typo3: how does css work in the system - typo3

In one page, I installed a plugin called 'core', then in page->template, I put inline css, like this:
[globalVar= TSFE:id=159]
page {
CSS_inlineStyle (
.tx-core-pi1 .intro h1 {
border-bottom: 1px solid #fff;
But in the front page, it is overwritten by
#main h1{border-bottom: 1px solid #EA9E2A;}
this configuration: #main h1 is located in this file:fileadmin/templates/template1/styles.css
If i change .tx-core-pi1 .intro h1 to #main h1 in ts setting, then it will work properly, it will override #main h1{border-bottom: 1px solid #EA9E2A;}, so how does css apply to front page in typo3? which has the higher priority? plugin css, inlincss...?

The behavior you are experiencing has nothing to do with TYPO3. It results from the CSS standard (shortened):
If multiple rules apply to the same property of an element, the rule with the more specific selector takes precedence. Since selectors containing an ID have a very high precedence, the rule containing #main is used. If both rules are equally specific (as happens when you change the selector of the rule from TypoScript to #main h1), the rule that appears later is used.
Here is an introduction to CSS specifity.


How to create custom UI for a MATLAB application?

MATLAB possesses all features I need in my application, except for one - a 21st century look to the applications it builds. The old UI controls with the skin from the 90s just don't cut it anymore. Are there ways to customize the GUI of the compiled window itself? I know of App Designer for MATLAB (which is an alternative for GUIDE as I understood) but that's not close enough. For example, I want a complete flat design look with sprites/buttons/etc drawn in Photoshop for my built application.
Would an external C library/framework be able to build a custom GUI when compiling an application?
I've tried to google this question and it seems like nobody cares about design in the scientific community. I'm not quite sure how to phrase my question, apologies. I hope some of you have a bit of experience with this.
P.S.: Below is the look I'd like to achieve:
As described in my previous comment, and starting from R2019b, you can use uihtml components in new web-based uifigure (introduced in R2016a) to customize style of elements appearing on screen via css + javascript
Here below is a very simple example for a css-styled button:
First the matlab code (TestUiHtml.m):
function [] = TestUiHtml()
% Create the figure and layout
fig = uifigure('Name', 'Test uihtml', 'Color', [1 1 1]);
grid = uigridlayout('Parent', fig, 'ColumnWidth', { '1x', '1x' }, 'RowHeight', {200, '1x' }, 'BackgroundColor', fig.Color);
% Add a uihtml element (that will act like a button using html+css+javascript)
button = uihtml('Parent', grid, 'HTMLSource', 'myway.html', 'DataChangedFcn', #(s,e)onBtnClicked(fig));
% Button layout
button.Layout.Row = 1; button.Layout.Column = [1 2];
function [] = onBtnClicked(fig)
uialert(fig, 'World!', 'Clicked', 'Icon', 'info');
NB: Above code simply adds in the figure a uihtml component whose property HTMLSource points to the html content you want to have.
Here is the html code to describe the custom uihtml component content (myway.html):
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="myway.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="myway.js"></script>
<div class="container">
<button class="skewBtn blue" id="btn">Hello!</button>
NB: It is not mandatory to have a fully well-formed html code (i.e. just a <button style="...">Hello</button> would do).
The linked css code to style the html content (myway.css):
body {
background-color: transparent;
.container {
display: flex;
justify-content: space-evenly;
align-items: center;
flex-wrap: wrap;
height: 97vh;
.container .skewBtn {
width: 180px;
height: 80px;
outline: none;
cursor: pointer;
background: none;
transition: 0.5s;
font-size: 24px;
border-radius: 5px;
font-family: "Lato", sans-serif;
.container .skewBtn:hover {
border: none;
color: white;
font-size: 28px;
transform: scale(1.1);
.blue {
border: 2px solid #1976D2;
color: #1976D2;
.blue:hover {
background-color: #1976D2;
transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out;
And finally the javascript code for event/data marshalling between matlab and the html-based component ... or for more advanced programming logic, if any, for the html-content (myway.js):
function setup(htmlComponent)
document.getElementById("btn").addEventListener("click", function(event)
htmlComponent.Data = 1234; // dummy value to fire event on matlab side
Marshalling is ensure via the data property of a htmlComponent object which both sides (i.e. matlab/javascript) are listening to for changes. Matlab automatically uses jsonencode/jsondecode in the background so you can pass back and forth almost any structure/values you need directly.
And voilĂ  ... a nice-and-responsive css-styled button in matlab's figure:
It would be of course better to refactor above code as a uibuttonex class modeled on existing uibutton property name/value pairs.
Sarting from R2021a it is eventually possible to add it to app designer library of components as described here (I personally don't use the designer and prefer to code interfaces programmatically).
Some remarks
It is not possible to directly style exiting uibutton, uipanel, uitab, etc... elements => Mathwork does not allow to access uifigure's html nor to inject css/javascript in it easily (see following undocumented-matlab thread and mlapptools project to try to cheat things). For instance a uibutton does not translate to directly <button> markup in uifigure's source but a lot of imbricated <div>, so it is very difficult to style (and will probably change from one release to another).
I would not recommend to create a single uihtml element in the figure and code everything in html+css+javascript, but I would rather recommend to create small and simple custom uibuttonex, etc elements ... else you'll have to deal with a single data blob to connect you interface with the matlab code which can be tricky and difficult to reuse.
Unfortunately it is yet not possible to create custom html-containers in which you can add other child ui-elements (custom or non-custom) ... say bye-bye to create containers similar to uix.GridFlex, uix.CardPanel from the wonderful GUI Layout toolbox or to creating nicely styled uitabex, etc... This is really a missing part !
Looking at source code of uifigure pages, custom ui-elements are also embedded in <iframe></iframe> markups, so it is not possible to inject some global css/javascript code (i.e. you'll have to repeat this for each uihtml element you create). It is not possible (or difficult) then to have multiple uihtml elements to interact with each-other (unless coding everything in a single page or passing through matlab code/events only).
Addendum : Here is a solution to get css-style from parent, unfortunately this does not solve one need to inject this css in the main uifigure source (well this can be done in javascript ... something like if !exist(parent.elements where id="mycss") => parent.document.inject(lalala))
Mathworks is going the good direction with uifigure and html in the background, but it's still a bit too locked for now and missing important containers from the GUI Layout toolbox.
NB: I tried the GUI Layout toolbox elements in uifigure ... some are working (with lot of resizing bugs), other are not working at all (GridFlex). Maybe a new version of the toolbox will come.
For modern charting you can use javascript libraries like D3js, SciChart, LightningChart, or others!!.
There is some example using D3 on fileexchange

