Build Action is not support in this configuration in Netbeans 7.4 - netbeans

I am using netbeans 7.4 , I created a HTML5 project , when i click the build tool , it will prompt a message "Action is not support in this configuration" , may I know what is the problem ?

There is no Build action for HTML5 project unless it is Cordova project, otherwise there is nothing to build. To make "plain" HTML 5 project "Cordova" project, you can set its target browser to some Cordova target (android device, iOS device etc) using for instance the browser picker in main menu or (I think) you can open project properties, select Cordova category and click on the button to create Cordova resources. Then build action will be available and will create apk/app file.
Edit for NetBeans 8.0.1: If you have Gruntfile.js in project root folder, you can go to project properties in NetBeans, select Grunt category and map Grunt tasks to build/clean


Not able to create module in GWT in eclipse

I followed this link to write my first gwt hello world program in eclipse. I created GWT Project in eclipse,then I want to create module for that,then I right clicked on package,new-->module
in gwt,then it is not going to next step, that is the problem..
1- Start eclipse
2- From eclipse marketplace seearch for gwt
3- install Eclipse GWT plugin 3.0.0
4- From eclipse menu select window -> preferences
5- open entry GWT -> GWT settings
6- Click Download button, this will take you the gwt sdk download page.
7- Donwolad and extract the latest sdk.
8- From eclipse GWT setttings preference window click on add
9- Select the extracted SDK folder.
10- Check the check box next to the new added SDK to make it default.
11- click Apply and close
Create and run a project
1- Locate the gwt plugin action button in the toolbar.
2- Select the button and select New GWT application project ... from the dropdown.
3- Enter the project name and package then click Finish
4- Select the newly created project and from the GWT action button select GWT compile project.
5- Once the compilation is completed, Right click the project then select Run as -> 2 GWT Development mode with jetty.
6- Once ready double click the url of the HTML to open it in the browser.
#Devi George: As in your case the suggested above by #Ahmad Bawanesh answer didn't help resolving the caption issue. There is nothing in the answer that actually mentions "module", let alone how to add one. I've had everything set up as explained, and still had a compiler error. What helped to address it described in this thread. Next, you should make sure the Java JRE setting in Eclipse preferences points to the installed JRE 1.8 location and is selected as the default. This thread got it covered.
As to the actual question on adding a module to a GWT project, you can always add a file and name it as needed with an xml file extension. Search the page for "Modules: Units of configuration" on how to configure the newly created xml file. Obviously, it must have a module tag inside, among other things.

Changes to HTML files not showing on built phonegap 3.0 app

So I have a Phonegap 3.0 app (project folder), and it's project (project/platforms/android) on Eclipse.
The problem is that when I change project/www/index.html , and tell Eclipse to Run the project, the changes don't appear on my device.
I noticed that Eclipse was saying Application already deployed. No need to reinstall. so I tried adding a space in a .java file so that Eclipse would notice some change in the project and rebuild it. It worked, Installing RingTo.apk... Success! showed on the log, but still the changes to index.html didn't show at the device...
Changes made to the files inside project/www/ are not automatically copied to your project (in your case to project/platforms/android/assets/www/). You have to run the following command to iteratively copy the changes to platform specific projects and build them. Open the command prompt and navigate to the root of the project (In this case project/). Or you can even right click on the project/ folder while pressing the shift key. Then run the following command:
cordova build
You can optionally limit the scope of each build to specific platforms:
cordova build android
Alternatively, you can run the following commands:
cordova prepare android
cordova compile android
In this case, once you run prepare, you can use Eclipse with ADT installed as an alternative to modify and compile the "platform-specific code" that Cordova generates within platforms/android.
Source - Cordova Docs
So, when you have made a slight modification in a .java file (which is an android platform specific file) and tried to rebuild it within Eclipse, you were actually trying to rebuild the same project without any actual modifications.
Another alternative would be to copy the files within the project/www/ to project/platforms/android/assets/www/ by hand and then build it within Eclipse, which would, of course, be an unnecessary pain.

How to compile greenDao example without eclipse?

How to compile GreenDao examples and DaoExampleGenerator without eclipse?
You can use Android Studio to do it.
Gradle is integrated and download dependent libraries.
Just be aware on the paths in Android studio (uses the main project path containing all modules (one module in android studio is a project in Eclipse).
It worked for me.
dropdown on the run button click on Edit Configuration, then, click + button and add new Application and on config : Check on below image then click apply and ok.
Next what you need to do is on dropdown, choose your daogenerator then run the application it will compile the dao class
then it should looks like above and click run. It should works!
Good luck!!

