vim displaying a 'page break' at line ending, with at's in margin (#) - encoding

I have an ANSI XML file using windows linebreaks.
At the end of a line, I have CRLF[space][space] (0 x 0D 0A 20 20)
In other text editors, this displays as newline, space space. in VIM, it appears to be doing a sort of 'page break' instead of a linebreak, with a screenfull of # characters down the left margin.
I have tried reloading the file using different encodings and explicit linebreak formats, but it made no useful difference.
Does anyone understand this phenomenon?
Thank you

This is just trying to show a long line all at once. You can turn it off with lastline
'display' 'dy' string (default "")
{not in Vi}
Change the way text is displayed. This is comma separated list of
lastline When included, as much as possible of the last line
in a window will be displayed. When not included, a
last line that doesn't fit is replaced with "#" lines.
uhex Show unprintable characters hexadecimal as <xx>
instead of using ^C and ~C.


Tab stops are messed up after rarer unicode characters

In vscode, when I open a file containing unicode characters,
I notice that tabs do not always advance to the next tab stop.
For example, the following might be part of an ASCII-flavor table
While sublime text renders it correctly(IMO)
vscdoe has a different idea
As I understand it, vscode renders a tab by
replacing it with a proper number of space characters.
So if there are characters showing using proportional fonts,
no integer number of spaces will make it to the proper stop.
(See this related issue.)
So my question is, how can I fix this?
Is it possible to tell vscode that
"Fine, if you were to assume that those unicode characters
are 2 spaces wide when tabbing,
would you please render them as 2 spaces wide?"

How to prevent line breaks (general)

I'm writing a text on C++. But often the line breaks after the first "+", so I get C+
This is just an example. How can I prevent line breaking of arbitrary parts in my odt doc?
There is no formatting option at the moment
Use the Unicode Character U+2060. Insert it an every point the line breaks, but it shouldn't. It glues two parts together.
Example for "C++" ( | represents the text cursor )
Press Ctrl+Shift+U
u will appear on the screen
Type in 2060
Press Enter
Now the line won't break between C and +.
Move cursor: C+|+
repeat process

restructuredText / Sphinx: explicit horizontal space

How can I explicitly insert a horizontal spacing in Sphinx/reStructuredText?
The original problem is that I want to have a vocalization sign ُ to appear over space, but it is always displayed over the first letter of the next word.
Assuming that is "U+064F : ARABIC DAMMA", it appears to be a combination character, which means, if I read this correctly, that it cannot be displayed inline and separate from another character, unless you trick it out with a non-breaking space replacement. I grabbed an example from this answer.
this is |damma| |nbsp| damma
.. |damma| unicode:: U+064F .. ARABIC DAMMA
.. |nbsp| unicode:: U+00A0 .. NO-BREAK SPACE
I was able to display it in isolation using either a .. code-block:: directive or as its own paragraph.
.. code-block:: text

Org-Mode Inline Code with Equals Signs

In org-mode, I want to give inline code with equals signs and quotation marks:
<div class="foo">
The way I would normally do this in org-mode is
=<div class="foo">=
When I export this to HTML, it gets rendered like this:
<div class"foo">=
What is the right way to do this inline (rather than just creating a source block)?
You could use verbatim markers, ~, instead:
~<div class="foo">~
The problem is that the equals sign after 'class' is interpreted as the closing code section delimiter. You can prevent this by inserting a space before the equals sign, like this:
=<div class = "foo">=
I wanted org-mode's source code to appear correctly in Github's parser. But, just as =:echo "hello"= would not appear correctly in Emacs, it also did not appear correctly in Github. However, I tried other characters with C-x 8 RET, and the LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK and RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK work. That is,
=:echo “hello“=
appear successfully as
:echo “hello“
Unfortunately, I don't think they will actually work if copy-and-pasted into all environments. Vim gives E15: Invalid expression: “hello“. But then, how often do we paste commands into Vim's command line. Well, okay, there is :#".
After almost a decade, here's the correct answer:
Org's escape character is zero width space. When this character is inserted, Emacs will not interpret = as the end of the verbatim. Emacs can correctly interpret =<div class​="foo">=. Note that this string has an invisible zero width space character.
However, I think due to a bug, exports from org to other formats, will have this character and need to be removed manually. For example, the export of the string above to markdown will be `<div class​="foo">` which is what we want, except that it has an additional zero width space character.
It is not very hard to fix this. Removing all these additional characters can be easily done with replace-string command.
Tip: You can use C-x 8 RET (or insert-char command) and choose 200B to insert zero width space character inside Emacs.

