I have used system date from %date% using this code
set d=20%date:~6,2%%date:~0,2%
Its output is say 201309
How can I get the same for date of 30 days back(so I want 201308)? like is there any operation like addition/substraction for dates? I tried
set /a "date2=%date%-30"
But it gives error :"Invalid number. Numeric constants are either decimal (17),
hexadecimal (0x11), or octal (021)." as cmd asumes a value is hexadecimal if it starts with 0.
Using this batch file you should get what you need:
The routines can do some extra date math - the batch file is after the first 9 lines and can be self contained.
#echo off
call datebatch today -30
set "var=%day:0,6%"
echo "%var%"
goto :eof
:: Date foward & backward
#echo off
if "%~2"=="" (
echo to get todays date use call "%~n0" today 0
echo to get yesterdays date use call "%~n0" today -1
echo to get 25 days before 19441213 call "%~n0" 1944/12/13 -25
echo to get 1250 days in the future call "%~n0" today 1250
echo Add a third parameter if you want a separator in the date string
echo EG: for this format YYYY-MM-DD using today's date
echo call "%~n0" today 0 -
goto :EOF)
set date1=%1
set qty=%2
set separator=%~3
if /i "%date1%" EQU "TODAY" (set date1=now) else (set date1="%date1%")
echo >"%temp%\%~n0.vbs" s=DateAdd("d",%qty%,%date1%)
echo>>"%temp%\%~n0.vbs" WScript.Echo year(s)^&_
echo>>"%temp%\%~n0.vbs" right(100+month(s),2)^&_
echo>>"%temp%\%~n0.vbs" right(100+day(s),2)
for /f %%a in ('cscript //nologo "%temp%\%~n0.vbs"') do set result=%%a
del "%temp%\%~n0.vbs"
endlocal& set "YY=%result:~0,4%"&set "MM=%result:~4,2%"&set "DD=%result:~6,2%"
set "day=%YY%%separator%%MM%%separator%%DD%"
echo %%day%% is set to "%day%" (without the quotes)
echo %%YY%% is set to %YY%
echo %%MM%% is set to %MM%
echo %%DD%% is set to %DD%
I am writing a batch script which needs to compare registry data value string with ±3 days of todays date.
My REG QUERY returns a value:
Protection_BasesDate REG_SZ 27-08-2018 08-53-00
I need to output to a file, depending if it is within the range or not.
REG QUERY "HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\KasperskyLab\Components\34\1103\\Statistics\AVState" /v "Protection_BasesDate" | Find "2018"
IF %ERRORLEVEL% == 1 goto end
If %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 goto makefile
echo "{"product":"Override Antivirus","running":true,"upToDate":true}" > c:\ProgramData\CentraStage\AEMAgent\antivirus.json
This solution takes this answer as base, so please review such an answer before post further questions here...
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem Define the "Date to Julian Day Number" conversion function
set "DateToJDN(YMD)=( a=(YMD), y=a/10000, a%%=10000, m=a/100, d=a%%100, a=(m-14)/12, (1461*(y+4800+a))/4+(367*(m-2-12*a))/12-(3*((y+4900+a)/100))/4+d-32075 )"
rem Get the JDN of today's date minus/plus 3
for /F "tokens=2 delims==" %%t in ('wmic os get localdatetime /value') do set "dateTime=%%t"
set /A "todayMinus3=!DateToJDN(YMD):YMD=%dateTime:~0,8%!-3, todayPlus3=todayMinus3+6"
reg Get the date from REG QUERY command; the assumed output format is: Protection_BasesDate REG_SZ 27-08-2018 08-53-00
for /F "tokens=3-5 delims=- " %%a in (
'REG QUERY "HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\KasperskyLab\Components\34\1103\\Statistics\AVState" /v "Protection_BasesDate"'
) do set /A "BasesDate=!DateToJDN(YMD):YMD=%%c%%b%%a!"
if %BasesDate% geq %todayMinus3% if %basesDate% leq %todayPlus3% (
echo Date in range
There are many languages that can do much better than batch, but this might be a solution.
