Which languages does libpeas support? - plugins

The plugin description for a libpeas plugin contains a line determining the Loader and with this the programming language the plugin is written in. It seems the documentation includes not list of available languages. Inspecting the git repository of the project, a top-level directory "Loaders" can be found listing entries for
seed and
It is unclear also if the python version expected is 2 or 3.
These are by far fewer languages that the related gobject introspection provides support for.
Are the listed 4 all available loaders? Or do external projects exist that provides more loaders?

AFAIK yes, those are all the loaders which are available, though it would make much more sense to ask on an official libpeas forum (like the mailing list or IRC channel) than on SO.
Vala uses the C loader, and can be used with libpeas.
Also, a lot of the projects listed on that site aren't in particularly good shape. For example, JGIR is probably in better shape than most (IIRC there is a GSoC student working on it right now), but it can't handle out or inout parameters. A libpeas loader isn't really necessary until the language is actually usable with GI.

For people that would needs a list of supported loaders, i think this may be useful.
As stated on the valadoc page for libpeas-1.0/Peas.Engine.enable_loader ¹ :
C : The C plugin loader is always enabled ;
lua5.1 : Lua 5.1 loader - Example ;
python : Python2 loader ;
python3 : Python3 loader - Example.
gjs : GJS loader - EDIT: Seems to have been disconstinued.
I suppose that using the C loader may works for Genie plugins too.


MPI Autocompletion in Visual Studio Code

I'm trying to use Visual Studio Code to develop Fortran MPI programs. However, while I can successfully build and run them just fine, it would be very helpful for me if I can use intellisense/autocompletion features for MPI (as well as other external modules). I have /usr/lib/openmpi/ (which contains mpi_f08.mod) as part of fortran.includePaths in my settings.json. However, when I use mpi_f08, I get the problem message from VS Code Module "mpi_f08" not found in project. Here is a minimal CMake build example:
! hello.f90
program hello
use mpi_f08
implicit none
integer :: ierror, nproc, my_rank
call MPI_Init()
call MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, nproc, ierror)
call MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, my_rank, ierror)
print*, "hello from rank ", my_rank
call MPI_Finalize()
end program hello
# CMakeLists.txt
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.12)
find_package(MPI REQUIRED)
add_executable(hello_mpi hello.f90)
target_link_libraries(hello_mpi PUBLIC ${MPI_Fortran_LIBRARIES})
I would like to be able to (i) get rid of the warning/message and more importantly (ii) enable suggestions from MPI when I press CTRL+space as it would if I was calling from an internal module.
I'll post a partial answer since it's better than nothing, hopefully this helps someone else and/or enables someone else to answer my question fully.
It seems the issue relates to the Fortran language server, which can be configured by adding a .fortls JSON file, as explained on its Github README: https://github.com/hansec/fortran-language-server
I added the following, which allowed it to find not only local modules but also MPI (and the external module json-fortran):
"source_dirs": ["src", "."],
"ext_source_dirs": [
This doesn't capture all functions in json-fortran, which I think is because of its .inc files, as it doesn't give me function pointers like json_file::get at autocomplete.
As for MPI, this kind of works, as it gives me all the functions I can think of needing, but with _f08 appended to the end of it. I don't know the inner workings of OpenMPI but I guess e.g. MPI_Init wraps MPI_Init_f08 for reasons of backward compatibility. For now I can simply autocomplete to the _f08 version and remove that bit manually. (I also tried adding openmpi-4.1.2/ompi/mpi/fortran/use-mpi-tkr and openmpi-4.1.2/ompi/mpi/fortran/mpif.h but no luck).
Would be nice to get this detail sorted though. It is also mildly annoying that I must manually include the source dirs now (removing it makes it not find local modules).

iemmatrix [mtx_*] couldn't create in PureData

I am working on an old internal project. I am working on windows. The puredata I am using is on 32bit.
There are some objects like [mtx_*~] [mtx_:] [mtx_.^] [mtx_circular_harmonics] have "couldn't create" error.
I have iemmatrix installed through "find external".
I tried older versions of Puredata extended or several versions of vanilla. I can't create mtx_, either.
From pd/externals/iemmatrix, I can find a file called "mtx_0x2a0x7e.dll", which I think is "mtx_~" after decoding.
There is not much information on the internet about it anymore.
The "official" version (not the one with the 'extended' suffix) is compiled as a multi-object library. So you have to load the library first, either with a command line flag '-lib iemmatrix' or with a [declare -lib iemmatrix] object in your patch (The latter is much preferred as it makes your patch more portable). When loaded, iemmatrix prints a greeter to the Pd console window:
iemmatrix 0.3.2
objects for manipulating 2d-matrices
(c) 2001-2015 iem
IOhannes m zmölnig
Thomas Musil
Franz Zotter
compiled Sep 6 2019 : 12:07:54
After that you can create objects like [mtx_*~]
The version 'v0.0-extended' was added to facilitate the migration away from now retired Pd-extended. Since it is compiled as a one-object-per-file library and many of the those objects have names that cannot easily be used in filenames, Pd-extended used a trick with an additional hexloader library that translates hex encoded filenames to the actual name of the objects. For being able to load objects from the extended version, you would have to install and load 'hexloader' first.
Having said that, it is highly recommended to use the official version which is actively maintained while the extended version is not and is there for historical reasons.

