1 duplicate symbol for architecture i386 - iphone

I am facing a critical problem here, Xcode throws strange exception while building it's
duplicate symbol _selected in:
ld: 1 duplicate symbol for architecture i386
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
I searched a lot but I didn't find anything help me please

Look at both the files for ClassX and ClassY - What targets are they included in? Basically the _selected method is duplicated in both of them. I am going to guess this is a plain C method that happens to be named the same in both files. Try renaming _selected in one of the files.

In my case, I was declaring a const in a header file, which worked fine when building and running on the device (iPhone 5), however when attempting to simulate a 4S, all of a sudden I had some 300 "duplicate symbols".
It turns out I needed to also mark the const as static and the issue went away. Presumably it was trying to redefine the constant every time the header was referenced. The compiler isn't smart enough to just make constants static? Didn't think that would be necessary, but I guess it is.
const CGFloat kTitleAnimateDistance = 50.f;
Needed to be:
const static CGFloat kTitleAnimateDistance = 50.f;

Some time you accidentally importing the .m file instead of the .h due to which this error comes. Please check and If this is not the reason, then perform the following steps
1- Check Build phases in Target settings.
2- Go to compile source section.
3- Check if any file exists twice or once.
4- If file exist twice delete one.
5- Build again.

I was having the same problem and #dtrotzjr 's answer gave me a hint as to what could be causing it.
In my case I had a plain C void function in my framework (which xcode was complaining about as a duplicate symbol) and i needed to declare it as static void

I had the same issue. I was including a .h file with a number of const strings, methods and a struct. When I changed them all to static except the only mutable variable I wanted, it compiled just fine.


Duplicate Symbol Error for architecture i386

I got this error when i tried to build:
"duplicate symbol __Z8ERRCHECK11FMOD_RESULT in:
ld: 1 duplicate symbol for architecture i386
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)"
How to solve this guys?
The error may occur when you copy and paste the contents of one file to another file with its interface name which means two classes with same interface name.
In your code you have two different files with the same Interface name.
For me this error happened because I was dumb enough to copy the whole folder of a downloaded lib to the project and there was a demo project inside it. So I had two main.m files. Hope this helps anyone!
In my case I had accidently imported .m file instead if .h file. Hope it helps someone for this kinda silly mistake.
when you create bool variables with same name in two different classes then this error comes.
"duplicate symbol __Z8ERRCHECK11FMOD_RESULT in"
so check your both classes
MagicSleepViewController.m and
for same bool variables.
Change the bool variable name, your problem will solve.
Looks like you have at least one (probably more) symbol (or methods, functions, etc.) that's duplicated between MagicSleepViewController.m and MagicSleepViewControllerIpad.m.
You need to either 1) change the names of one set of duplicated methods or 2) figure out a way to merge MagicSleepViewController.m & MagicSleepViewControllerIpad.m so the same code will work on both iPhones and iPads (e.g. using run time conditionals or whatever to determine what kind of device your code is currently running on).
I had #defines placed in two files that were exactly the same... DOH.
For me, a search in the finder for the named duplicates has helped.
The problem in my case was caused due to multiple references in the "Compile Sources". So I deleted one from Project->Build Phases-> Compile Sources.

Xcode: I just got an Apple Mach-O Linker (Id) Error and don't know why

I'm new to iOS Development, I'm using the latest version of Xcode and just got an error that said Apple Mach-O Linker (Id) Error exit code 1 and I haven't got a clue why. I think this is relevant but I'm not sure what it means:
ld: duplicate symbol _OBJC_CLASS_$_Timing1ViewController in /Users/tomkenning/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/EggTimer-ciznfdheqrtybuavrtbbcxfywyyw/Build/Intermediates/EggTimer.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/EggTimer.build/Objects-normal/i386/Mediumhb.o and /Users/tomkenning/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/EggTimer-ciznfdheqrtybuavrtbbcxfywyyw/Build/Intermediates/EggTimer.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/EggTimer.build/Objects-normal/i386/Timing1ViewController.o for architecture i386
All I've done recently is initialise and set some integer values in a .m file and then link to them from .h file from another ViewController, using #import "suchandsuch.m", there's been no errors in the code, but is that not allowed?
Thanks in advance for any help you can offer!
Don't do this:
#import "suchandsuch.m"
Do this:
#import "suchandsuch.h"
You are probably compiling suchandsuch.m, which defines the class Timing1ViewController, normally (by including suchandsuch.m in your target's list of files to build). Then your #import "suchandsuch.m" causes that same code to be inserted into a different source file, which is compiled as well. The result: two different source files try to define Timing1ViewController.
To do your constants the right way -- by declaring them extern in suchandsuch.h and defining them in suchandsuch.m -- see this answer.
You probably have two Timing1ViewController classes with the same name. If you don't try to Product -> Clean and build again.

