How to preserve keybindings when using multi-term.el in line mode? - emacs

In emacs (ver. 24.3), I have my forward-paragraph and backward-paragraph mapped to M-p and M-n instead of M-{ and M-}. It is easier for me to remember and use fluidly with C-p and C-n. I've recently started using multi-term to run most of my terminal work. However, when I switch to line-mode my custom bindings for forward and backward paragraph no longer work. It says 'empty input ring'. Oddly when I'm in char-mode, the C-p and C-n do what they are supposed to do (bringing up previous prompt entries), but my paragraph movements work.
So in short, my custom forward and backward paragraph bindings work in char-mode (where I don't really need them), but not in line-mode. Any ideas?

See term-bind-key-alist, which includes C-p, C-n, M-p, and M-n by default. See also these passages from the EmacsWiki page MultiTerm. The second especially seems relevant to your problem. These do not mention term-line-mode or term-char-mode, but I think they might give you a place to start.
Note 1
‘term-unbind-key-list’ is a list of keys which emacs keeps for itself. By default it contains (“C-z” “C-c” “C-x” “C-h” “C-y” “”)
‘term-bind-key-alist’ is a list of keys and functions which you can use, for example to use Emacs style cursor movement to the multi-terminal. The default is long, so I’ll let you look it up yourself.
Note 2
Because C-r is default keystroke for isearch-backward, for avoid conflict with C-r, i binding M-r to send “C-r” character to shell.
You can use option term-bind-key-alist/term-unbind-key-list to binding/unbinding special keystroke in multi-term.el, and don’t use term-mode-hook. ☺ –- AndyStewart
Also, I don't see term-line-mode anywhere in multi-term.el. It looks as if it makes use only of term-char-mode. See, for instance, multi-term-keystroke-setup.


Emacs: relation between keystrokes and keys

I am slightly confused by the difference between keys and key-bindings in emacs after reading the first chapter of "Writing GNU Emacs Extensions" (O'Reilly book).
The chapter starts by noting that in some emacs version the keys backspace and DEL, invoke the help menu instead of deleting. In other words, they invoke what is invoked by C-h.
The chapter then goes on to show how to change this behaviour using Lisp code. This is done by binding the keystroke C-h to the delete command.
This is a bit confusing to me. In my mind DEL, Backspace and C-h are three different keystrokes (the first two consisting of a single key).
Why does remapping C-h effect what DEL and Backspace does?
I would have thought to change what backspace does for example, you would remap backspace to another command, not the keystroke C-h.
Unless remapped by a low-level keybord driver, the effect of the Backspace key is to send the character with numeric code 8, which, in certain operating systems, is exactly the same code generated by pressing Control-h. You can verify this fact by simply writing anything on a unix (or linux) shell and then pressing Backspace and Control-h: both of them have the effect of erasing the previous character, since the character with numeric code 8 is interpreted by the operating system as the control character BS, backspace, used either to erase the last character printed or to overprint it (see wikipedia). Analogously, Control-J is equivalent to the RETURN key, etc.
The same Wikipedia page describe DEL as “originally intended to be an ignored character, but now used in some systems to erase a character”.
So, when you assign a command to a keystroke you are actually assigning a command to a character code, and if two or more keys generate the same code, by pressing them you are invoking the same command.
#Renzo answered your question about how these keys are related and how binding one can seem to affect another. Here is some more information about what's going on in this particular case.
See the Emacs manual, node DEL Does Not Delete.
There you will see this, following an explanation of the problem/confusion:
To fix the problem in every Emacs session, put one of the following
lines into your initialization file (*note Init File::). For the first
case above, where BACKSPACE deletes forwards instead of backwards, use
this line to make BACKSPACE act as DEL:
(normal-erase-is-backspace-mode 0)
For the other two cases, use this line:
(normal-erase-is-backspace-mode 1)
Another way to fix the problem for every Emacs session is to
customize the variable normal-erase-is-backspace: the value t
specifies the mode where BS or BACKSPACE is DEL, and nil
specifies the other mode. *Note Easy Customization::.
See also the GNU Emacs FAQ question about Backspace invoking help. There you will see, in addition to information similar to that above, information about how to remap DEL on UNIX - use this:
stty erase '^?'
Wrt C-j and RET (not mentioned in the question, but mentioned in #Renzo's answer): The default behavior of Emacs changed in most programming modes, in Emacs 24.4.
Starting with that release, electric--indent-mode is turned on by default, which means that RET inserts a newline character and indents, whereas C-j just inserts a newline character. Prior to that release, these keys had the opposite behaviors. If you prefer the old behavior then do this, to turn off electric-indent-mode:
(when (fboundp 'electric-indent-mode)
(electric-indent-mode -1)) ; Use classic `C-j' and `RET'.

