Choosing GUI framework for portlets under WebCenter portal - portlet

I'm just looking through available technologies to create portlets using WSRP. So we have the following requirements (I'll try to explain so as I can):
backend part: Jax-WS webservices implementation (in fact JPA + some business logic)
frontend: portlets should use Jax-WS webservices and should be exposed through WSRP and consumed in Oracle WebCenter portal
everything should be built via Maven
I'm having troubles with selecting a proper framework for portlet development.
A couple of things which I'm considering:
ADF - has a big learning curve, tightly coupled to Oracle stack, I wouldn't like to use it
Vaadin framework - looks fine, but its latest version doesn't support WSRP Add on, so I will have to write something on my own
There are also a couple of others possible frameworks which I have not looked through yet: JSF, Spring Portlet MVC.
Maybe somebody of you has already used similar stack and can give some advice on which framework is more convenient for portlet with WSRP. I would very much appreciate any thoughts on that.
Thanks in advance

For me I used JSF with JSF-Portlet-Bridge, Struts and ADF
But I always preferred ADF since it gave me a quick way to generate WSRP portlets from Task-Flows.
If you are going to develop big list of Portlets, I'd tell you to consider ADF, even though the learning curve might be steep but it'll be worth it, and you already have knowledge in JSF it'll be an easy task!


Recommendations for a Full-stack Framework for REST?

I am looking for a robust REST framework to eliminate all that boilerplate code with starting up a new REST-only web service (mobile clients). Is there a framework that already has this built-in where I could, for example, simply build the domain models and run with it? I would like to see:
Authentication & User Model
Basic CRUD
Permissions (for model access)
It seems every web service at a minimum needs the above capabilities. Somebody, somewhere must have written a good re-usable framework with the above capabilities. Any ideas? I would prefer Node.js, Java or even hosting with a PaaS service provider that offers these features.
Spring 3 MVC provides a very nice and simple annotation based framework for REST.
See it can be deployed on any java web server like Jetty or Tomcat.
A framework like XAP provides a combined solution of Spring and Jetty plus it's built for dynamic scaling.
Last if you want to easily on board this solution on any cloud CloudifySource provides an open source project which includes XAP capabilities and PaaS.
I use Symfony 1.4 for this. It is an PHP framework. It generates most of what you need for free. The database stuff is also quite easy as the Symfony uses ORM libraries (you can choose but I can recommend Doctrine:
For example the whole backend site(admin) generating is a matter of running one command. They have a great e-book fro free. More info here:
There is also Symfony 2.X (, which have a lot of new features (e.g. new Doctrine 2.0). Especially with the bundle (plugin) is the RESTful service quite easy.

REST using JAX RS or Spring MVC

I'm trying to build a REST web service (server side) that will allow a partner system to connect/POST order information in JSON format. Should I use JAX RS (for example from JBOSS RESTEasy) or Spring MVC to build such a service? They both seem capable enough to accomplish the same thing as far as building a REST service is concerned.
Thank you!
Depends if you want to learn something new or go with what you already know.
If you already have experience with Spring MVC and want to get the work done quickly, then I'd suggest staying with Spring MVC. There are some neat enhancements to the REST features in Spring 3.1, including the ability to generate "end point documentation".
If, on the other hand, you are looking to expand your CV and/or enjoy learning new technologies, then give JAX RS a go. I haven't used it but it is a dedicated WS framework that would likely have any feature you'd require.
Of course, if you have experience with JAX RS but not Spring MVC, then the opposite applies :-)
If you are developing an EE 5 project then I would recommend using JAX-RS with Spring. The RI for JAX-RS, Jersey, has a Spring JAX-RS dispatcher servlet. This makes it much easier to manage dependency injection with JAX-RS and gives you all of the Spring MVC features like form binding and validation, but you are also able to use the Java standard approach for REST - and in my opinion, a better and easier to manage approach than Spring REST.
If it is an EE 6 app, then you may want to think about ditching Spring as JAX-RS is part of the EE 6 specs and you can use EE CDI within your JAX-RS classes.
Notice that Jersey has a bug that affects its integration with Spring:
In summary if you need Spring AOP in your JAX-RS resources it will not work. Dependency injection works well.
REST is more of an architecture style of developing web services which are very easy to understand without even documentation for a developer. Normal tech savy people can easily understand the URL patterns also the response types of JSON and XML support makes it easy for integrating with new javascript modularization standards such as backbone or angular.js.
On the other hand SpringMVC is more concentrating on model-view-controller architecture style of developing applications.