More than one V4L-DVB driver on the same host machine

I have a question related to V4L-DVB drivers. Following the
Building/Compiling the Latest V4L-DVB Source Code link, there are 3 ways to
compile. I am curious about the last approach (More "Manually
Intensive" Approach). It allows me to choose the components that I
wish to build and install using the "make menuconfig". Some of these components (i.e. "CONFIG_MEDIA_ATTACH") are used in pre-processor directives that define a function in one shape if defined, and a function in another if not defined (i.e.
dvb_attach, dvb_detach) in the resulting modules (i.e. dvb_core.ko)
that will be loaded by most of the DVB drivers. What happens if there are two
drivers (*.ko modules) on the same host machine, one that needs dvb_core.ko with
CONFIG_MEDIA_ATTACH defined and another that needs dvb_core.ko with
CONFIG_MEDIA_ATTACH undefined, is there a clean way to handle this?
What is also not clear to me is: Since the V4L compilation environment seems very customizable (by setting the .config file), if I develop a driver using V4L-DVB structures, there is a big chance that it has conflicts with other drivers since each driver has its own custom settings. Is my understanding correct?

Using classes in TCL using Simple Agent Pro

I am using this software called Simple Agent Pro, and it primarily uses TCL code. I was wondering anybody familiar with TCL or Sapro would be kind enough to tell me how to import the modules into the .tel file for Sapro.
When I try this:
package require tclOO.h
The program stops working.
Any help would be appreciated.
I don't know Simple Agent Pro at all, but if you're doing a “guerilla install” of TclOO then you need a few things:
Make sure you're using Tcl 8.5 (see what package require Tcl returns).
If you're using 8.4 (note: 8.4 EOLed this month), TclOO will not work at all (and it cannot be backported).
If you're using 8.6, it already provides the TclOO package and you shouldn't need to fuss around with all this.
Do a build of TclOO and install it to a location you prefer.
This will require Tcl's internal source files; TclOO explicitly pokes its nose into places where most code shouldn't.
You probably don't need to have a custom build of 8.5; just the configured sources somewhere will do. (You might need to hack the configure scripts a little bit.)
Add the location that you installed TclOO to to the search path inside your Tcl 8.5 program.
lappend auto_path /the_dir/you_put/it_in
If you're using Windows, it's probably easiest to use forward slashes for this path anyway (this is a directory name that is always highly protected before it hits the OS, so that's OK).
Now you should be able to require/use the package.
package require TclOO
oo::class create Foo {
# etc.
Note that the case and exactly how you write it matters. The version you get ought to be at least 1.0 (earlier versions were for development only) which corresponds exactly with the API as supported in Tcl 8.6 (modulo a few things that require 8.6 for other reasons, such as being able to yield inside a method which only works in 8.6 because that's where yield was first defined).
You probably mean
package require TclOO
Case and other stuff is important there.
Next time you should also include the stack trace. If the program stops working, it should display that either as dialog or on stdout.

Gwt i18n > generating properties files

I'm using GWT in my stuff, and I would like to make it,
international, so I use GWT constants method.
I have a java file with defaults, and I now need to make properties files.
In a remember, there is a special thing to do (or done automagically) to generate
a kind of template where all constants are generated with empty labels for other langages.
Did I dream this ?
(using eclipse indigo to develop webapp with gwt but not gae)
this was not a dream, it's i18ncreator:
but I can't make it working on windows :-(
[edit again ]
due to this issue : http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=5113
recommended solution is use i18ncreator in gwt 1.7 (!)
you should see the page on locales in GWT
I had the same issue. I was looking all over the place for the answer but could not find an answer; either in the docs or on stackoverflow.
So I asked in the GWT gitter channel and was told to use the compiler argument
-extra <destination-folder-name>
to generate the .properties files from the Interface files.
Steps in eclipse:
Select project you want to compile
[right click] -> Google -> GWT Compile
In the window that opens, open the Advanded options.
Add the following additional compiler argument -extra <destination-folder-name>
This should generate the *.properties files in the /destination-folder-name.
NOTE: This only generates the .properties files. It does not actually compile the application with all the locales for deploy.
Move the MyInterfaceExtension_*.properties to be right beside the MyInterfaceExtension.java file.
Make copies for each locale i.e. MyInterfaceExtension_fr_CA.properties, MyInterfaceExtension_fr_FR.properties, etc..
Translate them
Then run the compilation process again with out the -extra <destination-folder-name> option. Because it is not needed anymore.
This will compile with all the locales you enabled. You can now deploy the app the usual way.
Quick Tips:
When compiling for the first time in order to generate the .properties file, I commented out the locales in the module definition file so that the compiler will not sit there and compile again and again for every browser and every locale
i.e. supported_browser_count x enabled_locale_count = 5 browsers x 3 locales = 15 compilation Permutations, which is going to increase your compilation time.
Because, all I needed was that one *_en.properties file.
For the second compilation, after you copied and translated the properties files for each locale, you have to enable all the locales you want to support and compile.
github #niloc132 : Colin Alworth
github #ibaca : Ignacio Baca Moreno-Torres
For helping me with this.
For my project, I used the i18n-Creator
It kind of does the opposite of what you are asking for. With the i18n-creator, you create the properties files for the various locales and run the script that is generated with the i18n-creator, and it will generate the constants interface.
I haven't heard yet of this feature in Eclipse but IntelliJ IDEA has this feature, you just create the Constants Interface class and the properties file. If you add a method in the class file it will warn you to add the property or the other way around. HTH.