Emacs Prelude, Smartparens, and OsX

I'm using OSX 10.9, iTerm2, Emacs Prelude, and Clojure with all the modes that entails most relevantly, smartparens. Good so far.
The short version is: has anybody out there found a harmonious way to use all of this together with OSX Mission Control?
The longer version goes: I want to be able to use commands like sp-forward-slurp-sexp, which has a default keybinding of C-<right>, better known as the default OS-level shortcut for "switch Spaces right via Mission Control." I can re-map that fairly easily (say, to C-Shift-<right>) -- but now, I discover that C-<right> actually seems to be sending something like M-[1;4A. Instead of triggering sp-forward-slurp-sexp, you get sp-wrap-with-pair "[". Uhm.
I dug up this dissertation on re-mapping keys, which is very thorough, but also involves re-mapping rather a deal of stuff, then disabling the parts of paredit that are listening for the M-[ command. While this technically seems to work, I actually rather like having sp-wrap-with-pair enabled. Perhaps a better option would be to embrace the theoretically equivalent C-( -- except iTerm2 only interprets that as a literal 9, and C-) as 0. This SO post chews on this problem, and gets as far as a tantalizing comment suggesting that C-( and C-) simply be re-mapped to escape sequences that emacs can map back to C-( and C-) -- but frankly, I haven't a clue how to figure out what escape sequences those should be.
Bringing it all home: has anybody found a way to use all of these tools (Mission Control, iTerm2, Emacs Prelude, smartparens) together without having to re-wire or disable parts of some or most of them? Or: who has the most elegant re-wiring? Anybody figured out the C-)-to-escape-sequence-back-to-C-) trick yet?
Stabbing in the dark, I've done the following:
1. Set iTerm to send an escape sequence for the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-Shift-0 (C-S-)) of SPRTPRN.
2. Put this in my emacs config:
(define-key input-decode-map "\eSPRTPRN" [C-right-paren])
(global-set-key [C-right-paren] (kbd "C-)")) does not work, but I've a hunch I'm getting closer. I think.
Edit, Again
I realized something: the notion that Shift doesn't work here doesn't make sense to me. At least on my emacs install, M-< and M-> jump to the beginning and end of a buffer, respectively -- and to use those commands, I have to actually press Meta-Shift-<. Huh.

Why doesn't emacs detect C-<backspace> combination?

My problem is that I want to bind Control + Backspace combination to backward-delete-word function. However, it doesn't seem possible because emacs doesn't detect the Control key in combination with backspace.
I detected that by looking at the "logger" (C-h l). So if I press Backspace, it shows DEL. If I press Control + Backspace, it still shows DEL.
Is there any way to achieve that?
I have read and tried other questions, but couldn't fix it.
As #phils pointed out, if you are using Emacs in a terminal (e.g. emacs -nw) instead of as a GUI (no -nw command-line option), and if you are not on MS Windows, then by default certain key sequences are not available to you.
However, it might still be possible for you to configure the terminal (e.g., xterm) so that it in fact supports some such key sequences for Emacs. See this comment by the Emacs maintainer in the discussion of Emacs bug #10387.
(That said, you might find it simpler to just use a different key sequence. Or switch to the GUI version of Emacs.)