Spring MVC / Restful services - how to get started

I'd like to build a restful service to return some JSON data to a mobile application. I've worked with Grails in the past - it's pretty much perfect for this - but I'd like to learn Spring for my own purposes, mostly because it's the dominant Java-based server technology. So, I'm thinking about building the service in Spring MVC 3 for my own edification. But, one problem already is my hosting service doesn't support Spring - nor Grails for that matter. They do support Ruby on Rails and PHP.
My question - how heavy of a learning curve is it to get Spring up and running with a restful service? Is there a really good tutorial/learning resource to learn Spring in a short amount of time? Also, will it be difficult/expensive to find a hosting server? Or should I throw in the towel and go with Ruby or PHP?
There are loads of tutorials and some very good ones as well
This one was recommended by SpringSource a couple of weeks ago. It's in 5 parts so make sure to check out the other ones as well :)
At first glance it might look like alot of work but it really isn't, you do the initial wiring pretty fast and then adding new Controllers are really simple so in long term it's going to be fast and easy.

GWT+hibernate for highly interactive web application?

As a Java developer new to the web development environment, I was quite excited to find Grail which provides a great framework especially the convenience of abstracting DB operations with ORM. I later learned that it is actually the function of hibernate. At the same time I am delighted to learn about GWT. It is a god send for the project. I can continue building applications with event driven widgets using Java. Yeah!!
The answer seems clear: GWT + Hibernate. Will it work? What do I miss? Why there is much talk about this set up? What is the concern or area of risk? Have anyone tried this before?
Or, how do GWT developers handle the challenge of data persistence? What are the options?
Also I can't seem to find a good tutorial about setting up Hibernate with Eclipse -- the IDE I am familiar with. What are the tools or plug-ins needed?
Hibernate works fine with GWT as long as you keep in mind that the GWT code is actually running on the browser so you can't manipulate Hibernate objects in your client code. The downside to that is you're probably going to have duplicate objects on the client and server side, but you can use course-grained DTOs via the GWT remote procedure calls. On the server side, just create a ServletListener to initialize your Hibernate project and then use normal Hiberate methods to store and retrieve objects.
As far as Hibernate and Eclipse, Hibernate has an Eclipse plugin, but it's not really necessary to develop in Eclipse. It gives you the ability to run HQL and to reverse engineer Java objects from the database or vice versa, which can be useful, but it's not required.
If you want to go the hibernate way, you should have a look at Gilead or its predecessor hibernate4gwt. It works pretty well, but documentation is a bit sparse.

Simplest way to use JPA with my GWT application

I'd like to create a simple Google Web Toolkit application which makes uses RPCs. For persistence, I'd like to use something like the Java Persistence API.
Does this mean I have to use an application server like Glassfish? or can I stick with a simple web container?
In terms of concrete libraries, how should I proceed? TopLink? Hibernate? ...
I believe the GWT RPC stuff is implemented as simple servlets. Assuming that, you totally can use JPA in a web container like Tomcat and don't need a full blown J2EE app server.
To do that, you will need to do a bit of manual setup to make access to the PersistenceContext simpler. Hibernate suggests using ThreadLocal, and I have an entry on my blog that details how I did that for Tomcat here
I would personally recommend Glassfish, as being more stable, better implemented and generally higher quality that Tomcat. I don't want to start a flame war (by saying that putting J2EE into Tomcat is like putting lipstick on a pig), but I will tell you how we deploy all of our applications:
We use Glassfish as the web container, TopLink as the persistence provider, generally connected to a MySQL 5 database. We use the JPA POJOs all the way from the EJB layer, through the web tier, and the GWT layer as well, via RPC. We also use Stripes and JSPs for all the presentation logic that doesn't require AJAX functionality. We've never had any problems with this approach, and have so far done at least 10 large-scale projects this way. It's the best architecture that we've had to date, and we've had a lot (tomcat, jboss, hibernate, struts, spring, etc, etc, etc).
You can user any container you like, i mean servlet and jpa containers.
The key point is that GWT doesn't suport jpa, so you have to use DTO design parten.
This will keep everything organized and you will not have problems with lazy loading.