'cannot open git-upload-pack' error in Eclipse when cloning or pushing git repository - eclipse

I am not able to clone or push to a git repository at Bitbucket in Eclipse:
It's weird, because a day before I didn't have any problem. I have downloaded the sts 3 times with no luck. This error keeps showing. Also I have installed SourceTree and it says 'This is not a valid source path / URL':
If I use git commands to import the project, it works, but I wan't to use EGit for this task, since I am a newbie with git.
I don't know if this has to do with it, but in the same directory I have the android-adt-bundle. This one works pretty well, but the project lies on GitHub and not Bitbucket. Also, I'm working with another person and he is able to fetch and push data from and to the Bitbucket repository. I have read lots of posts but none of them have helped me out.
I'm using Windows 7 btw.

Might also be bad SSL cert, fix the server
If you have a GIT server with an outdated or self-signed SSL cert fix the server, afterwards everything should run fine.
Insecure Hotfix: Let the client accept any certificate
The following solution is just a mere hotfix on client side and should be avoided as it compromises security of your credentials and content. There is a detailed explanation for this in "How can I make git accept a self signed certificate?" which offers more complex and more secure solutions you can try out if the following works in general.
In my case it was Eclipse using a different storage for the git config as the command line does and thus not having the option
git config http.sslVerify false
set (which I set using command line for the repo for working with invalid/untrusted SSL cert).
Adding the option insides Eclipse immediately resolves the issue. To add the option
open preferences via application menu Window => Preferences (or on OSX Eclipse => Settings).
Navigate to Team => Git => Configuration
click Add entry..., then put http.sslVerify in the key box and false in the value box.
Seems to be a valid solution for Eclipse 4.4 (Luna), 4.5.x (Mars) and 4.6.x (Neon) on different Operating systems.

It happens due to the following Reasons:
1) Firewall.
2) Network Issues.
3) Proxy Settings Mismatch
4) Connected through different Router - which is not authorized within the network.
5) Git Proxy Authentication Details

Finally I made it work thanks to the steps outlined in the Eclipse forum:
Set up the SSH key stuff
Download and install mysys git according to the github instructions at http://help.github.com/win-git-installation/
In C:/Users/you/ssh hide any existing keys (id_rsa and id_rsa.pub) in a subdirectory. If the ssh directory does not exist, create it. Of course, "you" is your username as the OS knows you.
From the start menu, run Git-Bash command shell (a regular DOS command shell will not work).
In the Git-Bash shell generate an rsa key based on your email (the one you registered at github):
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "you#wherever.com"
and enter your pass phrase and confirm when asked.
The previous step should have created C:/User/you/ssh/id_rsa.pub which you can now open in a text editor and copy. At github, go to account settings, SSH Keys, add a key and paste this in the key box.
In Git-Bash again (notice the back-ticks in the next line):
eval `ssh-agent`
ssh-add C:/User/you/ssh/id_rsa
ssh git#github.com
Here is what you just did: You ran the ssh-agent which is needed by ssh-add. Then you used ssh-add to make note of the location of your key. Then you tried to ssh to GitHub. The response to this last command should be that you have successfully authenticated at GitHub but that you don't have shell access. This is just an authentication test. If the authentication was not successful, you'll have to sort that out. Try the verbose version:
ssh -v git#github.com
Assuming this worked....
In Eclipse, configure the remote push
Window > Show View > Git > Git Repositories will add a repository explorer window.
In the repository window, select the repository and expand and right-click Remotes and choose Create Remote.
Copy the GitHub repository URI from the GitHub repository page and paste it in the URI box.
Select ssh as the protocol but then go back to the URI box and add "git+" at the beginning so it looks like this:
In the Repository Path box, remove the leading slash
Hit Next and cross your fingers. If your get "auth fail", restart Eclipse and try step 5 again.
When you get past the authentication, in the next dialog select "master" for source ref, click "Add all branches spec" and "Finish".
Instead of using SSH git#github.com I did it with SSH git#bitbucket.org.
Now I can push and import without any problem.

