Import datasheet iteration matlab - name to exist outside of function - matlab

So have some simple collumated data in text files named like:
Hm_slit_01.txt...Hm_slit_21.txt; Hs_slit_01.txt...Hs_slit_23.txt; Sm_slit_01.txt...Sm_slit_27.txt; Ss_slit_01.txt...Ss_slit_32.txt etc...
and I need to import it as datasheets into matlab, idealy with the same name but no .txt.
So I have created a function that takes a prefix Hm, Hs ... and a final number to iterate the file naming up to. BUT it doesn't save the datasheet externally in the workplace.
Here is the code.
function [datasheet] = imp_vrad(prefix,numslits)
%[data] = imp_vrad(prefix,numslits)
% imports data with filename <prefix>_slit_<##>.txt
% to be a matlab datasheet data = <prefix>_slit_<##>
% here ## starts from '01' and goes to 'numslits'
for currslit=1:numslits
if currslit < 10
filename = [prefix '_slit_0' num2str(currslit) '.txt']; %names file
data = [prefix '_slit_0' num2str(currslit)]; %names datasheet
filename = [prefix '_slit_' num2str(currslit) '.txt']; %names file
data = [prefix '_slit_' num2str(currslit)]; %names datasheet
disp(['importing ' filename ' as ' data])
importdata(filename); %imports the data
The line in question is the last line. I have also tried data=importdata(filename); to no avail.
Thanks in advance!

I'm not sure if there's a way to change the scope of a variable in matlab. You can define them dynamically using eval, but that still won't get us past the scope problem.
You have two options: if the names mater to you, you could put the imported tables in a struct, akin to what import does; or, if you only care about the index, you could import them into an array (perhaps multidimensional).
For the former you could do something like
function [datasheet] = imp_vrad(prefix,numslits)
%[data] = imp_vrad(prefix,numslits)
% imports data with filenames <prefix>_slit_<##>.txt
% into a struct with labels <prefix>_slit_<##>
% here ## starts from '01' and goes to 'numslits'
datasheet = struct();
for currslit=1:numslits
dataname = sprintf('%s_slit_%02d',prefix,currslit);
filename = [dataname,'.txt'];
disp(['importing ' filename ' as ' data])
data = importdata(filename); %imports the data
datasheet.(dataname) = data;


Filename with variables ( filename_L=10.mat)

I would like to save a workspace with the result as 14-Nov-2019_094655_script name_L10_P50.mat.
Data and time I will add as datestr(now, 'dd-mmm-yyyy_HHMMSS', but I don't know how to add a scrip name and variables in the filename.
script_name is the name of the script that I run, L10_P50 are values L and P, which are changed in every run of the script. (L10_P50 means L=10 and P=50 in this run).
how to implement it?
edit 1:
I would like to increase the resolution. For that I have written :
fileNamefig = [dstr, '_',flname, '_Num', num2str(loops_num),'_N', num2str(Nfft), '.jpg'];
print(fig, '-djpeg','-r600','fileNamefig')
It dosnt work. HOw to rewrite it?
% your variables
L = 10;
P = 50;
% date string
dstr = datestr(now, 'dd-mmm-yyyy_HHMMSS');
% file name
flname = mfilename;
% cancatanate all strings together
matname = [dstr, '_',flname, '_L', num2str(L),'_P', num2str(P), '.mat'];
% save finally