iOS - expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__' before typedef [duplicate]

I'm trying to port the speakhere example into another app and I'm having issues. I copied all the files, and all the frameworks, but for some reason I get a bunch of compile errors that I've never seen before and thus don't know what to do. The only difference is that i'm not suing IB and so i had to change it slightly.
What does error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__' before 'foo' mean?... I get this error multiple times for different files
In my situation the first error is pointing at 'MeterTable'.. a class that includes <stdlib.h>,<stdio.h> and <math.h>. But those files seem to be importing fine (if i remove them i get more errors)
Any suggestions on how to debug this?
I still can't seem to figure it out. I'm literally just copying files from the example into another project. Can someone check it out please ? SpeakHerePort.zip and the original is here SpeakHere.zip
Your problem is that you are compiling SpeakHerePortAppDelegate.m, which is an Objective C file, but it is indirectly including MeterTable.h which is a C++ header file.
Rename it to SpeakHerePortAppDelegate.mm (double m) so that it is compiled as Objective C++ and your problem is resolved.
Name all your files .mm and then all your code will be compiled as Objective C++
In my case, the .h and .m in question are built fine with regular target, and the App can run as well.
However after the subset of the files are moved under a static library target, it gets this compile error when the static library is built.
Was stuck for a while & tried the above mentioned techniques, unfortunately they didn't help in my case.
Noted that this error happened only for the NSString*, for e.g.,
extern double const kTimeout; // fine
extern NSString* const kImageType; // compile error
After the above analysis & little break, eventually the problem is resolved by adding the the following import to the .h - "Foundation/Foundation.h"
It sounds like an unfinished declaration, probably in a header file. Search for 'foo' (or whatever the symbol actually is) across all project files, using ⇧⌘F (Edit ▸ Find ▸ Find In Project...) in Xcode, and/or examine the headers you're including where MeterTable is declared. Sometimes the compiler gets confused about the actual location of the error, since header files are frequently #imported into other files, so the problem can be manifest in multiple locations.
This might not have applied to this exact situation, but I had this exact error too, which was caused by a bad forward declaration. In Objective-C, make sure your forward-declares begin with the # sign - e.g.
#class MyClass;
Those of us still on autopilot from C++ will forget the #, see that XCode has highlighted class as a reserved keyword, and think all is well with the world. It is not.
It means that you have a syntax error. If you paste the code in question, it's easier to debug.
I had a similar scenario to some of the posts above. I'd written a C++ class based off of the examples in the Audio Queue Services documentation, and had this compilation issue in a test project. This post helped a tremendous amount.
Today, I'm incorporating the C++ class in my project, and got the build error again. In my scenario, I had to also set the type (using the "Get Info" window) to sourcecode.cpp.objcpp for the objective-c class that was calling my C++ class.