After struggling for a couple of hours, I found that git config file was not updated when I added the entry sslVerify = false in my Eclipse.
I solved my problem by navigating to my .git directory and updating the config file to :
sslVerify = false

I added -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2 to eclipse.ini and it's working.
I use java 1.7

I had exactly the same issue with eclipse 2020-12. In Preferences->Git I changed "Http Client" to "Java built-in HTTP" and the issue is resolved.

One cause of this is having Fiddler2 configured to decrypt HTTPS traffic. Close Fiddler2 and it should work fine.

This issue can be caused when you have a local firewall which is preventing your application from being able to send any network traffic away from your machine. I.e. Outbound traffic or egress traffic rules.
Please try disabling your firewall for a quick test to see if this fixes your issue. If it does then setup the appropriate firewall policy for the application you are trying to use to push or pull to a git repository.

Recently I got same problem with existing repository.when I try to fetch from upstream not able Fetched object and got problems eclipse: cannot open git-upload-pack.
for me following solution work after adding TLS version in eclipse.ini file
For java7 need to add TLSv1.1 and for java8 need to TLSv1.2
Note: Need to restart eclipse once above configuration added.

In my case, it turned out that global proxy settings in "Preferences->Network connections" were interfering with git. Which is kind of confusing, because git has dedicated property for proxy configuration. Anyway, I've added repository host to "Proxy bypass" list and the problem was gone.

I faced "git-upload-pack not permitted" error in STS4 while fetching Bitbucket repository. I struggled for many many hours only to realize we need to use password generated with "Create app password" in Bitbucket (and not our own set password)
URL to generate password: https://bitbucket.org/account/settings/app-passwords/new
Use this password in "Clone a Git repository" in STS4

I just got this same error, "cannot open git-upload-pack", in Eclipse with a BitBucket repo trying to do a pull or a push.
I resolved it by switching local branches (Team/Switch To) to the master branch and doing a pull, and then switching back to the branch I was working on and pulling again.

I'm using Eclipse Kepler SR2 on Ubuntu 12.04LTS and was trying to access an internal GitHub using HTTPS.
Unfortunately, my underlying JVM with which Eclipse was started experienced problems with the self-signed certificate of the server. Switching to a different JVM for Eclipse got the HTTPS connection to our GitHub working.
Create a simple Eclipse starter that uses a different JDK, e.g. with OpenJDK:
/Eclipse_Kepler_4.4.2/eclipse -vm /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk-i386/jre/bin

I got the similar problem. I just followed the below steps
1. Team > Remote > Configure Fetch from upstream...
2. Provide the https: bit bucket uri then Save and Fetch.
3. Reset the latest commit in your project. Team > Reset > Select the latest commit from remote folder
4. Then synchronize the workspace. Team > Synchronize (in synchronize perspective)
5. Right click on project and overwrite the local copy.
6. Click on Pull icon.

The Solution to this in Eclipse Mars 4.5.2:
Window -> Preferences -> Team -> Git -> Repository Settings -> AddEntry
Key: http.sslVerify
Value: false

For those who still have this problem, and none of the above solutions worked for you:
Update your versions of java and Eclipse.
In my case, I updated from java 7 to java 9, and Eclipse Mars to Eclipse Oxygen, and this problem was solved !!!

Add https.sslVerify as false...when you use https connection for importing from git

I had a similar problem and a quick fix to your issue is to make sure that you set your JVM option in the eclipse.ini file to use jre7. Older Jre's come with an old local policy file and this will return errors. One quick note also is that you need to point to your javaw not java.

I had my proxy settings set up in Eclipse and wasn't connected via ssh, which was causing the error.

i've tried all those methods but it didn't work then a workmate told me that Putty Key Generator used to generate keys with 1024 bits but now Putty generate 2048 bits keys by default , so you just need to change the "Number of bits in a generated key" and it should work.