Reconstruct directories from file MATLAB

Thanks for your help.
The problem is:
I need the user to select a file based on an extension lets say .tif. I used the standard method, i.e.
[flnm,locn]=uigetfile({'*.tif','Image files'}, 'Select an image');
ext = '.tif';
But I need to fetch other image files from other subdirectories. Say the directory name returned to locn is: /user/blade/checklist/exp1/trial_1/run_1/exp001.tif. Image goes to exp100.tif.
I want to access:
Also access:
Up to trial_n
But if I list directory in /user/blade/checklist/exp1/, I get all folders therein from where I can reconstruct the right path. The naming structure is orderly.
My current solution is
[flnm,locn]=uigetfile({'*.tif','Image files'}, 'Select an image');
ext = '.tif';
parts = strsplit(locn, '/');
f = fullfile(((parts{end-5}),(parts{end-4}),(parts{end-3}),(parts{end-2}),(parts{end-1}));
Which is really ugly and I also lose the first /. Any help is appreciated.
First, get the file location as you did; note a small change I've made to make use of the variable ext.
ext = '.txt';
[flnm,locn]=uigetfile({['*',ext]}, 'Select an image');
parts = strsplit(locn,'/');
root = parts(1:end-4);
parts has 2 information - 1) path of the selected file; 2) path of your working folder, checklist, which you need. So root has the working folder.
Then, list out all the files you wanted, and put them in a cell array.
The file names should contain partial (subfolder) paths; it's not difficult to follow the pattern.
flist = {'trial_1/run_1/exp001.tif', ...
'trial_1/run_1/exp002.tif', ...
'trial_1/run_2/exp001.tif', ...
'trial_2/run_1/exp001.tif', ...
I just enumerated a few; you can use a for loop to automatically generate trial_n and expxxx.tif. An example code to generate the complete file list (but not "full paths") -
flist = cell(10*2*100,1);
for ii = 1:10
for jj = 1:2
for kk = 1:100
flist{sub2ind([10,2,100],ii,jj,kk)} = ...
sprintf('trial_%d/run_%d/exp%03d%s', ii,...
jj, kk, ext);
Finally, use strjoin to concatenate the first part (your working folder) and second part (needed files in subfolders). Use cellfun to call strjoin for each cell in the file list cell array, so for every file you want you get a full path.
full_flist = cellfun(#(x) strjoin([root, x],'/'), ...
flist, 'UniformOutput', false);
Example output -
>> locn
locn =
>> for ii = 1:5
ans =
ans =
ans =
ans =
ans =
Note: You can either use
strjoin(str1, str2, '/')
sprintf('%s/%s', str1, str2)
They are equivalent.

for loop+structure allocation in matlab

This is a problem I am working on in Matlab.
I am looping through a series of *.ALL files and stripping the field name by a delimiter '.'. The first field is the network, second station name, third location code and fourth component. I pre-allocate my structure based on the number of files (3) I run through which for this example is a 3x3x3 structure that I would like to define as struct(station,loc code,component). You can see these definitions in my code example below.
I would like to loop through the station, loc code, and component and fill their values in the structure. The only problem is for some reason the way I've defined the loop it's actually looping through the files more than once. I only want to loop through each file once and extract the station, comp, and loc code from it and put it inside the structure. Because it's looping through the files more than once it's taken like 10 minutes to fill the structure. This is not very efficient at all. Can someone point out the culprit line for me or tell me what I'm doing incorrectly?
Here's my code below:
close all;
for i = 1:length(files)
fields=textscan(files(i).name, '%s', 'Delimiter', '.');
data = [];
halfhour(1:2) = struct('data',data);
hour(1:24) = struct('halfhour',halfhour);
day(1:366) = struct('hour',hour);
PSD_YE_DBT(1:length(files),1:length(files),1:length(files)) =
for s=1:1:length(sta)
for l=1:1:length(loc)
for c=1:1:length(comp)
tempFileName = strcat(net{s},'.',sta{s},'.',loc{l},'.',comp{c},'.','ALL');
fid = fopen(tempFileName);
PSD_YE_DBT(s,l,c).sta = sta{s};
PSD_YE_DBT(s,l,c).loc = loc{l};
PSD_YE_DBT(s,l,c).comp = comp{c};
Example file names for the three files I'm working with are:
Thanks in advance!

