Old Screen From Activity Gets Displayed When Back Button Used - android-listview

I guess I do not understand how things like the "Back Button" affect how Activities behave.
Here is my main activity screen shot:
If the user clicks the bookmark icon in the upper right, my BookmarksActivity displays like so:
Here the user clicks the Add button to add the bookmark and I call finish() in my BookmarksActivity class and the screen returns to the my MainActivity ...
Now let's say the user wants to delete a bookmark, they would again click the bookmark icon which presents the user with this screen:
Now the user can click on the delete button resulting in this screen:
Now the user wants to get back to the MainActivity's screen by pressing the Back Button, doing so removes the keyboard as one would expect, resulting in this screen:
But now the user still wants to get back the main screen, so they click the Back Button again, but instead of the main screen one would expect to see they see this one!
Now there is no bookmark in my SQLite database yet one is being displayed. If the user clicks that back button again they do, finally, get the main activity screen ...
... and if they click on the Bookamrk icon you can see that there is no bookmark:
Thanks for bearing with me and that lengthy description of the problem. Here is what I believe to be the pertinent snippets of code:
Here's where the delete happens:
public class BookMarksBaseAdapter extends BaseAdapter {
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
View vi=convertView;
vi = inflater.inflate(R.layout.bookmark, null);
TextView tv_bookmark_name = (TextView)vi.findViewById(R.id.bookmark_name);
TextView tv_bookmark_clock = (TextView)vi.findViewById(R.id.bookmark_clock);
Button deleteButton = (Button)vi.findViewById(R.id.btn_delete_bookmark);
final bookMark bookmark = new bookMark(data.get(position).get_bookmark_name(), data.get(position).get_bookmark_track(), data.get(position).get_bookmark_clock(), 0);
final String bookmark_name = bookmark.get_bookmark_name();
final int ibookmark_clock = bookmark.get_bookmark_clock();
// Setting all values in listview
deleteButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
Log.d( TAG, "delete button clicked line 73" );
v.getContext().startActivity(new Intent(v.getContext(), com.redcricket.myApp.BookMarksActivity.class));
return vi;
And here is the an snippet from my BookmarkActivity onCreate method:
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
currentChapterTitle = com.redcricket.myApp.MainActivity.getTrackTitle(0);
currentTrack = com.redcricket.myApp.MainActivity.getCurrentSongIndex();
currentTrackPosition = "00:00:00";
db = new Databasehandler(this);
utils = new Utils();
try {
currentChapterTitle = com.redcricket.myApp.MainActivity.getCurrentTrackTitle();
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.d( TAG, "expection line 27" );
try {
icurrentTrackPosition = com.redcricket.myApp.MainActivity.getCurrentTrackPosition();
currentTrackPosition = utils.milliSecondsToTimer(icurrentTrackPosition);
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.d( TAG, "expection line 34" );
try {
new_bookmark_name = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.new_bookmark_name);
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.d( TAG, "expection line 43" );
try {
new_bookmark_name.setText( currentChapterTitle );
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.d( TAG, "expection line 49" );
try {
new_bookmark_clock = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.new_bookmark_clock);
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.d( TAG, "expection line 55" );
try {
new_bookmark_clock.setText( currentTrackPosition );
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.d( TAG, "expection line 61" );
try {
addButton = (Button) findViewById(R.id.btn_add_new_bookmark);
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.d( TAG, "expection line 43" );
bookMarkList = db.getAllBookmarks();
// add list
adapter=new BookMarksBaseAdapter(this, bookMarkList, this);
I must be doing something wrong somewhere. I have tried to override the onBackButton method and have it call finish but that didn't help at all. My best guess is that this line in wrong:
v.getContext().startActivity(new Intent(v.getContext(), com.redcricket.myApp.BookMarksActivity.class));
I call that when the delete button get pressed.
Any help welcomed. Thanks!

I am assuming Main is one activity, book mark is another activity and book mark delete is another activity. Unless you tell an activity to have no history or explicitly finish it before going to another activity it will stay in the activity stack.
In your example the user goes MainActivity -> BookMarkActivty then back to MainActivity through on back pressed which removed BookMarkActivity from the stack. Its all good.
In your other example the user goes MainActivity -> BookMarkActivity -> DeleteActivity
the question here is when they click delete are you finishing DeleteActivty or starting a new BookMarkActivty?
It looks like you are starting a new BookMarkActivty, finished the old BookMarkActivity and ended up with a stack of Main - DeleteBookMark - BookMark after the deletion process.
Don't finish bookmark when they choose to do a delete and set the delete activity to have no history or explicitly finish it after delete.

Doh! I figured out what I needed to do. I need to save the Activity that gets passed to the constructor of my BookMarksBaseAdapter class as a private member like so ...
public class BookMarksBaseAdapter extends BaseAdapter {
private Activity activity;
BookMarksBaseAdapter (Activity a, ArrayList<bookMark> d) {
activity = a;
inflater = (LayoutInflater)activity.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
utils = new Utils();
db = new Databasehandler(a);
... then I call call activity.finish() when the delete button gets pressed like this ...
deleteButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {


