Instantiate a class with Scala Macro or reflection - scala

On my scala code, I want to be able to instantiate a new class. For instance, supose I have the code below:
class Foo { def foo=10 }
trait Bar { val bar=20 }
Ideally, I want to be able to do something like:
def newInstance[A <: Foo] = { new A with Bar }
But, of course this doesn't work. I tried to use reflection to instantiate a class, but it seems that I'm only able to instantiate a new class (and not mix-in with a trait). I think it would be possible to make this work using Macros, but I'm not sure even where to start.
What I'm trying to do is like the following Ruby code:
class SomeClass
def create
class Other < SomeClass
end # <- this returns a new Other instance
Is it possible?

With a macro:
import scala.language.experimental.macros
import scala.reflect.macros.Context
object MacroExample {
def newInstance[A <: Foo]: A with Bar = macro newInstance_impl[A]
def newInstance_impl[A <: Foo](c: Context)(implicit A: c.WeakTypeTag[A]) = {
import c.universe._
c.Expr[A with Bar](q"new $A with Bar")
This will work as expected, and will fail at compile time if you try to instantiate a class that doesn't have a no-argument constructor.
I've used quasiquotes here for the sake of clarity, but you could build the tree manually with a little more work. There's not really any good reason to, though, now that quasiquotes are available as a plugin for Scala 2.10.


Why does Mockito verifyNoMoreInteractions has problem with Scala default values

For a mocked class I have a method for which I would like to test whether there are no more interactions then needed, which looks similar to:
def someMethod(someMandatoryParam: Int, canBeDefaultIds: Option[Ids] = None): Future[Failures] = {...}
when I am mocking to invoke this method without the default parameter and I verify it that way:
and then check if there was no more interactions:
I am getting an error that here was some unexpected interactions.
But when in implementation I change this method to use None instead of default value and verify:
verify(someClass).someMethod(someInt, None)
It works correctly.
Is there a problem with Mocikto and default values in Scala?
Default arguments is Scala specific feature which Java Mockito is likely not aware of. Consider how Scala code looks after -Xprint:jvm phase
abstract trait SomeClass extends Object {
def someInt(a: Option): Option = a;
<synthetic> def someInt$default$1(): Option = scala.None;
Notice how the default argument became just another method someInt$default$1. Try using mockito-scala which is designed with Scala in mind, for example the following test passes
import org.mockito.{ArgumentMatchersSugar, IdiomaticMockito}
import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
trait SomeClass {
def someInt(a: Option[Int] = None) = a
class MockitoScalaDefaultArgsSpec extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers with IdiomaticMockito with ArgumentMatchersSugar {
"mockito-scala" should "handle default arguments" in {
val someClass = mock[SomeClass]
someClass.someInt() was called
someClass wasNever calledAgain

Scala macros: How can I get a list of the objects within a given package that inherit some trait?

I have a package in which a trait Parent is defined, and a series of objects Child1, Child2, Child3 are defined. I would like to get a List[Parent] containing all child objects defined in How can I write such a macro?
Right now I have the following:
def myMacro(c: blackbox.Context): c.Expr[Set[RuleGroup]] = {
val parentSymbol = c.mirror.staticClass("")
// get all objects
.filter { sym =>
// remove $ objects
sym.isModule && sym.asModule.moduleClass.asClass.baseClasses.contains(parentSymbol)
}.map { ??? /* retrieve? */ }
I think this is what you'd be looking for:
.map(sym => c.mirror.reflectModule(sym.asModule).instance.asInstanceOf[Parent])
Later edit:
I have tried doing this in a trait, so not a macro like above, and when calling it with a different package than the one calling it from, it returned an empty collection of objects. Reading through it might have to do with how classloaders work in Scala as they don't have the knowledge of all the classes being loaded, but i see your macro doesn't use a classloader so maybe it still works in your case.
For me it worked using the Reflections library like this in a trait:
import org.reflections.Reflections
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe
import scala.reflect.{ClassTag, classTag}
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
trait ChildObjects {
def childObjectsOf[Parent: ClassTag](containingPackageFullName: String): Set[Parent] = {
new Reflections(containingPackageFullName)
.map(cls => {
val mirror = universe.runtimeMirror(cls.getClassLoader)
val moduleSymbol = mirror.moduleSymbol(cls)
If the trait is not sealed you can't do that. Fundamentally if a trait is not sealed, it means new subclasses can be added later under different compilation unit.
If the trait is sealed, than you can use knownDirectSubclasses of ClassSymbolApi but beware of the possible issues the depend on order such as this and this in circe

Is it possible to mock a Scala implicit class?