Load Multiple .mat Files to Matlab workspace

I'm trying to load several .mat files to the workspace. However, they seem to overwrite each other. Instead, I want them to append. I am aware that I can do something like:
and then append the variables manually.
But there's a ton of variables, and making an append statement for each one is extremely undesirable (though possible as a last resort). Is there some way for me to load .mat files to the workspace (by using the load() command without assignment) and have them append?
Its not entirely clear what you mean by "append" but here's a way to get the data loaded into a format that should be easy to deal with:
file_list = {'file1';'file2';...};
for file = file_list'
loaded.(char(file)) = load(file);
This makes use of dynamic field references to load the contents of each file in the list into its own field of the loaded structure. You can iterate over the fields and manipulate the data however you'd like from here.
It sounds like you have a situation in which each file contains a matrix variable A and you want to load into memory the concatenation of all these matrices along some dimension. I had a similar need, and wrote the following function to handle it.
function var = loadCat( dim, files, varname )
%LOADCAT Concatenate variables of same name appearing in multiple MAT files
% where dim is dimension to concatenate along,
% files is a cell array of file names, and
% varname is a string containing the name of the desired variable
if( isempty( files ) )
var = [];
var = load( files{1}, varname );
var = var.(varname);
for f = 2:numel(files),
newvar = load( files{f}, varname );
if( isfield( newvar, varname ) )
var = cat( dim, var, newvar.(varname) );
warning( 'loadCat:missingvar', [ 'File ' files{f} ' does not contain variable ' varname ] );
Clark's answer and function actually solved my situation perfectly... I just added the following bit of code to make it a little less tedious. Just add this to the beginning and get rid of the "files" argument:
[files,pathname] = uigetfile('*.mat', 'Select MAT files (use CTRL/COMM or SHIFT)', ...
'MultiSelect', 'on');
Alternatively, it could be even more efficient to just start with this bit:
[pathname] = uigetdir('C:\');
files = dir( fullfile(pathname,'*.mat') ); %# list all *.mat files
files = {}'; %# file names
data = cell(numel(files),1); %# store file contents
for i=1:numel(files)
fname = fullfile(pathname,files{i}); %# full path to file
data{i} = load(fname); %# load file
(modified from process a list of files with a specific extension name in matlab).

How do I retrieve the names of function parameters in matlab?