Parse and rewrite CSS with Electron and ReactJS

I'm writing a desktop application with Electron and ReactJS that edits CSS files. I need to scan the CSS looking for a class selector, and then clear the following declaration block and add some new properties.
The tricky part is matching the class in the selector. I need the class to be the actual target (not a parent), but there might be multiple comma-separated selectors, and so I need to check all of them. For example, in this file I'm searching for the containerApp class:
.section-main .section-right , .menu .container-manu , .containerApp .container-nav {
background: black;
.section-main2 .section-left , .menu .container-manu , .section-group-d .containerApp {
background: red;
The first block doesn't match because .containerApp is only mentioned as the parent of the real target, .container-nav. The second block does match, and I would want to remove the background: red; and replace it with something else.
What's the best way to go about doing this CSS matching and rewriting?

XmlWorker does not recognize styles on nested tables

I have 2 (or more) nested tables: the first is for layout purpose and the others are normal tables with data.
I use the first table because I need to repeat header and footer in each page, so I use
css special rules to achieve this, and it works.
I put my document body into elements.
For data tables I need to give 1px border to the elements, so I created the css rules to do that:
table.data {
border-collapse: collapse;
margin-bottom: 15px;
width: 100%;
table.data td {
padding: 5px;
border: 1px solid #000;
border-collapse: collapse
and I set the class of my element. But it does not have borders.
It looks like overwrite the data style with the external table style, that doesn't have any border so I don't have borders in my internal tables.
My css is into tag and sometimes I write something inline, but nothing overwrites the 1px border.
I'm using Itext for android and XMLWorker (last version 5.4.4).
My template is HTML and I call from java following method:
xmlworker css support is poor, look here:
The only fix I found is avoid to use css inheritance and use inline css in every html tag of nested tables.