#echo off
set day=-3
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('reg query "HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\KasperskyLab\Components\34\1103\\Statistics\AVState" /v Protection_BasesDate" ^| findstr "2018"') do set "regdate=%%i"
for /f "tokens=1-3" %%a in ("%regdate%") do set "actual=%%c"
echo >"%temp%\%~n0.vbs" s=DateAdd("d",%day%,now) : d=weekday(s)
echo>>"%temp%\%~n0.vbs" WScript.Echo year(s)^& right(100+month(s),2)^& right(100+day(s),2)
for /f %%a in ('cscript /nologo "%temp%\%~n0.vbs"') do set "result=%%a"
del "%temp%\%~n0.vbs"
set "yyyy=%result:~0,4%"
set "mm=%result:~4,2%"
set "dd=%result:~6,2%"
set "final=%dd%-%mm%-%yyyy%"
echo %final%
if %day% == 1 goto :EOF
if %actual% == %final% (echo Within 3 days!!) else (set /a day+=1 & goto :check)
We actually get the date of the system using cscript (yes I pipe to file, but you can run hybrid without the temp file) Then we take the past 3 days' dates and match them in the format of the registry key, if the key matches within 3 days, I just echo Within 3 days! There is also an if statement, if the day counter = 1, I exit the script, as we do not want to go into future and this loop forever if the counter if we do not stop it somewhere.
If it does work for you, you can simply remove the line print %final% and replace this line:
if %actual% == %final% (echo Within 3 days!!) else (set /a day+=1 & goto :check)
with this line:
if %actual% == %final% (echo "{"product":"Override Antivirus","running":true,"upToDate":true}" > "c:\ProgramData\CentraStage\AEMAgent\antivirus.json") else (set /a day+=1 & goto :check)
I currently run a batch command to create a folder 1 day in advanced and label it as MMDDYY.
Everything is working as intended except single digit days. Currently it named the next day folder has 12214, is it possible to have it name it as 120214?
#echo off
for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('wmic OS Get localdatetime /value') do set "dt=%%a"
set "YY=%dt:~2,2%"
set "YYYY=%dt:~0,4%"
set "MM=%dt:~4,2%"
set "DD=%dt:~6,2%"
set "HH=%dt:~8,2%"
set "Min=%dt:~10,2%"
set "Sec=%dt:~12,2%"
set /a DD+=1
if %DD% gtr 31 (
set DD=1
set /a MM+=1
if %MM% gtr 12 (
set MM=1
set /a YY+=1
set /a YYYY+=1
xcopy /d:%MM%-%DD%-%YYYY% /l . .. >nul 2>&1 || goto loop
echo %DD%/%MM%/%YYYY%
mkdir "C:\Users\Name\Desktop\%mm%%dd%%yy%\"
You need to pad again the data once the operations have been done. Also you will need some more logic to handle the month change
#echo off
setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion
rem Retrieve data
for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('wmic OS Get localdatetime /value') do set "dt=%%a"
set "YY=%dt:~2,2%"
set "YYYY=%dt:~0,4%"
set "MM=%dt:~4,2%"
set "DD=%dt:~6,2%"
set "HH=%dt:~8,2%"
set "Min=%dt:~10,2%"
set "Sec=%dt:~12,2%"
rem Remove padding from date elements and increase day
set /a "y=%YYYY%", "m=100%MM% %% 100", "d=(100%DD% %% 100)+1"
rem Calculate month length
set /a "ml=30+((m+m/8) %% 2)" & if %m% equ 2 set /a "ml=ml-2+(3-y %% 4)/3-(99-y %% 100)/99+(399-y %% 400)/399"
rem Adjust day / month / year for tomorrow date
if %d% gtr %ml% set /a "d=1", "m=(m %% 12)+1", "y+=(%m%/12)"
rem Pad date elements and translate again to original variables
set /a "m+=100", "d+=100"
set "YYYY=%y%"
set "YY=%y:~-2%"
set "MM=%m:~-2%"
set "DD=%d:~-2%"
echo Tomorrow: %YYYY% / %MM% / %DD%
Just add the folder creation in the required format
Batch is cumbersome with date math. Leap years, month / year changes / etc can be a pain to deal with. I suggest using a JScript Date() object, where all such conversions are handled automatically.
As follows is a batch / JScript hybrid script. Save it with a .bat extension and run it as you are used to running your typical batch scripts.
#if (#a==#b) #end /* JScript ignores this multiline comment
:: batch portion
#echo off
for /f "tokens=1-3" %%I in ('cscript /nologo /e:JScript "%~f0"') do (
set "MM=%%I"
set "DD=%%J"
set "YYYY=%%K"
xcopy /d:%MM%-%DD%-%YYYY% /l . .. >nul 2>&1 || goto loop
echo %MM%/%DD%/%YYYY%
mkdir "%userprofile%\Desktop\%MM%%DD%%YYYY:~-2%\"
goto :EOF
:: end batch portion / begin JScript */
function zeroPad(what) { return (what+'').length < 2 ? '0'+what : what; }
var tomorrow = new Date();
tomorrow.setDate(tomorrow.getDate() + 1);
zeroPad(tomorrow.getMonth() + 1),
].join(' '));
I have a batch file that return date minus number of given days.
