Paypal Express Checkout: Mixed Recurring and Non-Recurring Items - paypal

I am working on our company cart which contains products that people can either subscribe to or just buy outright. The problem is that it should require customers to add both types in a single order.
Question: It is possible to to tell Paypal to charge selected items as subscription and the others as one-time payments?
Thanks in advance.

According to the advanced features documentation page 47/48, this is possible by calling SetExpressCheckout with the recurring products as BillingAgreements and the other products as normal, then calling DoExpressCheckoutPayment if there are one-time payments followed by CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile for the recurring products (up to 10).
Caveat: This is a WIP for me, relaying what information I could find.


Recurring payment on PayPal Express Checkout

Im trying set up recurring payment on my site by using Paypal Express Checkout. I did read through the official docs and I couldnt find anything useful related to recurring payment.
Im just wondering does Express Checkout support recurring payment? If so, how can I achieve that or Where can I get some good example to start with?
Thank you for your help in advance. Much appreciated
We have a similar issue before. You might wanted to take a look at this thread.
I'm trying to understand the use case here. When you say recurring payment for express checkout,it has to be something a customer is buying regularly like restocking an item, in that case it's not an express checkout, it's a recurring purchase by a returning customer. They must have opted to restock at a regular interval like every 30 days, 2 months etc. They also must be registered users on your website.
So your logic must include — Checking all the customers who have set up an automatic purchase for an item.
—Check their frequency of purchase and charge them for the amount of the item at that frequency.
—For this purpose PayPal has a REST API :
This is the accurate place to look for to implement PayPal recurring payments:
In case they also allow you to authorize payments through the following API
you could use it as well.
But at least this narrows down your choices in terms of regular payment authorization.
This API will allow you to request PayPal services to authorize payment on a regular basis for that customer. You will still have to have your own logic to check the 'subscription' for your products and the intervals.
—The CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile API Operation (NVP) at the link below looks to be for personal payments. For example something an Inventory Management System will do.
It's an API specific to adding recurring payments functionality.
Since you're a developer, PayPal Developers' Resources will answer any queries you have regarding the API functionality and usage. You will have to just know what to ask for. You are their B2B customer trying to understand their API system. You can also file a bug on their Developer portal if you're not getting proper answers.

PayPal Parallel vs. Adaptive functionality

Definition of the proper PayPal-method on our marketplace.
It is a dental marketplace where customers can buy several products from multiple sellers (merchants) at the same time. What we need to do is a Payment that only show the different sellers on the PayPal Payment interface (incl. tax, shipping etc. on each seller/merchant) when the customer submit the order. It is important that Dentlet (our marketplace) does not figure on the customer Payment page (due to legal considerations).
Furthermore we only need to Autorize the payment during customer checkout. This is important as we don’t want the customer to transfer the payment to seller/merchant before the actual item is shipped/invoiced (or part of the items are shipped/invoiced).Capture should be on Invoice generated by our marketplace based on shipment. Instantly when/after the Payment has been captured, then we need to do a commission from the seller/merchant PayPal account to Dentlet PayPal account.
Earlier on we have been suggested to go with Express Checkout in this scenario, but due to some challenges implementing we have now been advised to go with: pre-approval with adaptive chained payment. Somehow it seems like we need some functionality from both Parallel and Adaptive - we dont know how to make this happen.
All architectural advises will be appreciated and a freelance consultancy job is available as well.
Best Regards,

PayPal Express Checkout with a mix of one time purchase and recurring payments through the REST API

I am using the PayPal REST API and would like to create a transaction that includes a combination of recurring and one-time payments in a single transaction.
According to the documentation for the NVP integration, it seems such a transaction is possible. However, I'm not sure how to accomplish the same using the REST API. I have searched the REST API documentation as well as the .NET SDK examples and cannot find an example of a transaction that uses a mix of recurring and one-time payments.
Our use case: We process transactions for downloadable software - most of the products are one-time purchases, but some of the products (such as anti-virus products) have a recurring billing component associated with them. As such, we need to process a single transaction where one of the items is a regular purchase, and the other is a part of a recurring plan. We plan to process these transactions using the "PayPal" payment method (i.e. not direct credit card). Specifically, we'll be using Express Checkout.
Any guidance would be much appreciated. Thank you!
Based on what you're doing about, here's what I think your best course of action might be:
When you have a user checking out that may have some multi-month subscriptions, and some single time subscriptions, you set up a new billing plan with each item to be purchased. For the subscriptions, you set up an entry that is set to multiple months, and for a single payment you set a single month payment (see for an example of multiple entries).
Next, you need to execute that plan for the user via a billing agreement ( Within the billing agreement you can set the start date to execute immediately, which should complete the checkout process for both billing orders right then.
Let me know if that works out for your scenario.

Paypal API - Can we transfer money to multiple accounts in a transaction?

A proposed scenario is, assume the shopping cart site, where buyer has to pay for a product. The sold product costs will be transferred to the respective merchant. Here, the website owner has to be paid(commission) for the purchased product.
Is it possible in Paypal? Right now, I am using Paypal checkout. Your ideas/suggestions would be helpful. Please do it.
There are a number of ways you could set this up.
You could use the Adaptive Payments platform, specifically the Pay API, to create parallel or chained payments so that multiple receivers can receive money within the same transaction.
You can also do a parallel payment with Express Checkout, but you can't do a chained payment.
The main difference is that with parallel payments the buyer will see the split during checkout. With a chained payment you can hide that so they only see the primary receiver. Also, chained payments can be delayed so you can trigger the commission to be paid at a later time if necessary (for example, waiting for services to be completed.)
Another way you could do this is to use Payments Standard, Express Checkout, or Payments Pro, and let the payment go entirely to a single account. Then setup a Pay API request to submit payment to the secondary receiver, or use the MassPay API. This could be setup within an IPN solution so the entire thing is automated. In this case you'd basically be building what the adaptive payments platform does for you, but it would give you a little bit more freedom over everything in the application.

PayPal "Subscription" add to cart, with tax and shipping

Is there any way to create a shopping cart through PayPal that allows shoppers to add subscriptions for multiple items into a shopping cart then check out all at once?
This is easily done with regularly priced items, but does not work with recurring subscription items. Tax and shipping also need to be added to the subscription (based on geographic location) because it is a physical product.
PayPal customer support and technical forums have been no help in solving this.
Subsequently if this is not possible with PayPal, does anyone have suggestions for another payment processor that could handle this task eg
The subscription buttons won't handle this. They can only handle a single subscription, for a single item, in each session.
I would suggest using Express Checkout. Using Express Checkout, you can charge the buyer for multiple items upfront, and set up a recurring payments profile at the same time.