FreshMvvm - PopPageModel not works on Android

I have a Xamarin.Forms app and I am using FreshMvvm framework.
If I do this from ViewIsAppearing method of FirstPageModel:
I go the "SecondPageModel". Then, when I am in the "SecondPageModel" if I do:
or press hard back button, or press title bar back button not works in Android (anything happens). I am using FreshMasterDetailNavigationContainer.
In iOS it works OK, I get back to FirstPageModel.
This is because ViewIsAppearing will always be called when the page starts displaying on the screen. When you pop the second page then go to the first page, the first page's ViewIsAppearing will fire again. It caused a dead cycle and prohibited your app from returning to the first page.
Add a property to avoid that:
bool isInitialized;
public FirstPageModel()
// ...
isInitialized = true;
protected async override void ViewIsAppearing(object sender, EventArgs e)
base.ViewIsAppearing(sender, e);
if (isInitialized)
await Task.Delay(100);
await CoreMethods.PushPageModel<SecondPageModel>();
isInitialized = false;
iOS may optimize this process, but I still recommend you to add this judgment statement.
Call it when your app has reached the main thread.
protected override void ViewIsAppearing(object sender, EventArgs e)
base.ViewIsAppearing(sender, e);
if (isInitialized)
Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
isInitialized = false;

How to catch click on eto ImageViewCell?

I have a column in my grid that displays a garbage icon. When clicked I want to catch that click and delete the row.
How do I listen for a click on an ImageViewCell?
gridControl.CellClick += Stats_CellClick;
private void Stats_CellClick(object sender, GridViewCellEventArgs e)
if (e.Column == 3)
RulesDocAdapter rda = (RulesDocAdapter)e.Item;

Why do I get MouseDown events from a position outside of the control's boundary?

I have a Composite containing a number of Text controls. I have attached MouseListeners to each control.
What surprises me is that sometimes, when I click on a control, I get a MouseDown event from its neighbour. The Event position is outside of the control's boundary and I get no event from the other control which I thought I had clicked on.
What can cause this to happen?
Run. Press Esc to close the MessageBox. Click in field BBBB. Press Esc to close MessageBox. Click in field AAAA. The event is generated from field BBBB.
public class Test
public class MyListener implements MouseListener, FocusListener
private boolean active;
public void focusGained(FocusEvent e)
message((Text) e.widget, "FocusGained");
public void focusLost(FocusEvent e)
public void mouseDoubleClick(MouseEvent e)
public void mouseDown(MouseEvent e)
private void message(final Text t, final String m)
if (active == false)
active = true;
MessageBox mb = new MessageBox(t.getShell());
mb.setMessage(t.getMessage() + "\n\n" + m);
active = false;
public void mouseUp(MouseEvent e)
message((Text) e.widget, e.toString());
private MyListener listener = null;
public static void main(String[] args)
Display display = new Display();
Shell shell = new Shell(display);
new Test(shell);
while (!shell.isDisposed())
if (!display.readAndDispatch())
public Test(Composite parent)
listener = new MyListener();
private void create(Composite parent)
parent.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, true));
createText(parent, "AAAA");
createText(parent, "BBBB");
private Text createText(Composite parent, String message)
Text t = new Text(parent, SWT.NONE);
GridData gd = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, true, false);
return t;
This is indeed strange. When traversing from B to A, the MouseUp event is marked as sent from field B.
If you replace the MessageBox with something non-interrupting i.e. System.out, the mouse event senders are the right ones.
To me, this seems more of a theoretical corner case. Decent applications would not interrupt the users field traversal with a modal window. However, if this is relevant for your, I'd report a bug to SWT.
I managed to get this working by de-coupling the pop-up window from the events. The message method now looks like this:
private void message(final Text t, final String m)
//NB active is declared as 'volatile'
if (active == false)
active = true;
t.getDisplay().asyncExec(new Runnable()
public void run()
MessageBox mb = new MessageBox(t.getShell());
mb.setMessage(t.getMessage() + "\n\n" + m);
active = false;
System.out.println("Already active: " + t.getMessage());
This seems to give the events the opportunity to continue uninterrupted by the pop-up window. The pop-up will be activated a short while later. So far it works ok.

GWT button click event

i have one window panel in my project.
and i add one button to it.
when i click the button,i want two event to fire.
one event is to hide that window,which i achieve through
Button button = new Button("click");
button.addListener(new ButtonListenerAdapter(){
public void onClick(Button button, EventObject e) {
super.onClick(button, e);
and second i want to pop up another window at the same time on the same button click..what to do?
help me out
I think this should solve your problem :
final boolean evenClick = false;
Button button = new Button("click");
button.addListener(new ButtonListenerAdapter(){
public void onClick(Button button, EventObject e) {
if (!evenClick) {
super.onClick(button, e);
else {
evenClick = !evenClick;

Closing dialog on action of button in codename one

I make a dialog in which we have some buttons.
on action of one of that button i want to finish dialog.
I don't want to add any command in it.
Please help.
Here is my code.
Form form = (Form) createContainer("/theme", "MYDialog1");
Container container = (Container) findByName("Container", form);
button = new Button(new Command("Close"),i));
catch (Exception exception)
button.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
Dialog.show("", form, null);
If you add a command to a dialog it will dispose the dialog by default.
You can manually invoke dialog.dispose() to close the dialog, to get the current dialog just use Dialog dlg = (Dialog)Display.getInstance().getCurrent();
You Don't any relationship between the dialog and the container. Because this reason you can't dispose dialog.
What i understand from your question is that you won't to use command because you want your gui for button.
My advice is to create dialog like that (I think is can be work):
Dialog dialog = new Dialog();
Display.getInstance().callSerially(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
dialog.setLayout(new BoxLayout(BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
button = new Button(new Command("Close"),i));
catch (Exception exception)
button.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
this dialog need to be class member to be recognized by button.