E.g. : if we are 09/11/2013 batch.bat today -1 will return 08/11/2013
and if it's a weekend it will return the Friday date.
The problem is that I try to make the batch give me the last business day without entering any argument but I failed
Here is the code :
#echo off
if "%~2"=="" (
echo to get yesterdays date use call "%~n0" today -1
echo Add a third parameter if you want a separator in the date string
echo EG: for this format YYYY-MM-DD using yesterdays date
echo call "%~n0" today -1 -
goto :EOF)
set date1=%1
set qty=%2
set separator=%~3
if /i "%date1%" EQU "TODAY" (set date1=now) else (set date1="%date1%")
echo >"%temp%\%~n0.vbs" s=DateAdd("d",%qty%,%date1%)
echo>>"%temp%\%~n0.vbs" d=weekday(s)
echo>>"%temp%\%~n0.vbs" WScript.Echo year(s)^&_
echo>>"%temp%\%~n0.vbs" right(100+month(s),2)^&_
echo>>"%temp%\%~n0.vbs" right(100+day(s),2)^&_
echo>>"%temp%\%~n0.vbs" d
for /f %%a in ('cscript //nologo "%temp%\%~n0.vbs"') do set result=%%a
del "%temp%\%~n0.vbs"
endlocal& set "YY=%result:~0,4%" & set "MM=%result:~4,2%" & set "DD=%result:~6,2%" & set "daynum=%result:~-1%"
:: if the daynum is a weekend then run the batch file again to get the friday
set "weekend="
if %daynum% EQU 1 set /a weekend=qty - 2
if %daynum% EQU 7 set /a weekend=qty - 1
if defined weekend %0 %1 %weekend%
set "day=%YY%%separator%%MM%%separator%%DD%"
echo %%day%% is set to "%day%" (without the quotes)
echo %%YY%% is set to %YY%
echo %%MM%% is set to %MM%
echo %%DD%% is set to %DD%
echo daynum is "%daynum%"
echo date is %YY%%MM%%DD%
#echo off
set qty=-1
set "separator="
echo >"%temp%\%~n0.vbs" s=DateAdd("d",%qty%,now)
echo>>"%temp%\%~n0.vbs" d=weekday(s)
echo>>"%temp%\%~n0.vbs" WScript.Echo year(s)^&_
echo>>"%temp%\%~n0.vbs" right(100+month(s),2)^&_
echo>>"%temp%\%~n0.vbs" right(100+day(s),2)^&_
echo>>"%temp%\%~n0.vbs" d
for /f %%a in ('cscript //nologo "%temp%\%~n0.vbs"') do set result=%%a
del "%temp%\%~n0.vbs"
endlocal& set "YY=%result:~0,4%" & set "MM=%result:~4,2%" & set "DD=%result:~6,2%" & set "daynum=%result:~-1%"
:: if the daynum is a weekend then loop to get the friday
set "weekend="
if %daynum% EQU 1 set weekend=1&set "qty=-3"
if %daynum% EQU 7 set weekend=1&set "qty=-2"
if defined weekend goto :loop4weekends
set "day=%YY%%separator%%MM%%separator%%DD%"
echo %%day%% is set to "%day%" (without the quotes)
i working on a script that detect weird date format in the raw file and replace them with yesterday date.
here the raw data
assuming yesterday date is 2012-07-19
AAAAAAAA 0001-01-01- Change Password RSO part
BBBBBBBB 0001-01-01- Change Password RSO part
CCCCCCC 0001-01-01- Set Nbr try of password
DDDDDDD 2012-07-19- Change Password
AAAAAAAA 2012-07-19- Change Password RSO part
BBBBBBBB 2012-07-19- Change Password RSO part
CCCCCCC 2012-07-19- Set Nbr try of password
DDDDDDD 2012-07-19- Change Password
I am new to dos batch file. However, come out a basic strategy which i will first loop through each line to detect this scenario (0001-01-01) in fact there is only this scenario
I then replace the date to yesterday.
