Service with background jobs, how to ensure jobs only run periodically ONCE per cluster - scala

I have a play framework based service that is stateless and intended to be deployed across many machines for horizontal scaling.
This service is handling HTTP JSON requests and responses, and is using CouchDB as its data store again for maximum scalability.
We have a small number of background jobs that need to be run every X seconds across the whole cluster. It is vital that the jobs do not execute concurrently on each machine.
To execute the jobs we're using Actors and the Akka Scheduler (since we're using Scala):
Duration.create(0, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS),
Duration.create(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS),
object LoggingJob {
def props = Props[LoggingJob]
class LoggingJob extends UntypedActor {
override def onReceive(message: Any) {"Job executed! " + message.toString())
Is there:
any built in trickery in Akka/Actors/Play that I've missed that will do this for me?
OR a recognised algorithm that I can put on top of Couchbase (distributed mutex? not quite?) to do this?
I do not want to make any of the instances 'special' as it needs to be very simple to deploy and manage.

Check out Akka's Cluster Singleton Pattern.
For some use cases it is convenient and sometimes also mandatory to
ensure that you have exactly one actor of a certain type running
somewhere in the cluster.
Some examples:
single point of responsibility for certain cluster-wide consistent decisions, or coordination of actions across the cluster system
single entry point to an external system
single master, many workers
centralized naming service, or routing logic
Using a singleton should not be the first design choice. It has
several drawbacks, such as single-point of bottleneck. Single-point of
failure is also a relevant concern, but for some cases this feature
takes care of that by making sure that another singleton instance will
eventually be started.


Number of runtime instances (pods) on Stream deployment on Spring Cloud Dataflow

We are right now busy with a new project where we want to introduce SCDF, but running into one major issue and was wondering if you guys faced a similar issue and how did you solve it.
What we saw, for every stream we create in SCDF, the deployment(on Kubernetes) creates separate instances of the microservices per stream. So if microservice A is used in 3 different streams, at runtime we have 3 instances of microservice A. In our solution, we have a lot of reusable microservices but if SCDF instantiates these microservices per stream we are roughly running almost 400 instances (pods) in production, and if we scale on top of this, we are using an enormous amount of resources. We need to somehow find a way to share pods (instances) across streams.
Did you face this issue? If yes, what was your approach to this?
There are a couple of ways to reduce the number of pods.
Use function composition. All of the prepackaged apps are now function based, meaning you can combine functions into a single source, sink or processor app. The SCDF stream definition requires at least a source and sink, but the out of the box functions are designed to be reused in custom apps which may apply the functions to implement intermediate steps as necessary. Bear in mind that composed functions processes data in memory, eliminating the messaging middleware used to stream data between separate pods. This could make your app more susceptible to data loss. There are always trade offs.
Use named destinations: You may share parts of a streaming pipeline using named destinations. This allows you to fan-in or fan-out. In this example, 3 stream definitions enable 2 sources to feed a shared processor and sink.
source1 > :my-named-destination
source2 > :my-named-destination
:my-named-destination > proccessor1 | sink1
The commercial edition of SCDF supports stream definitions using custom components that implement multiple input/outputs. This gives you options similar to the above, where custom routing logic is implemented internally
You can deploy a custom task in place of a stream if appropriate for your use case. The task may incorporate out of the box functions and function composition as needed.
An important consideration when combining components is increased coupling and dependencies among pipeline steps. Simple linear processing creates more pods but is much simpler to implement,deploy,manage, and reason about.

Invoking CloudRun endpoint from within itself

Assuming there is a Flask web server that has two routes, deployed as a CloudRun service over GKE.
#app.route('/cpu_intensive', methods=['POST'], endpoint='cpu_intensive')
def cpu_intensive():
#TODO: some actions, cpu intensive
#app.route('/batch_request', methods=['POST'], endpoint='batch_request')
def batch_request():
#TODO: invoke cpu_intensive
A "batch_request" is a batch of many same structured requests - each one is highly CPU intensive and handled by the function "cpu_intensive". No reasonable machine can handle a large batch and thus it needs to be paralleled across multiple replicas.
The deployment is configured that every instance can handle only 1 request at a time, so when multiple requests arrive CloudRun will replicate the instance.
I would like to have a service with these two endpoints, one to accept "batch_requests" and only break them down to smaller requests and another endpoint to actually handle a single "cpu_intensive" request. What is the best way for "batch_request" break down the batch to smaller requests and invoke "cpu_intensive" so that CloudRun will scale the number of instances?
make http request to localhost - doesn't work since the load balancer is not aware of these calls.
keep the deployment URL in a conf file and make a network call to it?
Other suggestions?
With more detail, it's now clearer!!
You have 2 responsibilities
One to split -> Many request can be handle in parallel, no compute intensive
One to process -> Each request must be processed on a dedicated instance because of compute intensive process.
If your split performs internal calls (with localhost for example) you will be only on the same instance, and you will parallelize nothing (just multi thread the same request on the same instance)
So, for this, you need 2 services:
one to split, and it can accept several concurrent request
The second to process, and this time you need to set the concurrency param to 1 to be sure to accept only one request in the same time.
To improve your design, and if the batch processing can be asynchronous (I mean, the split process don't need to know when the batch process is over), you can add PubSub or Cloud Task in the middle to decouple the 2 parts.
And if the processing requires more than 4 CPUs 4Gb of memory, or takes more than 1 hour, use Cloud Run on GKE and not Cloud Run managed.
Last word: Now, if you don't use PubSub, the best way is to set the Batch Process URL in Env Var of your Split Service to know it.
I believe for this use case it's much better to use GKE rather than Cloud Run. You can create two kubernetes deployements one for the batch_request app and one for the cpu_intensive app. the second one will be used as worker for the batch_request app and will scale on demand when there are more requests to the batch_request app. I believe this is called master-worker architecture in which you separate your app front from intensive work or batch jobs.