The problem can also be caused by wrong system time (by a couple of years), making the Git's certificate invalid.

I just changed the Network settings from Native to Manual, restart and the error is gone.
I'm using RAD with and old version of EGit connected to TFS/Git. ;-)

I got this error message because I had a different user than what the repo expected in my git config.
This would obviously trigger the SSL Cert failures mentioned above.
Fixing to the correct user resolved this issue for me.

to fix SSL issue you can also try doing this.
Download the NetworkSolutionsDVServerCA2.crt from the bitbucket server and add it to the ca-bundle.crt
ca-bundle.crt needs to be copied from the git install directory and copied to your home directory
cp -r git/mingw64/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt ~/
then do this. this worked for me
cat NetworkSolutionsDVServerCA2.crt >> ca-bundle.crt
git config --global http.sslCAInfo ~/ca-bundle.crt
git config --global http.sslverify true

I finally solved this issue by disabling IPv6 on the network configuration
Screenshot of my network configuration
Note that I use a VPN connection. If you do too, you must restart it.
I'm pretty sure that it will work even if you don't use a VPN.

The repository owner should give you a contributor permission:

For the Eclipse running on IBM JDK the following 2 lines are mandatory in eclipse.ini after -vmargs:

i've had the same issue on Spring Tool Suite (STS) and turns out, all i had to do was update my proxy settings in STS network config.
window > preferences > General > Network Connections and on the dropdown select "Manual" from "Native".
Here, just add your proxy url, port and your credentials for http and https by clicking on edit.
Apply and close.
Hope it works for you.

I got this error and after some research found that we need to create an access token in github and use it instead of the password which we have been using till now while git push and pull.
Github developer blog explaining the password deprecation: https://developer.github.com/changes/2020-02-14-deprecating-password-auth/
I have documented the steps here - you may try it out and see if it works for you.
Thanks. This looks like an evergreen Question as I am answering after 7 years along with other valid answers!! :)

I had the same error. The error occurred suddenly while working. In my case it looked like an account problem or server side problem.
I sign out and signed in again in Bitbucket repository from web browser and this solved my problem.


Suddenly getting "No more authentication methods available" from eclipse egit from formerly working installation

I've had Eclipse installed for quite a while. I upgraded to 2018-12 a few weeks ago. I've had ssh authentication set up for all my git repos (centrally stored in BitBucket Server) for a long time. It's been working perfectly fine.
Today I had to reboot my Windows7 laptop for some automated installations, which happens a few times a month.
I restarted Eclipse and suddenly I'm finding that all of my git repos are failing authentication. I'm seeing this in the log:
!MESSAGE ssh://git#.../....git: No more authentication methods available
org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.TransportException: ssh://git#.../.....git: No more authentication methods available
at org.eclipse.jgit.api.FetchCommand.call(FetchCommand.java:254)
at org.eclipse.jgit.api.PullCommand.call(PullCommand.java:290)
at org.eclipse.egit.core.op.PullOperation$PullJob.run(PullOperation.java:256)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.Worker.run(Worker.java:63)
Caused by: org.eclipse.jgit.errors.TransportException: ssh://git#.../.....git: No more authentication methods available
at org.eclipse.jgit.transport.sshd.SshdSessionFactory.getSession(SshdSessionFactory.java:249)
I then went to one of my local repositories in my Cygwin shell and tried a "git pull". This worked perfectly fine.
The only recent change I made that might be related to this is that I installed the Windows version of git, in addition to the Cygwin git. I put it at the end of the PATH. I don't see how that could be affecting this, as Eclipse is using jgit.
I think I just solved the problem, but I'm not sure what the real problem was.
When I installed 2018-12 a few weeks ago, I thought I noticed a mention of upcoming changes to what the default ssh client would be. I noticed that I was currently set to use JSch, and I thought the release notes said that it would be moving to "Apache MINA", so I decided to change it now and see how it worked. This was working fine for a couple of weeks.
Just now I tried changing that field back to "JSch" and then doing a pull. It worked fine. Just to be sure, I changed it back to "Apache MINA" and tried it again. Still failed. Changed it back to "JSch" and it's working.
I don't know what's going on here.
This is happened to me today... I don't have any clue why it's happening.. I tried removing eclipse and installed again... same problem again... I checked all the settings and everything seemed fine... the error message was not something to guess easily...
What i have done
My ssh keys are not the default one... I have a folders called github, internal and deployed inside ~/.ssh
So, In eclipse I went to Window > Prefrences -> Network -> SSH2 in private keys I have given the path to my keys... but i didn't change SSH2 home directory... this is the culprit.. I will tell you later why
SSH2 Home directory = ~/.ssh
path to private key = ~/.ssh/github/slokesh
I changed ssh client in Preferences -> Team -> git but every single time the same error was showing up...
So, then I went back to step 2, then there I changed SSH2 home directory to ~/.ssh/github and the path to private key to slokesh then it worked...
I hope this helps... if anything is unclear please leave a comment...
I feel that the error message they are throwing could be more verbose and clear. Also, there should be a note in the SSH2 home and private key path fields because the private key path they are taking as relative to SSH2 home. But unfortunately they are not giving...