i have try to write the code as follow
REM Code to Find YEsterday's date
set yyyy=
set $tok=1-3
for /f "tokens=1 delims=.:/-, " %%u in ('date /t') do set $d1=%%u
if "%$d1:~0,1%" GTR "9" set $tok=2-4
for /f "tokens=%$tok% delims=.:/-, " %%u in ('date /t') do (
for /f "skip=1 tokens=2-4 delims=/-,()." %%x in ('echo.^|date') do (
set %%x=%%u
set %%y=%%v
set %%z=%%w
set $d1=
set $tok=))
if "%yyyy%"=="" set yyyy=%yy%
if /I %yyyy% LSS 100 set /A yyyy=2000 + 1%yyyy% - 100
set CurDate=%mm%/%dd%/%yyyy%
set dayCnt=%1
if "%dayCnt%"=="" set dayCnt=1
REM Substract your days here
set /A dd=1%dd% - 100 - %dayCnt%
set /A mm=1%mm% - 100
if /I %dd% GTR 0 goto DONE
set /A mm=%mm% - 1
if /I %mm% GTR 0 goto ADJUSTDAY
set /A mm=12
set /A yyyy=%yyyy% - 1
if %mm%==1 goto SET31
if %mm%==2 goto LEAPCHK
if %mm%==3 goto SET31
if %mm%==4 goto SET30
if %mm%==5 goto SET31
if %mm%==6 goto SET30
if %mm%==7 goto SET31
if %mm%==8 goto SET31
if %mm%==9 goto SET30
if %mm%==10 goto SET31
if %mm%==11 goto SET30
REM ** Month 12 falls through
set /A dd=31 + %dd%
set /A dd=30 + %dd%
set /A tt=%yyyy% %% 4
if not %tt%==0 goto SET28
set /A tt=%yyyy% %% 100
if not %tt%==0 goto SET29
set /A tt=%yyyy% %% 400
if %tt%==0 goto SET29
set /A dd=28 + %dd%
set /A dd=29 + %dd%
call :process <..\input.txt>> ..\output.txt
set line=
if "!line:~12,22!" neq "0001-01-01" goto process
## for /F between line:~12,22 do (
this part onward i not very sure already.
intend to do a for loop each line replace "0001-01-01" to %yyyy%-%mm%-%dd%
anyone has idea please help!!
Read HELP FOR and HELP SET; then try this code to get you started...
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set newdate=9999-99-99
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (input.txt) do (
set line=%%a
set onlydate=!line:~12,10!
if !onlydate!==0001-01-01 (
echo !line:0001-01-01=%newdate%!
) else (
echo !line!
The FOR iterates over all the lines in input.txt. Then, for each line, it extracts the date substring at position 12, and checks if the date is 0001-01-01, in that case, it substitutes it with the contents of newdate variable.
I need to write a script to change a filename from aDate.txt to bDate.txt where:
aDate is the current system date in yyyymmdd format and
bDate is the current system date - 1 in yyyymmdd format.
I currently have:
set yy=%date:~6,2%
set mm=%date:~3,2%
set dd=%date:~0,2%
if "%date:~6,1%"==" " set yy=0%yy:~1,1%
if "%date:~3,1%"==" " set mm=0%mm:~1,1%
if "%date:~0,1%"==" " set dd=0%dd:~1,1%
SET sys_date=20%yy%%mm%%dd%
ECHO %sys_date%
REM still have to do this bit properly
SET sys_date_yesterday=%sys_date%a
move %sys_date%.txt %sys_date_yesterday%.txt
but I have no idea how to do the date -1 thing (other than the long winded) subtract 1 from the day and if that is = 0 then subtract one from the month and set the day = to the last day of the new month and so on for years.
Any ideas?
You have to do it the difficult way. I suggest to use this solution by SteveGTR. I copy the text below, because at least at least I cannot always see the solution on that site.
Here's a batch file I developed to subtract any number of days from the current date. It accepts a command line parameter of the number of days. The default is 1 day (yesterday):
#echo off
set yyyy=
set $tok=1-3
for /f "tokens=1 delims=.:/-, " %%u in ('date /t') do set $d1=%%u
if "%$d1:~0,1%" GTR "9" set $tok=2-4
for /f "tokens=%$tok% delims=.:/-, " %%u in ('date /t') do (
for /f "skip=1 tokens=2-4 delims=/-,()." %%x in ('echo.^|date') do (
set %%x=%%u
set %%y=%%v
set %%z=%%w
set $d1=
set $tok=))
if "%yyyy%"=="" set yyyy=%yy%
if /I %yyyy% LSS 100 set /A yyyy=2000 + 1%yyyy% - 100
set CurDate=%mm%/%dd%/%yyyy%
set dayCnt=%1
if "%dayCnt%"=="" set dayCnt=1
REM Substract your days here
set /A dd=1%dd% - 100 - %dayCnt%
set /A mm=1%mm% - 100
if /I %dd% GTR 0 goto DONE
set /A mm=%mm% - 1
if /I %mm% GTR 0 goto ADJUSTDAY
set /A mm=12
set /A yyyy=%yyyy% - 1
if %mm%==1 goto SET31
if %mm%==2 goto LEAPCHK
if %mm%==3 goto SET31
if %mm%==4 goto SET30
if %mm%==5 goto SET31
if %mm%==6 goto SET30
if %mm%==7 goto SET31
if %mm%==8 goto SET31
if %mm%==9 goto SET30
if %mm%==10 goto SET31
if %mm%==11 goto SET30
REM ** Month 12 falls through
set /A dd=31 + %dd%
set /A dd=30 + %dd%
set /A tt=%yyyy% %% 4
if not %tt%==0 goto SET28
set /A tt=%yyyy% %% 100
if not %tt%==0 goto SET29
set /A tt=%yyyy% %% 400
if %tt%==0 goto SET29
set /A dd=28 + %dd%
set /A dd=29 + %dd%
if /I %mm% LSS 10 set mm=0%mm%
if /I %dd% LSS 10 set dd=0%dd%
echo Date %dayCnt% day(s) before %CurDate% is %mm%/%dd%/%yyyy%
Good Luck,
Easily Add or Subtract Days from a Date with a Windows Batch Script
Here's a solution I came up with for calculating date (add or subtract) with a batch script. Set the variables accordingly for your needs and then adjust the logic as need for your needs as well. This works very well for my needs and it's all contained to the same one batch script without too much logic.