How do I intelligently re-indent Clojure in Emacs?

I'm new to Clojure and new to Emacs.
Is there an Emacs short-cut to intelligently re-indent the whole file?
if not, is there at least a way to indent selected regions left or right?
I feel like I'm back in the stone age repeatedly pressing the arrows
C-x h selects the entire buffer. C-M-\ reindents the selected region.
Ctrl-x, h (select all) followed by Tab (to indent)
cider-format-buffer command (Since cider 0.9.0)
When you capture data from a sequence like C-u C-c C-e
(cider-eval-last-sexp), the raw data output to your buffer can be
unwieldy to inspect/work with. And the normal code-indenting commands
(mentioned in answers here) don't handle it well.
For handling results from such evaluated expressions, try
As a concrete example, have you ever tried reformatting your
~/.lein/profiles.clj? This is pretty hard to do and keep
consistent, until you discover cider-format-edn-region. Take
caution that it will, however, remove any comments.
Use cljfmt for many configurable ways to reformat/reindent. It has an Emacs plugin, but also can be run via lein.

Emacs remember text selection

I decided that I was ready to try something new, after a few years of using gEdit for most of my coding needs, and try to learn using Emacs. I knew this would be difficult, as I have heard how complex Emacs can be, but I was lured by its power. The hardest thing has been getting used to writing ELisp in the .emacs file to change things about the editor. I can't currently do it myself, but I have found a few helpful snippets here and there to change some options.
One thing I have been having a lot of problems with is getting Emacs to remember the text I have selected after a command. For instance, I commonly highlight a section of code to mass indent it. However, if I do this in Emacs, it will move the selected text only once before unselecting all of the text. Does anyone know a way around this?
Anyway, I apologize for what seems to me to be an easy question, but after an hour of Google searching and looking around here on SO, I thought it was worth asking. I have a few more questions about Emacs, but I will save them and ask separately after I get this straightened out. Thanks!
A few people have asked about what mod I am using and what type of text I am entering. While I don't know much about Emacs modes, I am editing a pure text file at the moment. Something like this:
Hello, I am a simple text file
that is made up of three separate
If I highlight all three lines and hit TAB, I get this:
Hello, I am a simple text file
that is made up of three separate
This is great, however, if I use C-x C-x like some suggest below to reselect the text and hit TAB again, I get this:
Hello, I am a simple text file
that is made up of three separate
I hope this helps!
FWIW, here is the reason for the behaviour of your newly-added example. (I'm not 'solving' the issue here, but I'm posting it to demystify what you're seeing.)
This was determined with emacs -q which disables my customisations, so the following is default behaviour for emacs 23.2.
You are in text-mode. You should see (Text) or similar in the mode line at the bottom of the screen, and C-h m will tell you (under the list of minor modes) "Text mode: Major mode for editing text written for humans to read." Emacs decides (by way of the auto-mode-alist variable) that it should switch to text-mode if you visit a filename matching certain extensions (such as .txt).
In text-mode pressing TAB with a region highlighted causes indent-according-to-mode to be called on each line of the region in sequence. The slightly convoluted path to finding this out starts at C-h k TAB, which tells us that TAB is bound to indent-for-tab-command, which in this instance calls indent-region -- that function name is not stated explicitly in the help, but can be seen in the code -- which checks the buffer-local indent-region-function variable, which is nil, and: "A value of nil means really run indent-according-to-mode on each line."
indent-according-to-mode checks the indent-line-function variable, which has the buffer-local value indent-relative.
Use C-h f indent-relative RET to see the help for this function. (Read this).
Although you probably won't yet have had the experience to know how to check all that (or necessarily even want to!), and fully understand everything it tells you, this is an example of how the self-documenting aspect of Emacs enables a user to figure out what is going on (which then makes it feasible to change things). I essentially just used C-h k (describe-key), C-h f (describe-function), and C-h v (describe-variable) to follow the documentation. Looking at the source code for indent-for-tab-command was as simple as clicking the file name shown as part of its help page.
