find and delete lines without string pattern in text files - powershell

I'm trying to find out how to use powershell to find and delete lines without certain string pattern in a set of files. For example, I have the following text file:
This needs to be turned into:
given that the string pattern of 'x' is not in any of the other lines.
How can I issue such a command in powershell to process a bunch of text files?

dir | foreach { $out = cat $_ | select-string x; $out | set-content $_ }
The dir command lists the files in the current directory; the foreach goes through each file; cat reads the file and pipes into select-string; select-string finds the lines that contains the specific pattern, which in this case is "x"; the result of select-string is stored in $out; and finally, $out is written to the same file with set-content.
We need the temporary variable $out because you cannot read and write the same file at the same time.

This will process all txt files from the working directory. Each file content is checked and only lines that have 'x' in them are allowed to pass on. The result is written back to the file.
Get-ChildItem *.txt | ForEach-Object{
$content = Get-Content $_.FullName | Where-Object {$_ -match 'x'}
$content | Out-File $_.FullName


Duplicate lines in a text file multiple times based on a string and alter duplicated lines

SHORT: I am trying to duplicate lines in all files in a folder based on a certain string and then replace original strings in duplicated lines only.
Contents of the original text file (there are double quotes in the file):
I want to duplicate the entire line 4 times only if a string ".ini" is present in a line.
After duplicating the line, I want to change the string in those duplicated lines (original line stays the same) to: for example, ".inf", ".bat", ".cmd", ".mov".
So the expected result of the script is as follows:
Those files are small, so using streams is not neccessary.
I am at the beginning of my PowerShell journey, but thanks to this community, I already know how to replace string in files recursively:
$directory = "K:\PS"
Get-ChildItem $directory -file -recurse -include *.txt |
ForEach-Object {
(Get-Content $_.FullName) -replace ".ini",".inf" |
Set-Content $_.FullName
but I have no idea how to duplicate certain lines multiple times and handle multiple string replacements in those duplicated lines.
Yet ;)
Could point me in the right direction?
To achieve this with the operator -replace you can do:
#Define strings to replace pattern with
$2replace = #('.inf','.bat','.cmd','.mov','.ini')
#Get files, use filter instead of include = faster
get-childitem -path [path] -recurse -filter '*.txt' | %{
$cFile = $_
#add new strings to array newData
$newData = #(
#Read file
get-content $_.fullname | %{
#If line matches .ini
If ($_ -match '\.ini'){
$cstring = $_
#Add new strings
$2replace | %{
#Output new strings
$cstring -replace '\.ini',$_
#output current string
#Write to disk
$newData | set-content $cFile.fullname
This gives you the following output:

Powershell update string in each file within all sub-folders

I have a set of config files stored in each subfolder within a directory. These config files only contain a single string in the format XXX_YYYYMMDD where XXX is a number e.g. 006, 007 etc, so an example string would be 006_20150101. I want the powershell script to replace the XXX number with a new one in each of these config files. I'm using the below script to achieve that and it works fine. However, the issue is that it puts a new line character (ENTER) at the end of the string which I don't want. Any way to fix this?
$sourceDir = "C:\Users\001"
$configFiles = Get-ChildItem $sourceDir *.dat -rec
foreach ($file in $configFiles)
(Get-Content $file.PSPath) |
Foreach-Object { $_ -replace "006", "007" } |
Set-Content $file.PSPath
By default set-content ends with a newline, use -NoNewline to not have this behavior:
Set-Content -path $file.PSPath -NoNewline
I dont know if u can use this but you can use regex replace to match the first 3 digits in the string:
$regex = "^\d{3}"
# matches any 3 digits("\d{3}") at the beginning("^") of a string
"124_20201030" -replace $regex, "007"

Replace letters in list of txt files - powershell

Hi I'm trying to change the letters in various files (which I have in listed in a text file) I can go through the files individually using the command below, but I was wondering if there's a way to loop through the list amending each of the file contents.
example I'd like to change test-pop-test to test-bar-test and this is the content of several files, not the name of the file.
The code I am using is below, amending the names before running.
(Get-Content c:\temp\list.txt) | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace "pop", "bar" } | Set-Content c:\temp\test2.txt
Each object is a text file that I would like it to loop through, so list.txt contains a list of text files where the contents are to be amended, not sure if I explained this very well.. :)
Thanks in advance :)
A basic example:
$Temp = Get-ChildItem C:\Temp -Force
ForEach ($f in $Temp)
(Get-Content $f) |
% { $_ -replace 'pop', 'bar' } |
Set-Content $f

How to replace the content of every file in the directory?

There is a function (Function($_)) that replace all "1" with "2" for each file in the directory. New content is written to the file out.txt.
input: in.txt → 111
output: in.txt → 222 → out.txt
Tell me, please, how to make the replacement take place inside of every file?
Get-Content "C:\Dir\*" | ForEach-Object {Function($_)} > C:\Dir\out.txt
Get-Content "C:\Dir\*" will give you the content of everything in C:\Dir in one go, so you won't be able to modify each file individually. You'll also get errors for any directory in C:\Dir.
You need to iterate over each file in the directory and process them individually:
Get-ChildItem 'C:\Dir' -File | ForEach-Object {
$file = $_.FullName
(Get-Content $file) -replace '1','2' | Set-Content $file
The parentheses around Get-Content ensure that the file is read and closed again before further processing, otherwise writing to the (still open) file would fail.
Note that the parameter -File is only supported in PowerShell v3 or newer. On older versions you need to replace Get-ChildItem -File with something like this:
Get-ChildItem 'C:\Dir' | Where-Object { -not $_.PSIsContainer } | ...

Merge Text Files and Prepend Filename and Line Number - Powershell

I've been trying to adapt the answer to this question: powershell - concatenate N text files and prepend filename to each line
My desired output based on an example of 2 .txt files:
lines of
more lines
First1 lines of
First2 data
Second1 more lines
Second2 of
Second3 data
Based on the most similar question I could find the following answer:
Select-String '^' *.txt >output.txt
Would give:
C:\A\Filepath\First.txt:1:lines of
C:\A\Filepath\Second.txt:1:more lines
So I was hoping to use -replace to remove the filepath, keep the file name (but remove .txt:), keep the line number (but replace the final : with a space) and keep the text from the line.
Any help would be appreciated reaching the desired output.txt. Thanks
Not beautiful but this is one approach.
Get-ChildItem *.txt |
%{$FILENAME=$_.BaseName;$COUNT=1;get-content $_ |
%{"$FILENAME"+"$COUNT"+" " + "$_";$COUNT++}}|
Out-File Output.txt
The select-string approach is very interesting. The way I would go about it is to use Get-Content. The advantage there is that each line has a readcount property that represents the line number.
Get-ChildItem "C:\temp\*.file" | ForEach-Object{
$fileName = $_.BaseName
Get-content $_ | ForEach-Object{
"{0}{1} {2}" -f $fileName,$_.ReadCount,$_
} | Add-Content "C:\temp\output.txt"
Take each file and use Get-Content. With each line we process we send to the output stream a formatted line matching your desired output. No need to count the lines as $_.ReadCount already knows.
Select-String still works
You just need to manipulate the output to match what you want. Using Get-Member we can check the properties of what select-string returns to get our desired output.
Select-String '^' "c:\temp\*.txt" | ForEach-Object{
"{0}{1} {2}" -f $_.Filename,$_.LineNumber,$_.Line
} | Add-Content "C:\temp\output.txt"