String replacement not working in powershell script at runtime - powershell

I have powershell file in which i have line of variable decalration as below
[string] $global:myExePath = "\\myshare\code\scripts";
I want to replace \\myshare\code\scripts with \\mynewshare\code1\psscript at runtime by executing a powershell script.
I am using
Get-Content $originalfile | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace "\\myshare\code\scripts", $mynewcodelocation.FullName } | Set-Content ($originalfile)
If am execuing
{ $_ -replace "scripts", $mynewcodelocation.FullName } it is working fine, but it is not working for { $_ -replace "\\myshare\code\scripts", $mynewcodelocation.FullName }
What is wrong here ?

'\' is a special regex character used to escape other special character.You need to double each back slash to match one back slash.
-replace "\\\\myshare\\code\\scripts",$mynewcodelocation.FullName
When you don't know the content of a string you can use the escape method to escape a string for you:
$unc = [regex]::escape("\\myshare\code\scripts")
-replace $unc,$mynewcodelocation.FullName


how to replace text ($) with quotation marks in a text file by using powershell

I am trying to replace the text ($) with quotation marks in a text file by using PowerShell
Here is the code I am trying, But not giving expected results:
$FilePath = "C:\PT\Test\"
Get-ChildItem $FilePath -Filter *.TXT | ForEach-Object {
(Get-Content $_.FullName) | Foreach-Object {
$_ -replace ',"$"', ',"$",'
} | Set-Content $_.FullName
As pointed out by Abraham in his comment, the $ is a reserved character in regex known as Anchor, if you want to match a literal $ using -replace you would need to escape it: \$:
Get-ChildItem $FilePath -Filter *.TXT | ForEach-Object {
(Get-Content $_.FullName -Raw) -replace ',"\$"',',"$",' |
Set-Content $_.FullName
The other alternative is to use the .Replace(..) string method which will match literal characters.
Get-ChildItem $FilePath -Filter *.TXT | ForEach-Object {
(Get-Content $_.FullName -Raw).Replace(',"$"',',"$",') |
Set-Content $_.FullName
By looking at your code seems like you want to replace ,"$" with ,"$",, if this was not the case let me know.
The -replace operator:
uses a regex as the search-pattern operand, and therefore requires a verbatim $ to be escaped as \$ in order to be interpreted as such (an unescaped $ is a regex metacharacter representing the end of the input string)
also uses $ as a metacharacter in the substitution operand, namely to refer to the text that the regex captured ($&) or parts thereof (e.g. $1 to refer to what the first capture group ((...)) captured). In this case, escape it as $$.
Note: Situationally, even an unescaped $ may work, namely if, in combination with the subsequent characters, if any, it cannot be interpreted as a placeholder such as $& or $1. However, in the interest of robustness it is better to escape.
Therefore, use:
PS> ',"$"20' -replace ',"\$"', ',"$$",'
Taking a step back:
As Abraham Zinala suggests, for verbatim string replacements, the .Replace() string method is sufficient, whose use doesn't necessitate escaping, and which is faster to boot:
PS> ',"$"20'.Replace(',"$"', ',"$",')
Caveat: Unlike -replace, .Replace() is case-sensitive - invariably in Windows PowerShell and by default in PowerShell (Core) 7+.
See this answer for a detailed juxtaposition of -replace and .Replace(), including how to perform escaping for -replace programmatically.
To put it all together, along with an optimization that reads each file in full, with Get-Content -Raw, for much faster processing (to avoid appending a trailing newline, -NoNewLine is used with Set-Content):
$FilePath = "C:\PT\Test"
Get-ChildItem $FilePath -Filter *.TXT | ForEach-Object {
(Get-Content -Raw $_.FullName).Replace(',"$"', ',"$",') |
Set-Content -NoNewLine $_.FullName