Objective-C categories in static library

Can you guide me how to properly link static library to iPhone project. I use static library project added to app project as direct dependency (target -> general -> direct dependencies) and all works OK, but categories. A category defined in static library is not working in app.
So my question is how to add static library with some categories into other project?
And in general, what is best practice to use in app project code from other projects?
Solution: As of Xcode 4.2, you only need to go to the application that is linking against the library (not the library itself) and click the project in the Project Navigator, click your app's target, then build settings, then search for "Other Linker Flags", click the + button, and add '-ObjC'. '-all_load' and '-force_load' are no longer needed.
I found some answers on various forums, blogs and apple docs. Now I try make short summary of my searches and experiments.
Problem was caused by (citation from apple Technical Q&A QA1490 https://developer.apple.com/library/content/qa/qa1490/_index.html):
Objective-C does not define linker
symbols for each function (or method,
in Objective-C) - instead, linker
symbols are only generated for each
class. If you extend a pre-existing
class with categories, the linker does
not know to associate the object code
of the core class implementation and
the category implementation. This
prevents objects created in the
resulting application from responding
to a selector that is defined in the
And their solution:
To resolve this issue, the static
library should pass the -ObjC option
to the linker. This flag causes the
linker to load every object file in
the library that defines an
Objective-C class or category. While
this option will typically result in a
larger executable (due to additional
object code loaded into the
application), it will allow the
successful creation of effective
Objective-C static libraries that
contain categories on existing
and there is also recommendation in iPhone Development FAQ:
How do I link all the Objective-C
classes in a static library? Set the
Other Linker Flags build setting to
and flags descriptions:
-all_load Loads all members of static archive libraries.
-ObjC Loads all members of static archive libraries that implement an
Objective-C class or category.
-force_load (path_to_archive) Loads all members of the specified static
archive library. Note: -all_load
forces all members of all archives to
be loaded. This option allows you to
target a specific archive.
*we can use force_load to reduce app binary size and to avoid conflicts which all_load can cause in some cases.
Yes, it works with *.a files added to the project.
Yet I had troubles with lib project added as direct dependency. But later I found that it was my fault - direct dependency project possibly was not added properly. When I remove it and add again with steps:
Drag&drop lib project file in app project (or add it with Project->Add to project…).
Click on arrow at lib project icon - mylib.a file name shown, drag this mylib.a file and drop it into Target -> Link Binary With Library group.
Open target info in fist page (General) and add my lib to dependencies list
after that all works OK. "-ObjC" flag was enough in my case.
I also was interested with idea from http://iphonedevelopmentexperiences.blogspot.com/2010/03/categories-in-static-library.html blog. Author say he can use category from lib without setting -all_load or -ObjC flag. He just add to category h/m files empty dummy class interface/implementation to force linker use this file. And yes, this trick do the job.
But author also said he even not instantiated dummy object. Mm… As I've found we should explicitly call some "real" code from category file. So at least class function should be called.
And we even need not dummy class. Single c function do the same.
So if we write lib files as:
// mylib.h
void useMyLib();
#interface NSObject (Logger)
// mylib.m
void useMyLib(){
NSLog(#"do nothing, just for make mylib linked");
#implementation NSObject (Logger)
NSLog(#"self is:%#", [self description]);
and if we call useMyLib(); anywhere in App project
then in any class we can use logSelf category method;
[self logSelf];
And more blogs on theme:
The answer from Vladimir is actually pretty good, however, I'd like to give some more background knowledge here. Maybe one day somebody finds my reply and may find it helpful.
The compiler transforms source files (.c, .cc, .cpp, .m) into object files (.o). There is one object file per source file. Object files contain symbols, code and data. Object files are not directly usable by the operating system.
Now when building a dynamic library (.dylib), a framework, a loadable bundle (.bundle) or an executable binary, these object files are linked together by the linker to produce something the operating system considers "usable", e.g. something it can directly load to a specific memory address.
However when building a static library, all these object files are simply added to a big archive file, hence the extension of static libraries (.a for archive). So an .a file is nothing than an archive of object (.o) files. Think of a TAR archive or a ZIP archive without compression. It's just easier to copy a single .a file around than a whole bunch of .o files (similar to Java, where you pack .class files into a .jar archive for easy distribution).
When linking a binary to a static library (= archive), the linker will get a table of all symbols in the archive and check which of these symbols are referenced by the binaries. Only the object files containing referenced symbols are actually loaded by the linker and are considered by the linking process. E.g. if your archive has 50 object files, but only 20 contain symbols used by the binary, only those 20 are loaded by the linker, the other 30 are entirely ignored in the linking process.
This works quite well for C and C++ code, as these languages try to do as much as possible at compile time (though C++ also has some runtime-only features). Obj-C, however, is a different kind of language. Obj-C heavily depends on runtime features and many Obj-C features are actually runtime-only features. Obj-C classes actually have symbols comparable to C functions or global C variables (at least in current Obj-C runtime). A linker can see if a class is referenced or not, so it can determine a class being in use or not. If you use a class from an object file in a static library, this object file will be loaded by the linker because the linker sees a symbol being in use. Categories are a runtime-only feature, categories aren't symbols like classes or functions and that also means a linker cannot determine if a category is in use or not.
If the linker loads an object file containing Obj-C code, all Obj-C parts of it are always part of the linking stage. So if an object file containing categories is loaded because any symbol from it is considered "in use" (be it a class, be it a function, be it a global variable), the categories are loaded as well and will be available at runtime. Yet if the object file itself is not loaded, the categories in it will not be available at runtime. An object file containing only categories is never loaded because it contains no symbols the linker would ever consider "in use". And this is the whole problem here.
Several solutions have been proposed and now that you know how all this plays together, let's have another look on the proposed solution:
One solution is to add -all_load to the linker call. What will that linker flag actually do? Actually it tells the linker the following "Load all object files of all archives regardless if you see any symbol in use or not'. Of course, that will work; but it may also produce rather big binaries.
Another solution is to add -force_load to the linker call including the path to the archive. This flag works exactly like -all_load, but only for the specified archive. Of course this will work as well.
