Currently we have 2 Neo4j databases in our application. We use Spring Data Neo4j (SDN).
First database is our STAGING database, and the other is LIVE database. This is more for the purpose of Versioning and to prevent user messing up LIVE database.
We have about 50.000 nodes and 150.000 relationships. Our STAGING area is meant for small subset of users, and we allow doing CRUD operations only in STAGING. After the user has finalized/verified the data in STAGING, we will push the dataset to LIVE database.
LIVE is only meant for READ ONLY database, CRUD is only allowed during the sync process.
I am wondering what's the best way to sync data between both databases and the sync should allow incremental updates.
I tried to do sync node by node using Cypher Query + SDN, but I hit a roadblock, it takes way too long.
#Query("START n=node:ItemCode('code:*') "
+ "WHERE has(n.status) AND n.status = 'ACTIVE') "
+ "RETURN n");
public Iterable<Item> getAllActiveItems();
On SyncService class which does the sync process from STAGING to LIVE db:
Iterable<Item> items = stagingRepo.getAllActiveItems();
for(Item item:items) {
Item item = liveRepo.findItem(item.getCode());
if(item == null) {
//create item
} else {
//update item
[UPDATE] Based on answer by Peter Neubauer, I would like to explore further if there is Database Link concept so that the Cypher query can run on two databases at one go.
Any ideas are welcome.
Is there any way you can do the find and the update in one Cypher query and execute it in the neo4jTemplate.query("....", params) function?
If you use the code above, all matching stuff has to be materialized form the database into Item object and then saved again in your repo functions, creating that overhead.
Maybe a simple
START n=node:ItemCode('code:*')
WHERE has(n.status) AND n.status = 'ACTIVE')
SET n.updated=1
and one for the new items would do the job? That way, the work is done in the DB and does not touch the SDN mapping layers.
When implementing a system which creates tasks that need to be resolved by some workers, my idea would be to create a table which would have some task definition along with a status, e.g. for document review we'd have something like reviewId, documentId, reviewerId, reviewTime.
When documents are uploaded to the system we'd just store the documentId along with a generated reviewId and leave the reviewerId and reviewTime empty. When next reviewer comes along and starts the review we'd just set his id and current time to mark the job as "in progress" (I deliberately skip the case where the reviewer takes a long time, or dies during the review).
When implementing such a use case in e.g. PostgreSQL we could use the UPDATE review SET reviewerId = :reviewerId, reviewTime: reviewTime WHERE reviewId = (SELECT reviewId from review WHERE reviewId is null AND reviewTime is null FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED LIMIT 1) RETURNING reviewId, documentId, reviewerId, reviewTime (so basically update the first non-taken row, using SKIP LOCKED to skip any already in-processing rows).
But when moving from native solution to JDBC and beyond, I'm having troubles implementing this:
Spring Data JPA and Spring Data JDBC don't allow the #Modifying query to return anything else than void/boolean/int and force us to perform 2 queries in a single transaction - one for the first pending row, and second one with the update
one alternative would be to use a stored procedure but I really hate the idea of storing such logic so away from the code
other alternative would be to use a persistent queue and skip the database all along but this introduced additional infrastructure components that need to be maintained and learned. Any suggestions are welcome though.
Am I missing something? Is it possible to have it all or do we have to settle for multiple queries or stored procedures?
Why Spring Data doesn't support returning entity for modifying queries?
Because it seems like a rather special thing to do and Spring Data JDBC tries to focus on the essential stuff.
Is it possible to have it all or do we have to settle for multiple queries or stored procedures?
It is certainly possible to do this.
You can implement a custom method using an injected JdbcTemplate.
in a Meteor app, having real-time reactive updates between all connected clients is achieved with writing in collections, publishing and subscribing the right data. In normal case this means also database writes.
But what if I would like to sync particular data which does not need to be persistent and I would like to save the overhead of writing in the database ? Is it possible to use mini-mongo or other in-memory caching on the server by still preserving DDP synchronisation to all clients ?
In my app I have a multiple collapsed threads and I want to show, which users currently expanded particular thread
Viewed by: Mike, Johny, Steven ...
I can store the information in the threads collection or make make a separate viewers collection and publish the information to the clients. But there is actually no meaning in making this information persistent an having the overhead of database writes.