Aside from parsing the function file, is there a way to get the names of the input and output arguments to a function in matlab?
For example, given the following function file:
function [value, remain] = divide(left, right)
value = floor(left / right);
remain = left / right - value;
From outside the function, I want to get an array of output arguments, here: ['value', 'remain'], and similarly for the input arguments: ['left', 'right'].
Is there an easy way to do this in matlab? Matlab usually seems to support reflection pretty well.
EDIT Background:
The aim of this is to present the function parameters in a window for the user to enter. I'm writing a kind of signal processing program, and functions to perform operations on these signals are stored in a subfolder. I already have a list and the names of each function from which the user can select, but some functions require additional arguments (e.g. a smooth function might take window size as a parameter).
At the moment, I can add a new function to the subfolder which the program will find, and the user can select it to perform an operation. What I'm missing is for the user to specify the input and output parameters, and here I've hit the hurdle here in that I can't find the names of the functions.
MATLAB offers a way to get information about class metadata (using the meta package), however this is only available for OOP classes not regular functions.
One trick is to write a class definition on the fly, which contain the source of the function you would like to process, and let MATLAB deal with the parsing of the source code (which can be tricky as you'd imagine: function definition line spans multiple lines, comments before the actual definition, etc...)
So the temporary file created in your case would look like:
classdef SomeTempClassName
function [value, remain] = divide(left, right)
%# ...
which can be then passed to meta.class.fromName to parse for metadata...
Here is a quick-and-dirty implementation of this hack:
function [inputNames,outputNames] = getArgNames(functionFile)
%# get some random file name
fname = tempname;
[~,fname] = fileparts(fname);
%# read input function content as string
str = fileread(which(functionFile));
%# build a class containing that function source, and write it to file
fid = fopen([fname '.m'], 'w');
fprintf(fid, 'classdef %s; methods;\n %s\n end; end', fname, str);
%# terminating function definition with an end statement is not
%# always required, but now becomes required with classdef
missingEndErrMsg = 'An END might be missing, possibly matching CLASSDEF.';
c = checkcode([fname '.m']); %# run mlint code analyzer on file
if ismember(missingEndErrMsg,{c.message})
% append "end" keyword to class file
str = fileread([fname '.m']);
fid = fopen([fname '.m'], 'w');
fprintf(fid, '%s \n end', str);
%# refresh path to force MATLAB to detect new class
%# introspection (deal with cases of nested/sub-function)
m = meta.class.fromName(fname);
idx = find(ismember({m.MethodList.Name},functionFile));
inputNames = m.MethodList(idx).InputNames;
outputNames = m.MethodList(idx).OutputNames;
%# delete temp file when done
delete([fname '.m'])
and simply run as:
>> [in,out] = getArgNames('divide')
in =
out =
If your problem is limited to the simple case where you want to parse the function declaration line of a primary function in a file (i.e. you won't be dealing with local functions, nested functions, or anonymous functions), then you can extract the input and output argument names as they appear in the file using some standard string operations and regular expressions. The function declaration line has a standard format, but you have to account for a few variations due to:
Varying amounts of white space or blank lines,
The presence of single-line or block comments, and
Having the declaration broken up on more than one line.
(It turns out that accounting for a block comment was the trickiest part...)
I've put together a function get_arg_names that will handle all the above. If you give it a path to the function file, it will return two cell arrays containing your input and output parameter strings (or empty cell arrays if there are none). Note that functions with variable input or output lists will simply list 'varargin' or 'varargout', respectively, for the variable names. Here's the function:
function [inputNames, outputNames] = get_arg_names(filePath)
% Open the file:
fid = fopen(filePath);
% Skip leading comments and empty lines:
defLine = '';
while all(isspace(defLine))
defLine = strip_comments(fgets(fid));
% Collect all lines if the definition is on multiple lines:
index = strfind(defLine, '...');
while ~isempty(index)
defLine = [defLine(1:index-1) strip_comments(fgets(fid))];
index = strfind(defLine, '...');
% Close the file:
% Create the regular expression to match:
matchStr = '\s*function\s+';
if any(defLine == '=')
matchStr = strcat(matchStr, '\[?(?<outArgs>[\w, ]*)\]?\s*=\s*');
matchStr = strcat(matchStr, '\w+\s*\(?(?<inArgs>[\w, ]*)\)?');
% Parse the definition line (case insensitive):
argStruct = regexpi(defLine, matchStr, 'names');
% Format the input argument names:
if isfield(argStruct, 'inArgs') && ~isempty(argStruct.inArgs)
inputNames = strtrim(textscan(argStruct.inArgs, '%s', ...
'Delimiter', ','));
inputNames = {};
% Format the output argument names:
if isfield(argStruct, 'outArgs') && ~isempty(argStruct.outArgs)
outputNames = strtrim(textscan(argStruct.outArgs, '%s', ...
'Delimiter', ','));
outputNames = {};
% Nested functions:
function str = strip_comments(str)
if strcmp(strtrim(str), '%{')
str = strip_comments(fgets(fid));
str = strtok([' ' str], '%');
function strip_comment_block
str = strtrim(fgets(fid));
while ~strcmp(str, '%}')
if strcmp(str, '%{')
str = strtrim(fgets(fid));
This is going to be very hard (read: impossible) to do for general functions (think of things like varargin, etc). Also, in general, relying on variable names as a form of documentation might be... not what you want. I'm going to suggest a different approach.
Since you control the program, what about specifying each module not just with the m-file, but also with a table entry with extra information. You could document the extra parameters, the function itself, notate when options are booleans and present them as checkboxes, etc.
Now, where to put this? I would suggest to have the main m-file function return the structure, as sort of a module loading step, with a function handle that points to the subfunction (or nested function) that does the real work. This preserves the single-file setup that I'm sure you want to keep, and makes for a much more configurable setup for your modules.
function module = divide_load()
module.fn = #my_divide; = 'Divide';
module.description = 'Divide two signals';
module.param(1).name = 'left';
module.param(1).description = 'left signal';
module.param(1).required_shape = 'columnvector';
% Etc, etc.
function [value, remain] = my_divide(left, right)
value = floor(left / right);
remain = left / right - value;
When you can't get information from a programming langauge about its contents (e.g., "reflection"), you have to step outside the language.
Another poster suggested "regular expressions", which always fail when applied to parsing real programs because regexps cannot parse context free langauges.
To do this reliably, you need a real M language parser, that will give you access to the parse tree. Then this is fairly easy.
Our DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit has an M language parser available for it, and could do this.
Have you considered using map containers?
You can write your functions along these lines . . .
function [outMAP] = divide(inMAP)
outMAP = containers.Map();
outMAP('value') = floor(inMAP('left') / inMAP('right'));
outMAP('remain') = inMAP('left') / inMAP('right') - outMAP('value');
...and call them like this ...
inMAP = containers.Map({'left', 'right'}, {4, 5});
outMAP = divide(inMAP);
...and then simply examine tha variable names using the following syntax...
>> keys(inMAP)
ans =
'left' 'right'
inputname(argnum) .