Eclipse and EGit: Can't export SSH

I tried to set up a ssh connection in order to be able to pull git repositories with EGit in Eclipse via ssh. (I'm using Eclipse Luna).
For this I used instructions given on the Eclipse Wiki.
I went to Eclipse --> Windows --> Preferences --> General --> Network Connection --> SSH2 --> Key Management --> Generate RSA Key
and tried to export the key via the "Export via SFTP" Button. I entered
githubID#git.eclipse.org but instead of exporting my key, an error appeared on top of the window ("failed to export ssh key to remote server")
I did the whole process a few month ago (that worked) and only wanted to redo this, because pulling my repository caused an error.
Old pull Error:
ssh://githubID#git.eclipse.org/gitroot/myproject.git: Session.connect: java.io.IOException: End of IO Stream Read
I have read about an update of EGit and updated it as well as trying the whole process on a new laptop, but the error also occurs in the new laptop with a new Eclipse.
Does anybody knows a solution for my problem? Thank you in advance!
Finally I ended up asking the Eclipse Webmaster for help.
As my IP address hasn't been blocked (This might have been a solution!) I tried to use the Git Bash instead of EGit and that's worked! So it wasn't a problem with my ssh key, but with the Client, which seems to be broken.
It's more work to do all git commands manually, but finally it works.
It seems to be a bug in older versions of eGit.
Related: https://www.eclipse.org/forums/index.php/t/1096174/
However, the most recent versions of eGit are not compatible with Eclipse Luna any more.
For me, upgrading eGit to version 5.0.3, the last version compatible with Eclipse Luna by manually downloading eGit from here http://archive.eclipse.org/egit/updates-5.0.3/ and installing it from local solved the problem.

Cannot make egit work with a server via ssh

Running the Mars version of Eclipse on Windows 10. I'm trying to clone a repository with this URL (domain name replaced with example.com):
Initially I had a lot of trouble trying to connect, because Eclipse did not have the server fingerprint in known_hosts, and had no way to accept the unknown fingerprint. I eventually figured out a way around that (copy the line from a Linux server's known_hosts file to the eclipse known_hosts on Windows). The public key matching the private key in eclipse has been added to the authorized_keys file on the server.
Now that I have solved the fingerprint problem, when I try the clone, I get to the Branch Selection screen and this is the error message at the top:
ssh://git#git.example.com/opt/git/dnsconfig.git: not found.:
ssh://git#git.example.com/opt/git/dnsconfig.git: not found.
If I go to a Linux machine and type the following command (this host is also set up with an ssh key in authorized_keys on the server), it works perfectly:
git clone ssh://git#git.example.com/opt/git/dnsconfig.git
I set up the server using this as a guide:
This is probably user error ... can anyone help me figure out what I've done wrong?
After I tried msysgit, the note from MichaƂ Grzejszcza talking about Putty led me to try one more thing.
I do use putty quite frequently, and I have a key that I keep loaded in pageant, which I use to log into personal accounts on several servers.
I was not using that personal key for eclipse, I wanted to use a completely separate key for git.
When I added the matching public key for my personal key to the git user's authorized_keys file on the git server, suddenly both eclipse and msysgit were working fine, which means that both of them are tied into putty. This was a little surprising for msysgit, since the info I have on msysgit says that it comes with and uses openssh.