I am confused by the collections documentation. which states:
connection Object
The server connection that will manage this collection. Uses the default connection if not specified. Pass the return value of calling DDP.connect to specify a different server. Pass null to specify no connection.
... when you pass a name, here’s what happens:
On the client (and on the server if you specify a connection), a Minimongo instance is created.
But If I create a new collection and pass the option object with conneciton: null
// Creates a new Mongo collections and exports it
export const Presentations = new Mongo.Collection('presentations', {connection: null});
* Publications
if (Meteor.isServer) {
// This code only runs on the server
Meteor.publish(PRESENTATION_BY_MAP_ID, (mapId) => {
check(mapId, nonEmptyString);
return Presentations.find({ matchingMapId: mapId });
no data is being published to the clients.
TLDR: it's not possible.
There is no magic in Meteor that allow data being synced between clients while the data doesn't transit by the MongoDB database. The whole sync process through publications and subscriptions is triggered by MongoDB writes. Hence, if you don't write to database, you cannot sync data between clients (using the native pub/sub system available in Meteor).
After countless hours of trying everything possible I found a way to what I wanted:
export const Presentations = new Mongo.Collection('presentations', Meteor.isServer ? {connection: null} : {});
I checked the MongoDb and no presentations collection is being created. Also, n every server-restart the collection is empty. There is a small downside on the client, even the collectionHanlde.ready() is truthy the findOne() first returns undefined and is being synced afterwards.
I don't know if this is the right/preferable way, but it was the only one working for me so far. I tried to leave {connection: null} in the client code, but wasn't able to achieve any sync even though I implemented the added/changed/removed methods.
Sadly, I wasn't able to get any further help even in the meteor forum here and here
I'm trying to achieve data join between entities.
I've got 2 separated microservices which can communicate with each other using events (rabbitmq). And all the requests are currently joined within an api gateway.
Suppose my first service is UserService , and second service is ProductService.
Usually to get a list of products we do an GET request like /products , the same goes when we want to create a product , we do an POST request like /products.
The product schema looks something like this:
title: 'ProductTitle`,
description: 'ProductDescriptio',
user: 'userId'
The user schema looks something like this:
username: 'UserUsername`,
email: 'UserEmail'
So , when creating a product or getting list of products we will not have some details about user like email, username...
What i'm trying to achieve is to get user details when creating or querying for a list of products along with user details like so:
title: 'ProductTitle`,
description: 'ProductDescriptio',
user: {
username: 'UserUsername`,
email: 'UserEmail'
I could make an REST GET request to UserService , to get the user details for each product.
But my concern is that if UserService goes down the product will not have user details.
What are other ways to JOIN tables ? other than making REST API calls ?
I've read about DATA REPLICATION , but here's another concern how do we keep a copy of user details in ProductService when we create a new product with and POST request ?
Usually i do not want to keep a copy of user details to ProductService if he did not created a product. I could also emit events to each other service.
Approach 1- Data Replication
Data replication is not harmful as long as it makes your service independent and resilient. But too much data replication is not good either. Microservices doesn't fit well every case so we have to compromise on things as well.
Approach 2- Event sourcing and Materialized views
Generally if you have data consist of multiple services you should be considering event sourcing and Materialized views. These views are pre-complied disposable data tables that can be updated using published events from different data services . Say your "user" service publish the event , then you would update your view if another related event is published you can add/update materialized views and so on. These views can be saved in cache for fast retrieval and can be queried to get the data. This pattern adds little complexity but it's highly scale-able.
Event sourcing is basically a store to save all your events and replay the events to reach the particular state of system. Generally we create Materialized views from event store.
Say e.g. you have event store where you keep on saving all your published events. At the same time you are also updating your Materialized views. If you want to query the data then you will be getting it from your Materialized views. Since Materialized views are disposable that can always be generated from event store. Say Materialized views which was in cache got corrupted , you can completely regenerate the view from Event store by replaying the events. Say if i miss the cache hit i can still get the data from event store by replaying the events. You can find more on the following links.
Event Sourcing , Materialized view
Actually we are working with data replication to make each microservice more resilient (giving them the chance to still work even if another service is down).
This can be achieved in many ways, e.g. in your case by making the ProductService listening to the events send by the UserSevice when a user is created, deleted, etc.
Or the UserService could have a feed the ProductService is reading every n minutes or so marking the position last read on the feed. Etc.