The most popular solution is to add -ObjC to the linker call. What will that linker flag actually do? This flag tells the linker "Load all object files from all archives if you see that they contain any Obj-C code". And "any Obj-C code" includes categories. This will work as well and it will not force loading of object files containing no Obj-C code (these are still only loaded on demand).
Another solution is the rather new Xcode build setting Perform Single-Object Prelink. What will this setting do? If enabled, all the object files (remember, there is one per source file) are merged together into a single object file (that is not real linking, hence the name PreLink) and this single object file (sometimes also called a "master object file") is then added to the archive. If now any symbol of the master object file is considered in use, the whole master object file is considered in use and thus all Objective-C parts of it are always loaded. And since classes are normal symbols, it's enough to use a single class from such a static library to also get all the categories.
The final solution is the trick Vladimir added at the very end of his answer. Place a "fake symbol" into any source file declaring only categories. If you want to use any of the categories at runtime, make sure you somehow reference the fake symbol at compile time, as this causes the object file to be loaded by the linker and thus also all Obj-C code in it. E.g. it could be a function with an empty function body (which will do nothing when being called) or it could be a global variable accessed (e.g. a global int once read or once written, this is sufficient). Unlike all other solutions above, this solution shifts control about which categories are available at runtime to the compiled code (if it wants them to be linked and available, it accesses the symbol, otherwise it doesn't access the symbol and the linker will ignore it).
That's all folks.
Oh, wait, there's one more thing:
The linker has an option named -dead_strip. What does this option do? If the linker decided to load an object file, all symbols of the object file become part of the linked binary, whether they are used or not. E.g. an object file contains 100 functions, but only one of them is used by the binary, all 100 functions are still added to the binary because object files are either added as a whole or they are not added at all. Adding an object file partially is usually not supported by linkers.
However, if you tell the linker to "dead strip", the linker will first add all the object files to the binary, resolve all the references and finally scan the binary for symbols not in use (or only in use by other symbols not in use). All the symbols found to be not in use are then removed as part of the optimization stage. In the example above, the 99 unused functions are removed again. This is very useful if you use options like -load_all, -force_load or Perform Single-Object Prelink because these options can easily blow up binary sizes dramatically in some cases and the dead stripping will remove unused code and data again.
Dead stripping works very well for C code (e.g. unused functions, variables and constants are removed as expected) and it also works quite good for C++ (e.g. unused classes are removed). It is not perfect, in some cases some symbols are not removed even though it would be okay to remove them, but in most cases it works quite well for these languages.
What about Obj-C? Forget about it! There is no dead stripping for Obj-C. As Obj-C is a runtime-feature language, the compiler cannot say at compile time whether a symbol is really in use or not. E.g. an Obj-C class is not in use if there is no code directly referencing it, correct? Wrong! You can dynamically build a string containing a class name, request a class pointer for that name and dynamically allocate the class. E.g. instead of
MyCoolClass * mcc = [[MyCoolClass alloc] init];
I could also write
NSString * cname = #"CoolClass";
NSString * cnameFull = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"My%#", cname];
Class mmcClass = NSClassFromString(cnameFull);
id mmc = [[mmcClass alloc] init];
In both cases mmc is a reference to an object of the class "MyCoolClass", but there is no direct reference to this class in the second code sample (not even the class name as a static string). Everything happens only at runtime. And that's even though classes are actually real symbols. It's even worse for categories, as they are not even real symbols.
So if you have a static library with hundreds of objects, yet most of your binaries only need a few of them, you may prefer not to use the solutions (1) to (4) above. Otherwise you end up with very big binaries containing all these classes, even though most of them are never used. For classes you usually don't need any special solution at all since classes have real symbols and as long as you reference them directly (not as in the second code sample), the linker will identify their usage pretty well on its own. For categories, though, consider solution (5), as it makes it possible to only include the categories you really need.
E.g. if you want a category for NSData, e.g. adding a compression/decompression method to it, you'd create a header file:
// NSData+Compress.h
#interface NSData (Compression)
- (NSData *)compressedData;
- (NSData *)decompressedData;
void import_NSData_Compression ( );
and an implementation file
// NSData+Compress
#implementation NSData (Compression)
- (NSData *)compressedData
// ... magic ...
- (NSData *)decompressedData
// ... magic ...
void import_NSData_Compression ( ) { }
Now just make sure that anywhere in your code import_NSData_Compression() is called. It doesn't matter where it is called or how often it is called. Actually it doesn't really have to be called at all, it's enough if the linker thinks so. E.g. you could put the following code anywhere in your project:
__attribute__((used)) static void importCategories ()
// add more import calls here
You don't have to ever call importCategories() in your code, the attribute will make the compiler and linker believe that it is called, even in case it is not.
And a final tip:
If you add -whyload to the final link call, the linker will print in the build log which object file from which library it did load because of which symbol in use. It will only print the first symbol considered in use, but that is not necessarily the only symbol in use of that object file.
This issue has been fixed in LLVM. The fix ships as part of LLVM 2.9 The first Xcode version to contain the fix is Xcode 4.2 shipping with LLVM 3.0. The usage of -all_load or -force_load is no longer needed when working with XCode 4.2 -ObjC is still needed.
Here's what you need to do to resolve this problem completely when compiling your static library:
Either go to Xcode Build Settings and set Perform Single-Object Prelink to YES or
GENERATE_MASTER_OBJECT_FILE = YES in your build configuration file.
By default,the linker generates an .o file for each .m file. So categories gets different .o files. When the linker looks at a static library .o files, it doesn't create an index of all symbols per class (Runtime will, doesn't matter what).
This directive will ask the linker to pack all objects together into one big .o file and by this it forces the linker that process the static library to get index all class categories.
Hope that clarifies it.
One factor that is rarely mentioned whenever the static library linking discussion comes up is the fact that you must also include the categories themselves in the build phases->copy files and compile sources of the static library itself.
Apple also doesn't emphasize this fact in their recently published Using Static Libraries in iOS either.
I spent a whole day trying all sorts of variations of -objC and -all_load etc.. but nothing came out of it.. this question brought that issue to my attention. (don't get me wrong.. you still have to do the -objC stuff.. but it's more than just that).
also another action that has always helped me is that I always build the included static library first on its own.. then i build the enclosing application..
You probably need to have the category in you're static library's "public" header: #import "MyStaticLib.h"