To add: You can also use this script to add a number of days to the current date by deleting the minus (-)
symbol from the below batch script in the :DynamicVBSScriptBuild routine, so where you see this,-%MinusDay%, you simple remove the minus symbol to get ,%MinusDay%, on each of those lines and now the MinusDay= variable value will equal the number of days you want to add.
Important Note: It seems that five 9's (99999) is the limit on the batch script when subtracting with the MinusDays= value. It also seems that six 9's (999999) is the limit on the batch script when adding with the MinusDays= value.
Batch Script
::// Minus days is the number of days to subtract from the CURRENT DAY i.e. 2 for minus 2 days or 99999 for minus 99999 days from when it's run
SET MinusDay=2
:: This calls the temp vbs script routine that will be used to set YYYY-MM-DD values for the subtracted days date you specify
CALL :DynamicVBSScriptBuild
FOR /F "TOKENS=*" %%A IN ('cscript//nologo "%YYYYTmpVBS%"') DO SET YYYY=%%A
FOR /F "TOKENS=*" %%A IN ('cscript//nologo "%MMTmpVBS%"') DO SET MM=%%A
FOR /F "TOKENS=*" %%A IN ('cscript//nologo "%DDTmpVBS%"') DO SET DD=%%A
::// Set your web server log file path in the below variable
SET WebServerLogPath=C:\WebServer\Logs
::// Set web server log file name where YYYY MM DD variables are set to the values after the day numbers setup above are subtracted
SET YYYYTmpVBS=%temp%\~tmp_yyyy.vbs
SET MMTmpVBS=%temp%\~tmp_mm.vbs
SET DDTmpVBS=%temp%\~tmp_dd.vbs
ECHO dt = DateAdd("d",-%MinusDay%,date) >> "%YYYYTmpVBS%"
ECHO yyyy = Year(dt) >> "%YYYYTmpVBS%"
ECHO WScript.Echo yyyy >> "%YYYYTmpVBS%"
ECHO dt = DateAdd("d",-%MinusDay%,date) >> "%MMTmpVBS%"
ECHO mm = Right("0" ^& Month(dt),2) >> "%MMTmpVBS%"
ECHO WScript.Echo mm >> "%MMTmpVBS%"
ECHO dt = DateAdd("d",-%MinusDay%,date) >> "%DDTmpVBS%"
ECHO dd = Right("0" ^& Day(dt),2) >> "%DDTmpVBS%"
ECHO WScript.Echo dd >> "%DDTmpVBS%"
Further Resources
I needed something that would subtract days from the current date while checking leap years, etc. and this worked great.
I just call it from those scripts with the needed parameter (number of days to subtract), and then have it call back the calling script with substitutions and pass a parameter back to the original script for the modified (subtracted) date.
Here are examples:
Script needing date calculation variable set:
IF "%1"=="" goto modifydate
SET subtractdays=5
SET ModDateScript=\\servershare\path\Called_Scripts\ModDate.cmd
CALL "%ModDateScript%" %subtractdays% "%~fnx0"
Script which will calculate and pass back a %moddate% parameter to the original calling script to be set as a variable for it to process accordingly. You will simply put this at the end of the script you call to modify/subtract days from the current date (ModDate.cmd).