I can extend my Scala class Foo with additional methods via an implicit class:
trait Foo {
def bar: String
object FooExtensions {
object implicits {
implicit class FooOps(foo: Foo) {
def baz: String = "baz"
But can I mock out those methods?
import org.mockito.Mockito
import org.scalatest.WordSpec
import org.scalatest.mockito.MockitoSugar
class MySpec extends WordSpec with MockitoSugar {
"My mock" should {
"handle methods from implicit classes" in {
import FooExtensions.implicits._
val foo = mock[Foo]
Mockito.when(foo.baz).thenReturn("bix") // fails at runtime
This compiles, but fails with
when() requires an argument which has to be 'a method call on a mock'.
For example:
Also, this error might show up because:
1. you stub either of: final/private/equals()/hashCode() methods.
Those methods *cannot* be stubbed/verified.
Mocking methods declared on non-public parent classes is not supported.
2. inside when() you don't call method on mock but on some other object.
when() requires an argument which has to be 'a method call on a mock'.
For example:
Also, this error might show up because:
1. you stub either of: final/private/equals()/hashCode() methods.
Those methods *cannot* be stubbed/verified.
Mocking methods declared on non-public parent classes is not supported.
2. inside when() you don't call method on mock but on some other object.
Is it possible to mock methods added via implicit classes? Hopefully with Mockito (or mockito-scala) but I'm interested in any approach that works.
Thing about extension methods, is that they are basically a syntactic sugar:
trait Foo
implicit class ExtensionMethods(foo: Foo) {
def bar: String = "bar
is equal to
new ExtensionMethods(foo).bar
So mocking:
Mockito.when(new ExtensionMethods(foo).bar).thenReturn("bix")
I think there is no workaround - perhaps PowerMock could let you change class constructor..., but with normal Mockito it is impossible.
Usually, it is not a problem though. That is because either:
you put into extension methods behavior, that only depends on extended value and passed parameters (and extended method is quite often pure function that doesn't require mocking) - if you want to change something there, you change input,
if behavior should change, you implement it inside a type class, and make extension method use that type class to inject behavior
trait Bar {
def bar: String
object Bar {
implicit val defaultBar: Bar = new Bar { def bar = "bar" }
implicit class ExtensionMethods(foo: Foo) {
def bar(implicit bar: Bar): String =
// in test
implicit var overridenBar: Bar = ...
assert( === "sth")
On a side note: the more functional you'll get the less you'll need to mock things as everything will depend only on input passed inside, and a cascade of mocks will become just a code smell - too tight coupling, too large interfaces, etc. Problem is that many Java libraries do not even follow SOLID principles, which makes them both hard to use/test with FP as well as bad OOP on its own. I'm telling this in case you feel mocking is the only way to go in your case.
The only way to achieve that is to use implicit conversions rather than implicit classes
This is a hack intended to show how this could be achieved, but I'd urge to take a look at the code and see why you actually need to do this
So, following your example, you could modify the code to look like this
trait Foo {
def bar: String
object FooExtensions {
object implicits {
implicit fooToOps(foo: Foo): FooOps = new FooOps(foo)
class FooOps(foo: Foo) {
def baz: String = "baz"
and your test
import org.scalatest.WordSpec
import org.mockito.MockitoSugar
class MySpec extends WordSpec with MockitoSugar {
"My mock" should {
"handle methods from implicit classes" in {
val fooOps = mock[FooOps]
implicit fooToOps(foo: Foo): FooOps = fooOps
val foo = mock[Foo]
when(foo.baz) thenReturn "bix" // works
the other thing to consider is that in your production you need to get an implicit parameter of the shape Foo => FooOps so when you call that method from the test the actual implicit mock is provided...
As I said, you can make it work like this, but I agree with Mateusz that you shouldn't need to

Method cannot be accessed in Macro generated class

I have the following macro defining a class and returning an instance of that class (with Scala 2.10.2 and the macro plugin):
def test[T] = macro testImpl[T]
def testImpl[T : c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context): c.Expr[Any] = {
import c.universe._
val className = newTypeName("Test")
c.Expr { q"""
class $className {
def method = 1
new $className
When I call the macro:
case class Cat(name: String)
val t = test[Cat].method
I get the following error:
method method in class Test cannot be accessed in Test
val t = test[Cat].method
My overall goal is to use vampire methods and to use quasi-quotes to describe the generated class. How can I solve this error?
In my post on vampire methods I mention this workaround for this bug. For some reason you currently aren't able to see an anonymous class's methods on the instance returned from the macro unless you create a wrapper class that extends the class with the methods and return an instance of that, instead.
You're seeing the same bug from a slightly different angle. You've named the class with the methods you want to see on the returned instance's structural type, but you still need a wrapper. The following will work:
c.Expr { q"""
class $className {
def method = 1
new $className {}
Note that all I've done is add a pair of brackets to the line creating the instance, so that I get an instance of an anonymous class extending $className instead of just a $className.
I have no idea what's behind this bug, and I'm not sure if Eugene knows more. I did recently confirm that it's still around in the latest build of 2.11.

Why does an implicit conversion on the constructor require 'this'?

Consider the following typical Scala 'pimp' code:
class PimpedA(a:A){
def pimp() = "hi"
implicit def pimpA(a:A) = new PimpedA(a)
new A(){
pimp() //<--- does not compile
However, changing it to:
new A(){
Makes it work.
Shouldn't it be the same to the Scala compiler?
EDIT : Is there any solution that can make it work without having to add the this.?
Not at all. For it to work, pimp needs to be either an object or an imported member of a value, and it is neither. A class has an "implicit" import this._. It has not a mechanism that auto-prepends this to stuff to see if it compiles.
In this case you should give compiler a hint that pimp() is not a random function. When you write
compiler know there isn't pimp function on class A so it's an error and before giving up it searches implicit conversion in scope and finds it.
And when you just call pimp() compiler doesn't know what object to pass to the pimpA(a: A) implicit function.
It is hard to understand what is your goal. I can only suggest to make PimpedA a typeclass (Pimp[T] in this example).
trait Pimp[T] {
def action(p: T): String
implicit object PimpA extends Pimp[A] {
override def action(p: A) = "some actions related to A"
def pimp[T: Pimp](p: T) = implicitly[Pimp[T]].action(p)
class A {
val foo = pimp(this)
scala> new A foo
res2: String = some actions related to A