I suggest doing the following to help see what is happening when indent-relative runs on each line:
M-x set-variable x-stretch-cursor t
M-x set-variable ruler-mode-show-tab-stops t
M-x ruler-mode
Now for each line in turn, put the cursor at the very start of the line and press TAB. You'll end up with all three lines indented to the first tab-stop ('T' in the ruler).
Now repeat this -- again, ensure you are at the very start of each line, in front of the existing indentation.
The first character of the first line (which is currently a tab) is once again indented to the first tab-stop, as there is no preceding line for it to examine.
Next, the first character of the second line is indented to match the position of the first non-white-space character of the preceding line. Because the first character of the second line is also a tab, the actual text of the second line is pushed one tab further along.
The third line follows suit. Its first tab character is lined up with the first non-white-space character of the second line, with the same relative effect as before, giving you the final state in your example.
To emphasise, note what happens if you now put enter the line "a b c" above the existing lines, then move back to the start of the next line (what was previously the first line) and press TAB. The first tab character will now be indented in line with the 'b'. Provided that the indent-tabs-mode variable is true (meaning you have actual tab characters), then this will have no practical effect on the position of the words in the line, as 'indenting' a tab with spaces will not have an effect until the number of spaces exceeds the width of the tab (but that's another kettle of fish entirely!)
All this really means is that text-mode in Emacs doesn't behave the way you'd like it to in this situation. Other major modes can do completely different things when you press TAB, of course.
As is invariably the case with Emacs, things you don't like can be changed or circumvented with elisp. Some searching (especially at the Emacs Wiki) will frequently turn up useful solutions to problems you encounter.
Try typing C-x C-x after Emacs unselects it.
Then, instead of hitting tab (I never knew that tab does what you said! That's totally whacked.), do M-8 C-x C-i. Pity it's so many keys, but it ought to do what you want -- namely, shove everything over 8 columns. Obviously replace the M-8 with something else if you want some other number of columns.
What I usually do is simply type C-x C-x (exchange-point-and-mark) after a command that deactives the region.
How are you indenting, and in which mode?
The indentation rules in any programming mode should generally just get it right. (If they don't, that's probably more indicative that you want to configure the rules for that mode differently, but I suspect that's a different question which has been asked already).
If you're in text-mode or similar and just using TAB, then I can see the problem.
Note that if you're using indent-rigidly (C-x C-i, or C-x TAB which is the same thing) then you can repeatedly indent the same region simply by repeating the command, even if the highlighting has disappeared from view.
You can also use a prefix arg to indent-rigidly to make it indent many times. e.g. C-u C-u C-x C-i (easier to type than it looks) will indent 16 spaces (4 x 4, as the prefix arg defaults to 4, and it multiplies on each repeat). Similarly, M-8 C-x C-i indents 8 spaces. This is fine in some circumstances, and way too cumbersome in others.
Personally I suggest putting (cua-selection-mode 1) into your .emacs and using that for rigid indentation. Trey Jackson made a handy blog about it. With this, you can C-RET to start rectangle selection, down as many lines as you need, TAB repeatedly to indent the lines, and C-RET to exit the mode.
While the rectangle is active, RET cycles through the corners. For left-hand corners, typing inserts in front. For right-hand corners, typing inserts after. For the single-column rectangle, bottom counts as 'left' and top counts as 'right' for this purpose.
Trey's blog lists all the available features (or look in the source file: cua-base.el)
Be warned that indentation in Emacs is generally an unexpectedly complicated topic.
You can do this with something like the following:
(add-hook 'text-mode-hook (lambda ()
(set (make-local-variable 'indent-region-function)
(lambda (s e)
(indent-rigidly s e tab-width)))))
Then selecting a region and hitting TAB. will indent the region by a tab-width. You can then exchange point and mark with C-x C-x and hit TAB again to repeat.
I do, however, agree with the previous answers that suggest using indent-rigidly directly.