Virtualenv PyDev Undefined variable from import error - eclipse

First of all I'm aware of the question here but I couldn't find a satisfied answer there. I don't want to ignore errors or use comments - I want to have the right settings in eclipse/pydev. My problem is pretty similar to this one.
I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 and installed a virtuenv for python 2.7 in my home directory. After installing several python packages (numpy, scipy, matplotlib, etc.) using pip, I installed eclipse 4.3 with pydev.
If I use the python system interpreter at /usr/bin/python everything works fine (except that I didn't want to use). However, if I try to set up a python interpreter using the virtualenv first I get this warning describe here. After clicking "proceed anyway", it seems to work. So far so good.
However e.g. import numpy as np gives for each np.* call the eclipse/pydev error Undefined variable from import, also the code completion doesn't work properly. It seems to work, e.g. for datetime, but not for numpy, scipy and matplotlib.
Does anybody figured out to configure eclipse correctly?
I already tried to add the numpy path manually to the virtualenv interpreter, but than I get the weird error:
import matplotlib.dates as mpl_dates
File "/home/pydev/myenv-py27/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/", line 149, in
import sys, os, tempfile
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 34, in
from random import Random as _Random
ImportError: cannot import name Random


cannot import name 'AuthorityMatchInfo' from 'pyproj._crs'

I am trying to use the calc module in metpy. I have installed it both via pip and 'conda forge' option. When i run my script in spyder, i get the following error
ImportError: cannot import name 'AuthorityMatchInfo' from 'pyproj._crs' eg Example file path : (~anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyproj/
Had the same issue two times and solved it by following advice I found on github.
Basically one needs to uninstall pyproj and reinstall.

compiled Python3 module produces error "dynamic module does not define module export function"

I am trying to compile a Python package that I recently migrated from Python2 to Python3.
When running the source code in Python3 it works as expected, so do the source and compiled versions for Python2, but when I cythonize and compile the Python3 package the resulting binaries throw this error when importing a certain module:
dynamic module does not define module export function (PyInit_NKPD)
When I then close the Python interpreter, open it again and import the same model it works.
Interestingly when I put the code on my local drive it imports fine, but when I put it on my server and import it from there I get the above error. And to make matters worse, sometimes it imports fine from the server as well if I just wait a while and try again:
lockjaw:controller frank$ python3.7
Python 3.7.7 (v3.7.7:d7c567b08f, Mar 10 2020, 02:56:16)
[Clang 6.0 (clang-600.0.57)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import common
added to sys.path: /opt/ohufx/transfer/NUBRIDGE_COMPILE/osx/NKPD/src
trying to import model.NukepediaDB...
NukepediaDB imported
trying to import model.NKPD...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "src/controller/", line 15, in init controller.common
import model.NKPD # this does not import
ImportError: dynamic module does not define module export function (PyInit_NKPD)
>>> import common
added to sys.path: /opt/ohufx/transfer/NUBRIDGE_COMPILE/osx/NKPD/src
trying to import model.NukepediaDB...
trying to import model.NKPD...
NKPD imported
model.NKPD always seems to import fine, but model.NKPD seems to be the stumbling block, even though this may be a red herring. It almost behaves like sometimes the server connection drops out after the first import, though in that case the other incarnations (Python 2/source code) would throw errors as well (not to mention a whole lot of other things would break in my office).
I have reduced the package to three modules with nothing but import and print statements which can be found here (including the resuling C++ and binary files).
The structure is very simple:
Where common is the module I import to test by cd-ing into the src/controller folder, opening Python3.7 and importing common. Common then imports model.NukepediaDB and model.NKPD, the latter causing the trouble.
I cythonized the python files with this line:
Then compiled with this:
/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/bin/python3.7 build_ext --inplace
I would love to understand why the import sometimes fails when run from the server, as I have to distribute this package to others and need to ensure it runs reliably.