There are many thing to consider when designing services and it really depends on your systems mission. E.g. you always have to evaluate the impact of coupling - if it is fine or not for a service not to be able to work when another service is down. Like, how important is a service and how is the impact on other services when this on is not able to work.
If you do not want to keep a copy of data not needed you could just read the data of the users that are related to a product. If a new product is created with a user that is not in your dataset you would then get it from the UserService. This would give you a stronger coupling then replicating everything but a weaker then replicating no data at all.
Again it really depends on what your systems is designed for and what it needs to achieve.
Would a database like Cassandra and scheme like GraphQL work well together?
Cassandra ideology is based on the idea of optimizing your queries and denormalizing data. This doesn't seem to really mesh well with a GraphQL ideology where data seems to be accessible in every level of a query.
Suppose I architect my Cassandra table like so:
etc... (many properties)
user_name (denormalized user, where we generally just need the name of a user)
But with GraphQL, it's one wouldn't exactly expect a denormalized User.
query getGroup {
group(id: 1) {
users {
So a couple of things:
1.) This GraphQL query could end up hitting our Cassandra database multiple times (assuming no caching). Getting the group name and for each of the users we might even hit it for each user. But lets say our resolve creates multiple User objects with one cassandra call.
2.) We can't really build a cassandra idiomatic database with denormalization and graphql in mind, can we? Otherwise we should expect certain properties of a User aren't returned to us with the query.
To sum up the question, what's the graphql strategy for working with denormalized data? Is it acceptable to omit certain properties that the client thinks are accessible? E.g the client tries to access address of user but we don't have that at the moment because our data is denormalized. Or should one not even worry about denormalization and just let graphQL make calls with a caching mechanism in between the db and graphql. E.g graphql first gets the group, then gets the user data for the group id.
This is a side effect of GraphQL where a query can get quite complex in retrieving the data. But as long as the user is actually requesting the data they need if you are smart about your resolvers the end result will actually be faster.
Consider tools like dataloader to cache when resolving a query.
As far as omitting certain properties graphql validates the response and will throw an error, although it will also return the data you gave. It would probably be better to implement some sort of timeout and throw a more descriptive error if there is an issue retrieving the data.
I have two apps: one app is and another is a windows service running in background.
The windows service running in background is performing some tasks (read and update) on database while user can perform other operations on database through app. So I am worried about it as for example, in windows service I collect some record that satisfy a condition and then I iterate over them, something like:
IQueryable<EntityA> collection = context.EntitiesA.where(<condition>)
foreach (EntityA entity in collection)
// do some stuff
so, if user modify a record that is used later in the loop iteration, what value for that record is EF taken into account? the original retrieved when performed:
or the new one modified by the user and located in database?
As far as I know, during iteration, EF is taken each record at demand, I mean, one by one, so when reading the next record for the next iteration, this record corresponds to that collected from :
or that located in database (the one the user has just modified)?
There's a couple of process that will come into play here in terms of how this will work in EF.
Queries are only performed on enumeration (this is sometimes referred to as query materialisation) at this point the whole query will be performed
Lazy loading only effects navigation properties in your above example. The result set of the where statement will be pulled down in one go.
So what does this mean in your case:
//nothing happens here you are just describing what will happen later to make the
// query execute here do a .ToArray or similar, to prevent people adding to the sql
// resulting from this use .AsEnumerable
IQueryable<EntityA> collection = context.EntitiesA.where(<condition>);
//when it first hits this foreach a
//SELECT {cols} FROM [YourTable] WHERE [YourCondition] will be performed
foreach (EntityA entity in collection)
//data here will be from the point in time the foreach started (eg if you have updated during the enumeration in the database you will have out of date data)
// do some stuff
If you're truly concerned that this can happen then get a list of id's up front and process them individually with a new DbContext for each (or say after each batch of 10). Something like:
IList<int> collection = context.EntitiesA.Where(...).Select(k =>;
foreach (int entityId in collection)
using (Context context = new Context())
TEntity entity = context.EntitiesA.Find(entityId);
// do some stuff
I think the answer to your question is 'it depends'. The problem you are describing is called 'non repeatable reads' an can be prevented from happening by setting a proper transaction isolation level. But it comes with a cost in performance and potential deadlocks.
For more details you can read this