SET moddate=%mm%/%dd%/%yyyy%
Call %2 %moddate%
I was able to test and determine that these lines from the original script posted:
set yyyy=
set $tok=1-3
for /f "tokens=1 delims=.:/-, " %%u in ('date /t') do set $d1=%%u
if "%$d1:~0,1%" GTR "9" set $tok=2-4
for /f "tokens=%$tok% delims=.:/-, " %%u in ('date /t') do (
for /f "skip=1 tokens=2-4 delims=/-,()." %%x in ('echo.^|date') do (
set %%x=%%u
set %%y=%%v
set %%z=%%w
set $d1=
set $tok=))
if "%yyyy%"=="" set yyyy=%yy%
if /I %yyyy% LSS 100 set /A yyyy=2000 + 1%yyyy% - 100
Can be replaced with just this one single line and it works just as well:
FOR /F "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%A IN ("%date%") DO SET "mm=%%A" DO (& SET "dd=%%B") DO (& SET "yyyy=%%C")
Please explain what those lines (the ones I changed to just the one line with and statements) do anyways because I cannot tell the difference quickly testing. I subtracted back to the 19th century and it appeared accurate to me. I thought perhaps it helped handle the calculations where the modified year would be less than 2000 -- but I didn't see that unless I'm missing something.
Otherwise this one script can be easily called and pass back the %mm%/%dd%/%yyyy% as a parameter for several scripts which need their own calculations. Great and very efficient batch solution. I can pass the argument as %1, %2, %3, etc. and still use the setlocal in that script for the current date -- just make a variable something like moddate=%1, etc.
Lastly, I challenge any batch script expert to optimize this script even further and post back the results for batch people to test.
Try with this code in other words. You could use as a script subroutine or use this with the CALL and parameters functions to pass back to the original batch file:
:: Pass 1st parameter as number of days (whole numbers) to subtract from current day in date
:: This script is able to subtract days to any date of the current date
:: This script will check for leap years, etc. as well
#echo on
::for /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%A in ("%date%") do set "mm=%%A" do & set "dd=%%B" do & set "yyyy=%%C"
set "mm=%date:~4,2%" & set "dd=%date:~7,2%" & set "yyyy=%date:~10,4%"
set CurDate=%mm%/%dd%/%yyyy%
set dayCnt=%1
if "%dayCnt%"=="" set dayCnt=1
:: Substract your days here
set /A dd=1%dd% - 100 - %dayCnt%
set /A mm=1%mm% - 100
if /I %dd% GTR 0 goto DONE
set /A mm=%mm% - 1
if /I %mm% GTR 0 goto ADJUSTDAY
set /A mm=12
set /A yyyy=%yyyy% - 1
if %mm%==1 goto SET31
if %mm%==2 goto LEAPCHK
if %mm%==3 goto SET31
if %mm%==4 goto SET30
if %mm%==5 goto SET31
if %mm%==6 goto SET30
if %mm%==7 goto SET31
if %mm%==8 goto SET31
if %mm%==9 goto SET30
if %mm%==10 goto SET31
if %mm%==11 goto SET30
:: ** Month 12 falls through
set /A dd=31 + %dd%
set /A dd=30 + %dd%
set /A tt=%yyyy% %% 4
if not %tt%==0 goto SET28
set /A tt=%yyyy% %% 100
if not %tt%==0 goto SET29
set /A tt=%yyyy% %% 400
if %tt%==0 goto SET29
set /A dd=28 + %dd%
set /A dd=29 + %dd%
if /I %mm% LSS 10 set mm=0%mm%
if /I %dd% LSS 10 set dd=0%dd%
echo Date %dayCnt% day(s) before %CurDate% is %mm%/%dd%/%yyyy%
SET DirDate=%mm%/%dd%/%yyyy%
:: The %2 parameter is passed from the calling script as the full path and name of the file to call back
:: %2 equals %~fnx0
:: The dirdate variable is passed as parameter %1 back to the calling script
Call %2 %dirdate%
I'm going to look for a vb or something more efficient I can still incorporate or call from a batch to dynamically calculate dates.
Found this script on ss64.com: https://ss64.com/nt/syntax-datemath.html (license: https://ss64.com/docs/copyright.html)
You can keep it separate and call it from your batch files without cluttering your code, it will fill some environments variables with the operation result.
For example, this will subtract one day to the current date (on my system date is returned in the "dd/mm/yyyy" format):
set YY=%date:~-4,4%
set MM=%date:~-7,2%
set DD=%date:~-10,2
call datemath.bat %YY% %MM% %DD% - 1
echo year=%_yy_int%, month=%_mm_int%, day=%_dd_int%
echo padded date:%_ymd_str%, padded month:%_mm_str%, padded day:%_dd_str%
The script:
#ECHO off
:: DateMath, a general purpose date math routine
:: If DateMath detects an error, variable _dd_int is set to 999999.