Change pipe delimited file to comma delimited in Powershell

I have a pipe delimited .TXT file. I need to change the delimiter to a comma instead but still keep the file extension as .TXT. The file looks like this:
Column 1 |Column 2
I am using Windows Powershell 5.1 version for my script.
I am using the following code:
$file = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader -Arg "c:\file.txt"
$outstream = [System.IO.StreamWriter] "c:\out.txt"
while ($line = $file.ReadLine()) {
$s = $line -replace '|', ','
Instead of just replacing the pipe with a comma, the output file looks like this:
C,o,l,u,m,n, 1 , |,C,o,l,u,m,n, 2
The only problem with your answer is in how you try to replace the | characters in the input:
$s = $line -replace '|', ',' # WRONG
PowerShell's -replace operator expects a regex (regular expression) as its first RHS operand, and | is a regex metacharacter (has special meaning)[1]; to use it as a literal character, you must \-escape it:
# '\'-escape regex metacharacter '|' to treat it literally.
$s = $line -replace '\|', ','
While PowerShell's -replace operator is very flexible, in simple cases such as this one you can alternatively use the [string] type's .Replace() method, which performs literal string replacements and therefore doesn't require escaping (it's also faster than -replace):
# Use literal string replacement.
# Note: .Replace() is case-*sensitive*, unlike -replace
$s = $line.Replace('|', ',')
[1] | denotes an alternation in a regex, meaning that the subexpressions on either side are matched against the input string and one of them matching is sufficient; if your full regex is just |, it effectively matches the empty string before and after each character in the input, which explains your symptom; e.g., 'foo' -replace '|', '#' yields #f#o#o#
You can use Import-Csv and Export-Csv by specifying the -Delimiter.
Import-Csv -Delimiter '|' -Path "c:\file.txt" | Export-Csv -Delimiter ',' -Path "c:\file.txt" -NoTypeInformation
You will find the -split and -join operators to be of interest.
Get-Content -Path "C:\File.TXT" | ForEach-Object { ($_ -split "\|") -join "," } | Set-Content -Path "C:\Out.TXT"

How can I escape commas within double quotes during a replace?

I am using PowerShell to iterate over a specified list of files, using -replace to increment a version string within each and the version string contains commas. For example:
VERSION 6,21,0,0
needs to become:
VERSION 7,1,0,0
Here is what I'm doing:
ForEach-Object -InputObject $Files -Process {
foreach ($str in $_) {
(Get-Content -Path $str) | ForEach {
$_ -replace "VERSION \d+,\d+,0,0","VERSION $MAJOR,$MINOR,0,0"
} | Set-Content -Encoding UTF8 $str
which is mostly working, except the commas are being replaced by dots.
VERSION 6,21,0,0
I understand the need for double quotes so $MAJOR and $MINOR are evaluated, but when I do that the commas are handled as shown above. Using the backtick to escape the commas has no effect on the output. What am I doing wrong?

replace a string in a csv file with powershell

I need to place System.Object[] for some columns in a csv file. I tried 3 different method but none of them are working. System.Object[] is put in by powershell when that object is empty or something.
$file = "c:\output.csv"
(gc $file) -replace "'system.object[]'", ""
(Get-Content $file | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace "system.object[]", "" } ) | Set-Content $file
I added following code to the variable that containing System.Object[] on output. and it's seems to be working. and now I dont have to do the replacement at file level.
"Access Code" = (#($AccessCode) | Out-String).Trim()
The bracers and the dot ([, ], .) need all to be escaped. Furthermore remove the double quotation marks, just keep the single ones. Also think about using creplace, in case you want to work case insensitive. So the command would look like this:
(gc $file) -replace 'system\.object\[\]', ''
In case you want to write everything to a new file:
(gc $file) -replace 'system\.object\[\]', ''|out-file "test2.txt" -encoding ASCII
Just use Escape character
(gc $file) -replace 'system.object\[\]', ""
The characters '[' and ']' are used for Regex pattern. You must use Escape
character '\' to tell Powershell that This is a regular chars

Problems with replacing newline

Iam trying to replace following string with PowerShell:
Intel(R) Network Connections
The code that I use is:
Get-Content $logfilepath |
Foreach-Object { $_ -replace '`r`n`r`n', 'xx'} |
Set-Content $logfilepath_new
But I have no success, can someone say me, where the error is?
First, you are using single quotes in the replace string -
that means they are treated verbatim and not as newline characters, so you have to use -
To replace, read the file as string and use the Replace() method
$content=[string] $template= [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText("test.txt")
Get-content returns an array of lines, so CRLF is essentially your delimiter. Two CRLF sequences back to back would be interpreted as the end of the currrent line, followed by a null line, so no line (object) should contain '`r`n`r`n'. A multi-line regex replace would probably be a better choice.
as alternate method using PS cmdlets:
Get-Content $logfilepath |
Foreach-Object -Begin { $content="" } -Process { $content += $_ ; $content += "xx" } -End { $content } |
Set-Content $logfilepath_new
I used the following code to replace somestring with newline:
$nl = [System.Environment]::NewLine
$content = $content.Replace( somestring, $nl )