Connect an issue with a commit after the commit - github

I did a git commit and pushed to github, but forgot to mention the issue number in the commit (I forgot to write something like ... closes #123).
If I had mentioned the issue number in the commit message, github would have connected the commit to the issue. Is there any way to do this after the commit, when it's too late for me to change the commit message?
EDIT: Assume that it's too late to amend the commit or otherwise alter the history. I am really asking about github functionality, not git.

In your issue on GitHub, just write a comment with the commit hash. For instance:
Fixed with commit 61d949320fc0bf1a8dba09b3845bddcd153b1a64
GitHub will recognize it as a SHA and link to the right commit page.

The Github help page "Can I delete a commit message?" explain how to alter:
a commit you just pushed
older commits message
But since it changes the history, you need to make anyone having already pulled from the GitHub repo aware of that change.
If rewriting the history isn't possible, you can make a new commit, with a commit message including:
the close issue
the SHA1 of the previous commit.
GitHub will automatically link that old commit in your new commit message: see for istance the reference to commit cdfd948 in this git commit.


Github Site shows deleted commit in the commit tab

I am new to github commands and I am a bit confused about what I am doing.
I want to delete the "MegaMan Game" commit, revert all changes, and make it dissapear from github
history. Following this other stack overflow question Delete commits from a branch in Git, I ran the git reset --hard HEAD ~1 command. The commit seems to be deleted judging by the git log command, but on the github website it still shows that the "MegaMan Game" commit is still there. Also in source tree happens the same thing. The commit still shows there.
I am a bit confused. Is the website wrong about the commits? Did I run the command wrong?
Here is an image with the exact commands and what git
This is a noob question. I need help to undestand how this works.
You deleted commit in your local branch. You must send this change to the upstream branch(to github).
git push --force

How to revert a pull request commit on GitHub

I am trying to revert my latest commit on GitHub. All the information I have looked through says that there should be a revert button in the pull request but I do not see it, and cannot find it.
Is there anyway to do this on GitHub? Or could I do it terminal with a few rebase commands?
Assuming this pull request merge is a commit merge (what I would expect), then you may try the following from the Git bash:
git checkout your_branch
git revert <hash of merge commit> -m 1
git push origin your_branch
This solution assumes that you want to revert back to the branch into which the pull request merge was made. If you want to follow the incoming branch, then use -m 2 instead.
To find the SHA-1 hash of the merge commit, you may use git log, and then copy over the hash from the first commit, which should appear at the top.
Note that nuking the merge commit and then doing a force push is generally a bad idea here. The reason it is bad is because your branch is published on GitHub. This means that rewriting the history of that branch could cause problems for anyone besides you who happens to be sharing this branch.
In android studio click version control tab in the bottom. Then click log
Then your all the commits will be visible. Then right click on relvent commit and revert it.
Then commit changes and push again.
Get the hash of the commit in which you want to revert back. Then do:
git checkout 54722c31619b0662b379923d0be4b8f8f1f125c9
The long number you are seeing is the hash of that particular commit in which you want to revert back.
Then force push into the branch you want to revert back.
git push origin <your_branch_name> --force
I hope this helps. Happy coding :)

Lost a bunch of code in Github, mistakingly reverted to an old push, what are my options?

The commit no longer shows up but rather the latest one now is the one named "Instructions work".
That's the screenshot of my commit. I had a merge error and googled how to resolve it and did it. Didn't notice my commit disappeared. Pressed sync thinking i was pushing my commit. Actually reverted and my commits are gone.
git revertshouldn't do anything except create a new commit -- you should be able to undo the revert by reverting to head with git revert HEAD
You can also search for dangling commit blobs in your lost and found history using git fsck --lost-found and then find the one you want and then apply the commit with git merge <SHA1 of commit>.
You can try reverting the actual revert commit.

GitHub fork a repo from previous commit

I've found a repository on GitHub I would like to fork - but not the current version.
I want to fork the repo as it was quite a few commits back - is this possible? The repo has not marked any releases, so I'm not sure how to do this. I could obviously copy the code as it was in that commit, but I would prefer to fork, as then I get the link back to the original repo.
You can only fork the current repository.
You can reset the forked repository's master branch to an earlier commit though, making it look like as if you had forked it at that point.
See: How can I rollback a github repository to a specific commit?
If you reset every branch, it effectively resets your repository to an earlier state of the original repository (with exception of branch-independent data, like configuration, hooks etc which are not reset). Since it's possible that not all branches contain the commit from the master branch, you might need to look up commits by date for each branch, to reset them to the last commit before the commit from which you want to fork.
I was also unable to do this using github, but Sourcetree handled it perfectly.
Switched to the desired branch.
Found the commit that I wanted as the head of my new branch and right clicked.
Selected "branch."
My commit was already selected.
Name this new branch, create, and push.
Can also be done by selecting the "branch" button.
You then select the commit that you want as your new head, give it a name, and create it.

Does EGit "Revert Commit" permanently delete the original commit?

I'm still learning Git's workflow for doing things, and realized that I was accidentally in the wrong working branch when I committed some files. So using EGit, I listed the commit history and selected Revert Commit from the context menu for a couple of commits.
I have since realized that I wanted those commits, but cannot find the original commits anywhere. It seems as though the original commits were all but deleted. Even doing a full log listing on the entire git repo does not show the original commit or the revert commits.
From my understanding of the EGit docs, revert commit was just supposed to "undo" the changes by creating a new commit ontop of the old one, undoing what it had done. However, it would appear that it actually deleted my original commits.
Am I toast? Did I permanently lose those changes? I'm running Eclipse 3.7 with EGit
git revert, as you said, doesn't delete the commits. It only creates a new commit undoing the changes of a certain commit passed to it. So, the original commit is still in the repository. Listing the commits with git log should show the original commit and the commit that undo what the original commit does.
With that, to recover the original content of the commit, you can revert the revert commit or change your repository status to the commit before the revert with git reset --hard hash where hash represents the hash of the commit before the commits that represents your git revert.
Your best bet is to leave eclipse and egit for a while and use the commandline.
There is a tool called git reflog that can show you much more than git log. I suggest you give that a try to see what you have done to the repository.