Connection timed out: connect, Eclipse juno + EGit

I'm using Windows 7 with Eclipse Juno and EGit plugins
Whenever I try to Import > Project from Git, it always return eror message Connection timed out: connect.
I try to import from git via ssh. with username/password
Did someone experienced this kind of issue?
Just had the same issue; for myself, it was a proxy-related issue. If you have a proxy, try the following.
First off, ensure you have your GIT configured for your proxy. Under your Eclipse preferences, venture to:
Team -> Git -> Configuration -> User Settings
Add the entry http.proxy with the value such as http://<myip>:<myport>.
Since GIT is using a proxy and my server is located in my local LAN, I had (for my setup) to add an exception in my Internet Options for my repository's host.
On a side note:
I did not have to configure the http.sslverify GIT preference to get it to work.
I did not have to manually alter any configurations under General -> Network Connections -> SSH2.
I did not have to alter my GIT URL specifically tailored to an SSH connection (ie. I can use the string <my user>#<host>:/opt/git/<repo>/ instead of ssh://<my user>#<host>/opt/git/<repo>/).

Subclipse and Eclipse - RA layer request failed

I'm following the instructions for installing Ardor3D as an Eclipse Project Set via Subclipse; instructions at:
I installed Subclipse from
and installed fine. If I go to Eclipse's Preferences and Team|SVN I can see that the SVN Interface Client is JavaHL, and hence installed fine.
However, when I come to checkout the code at:
by selecting New|Other|SVN|Check Projects from SVN I get the following error message:
RA layer request failed
svn: Unable to connect to a repository at URL 'http://ardorlabs.svn.cvsdude.com/Ardor3Dv1'
svn: OPTIONS of 'http://ardorlabs.svn.cvsdude.com/Ardor3Dv1': could not connect to server (http://ardorlabs.svn.cvsdude.com)
I know the URL is valid as I can install the above fine on my work m/c of WinXP. However, the same installation on my personal laptop of Win7 fails to connect.
I tried temporarily disabling the firewall and it still fails.
I've tried playing around with the config and server files in:
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Subversion
but to be honest not 100% sure as what to change, if anything as I'm not using proxy settings.
If there's an expert out there who's knows the solution to this problem I would greatly appreciate hearing from you.
PS. I find the error message "RA layer request failed" confusing as the URL is valid.
I had exactly the same problem, which turned out to be caused by a proxy server. The solution to my problem was to configure subversion to work with the proxy server, however it was not obvious how to do this.
You should have a directory similar to : C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Application Data\Subversion
In that directory there will be a file called servers.
I un-commented and edited the following entries and my subversion is now working fine with Eclipse:
Why exactly you can't configure this through Eclipse is abit of a mystery, but there you go.
Another user account could login, I got the error as described above. The difference was the Proxy setting which was missing in my account. It is stored per user in the Registry and I could easily change this in the Tortoise SVN config.
We encountered this error with our server. While we were able to successfully access the CollabNet 5 SVN admin console, navigating to the repository to browse it from the admin console would fail. We also were not able to connect from Subclipse clients.
The problem turned out we were not hitting the correct port on the server. We had reconfigured the default port from 80 to 4343 and the admin console reported the changed setting but the server was still running on 80.
For what it's worth, in order for the configuration change to stick, we had to bring the repo server down and make the change in the admin console and then restart the machine. We were then able to browse the repo from the link in the admin console.