SET v_dd_int=0
SET v_mm_int=0
SET v_yy_int=0
SET v_ymd_str=
SET v_mm_str=
SET v_dd_str=
IF "%3"=="" goto s_syntax
IF "%4"=="+" goto s_validate_year
IF "%4"=="-" goto s_validate_year
IF "%4"=="" goto s_validate_year
echo _______________
echo DateMath will set the variables as listed below
echo 'str' variables include leading zeros e.g. "01"
echo 'int' variables leading zeros are stripped e.g. "1"
echo CALL DateMath YY MM DD - YY2 MM2 DD2
echo Will set variable _dd_int to the signed difference
echo between the 2 dates (measured in days)
echo CALL DateMath YY MM DD +/- Days
echo Will set the following variables to the result of
echo adding or substracting days from the initial date:
echo _ymd_str, _yy_int
echo _mm_str, _mm_int,
echo _dd_str, _dd_int
echo ___________________________________
echo CALL DateMath YY MM DD
echo Will set the following variables:
echo _ymd_str, _yy_int
echo _mm_str, _mm_int,
echo _dd_str, _dd_int
echo ___________________________________
echo _ymd_str is in YYYYMMDD format.
echo _yy_int is in YYYY format, even if YY format was originally supplied.
echo This conversion is useful for FAT/NTFS file dates which are in YY format.
ENDLOCAL & SET /a _dd_int=999999
goto :eof
::strip leading zeros
SET v_yy=%1
if %v_yy:~0,1% EQU 0 set v_yy=%v_yy:~1%
:: Check for Y2K
IF %v_yy% LSS 100 IF %v_yy% GEQ 80 SET /A v_yy += 1900
IF %v_yy% LSS 80 SET /A v_yy += 2000
:: at this point v_yy contains a 4 digit year
::validate month and day
if %2 GTR 12 goto s_syntax
if %3 GTR 31 goto s_syntax
SET v_mm=%2
SET v_dd=%3
::strip leading zeros
if %v_mm:~0,1% EQU 0 set v_mm=%v_mm:~1%
if %v_dd:~0,1% EQU 0 set v_dd=%v_dd:~1%
:: Set the int variables
SET /a v_dd_int=%v_dd%
SET /a v_yy_int=%v_yy%
SET /a v_mm_int=%v_mm%
:: Determine which function to perform - ADD, SUBTRACT or CONVERT
If not "%6"=="" goto s_validate_2nd_date
if "%4"=="" goto s_convert_only
:: Add or subtract days to a date
SET /a v_number_of_days=%5
goto s_add_or_subtract_days
SET /a v_dd_int=%v_dd%
IF %v_dd% LEQ 9 (SET v_dd_str=0%v_dd%) ELSE (SET v_dd_str=%v_dd%)
IF %v_mm% LEQ 9 (SET v_mm_str=0%v_mm%) ELSE (SET v_mm_str=%v_mm%)
SET v_ymd_str=%v_yy%%v_mm_str%%v_dd_str%
ECHO DATEMATH - Convert date only (no maths)
goto s_end
If "%4"=="+" goto s_syntax
:: Subtracting one date from another ::::::
:: strip leading zero
SET v_yy2=%5
if %v_yy2:~0,1% EQU 0 set v_yy2=%v_yy2:~1%
if %v_yy2% GTR 99 goto s_validate2nd_month
if %v_yy2% GTR 49 goto s_prefix_2_1950_1999
if %v_yy2% LSS 10 goto s_prefix_2_2000_2009
SET v_yy2=20%v_yy2%
goto s_validate2nd_month
SET v_yy2=200%v_yy2%
goto s_validate2nd_month
SET v_yy2=19%v_yy2%
::strip leading zeros
::SET /a v_yy2=%v_yy2%
if %v_yy2:~0,1% EQU 0 set v_yy2=%v_yy2:~1%
::v_yy2 now contains a 4 digit year
if %6 GTR 12 goto s_syntax
SET v_mm2=%6
if %7 GTR 31 goto s_syntax
SET v_dd2=%7
::strip leading zeros
::SET /a v_mm2=%v_mm2%
if %v_mm2:~0,1% EQU 0 set v_mm2=%v_mm2:~1%
::SET /a v_dd2=%v_dd2%
if %v_dd2:~0,1% EQU 0 set v_dd2=%v_dd2:~1%
call :s_julian_day %v_yy_int% %v_mm_int% %v_dd_int%
SET v_sumdays1=%v_JulianDay%
call :s_julian_day %v_yy2% %v_mm2% %v_dd2%
SET v_sumdays2=%v_JulianDay%
SET /a v_dd_int=%v_sumdays1% - %v_sumdays2%
