Something wrong with package explorer in eclipse? - eclipse

In package explorer whenever i open any class file from any project package explorer closed automatically. And to open it again i have to go
Window -> Show View -> Package Explorer
I also try
Window -> Reset Perspective
but its also not work. If it happens only once or twice i do not have any problem to reopen it. But on Opening every class its disappear and reopen it each time very hard.
Anyone know how to solve this problem?

I've just change my workspace location to other drive and its work fine now.

It might be probably because Eclipse doesnt have enought Access Privilages on that folder.. Try Changing the workspace to another location not in the C drive.

It is likely that some plugin has caused such behavior.
Install new clean Eclipse (no new to uninstall your current).
Then try to open your project in that Eclipse, it should work OK.
Then make notice what plugins are installed, and if they change the behavior.


Sublime Text 2 edited file-changes does not show when refreshing browser in Maven project

I am having problems when editing template-files(HTML-files) in my Maven-project. I have made the Maven-project an Eclipse-project with the command "mvn eclipse:eclipse" (if it matters). I am using the Apache Velocity Engine as template engine for this project.
The problem arises when I'm editing the files in Sublime, and then save the file and refresh the browser. The changes does not show! If I however open the template file in Eclipse, just open it, I can even just open and close it right away, and THEN refresh the browser, the changes will show.
I have done a test to see if this problem occurs on other simple projects as well, and with a single HTML-file and a simple http-server, the work I save in Sublime shows as normal.
Does anybody know what is happening here? Am I bound to keep on using Eclipse as a HTML-editor? :( Does the Eclipse project files prevent me from using other editors? Why are the changes only showing when I open the files in Eclipse?
Any help is greatly appreciated!
In order for the changes to take place you have to right-click the file in Eclipse explorer tab and choose "refresh" in order for the (static) changes to be reloaded to Apache. For dynamic changes you'll need to restart apache or use a plugin such as JRebel.
Eclipse copies the files to the "target"-folder in the webapp. Sublime(and others) does not do this automatically, so you need to do this manually, or by a plug-in that will copy the files on save.

Unable to drag and drop to Eclipse

I have been draging and dropping from Windows Explorer to Eclipse since I've started using it, and now find myself unable to do so. When I drag a .java file over my package, the mouse cursor stays a circle with a diagonal bar through it and dropping does nothing.
I have tried to change my workspace, create a fresh new workspace, deleted eclipse and redownloaded it. It still doesn't work. Making Eclipse run as admin doesn't solve the issue either.
There are at least two workarounds:
Use the menu File -> Import -> General -> File System
or use CtrlC in Windows Explorer, CtrlV in the Package Explorer of Eclipse.
I had this issue when Eclipse was running as Administrator. Setting it back just worked.
I figured out it was due to viewing the project in Project Explorer instead of Package Explorer.
Right click on a project > Show in > Package Explorer
You'll be able to drag-drop again at this point.
I faced similar problem when trying to drag-drop image file directly from explored zip. After I extracted the zip, drag-drop worked as expected.
For me it was the missing marketplace client.
It is noticeable when help -> Eclipse Marketplace is missing.
I installed it with help -> Install new Software -> Update Site for 2018-09 -> Eclipse Marketplace
Extract all files from zip folder. It worked for me.

Eclipse: Package explore not showing anything from my workspace

It was working fine few minutes ago. but my system was shutdown due to power cut when i was still working on Eclipse with few files unsaved.
now if i open Eclipse i cant see anything on the Package Explorer
any solution?
Thank You
Not a solution, but a fix to my problem:
1. Create a new workspace folder
2. Copy all the projects into this folder
3. import them to Eclipse
When Eclipse is abnormally shut down, its Workspace gets corrupted.
Hence we need to create a new Workspace.
Did you make sure you are still on the same workspace?

How to recover Java file from Eclipse Project that damaged by getting power off?

it happens with me that, I am working on a project with Eclipse. And Suddenly power gone.
And after some times while power come back and i open the project in eclipse, i found my all code gone. and see the Screen with error like below image:
So Please what wrong with that Eclipse ? How to recove that java file from eclipse.
If i go to that file localy and open that file it open in Word with many pages. but with no text.
try the eclipse's local history..
right click the file -->replace with-->previous from Local History.
Open the file in Eclipse editor -> right click -> Team -> Show Local History“
View the result in ‘History View’ and chose the last best state of your file.
Yeah ,and also you can try for some method restore,Right Click in editor->Local History->Replace with..
THis will help to get back the previous changes u made...
Get the previous file back from the cache with help of eclipse's local history.
Right click on the damaged file -->Replace with-->Previous from Local History.