’unresolved import’ message for streamlit in Eclipse PyDev

I have successfully installed the streamlit package using the following
shell command and can run the resulting local server localhost:8501
Python3.8 -m pip install streamlit
In Eclipse, the module appears under the Package Library in the Python Interpreter.
I can import it as a library item in a PyDev module as as follows:
import streamlit
The only note I get from the compiler is that streamlit is an ‘unused import’. However, when I append the command as follows the compiler then says ‘unresloved import st’
import streamlit as st
Both ‘import streamlit’. and ‘import streamlit as st’ will not code complete.
How can I clear the ’unresolved import’ message ?
The sys.path is as follows:
Thanks in advance for any help.
I solved the problem. Turns out it was a compound of two issues.
First the name of the PyDev module I chose was the same name as the package module name, installed using the following command
Python3.8 -m pip install streamlit
Second, I had a look at the PYTHONPATH under Eclipse->Preferences-> PyDev->Interpreters-> Python Interpreter where these paths were arranged as follows:
As was in the second and not the first, I reversed the order, restarted Eclipse, created a new PyDev project and associated development model named and the code completed as expected.

PyDev unresolved import errors on intra-package modules when using Grammar 3.x

I think there is a bug with respect to how PyDev (version 4.6) recognizes intra-package imports when selecting Grammar 3.x for the project preferences. I have a project like this:
mypack simply says
from mod1 import fun1 simply says
def fun1():
print("Hey we are in fun1 in mod1")
If the project Python project preferences are set to use Grammar 3.0-3.5, with a Python 3.4 interpreter, and I open up the line from mod1 import fun1 is highlighted with an error Unresolved import: fun1. If I change the Python project preferences to use Grammar 2.7, close the file and reopen it, the error disappears. Just by changing the grammar back and forth, and closing/reopening the file, I can make the error appear/disappear.
So it seems that setting the Grammar to 3.x in PyDev causes intra-package imports to be incorrectly flagged as having an import error.
Any suggestions?
PyDev is doing right... on Python 3, relative imports must be written as:
from .mod1 import fun1
If the import doesn't start with a dot, it'll consider it an absolute import (and will properly show the error for you as with that absolute path the imported file cannot be resolved).
So my real issue was getting PyDev to not report errors about the imports, and to be able to debug modules buried in packages that have a main() in there for debugging. The solution for me was to use relative imports (as said in Fabio's answer), and then to do the following for debugging purposes. Let's say I want to run a module pack1.subpack2.subpack3.subpack4.modtodebug using PyDev, that has relative imports, and has a main() function. At the top level of my project, I have a module that reads
from pack1.subpack2.subpack3.subpack4.modtodebug import main as debugmain
if __name__ == '__main__':
I then have one run configuration for and each time I want to debug a different module, I just have to edit the code in to point to that module.
I hope this helps someone else with this kind of problem.

"import as" leads to unresolved import error, "from .. import" does not

I'm trying to write some plugins for the irc bot supybot with eclipse/pydev. Pydev gives me errors about unresolved imports on supybot-modules/packages (e. g. import supybot.utils as utils), but works ok on e. g. "from supybot.commands import *". So I guess I set up dydev correctly, as it finds the wanted modules. The problem must be in pydev/eclipse, as the bot works correct and in eric5 I get also no errors about that.
Removing the interpreter and setting it up didn't help. Any other ideas on how to fix this? System: Arch Linux, Eclipse Juno, PyDev 2.7.1, wanted (and set up) python interpreter is 2.7, supybot is installed in site-packages for Python 2.7.
Edit: Just noticed: PyDev doesn't mark the "from ... import *" as error, but if I use functions imported from there I get an error on that function.
Code sample:
import supybot.utils as utils
from supybot.commands import *
wunsch = wrap(wunsch, ['text', 'now'])
Error on the first line: Unresolved import: utils
Second line gets no error nor warning
Error on 3rd line: Undefined variable: wrap
But 'wrap' is a function declared in supybot.commands
Run import supybot; print supybot.__path__ to get the path to the supybot package. PyDev may be importing the wrong one (for example if you use a folder called supybot in your workspace).