iphone error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__' before ' 'foo'

I'm trying to port the speakhere example into another app and I'm having issues. I copied all the files, and all the frameworks, but for some reason I get a bunch of compile errors that I've never seen before and thus don't know what to do. The only difference is that i'm not suing IB and so i had to change it slightly.
What does error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__' before 'foo' mean?... I get this error multiple times for different files
In my situation the first error is pointing at 'MeterTable'.. a class that includes <stdlib.h>,<stdio.h> and <math.h>. But those files seem to be importing fine (if i remove them i get more errors)
Any suggestions on how to debug this?
I still can't seem to figure it out. I'm literally just copying files from the example into another project. Can someone check it out please ? SpeakHerePort.zip and the original is here SpeakHere.zip
Your problem is that you are compiling SpeakHerePortAppDelegate.m, which is an Objective C file, but it is indirectly including MeterTable.h which is a C++ header file.
Rename it to SpeakHerePortAppDelegate.mm (double m) so that it is compiled as Objective C++ and your problem is resolved.
Name all your files .mm and then all your code will be compiled as Objective C++
In my case, the .h and .m in question are built fine with regular target, and the App can run as well.
However after the subset of the files are moved under a static library target, it gets this compile error when the static library is built.
Was stuck for a while & tried the above mentioned techniques, unfortunately they didn't help in my case.
Noted that this error happened only for the NSString*, for e.g.,
extern double const kTimeout; // fine
extern NSString* const kImageType; // compile error
After the above analysis & little break, eventually the problem is resolved by adding the the following import to the .h - "Foundation/Foundation.h"
It sounds like an unfinished declaration, probably in a header file. Search for 'foo' (or whatever the symbol actually is) across all project files, using ⇧⌘F (Edit ▸ Find ▸ Find In Project...) in Xcode, and/or examine the headers you're including where MeterTable is declared. Sometimes the compiler gets confused about the actual location of the error, since header files are frequently #imported into other files, so the problem can be manifest in multiple locations.
This might not have applied to this exact situation, but I had this exact error too, which was caused by a bad forward declaration. In Objective-C, make sure your forward-declares begin with the # sign - e.g.
#class MyClass;
Those of us still on autopilot from C++ will forget the #, see that XCode has highlighted class as a reserved keyword, and think all is well with the world. It is not.
It means that you have a syntax error. If you paste the code in question, it's easier to debug.
I had a similar scenario to some of the posts above. I'd written a C++ class based off of the examples in the Audio Queue Services documentation, and had this compilation issue in a test project. This post helped a tremendous amount.
Today, I'm incorporating the C++ class in my project, and got the build error again. In my scenario, I had to also set the type (using the "Get Info" window) to sourcecode.cpp.objcpp for the objective-c class that was calling my C++ class.