Cannot "Install New Software" in Eclipse 3.5

I have just installed Eclipse 3.5 for Java EE developers ("Galileo").
I need to add an extra plugin, but when I select the "Install New Software ..." menu item, nothing happens. Literally nothing - no dialog opens, no error message is displayed. If I have the Debug window open, no message are displayed.
If I go to Preferences -> Install/Update -> Available Software Sites, that dialog opens OK, I can manage the list of update sites, and test the connections, and they all appear OK. But I cannot get to use them to actually install anything.
Is it just broken, or could there be something more subtle wrong?
Start by checking you error log under Window -> Show View -> Error Log. See if you're getting any exception while trying to install new software.
You can also install by downloading the plugin and unzipping it in the dropins folder.
I ran into the same problem. There seems to be a bug related to the finish button (I am assuming this is the same problem you are experiencing). The way I got around it is by clicking on the finish button (or next, or whichever button is not working for you) and press the 'Enter' key. It's annoying. Seems to be an issue with how Eclipse is integrating with GTK.
I had the same problem, took a look at the error log and changed the launcher from "/usr/bin/eclipse" to "sudo /usr/bin/eclipse", it was a permissions thing...
GDK_NATIVE_WINDOWS=true also solved the non-clickable button problem for me running gnome 2.28.1 with Ubuntu Karmic (9.10) x64 with kernel 2.6.31-14-generic
To resolve this problem, I did the following:
Placed my copy of Eclipse in the trash
Emptied my trash
Rebooted my computer
Downloaded the latest version of Eclipse (which was Indigo at the time of writing)
Placed the .zip file in my applications folder
Double-clicked on the compressed zip to open it (I'm using Mac OS X.6)
The problem disappeared. I am now able to do Help/Install new software....
I suggest to use Eclipse Indigo (Eclipse 3.7) which contains EGit already.
Something you can try:
Delete (rename/move) your workspace and try again. Be sure to backup all your projects and settings.
Download the plugin "manually" and use Eclipse>Window>Preferences>Install/Update>Available Software Sites to add it locally.
Download the plugin "manually" and use Eclipse>Window>Help>Software Updates>Available Software>Add site>Archive, find the directory on your HDD and add it.
I had the same problem in windows... and spent couple of hours to "somehow" install the new softwares.
Anyway I will explain you how I managed to install it after trying many options..
Start a fresh copy of eclipse
First tick two check boxes(Show only latest version & Contact all update sites). Make sure the check box of group items is untick.
Try to add software...
If not showing the list of plugins/Next buttons.
Delete the copy of eclipse.
Start a fresh copy of eclipse
Tick only the check box for Contact all update sites.
Now try to add plugins. It worked for me...
Even if it sounds crap... it worked for me..
If none of the solutions above work for you, simply change the workspace to another location. If the list of items appears properly then there's probably something screwed up in the workspace and not Eclipse. Hope this helps.
I actually just had a similar problem and wanted to offer the solution that worked for me. This was not a permissions thing. To solve that I always install eclipse as my user in my local directory (e.g. /home/[user]/local/eclipse-3.7.2) and then you never have permission issues.
Setup: Go to Help -> Install New software -> Available Software Sites (to add new site)
Symptom: Try to add a new site. After hitting enter or clicking finish the site shows up in the list of available sites. Click Okay to go back to the install new software and the site is not available in the drop down. Go back to Available sites and the site is gone.
Fix: After adding the site click on the reload button while the new site is highlighted (before clicking Ok to go back to the "Install new software screen"
This was occurring on Indigo SR2 (and has been happening for a while). I am running this on Linux Gtk -- but I don't see why this would be related.
Hope this helps!
Delete your ~/.eclipse folder and restart eclipse. This is the only thing that worked for me.
I had the exact the same problem. What I found out is that I installed the eclipse as root user. Therefore, I need to be a root user in order to launch "Install New Software".
just press enter after entering URL in "Install new software" window
I faced similar issue. To troubleshoot this issue follow these steps:
Go to windows -> show view -> error.
Check the error logs. In my case error was java.lang.IllegalStateException: Registry Directory not available. at org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.SimpleProfileRegistry.restore
I checked my config.ini which is under eclipse -> configuration folder.
I found has incorrect path set.
I set the correct path for above key and restarted eclipse. It started working.
Hope it helps
I have faced the same issue. To solve the problem, follow the following steps:
Window (Eclipse Menu) -> Show View -> Error Log
if Error Log is not there, then:
Window (Menu) -> Show View -> Other -> General -> Error Log
Once the Error log is shown, Go to Help (Eclipse Menu) -> Install New Software
Check the Error log, most probable you will see an exception there.
Check the exception, most probable it's caused by java.lang.IllegalStateException
Check the path mentioned in the exception, if you see ".Lock" in the path, close the eclipse then go to the path in windows machine and delete that folder.
now go to the eclipse "exe" file that you're using and open it as an administrator, then try, most probably this will solve the issue.
I`m wondering if this help you.
Let me know if you have any queries.