Akka cluster-sharding: moving actor shards based on communication patterns

I am building an open-source distributed economic simulation platform using Akka (especially the remote and cluster packages). A key bottleneck in such simulations is the fact that communication patterns between actors evolve over the course of the simulation and often actors will end up sending loads of messages over the wire between nodes in the cluster.
I am looking for a mechanism to detect actors on some node that are communicating heavily with actors on some other node and move them to that other node. Is this possible using existing Akka cluster sharding functionality? Perhaps this is what Roland Kuhn meant by "automatic actor tree partitioning" is his answer to this SO question.
To move shards around according to your own logic is doable by implementing a custom ShardAllocationStrategy.
You just have to extend ShardAllocationStrategy and implement those 2 methods:
def allocateShard(requester: ActorRef, shardId: ShardId,
currentShardAllocations: Map[ActorRef, immutable.IndexedSeq[ShardId]])
: Future[ActorRef]
def rebalance(currentShardAllocations: Map[ActorRef,
immutable.IndexedSeq[ShardId]], rebalanceInProgress: Set[ShardId])
: Future[Set[ShardId]]
The first one determines which region will be chosen when allocating a new shard, and provides you the shards already allocated. The second one is called regularly and lets you control which shards to rebalance to another region (for example, if they became too unbalanced).
Both functions return a Future, which means that you can even query another actor to get the information you need (for example, an actor that has the affinity information between your actors).
For the affinity itself, I think you have to implement something yourself. For example, actors could collect statistics about their sender nodes and post that regularly to a cluster singleton that would determine which actors should be moved to the same node.

Changing number of partitions for a reliable actor service

When I create a new Service Fabric actor the underlying (auto generated) actor service is configured to use 10 partitions.
I'm wondering how much I need to care about this value?
In particular, I wonder whether the Actor Runtime has support for changing the number of partitions of an actor service on a running cluster.
The Partition Service Fabric reliable services topic says:
In rare cases, you may end up needing more partitions than you have initially chosen. As you cannot change the partition count after the fact, you would need to apply some advanced partition approaches, such as creating a new service instance of the same service type. You would also need to implement some client-side logic that routes the requests to the correct service instance, based on client-side knowledge that your client code must maintain.
However, due to the nature of Actors and that they are managed by the Actor Runtime I'm tempted to believe that it would indeed be possible to do this. -- That the Actor Runtime would be able to take care of all the heavylifting required to re-partition actor instances.
Is that at all possible?
The number of partitions in a running service cannot be changed. This is true of Actors as well as Reliable Services. Typically, you would want to pick a large number of partitions (more than the number of nodes) up front and then scale out the number of nodes in the cluster instead of trying to repartition your data on the fly. Take a look at Abhishek and Matthew's comments in the discussion here for some ideas on how to estimate how many partitions you might need.

Using Scala Akka framework for blocking CLI calls

I'm relatively new to Akka & Scala, but I would like to use Akka as a generic framework to pull together information from various web tools, and cli commands.
I understand the general principal that in an Actor model, it is highly desirable not to have the actors block. And in the case of the http requests, there are async http clients (such as Spray) that means that I can handle the requests asynchronously within the Actor framework.
However, I'm unsure what is the best approach when combining actors with existing blocking API calls such as the scala ProcessBuilder/ProcessIO libraries. In terms of issuing these CLI commands I expect a relatively small amount of concurrency, e.g. perhaps executing a max of 10 concurrent CLI invocations on a 12 core machine.
Is it better to have a single actor managing these CLI commands, farming the actual work off to Futures that are created as needed? Or would it be cleaner just to maintain a set of separate actors backed by a PinnedDispatcher? Or something else?
From the Akka documentation ( ):
Blocking Needs Careful Management
In some cases it is unavoidable to do blocking operations, i.e. to put a thread to sleep for an indeterminate time, waiting for an external event to occur. Examples are legacy RDBMS drivers or messaging APIs, and the underlying reason in typically that (network) I/O occurs under the covers. When facing this, you may be tempted to just wrap the blocking call inside a Future and work with that instead, but this strategy is too simple: you are quite likely to find bottle-necks or run out of memory or threads when the application runs under increased load.
The non-exhaustive list of adequate solutions to the “blocking problem” includes the following suggestions:
Do the blocking call within an actor (or a set of actors managed by a router [Java, Scala]), making sure to configure a thread pool which is either dedicated for this purpose or sufficiently sized.
Do the blocking call within a Future, ensuring an upper bound on the number of such calls at any point in time (submitting an unbounded number of tasks of this nature will exhaust your memory or thread limits).
Do the blocking call within a Future, providing a thread pool with an upper limit on the number of threads which is appropriate for the hardware on which the application runs.
Dedicate a single thread to manage a set of blocking resources (e.g. a NIO selector driving multiple channels) and dispatch events as they occur as actor messages.
The first possibility is especially well-suited for resources which are single-threaded in nature, like database handles which traditionally can only execute one outstanding query at a time and use internal synchronization to ensure this. A common pattern is to create a router for N actors, each of which wraps a single DB connection and handles queries as sent to the router. The number N must then be tuned for maximum throughput, which will vary depending on which DBMS is deployed on what hardware."