Notepad++ newline in regex

Suppose you have this file:
and you want to find the sequence abc (and select the whole 3 lines) with Notepad++ . How to express the newline in regex, please?
Notepad++ can do that comfortably, you don't even need regexes
In the find dialogue box look in the bottom left and switch your search mode to Extended which allows \n etc.
As odds on you're working on a file in windows format you'll be looking for \r\n (carriage return, newline)
Will find the pattern over three lines
Update 18th June 2012
With the new Notepad++ v6, you can indeed search for newlines with regexes. So you can just use
even with regular expressions to accomplish what you want. Note \r\n is Windows encoding of line-breaks. In Unix files, its just \n.
Unfortunately, you can't do that in Notepad++ when using regex search. Notepad++ is based on the Scintilla editor component, which doesn't handle newlines in regex.
You can use extended search for newline searching, but I don't think that will help you search for 3 lines.
More info here.
Update: Robb and StartClass0830 were right about extended search. It does work, but not when using regular expressions search.
This will work \x0D is newline and \x0A is carriage return. Assumption is that each line in your file ends with ascii 10 and 13.
I found a workaround for this.
Simply, in Extended mode replace all \r\n to a string that didn't exist in the rest of the document eg. ,,,newline,,, (watch out for special regexp chars like $, &, and *).
Then switch to Regexp mode, do some replacements (now newline is ,,,newline,,,).
Next, switch to Extended mode again and replace all ,,,newline,,, to \r\n.
For Notepad 6 and beyond, do this as a regular expression:
Select Search Mode > Regular expression (w/o . matches newline)
And in the Find what Textbox : a[\r\n]b[\r\n]+c[\r\n]
or if you are looking at the (Windows or Unix) file to see its line breaks as \r\n or \n then you may find it easier to use Extended Mode:
Select Search Mode > Extended (\n, \r, \t, \0, \x...)
And in the Find what Textbox for Windows: a\r\nb\r\nc\r\n
Or in the Find what Textbox for Unix: a\nb\nc\n
Wasn't clear if the OP intent is to select the trailing line return (after the 'c') as well, as would be necessary to remove the lines.
To not select the trailing line return, as appropriate for replacing with a non-empty string, simply remove the final line return from the matching statement.
Note that if there should be a match on the last line of the string, without a matching trailing line return, the match fails.
a\r\nb\r\nc works for me, but not ^a\x0D\x0Ab\x0D\x0Ac
Hmm, too bad that newline is not working with regular expressions. Now I have to go back to Textpad again. :(
Select Search Mode Which is
Extended (\n, \r, \t, \0, \x...)
\n is new line and such
This is Manuel
Find: "(^a.$)\r\n(b.)\r\n^(c.*)$" - pickup 3 whole lines, only storing data
Replace with: "\1\2\3" - Put down (replay) data
Works fine in Regex with Notepad++ v7.9.5
Place holders: ^ Start and $ End of line can be inside or out of ()store as shown, though clearly not necessary in given example. Note "[^x]" is different - here "^" is "NOT".
Advantage of storing and replay allows much more complicated pattern match without having to type in again what you want to end up with, and even change of replay: "\2\3\1" for "bca"
I have run accross this little issue when the document is windows CR/LF
If you click the box for . to match newlines you need .. to match CR/LF so if you have
you need to use ",.." to match some string comma cr/lf another string
In Notepad++ you can also try highlighting the desired part of the text and then pressing CTRL+J.
That would justify the text and thus removing all line endings.