ECHO DATEMATH - Subtracting one date from another = days difference
ECHO ~~~~~~
ECHO %v_dd_int%
ECHO ~~~~~~
goto s_end_days
if /i "%4"=="+" goto s_add_up_days
:: Subtract all days ::::::
SET /a v_dd=%v_dd% - %v_number_of_days%
if %v_dd% GEQ 1 goto s_add_subtract_days_DONE
SET /a v_mm=%v_mm% - 1
if %v_mm% GEQ 1 goto s_add_days_%v_mm%
SET /a v_yy=%v_yy% - 1
SET /a v_mm=%v_mm% + 12
goto s_add_days_%v_mm%
SET /a v_dd=%v_dd% + 28
SET /a v_leapyear=%v_yy% / 4
SET /a v_leapyear=%v_leapyear% * 4
if %v_leapyear% NEQ %v_yy% goto s_adjust_month_year
SET /a v_dd=%v_dd% + 1
goto s_adjust_month_year
SET /a v_dd=%v_dd% + 30
goto s_adjust_month_year
SET /a v_dd=%v_dd% + 31
goto s_adjust_month_year
:: add all days ::::::
SET /a v_dd=%v_dd% + %v_number_of_days%
goto s_subtract_days_%v_mm%
SET /a v_mm=%v_mm% + 1
if %v_mm% LEQ 12 goto s_subtract_days_%v_mm%
SET /a v_yy=%v_yy% + 1
SET /a v_mm=%v_mm% - 12
goto s_subtract_days_%v_mm%
SET /a v_leapyear=%v_yy% / 4
SET /a v_leapyear=%v_leapyear% * 4
If %v_leapyear% EQU %v_yy% goto s_subtract_leapyear
if %v_dd% LEQ 28 goto s_add_subtract_days_DONE
SET /a v_dd=%v_dd% - 28
goto s_adjust_mth_yr
if %v_dd% LEQ 29 goto s_add_subtract_days_DONE
SET /a v_dd=%v_dd% - 29
goto s_adjust_mth_yr
if %v_dd% LEQ 30 goto s_add_subtract_days_DONE
SET /a v_dd=%v_dd% - 30
goto s_adjust_mth_yr
if %v_dd% LEQ 31 goto s_add_subtract_days_DONE
SET /a v_dd=%v_dd% - 31
goto s_adjust_mth_yr
SET /a v_dd_int=%v_dd%
SET /a v_mm_int=%v_mm%
SET /a v_yy_int=%v_yy%
IF %v_dd% GTR 9 (SET v_dd_str=%v_dd%) ELSE (SET v_dd_str=0%v_dd%)
IF %v_mm% GTR 9 (SET v_mm_str=%v_mm%) ELSE (SET v_mm_str=0%v_mm%)
SET v_ymd_str=%v_yy%%v_mm_str%%v_dd_str%
ECHO DATEMATH - add or subtract days from a date = new date
goto s_end
SET v_year=%1
SET v_month=%2
SET v_day=%3
SET /a v_month=v_month
SET /a v_day=v_day
SET /A a = 14 - v_month
SET /A a /= 12
SET /A y = v_year + 4800 - a
SET /A m = v_month + 12 * a - 3
SET /A m = 153 * m + 2
SET /A m /= 5
SET /A v_JulianDay = v_day + m + 365 * y + y / 4 - y / 100 + y / 400 - 32045
ECHO The Julian Day is [%v_JulianDay%]
goto :eof
ECHO ~~~~~~~~~~~~
ECHO [%v_ymd_str%] YY=[%v_yy_int%] MM=[%v_mm_str%] DD=[%v_dd_str%]
ECHO ~~~~~~~~~~~~
ENDLOCAL&SET /a _yy_int=%v_yy_int%&SET /a _mm_int=%v_mm_int%&SET /a _dd_int=%v_dd_int%&SET _ymd_str=%v_ymd_str%&SET _mm_str=%v_mm_str%&SET _dd_str=%v_dd_str%
Can be done with adding jscript code to a batch file.
Here's the dayAdder.bat that accepts only one argument - the days you want to add to the current date and prints the result:
#if (#X) == (#Y) #end /* JScript comment
#echo off
cscript //E:JScript //nologo "%~f0" %*
exit /b %errorlevel%
#if (#X)==(#Y) #end JScript comment */
var days=parseInt(WScript.Arguments.Item(0));
Date.prototype.addDays = function(days) {
var date = new Date(this.valueOf());
date.setDate(date.getDate() + days);
return date;
var date = new Date();
WScript.Echo("Year: " + date.getFullYear());
WScript.Echo("Month: " + date.getMonth());
WScript.Echo("DayOfTeWEek: " + date.getDay());
examaple and output:
E:\scripts>dayAdder.bat 7
Sun Nov 8 16:27:48 UTC+0200 2020
Year: 2020
Month: 10
DayOfTeWEek: 2
DayOfTheMonth: 3
You can modify it in way that will be suitable for you.