How to set the style of GXT's Info.display?

I'm using GXT's Info class to display messages/notifications. I'm trying to change the style of my Info class using this :
NotificationInfo info = new NotificationInfo(); // extends Info class
// Configuration
InfoConfig config = new DefaultInfoConfig(title, message);
// Formatting
info.setStyleName("background-color:#f9ff4f;text-align:center;" + "border:0x solid black; padding: 3px; font-size:11px;font-weight: bold;");
But it's not working! Any Pointers?
This should work... (for GXT3 it does anyway)
info.getElement().applyStyles("background-color:#f9ff4f;text-align:center;" + "border:0x solid black; padding: 3px; font-size:11px;font-weight: bold;");
By the way, if you need to do a similar thing for a gwt widget (that you are using in your GXT app) you can do...
info.getElement().<XElement> cast().applyStyles("background-color:#f9ff4f;text-align:center;" + "border:0x solid black; padding: 3px; font-size:11px;font-weight: bold;");
NOTE: I am not sure about the merits of setting it inline like this, but setting a css style just fails (ok the style is set on element but the actual place you want to change gets rendered in a div in a td in table down the line and the div overrides your the value inherit from the css you set). Best practice is surely to go the full appearances route for GXT3 widgets but that's a lot of work for a small change and so I do use the above sometimes.
Applying styles is only a quick solution and not the best, because GWT CssResource has few advantages than direct CSS applying like minification, validation. As mentioned in another answer the best approach is to create an appearance for including your styles and replace the appearance of the NotificationInfo with your one. I have previously answered to a similar question. Think it will help. https://stackoverflow.com/a/15222404/1293087

Styling a GWT Button with CSS

I'm trying to apply css with GWT Button widget, however I can apply CSS gradient, the "embossed" style of the widget is still there. How can I remove that?
My gwt application is inherting from this theme:
<inherits name='com.google.gwt.user.theme.clean.Clean'/>
Als have tried:
<inherits name='com.google.gwt.user.theme.standard.Standard'/>
I also have tried adding:
.gwt-Button {}
In the main css file that is loaded on the page however the embossed style is still there.
Anyone knows how to remove the embossed style?
Option 1: Not using themes at all
If you don't need the default styles, and generally want to give the page your own style, then it's easiest to completely omit the <inherits> statement for the themes. GWT works very well without using a theme.
(Note: If you still need the (image) resources from the theme, but without injecting the CSS stylesheet into the page, you can inherit com.google.gwt.user.theme.clean.CleanResources instead of com.google.gwt.user.theme.clean.Clean. This way they will still be copied automatically to your war folder.)
Option 2: Selectively turning off theming for buttons
If however you generally want to use a theme, and only need to give some buttons your own style, then an easy solution is calling
Note: Instead of removeStyleName() you could also use setStyleName("my-Button").
For convenience (and for easier usage in UiBinder) you may want to derive your own class like
package org.mypackage;
public class MyStyleButton extends Button {
public MyStyleButton(final String html) {
/* ... override all the other Button constructors similarly ... */
Which can then be imported and used in UiBinder like
<ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui='urn:ui:com.google.gwt.uibinder'
Option 3: Actually changing the gwt-Button class attributes
If you want to keep the themed look of the buttons, and only change a few style attributes, then it's also possible to overwrite certain attributes in the predefined style classes with !important (as suggested by #bouhmid_tun). But be careful: The list of attributes might change in the future. Here are all the predefined style classes for .gwt-Button of GWT 2.4.0 for your convenience:
.gwt-Button {
margin: 0;
padding: 5px 7px;
text-decoration: none;
cursor: pointer;
cursor: hand;
background: url("images/hborder.png") repeat-x 0px -2077px;
border:1px solid #bbb;
border-bottom: 1px solid #a0a0a0;
border-radius: 3px;
-moz-border-radius: 3px;
.gwt-Button:active {
border: 1px inset #ccc;
.gwt-Button:hover {
border-color: #939393;
.gwt-Button[disabled] {
cursor: default;
color: #888;
.gwt-Button[disabled]:hover {
border: 1px outset #ccc;
To avoid using GWT default style, I just use !important tag in my CSS file. You'll find here an example of doing so : Remove absolute position generated by GWT. Good luck!