=INT '->';
CardinalityMinMax: min=INT '->' max=INT;
CardinalityMax: '->' max=INT;
CardinalityExact: exact=INT;
(ignoreCase='ignoreCase''(' expected=STRING ')') | expected=STRING
/* Variablenzuweisung
* z.B. $myVar=number
* */
'$' name=ID '=' expression=MatcherExpression
Everything works fine except for the 'cardinality' assignment.
The Expressions look like this:
text number(3) - (an arbitrary amount of letters followed by exactly 3 numbers)
symbol number(2->) - (an arbitrary amount of special characters followed by at least 2 numbers)
whitespace number(->4) - (an arbitrary amount of whitespaces followed by a maximum of 4 numbers)
number(3->6) - (at least 3 numbers but not more than 6)
When I run Eclipse with this grammar (so that my language is recognized and has code completion and so on), everything I type is shown in the "Outline"-tab as a tree-structure as it should, except for the cardinality values.
When I add a cardinality statement to a CharMatcher, the little plus appears before it, but when I click on it it just disappears.
Can anyone tell me why this does not work?
I found the solution myself, I think the problem was that the compiler could not decide which class to create at this point:
CardinalityMin | CardinalityMinMax | CardinalityMax| CardinalityExact
CardinalityMin: min=INT '->';
CardinalityMinMax: min=INT '->' max=INT;
CardinalityMax: '->' max=INT;
CardinalityExact: exact=INT;
So I simplified the whole thing a little, it now looks like this:
CardinalityMinMax | CardinalityExact
CardinalityMinMax: (min=INT '..' max=INT) | (min=INT '..') | ('..' max=INT);
CardinalityExact: exact=INT;
It is still not shown in the "Outline"-Tab, but I suppose that is a problem of the visualisation.
The generated classes now work as intended.
I am trying to build a Lisp grammar. Easy, right? Apparently not.
I present these inputs and receive errors...
( 1 1)
23 23 23
ui ui
This is the grammar...
sexpr: atom {printf("matched sexpr\n");}
| list
list: '(' members ')' {printf("matched list\n");}
| '('')' {printf("matched empty list\n");}
members: sexpr {printf("members 1\n");}
| sexpr members {printf("members 2\n");}
atom: ID {printf("ID\n");}
| NUM {printf("NUM\n");}
| STR {printf("STR\n");}
As near as I can tell, I need a single non-terminal defined as a program, upon which the whole parse tree can hang. But I tried it and it didn't seem to work.
edit - this was my "top terminal" approach:
program: slist;
slist: slist sexpr | sexpr;
But it allows problems such as:
( 1 1
Edit2: The FLEX code is...
#include <stdio.h>
#include "a.yacc.tab.h"
int linenumber;
extern int yylval;
\n { linenumber++; }
[0-9]+ { yylval = atoi(yytext); return NUM; }
\"[^\"\n]*\" { return STR; }
[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]* { return ID; }
An example of the over-matching...
(1 1 1)
matched sexpr
matched sexpr
matched sexpr
(1 1
matched sexpr
matched sexpr
What's the error here?
edit: The error was in the lexer.
Lisp grammar can not be represented as context-free grammar, and yacc can not parse all lisp code.
It is because of lisp features such as read-evaluation and programmable reader. So, in order just to read an arbitrary lisp code, you need to have a full lisp running. This is not some obscure, non-used feature, but it is actually used. E.g., CL-INTERPOL, CL-SQL.
If the goal is to parse a subset of lisp, then the program text is a sequence of sexprs.
The error is really in the lexer. Your parentheses end up as the last "." in the lexer, and don't show up as parentheses in the parser.
Add rules like
\) { return RPAREN; }
\( { return LPAREN; }
to the lexer and change all occurences of '(', ')' to LPAREN and RPAREN respectively in the parser. (also, you need to #define LPAREN and RPAREN where you define your token list)
Note: I'm not sure about the syntax, could be the backslashes are wrong.
You are correct in that you need to define a non-terminal. That would be defined as a set of sexpr. I'm not sure of the YACC syntax for that. I'm partial to ANTLR for parser generators and the syntax would be:
program: sexpr*
Indicating 0 or more sexpr.
Update with YACC syntax:
program : /* empty */
| program sexpr
Not in YACC, but might be helpful anyway, here's a full grammar in ANTLR v3 that works for the cases you described(excludes strings in the lexer because it's not important for this example, also uses C# console output because that's what I tested it with):
program: (sexpr)*;
sexpr: list
| atom {Console.WriteLine("matched sexpr");}
'('')' {Console.WriteLine("matched empty list");}
| '(' members ')' {Console.WriteLine("matched list");}
members: (sexpr)+ {Console.WriteLine("members 1");};
atom: Id {Console.WriteLine("ID");}
| Num {Console.WriteLine("NUM");}
Num: ( '0' .. '9')+;
Id: ('a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z')+;
Whitespace : ( ' ' | '\r' '\n' | '\n' | '\t' ) {Skip();};
This won't work exactly as is in YACC because YACC generates and LALR parser while ANTLR is a modified recursive descent. There is a C/C++ output target for ANTLR if you wanted to go that way.
Do you neccesarily need a yacc/bison parser? A "reads a subset of lisp syntax" reader isn't that hard to implement in C (start with a read_sexpr function, dispatch to a read_list when you see a '(', that in turn builds a list of contained sexprs until a ')' is seen; otherwise, call a read_atom that collects an atom and returns it when it can no longer read atom-constituent characters).
However, if you want to be able to read arbritary Common Lisp, you'll need to (at the worst) implement a Common Lisp, as CL can modify the reader run-time (and even switch between different read-tables run-time under program control; quite handy when you're wanting to load code written in another language or dialect of lisp).
It's been a long time since I worked with YACC, but you do need a top-level non-terminal. Could you be more specific about "tried it" and "it didn't seem to work"? Or, for that matter, what the errors are?
I'd also suspect that YACC might be overkill for such a syntax-light language. Something simpler (like recursive descent) might work better.
You could try this grammar here.
I just tried it, my "yacc lisp grammar" works fine :
%start exprs
| exprs expr
/// if you prefer right recursion :
/// | expr exprs
'(' exprs ')'
| list
| '+'
| '-'
| '*'
| '^'
| '/'