I have installed phoneGap lib but am unable to run the app

I have installed phonegaplib for ios, I created one test project using phoneGap based on application template, but in that, phoneGap.framework is in the red color. I think it is missing. So where can I get this frame work, can any one help me?
Are you sure you're following the official guide?
Create a PhoneGap project (Xcode 4)
Launch Xcode, then under the File
menu, select "New Project...".
Navigate to the "iOS" section, under
"Applications" - then in the right
pane, select "PhoneGap-based
Select the "Next" button, name your
project and company idenfifier, then
select the "Next" button again.
Choose the location where you want
the new project to be.
Run the project at least once to
create the "www" folder in your
project folder.
Drag and drop this "www" folder into
your project in Xcode, and add it as
a folder reference.
Modify the contents of the "www"
directory to add your HTML, CSS and
Reference 1: PhoneGap iPhone - Build and install the Installer Package
Reference 2: Video: PhoneGap Installer - Xcode 4 Template [HD]
Sounds like you are using XCode 4, which is not fully compatible with PhoneGap's default settings. Use this link to have PhoneGap generate a compatible project for you:

How do I attach source code locations to plugins in my Eclipse RCP target platform?

I've got a workspace with multiple RCP plugin projects.
We've set the target platform, so we can build against a standard set of plugins, but are not able to see source code and Javadoc for all the platform plugins.
The Windows -> Preferences -> Plug-in Development -> Target Platform -> Source Code Locations page doesn't seem to have any effect when I add the eclipse directory (it only allows you to add directories).
Copying the source jars from the eclipse directory into the target platform has a similar effect.
What am I doing wrong? How do I attach a set of Source jars to my target platform?
I had the same problem today. In my case I wanted to debug into the source of the plugin embedded jetty (org.mortbay.jetty_5.1.14.v200806031611.jar) which comes with Eclipse Equinox (OSGI) which is part of my eclipse target platform.
When debugged and wanted to go into any class inside a jetty package I always got the message that it is a class from Plugin-Dependencies and the source attachment cannot be modified.
I solved it like this:
Switch to the Plugins View in Eclipse ( Window / Show View / Plugins)
locate the bundle org.mortbay.jetty
right click on that bundle and select "Import as" -> "Binary Project with linked content"
Now that Bundle shows up in your Package Explorer as a new Eclipse project, in my case org.mortbay.jetty.
Now right click on that new project in the package explorer and goto 'Properties / Java Build Path / Libraries'. You see the the jetty jar file there and if you expand this entry you can edit the 'Source Attachment' as usual. I pointed it to the downloaded Jetty Source code located in a completely different folder than my target platform which I am using for my project.
If you use Eclipse SDK bundles when building your target platform, you should be immediately provided with "Java Source Attachment" and "Javadoc Location" for each Eclipse plugin.
For example, I used "Eclipse Platform SDK" (eclipse-platform-SDK-3.4.2-win32) as target space and when I display the "Source Code Locations page" that you mentionned, it is filled with "Source locations declared in the target platform". In the Eclise IDE, I can then see Eclipse core plugins source code and javadoc (in JFace packages for example).
Otherway, it is not so easy to add plugins source code locations but you can succeed it in 2 ways :
providing a "source plugin" (the easiest way if the plugin provider also supplies the source plugin) into the target platform, as an ordinary plugin (PDE will recognise it)
providing an additional source location (not the easy way ...)
You can find more information about Target Source Code Locations in you Eclipse Help, in the following topic :
Plug-in Development Environment Guide > Tools > Preferences > Target Platform Preferences > Source Code Locations
All sources are available if you download the 'Eclipse for RCP and RAP Developers' build from the main downloads page. At least, that's what it's called for the Juno build, it used to be called Eclipse for RCP/Plug-in Developers.
It doesn't look like the plugin source code is available via the standard Java/J2ee Eclipse builds any longer. I was assuming the sources would be available via the update mechanism but have been unable to find the correct update site/feature. If anyone knows, please comment.
I can modify the target platform at runtime, using the -install runtime option. Keep the targetPlatform as the eclipse platform.
However, this loses a lot of the benefits of using a target platform in the first place - i.e. compile time safety.