running a shell command that is quoted - perl

In my Perl program I get to a point where I have a variable that has the following:
echo -e \"use\nseveral\nlines\"
I would like to run this command through the shell (using exec) as
echo -e "use\nseveral\nlines"
I tried eval on the variable before I passed it to exec, but that interpreted the \n and changed them to newlines.
Note that I am given the variable and do not have control over how it is input. Thus, given that the variable was input as such, is there a way to "unquote" it?

In Perl, you should use q{} or qq{} (or qx{} for execution) to avoid complicated quote escaping.
This should work for you (using q{} to avoid interpolating \n):
my $str = q{echo -e "use\nseveral\nlines"};
Now, you can execute it using qx:

When you pass
echo -e \"use\nseveral\nlines\"
to the shell, it passes the following three args to the exec systems call:
How does one create that last string? Here are a few ways:
"use\\nseveral\\nlines" # Escape \W chars in double-quoted strings.
'use\\nseveral\\nlines' # Escape \ and delimiters in single-quoted strings
'use\nseveral\nlines' # ...although it's optional if unambiguous.
The corresponding Perl command would be therefore be
exec('echo', '-e', 'use\nseveral\nlines');
system('echo', '-e', 'use\nseveral\nlines');
open(my $fh, '-|', 'echo', '-e', 'use\nseveral\nlines');
my #output = <$fh>;


perl -lane change delimiter

I have one liner:
az account list -o table |perl -lane 'print $F[0] if /GS/i'
I want to change default delimiter from '\t' to '-'
Any hint how to do this?
Just wanted to stress that it is oneliner I look for ;)
Plain -a splits on any whitespace, not just tab. The -F option allows you to specify a different delimiter.
az account list -o table |
perl -laF- -ne 'print $F[0] if /GS/i'
perlrun is the manual page that tells you about Perl's command-line options. It says:
turns on autosplit mode when used with a "-n" or "-p". An implicit split command to the #F array is done as the first thing inside the implicit while loop produced by the "-n" or "-p".
perl -ane 'print pop(#F), "\n";'
is equivalent to
while (<>) {
#F = split(' ');
print pop(#F), "\n";
An alternate delimiter may be specified using -F.
specifies the pattern to split on for "-a". The pattern may be surrounded by //, "", or '', otherwise it will be put in single quotes. You can't use literal whitespace or NUL characters in the pattern.
-F implicitly sets both "-a" and "-n".

How can I force perl to process args ONLY from stdin and not from a file on command line?

If I have this inline command:
perl -pi -e 's/([\da-f]{2})([\da-f]{2})\s?/\\x$1\\x$2\t/g'
Which is simply to substitute four-digit hex, and add it a 'x' in front. -i used with no filenames on the command line, reading from STDIN. So for params: 0000 0776, results are \x00\x00\x07\x76
I know, that if -n or -p (with printing) called, perl takes <> diamond. But I want to pass args only AFTER command, but perl assumes it as files to read. So how do I force -n or -p to regard args after command to be regular args for <> in program, and not args as files to read?
Also, I do not understand the role of i here. If i would not include it, then I would be adding args line after line (as does <>), but with i, it takes all my args at once?
If there are no arguments (i.e., if #ARGV is empty), then your one-line script (which implicitly uses <>) will read input from STDIN. So the solution is to clear #ARGV at compile time.
perl -pi -e 'BEGIN{#ARGV=()}
Another solution: Force ARGV (the implicit file handle that the base <> operator reads from) to point to STDIN. This solution doesn't clobber your #ARGV, if any.
perl -pi -e 'BEGIN{*ARGV=*STDIN}
The -p option is equivalent to the following code:
while (<>) {
... # your program goes here
} continue {
print or die "-p destination: $!\n";
-n is the same without the continue block. There's no way to change what it reads from (which is unfortunate, since <<>> and <STDIN> are both safer options), but it's pretty easy to replicate it with your modification (the error checking is rarely necessary here):
perl -e 'while (<STDIN>) { s/([\da-f]{2})([\da-f]{2})\s?/\\x$1\\x$2\t/g } continue { print }'

how to execute multiline shell command in perl?

I want to run shell command as follow in perl:
tar --exclude="*/node_modules" \
--exclude="*/vendor" \
--exclude='.git' \
-zvcf /tmp/robot.tgz .
But it seems perl can not excute this:
`tar --exclude="cv/node_modules" \
--exclude="*/vendor" \
--exclude='.git' \
-zvcf /tmp/robot.tgz .`;
Here is the error:
tar: Must specify one of -c, -r, -t, -u, -x
sh: line 1: --exclude=*/vendor: No such file or directory
sh: line 2: --exclude=.git: command not found
sh: line 3: -zvcf: command not found
it seems perl treat each line as one command.
I apologise. My original diagnosis was wrong
It is hard to clearly express in a post like this the contents of strings that contain Perl escape characters. If anything below is unclear to you then please write a comment to say so. I hope I haven't made things unnecessarily complicated
My original solution below is still valid, and will give you better control over the contents of the command, but my reasons for why the OP's code doesn't work for them were wrong, and the truth offers other resolutions
The problem is that the contents of backticks (or qx/.../) are evaluated as a double-quoted string, which means that Perl variables and escape sequences like \t and \x20 are expanded before the string is executed. One of the consequences of this is that a backslash is deleted if it is followed by a literal newline, leaving just the newline
That means that a statement like this
my $output = `ls \
will be preprocessed to "ls \n-l" and will no longer contain the backslash that is needed to signal to the shell that the newline should be removed (or indeed to get the command passed to the shell in the first place)
Apart from manipulating the command string directly as I described in my original post below, there are two solutions to this. The first is to escape the backslash itself by doubling it up, like this
my $output = `ls \\
which will prevent it from being removed by Perl. That will pass the backslash-newline sequence to the shell, which will remove it as normal
The other is to use qx'...' instead of backticks together with single-quote delimiters, which will prevent the contents from being processed as a double-quoted string
my $output = qx'ls \
This will work fine unless you have used Perl variables in the string that you want to be interpolated
Original post
The problem is that the shell removes newlines preceded by backslashes from the command string before executing it. Without that step the command is invalid
So you must do the same thing yourself in Perl, and to do that you must put the command in a temporary variable
use strict;
use warnings 'all';
my $cmd = <<'END';
tar --exclude="*/node_modules" \
--exclude="*/vendor" \
--exclude='.git' \
-zvcf /tmp/robot.tgz .
$cmd =~ s/\\\n//g;
my $output = `$cmd`;
There is no need for the backslashes of course; you can simply use newlines and remove those before executing the command
Or you may prefer to wrap the operations in a subroutine, like this
use strict;
use warnings 'all';
my $output = do_command(<<'END');
tar --exclude="*/node_modules" \
--exclude="*/vendor" \
--exclude='.git' \
-zvcf /tmp/robot.tgz .
sub do_command {
my ($cmd) = #_;
$cmd =~ s/\\\n//g;

Pass command line parameters to perl via file?

Could command lines parameters been saved to a file and then pass the file to perl to parse out the options? Like response file (prefix the name with #) for some Microsoft tools.
I am trying to pass expression to perl via command line, like perl -e 'print "\n"', and Windows command prompt makes using double quotes a little hard.
There are several solutions, from most to least preferable.
Write your program to a file
If your one liner is too big or complicated, write it to a file and run it. This avoids messing with shell escapes. You can reuse it and debug it and work in a real editor.
perl path\to\some_program
Command line options to perl can be put on the otherwise useless on Windows #! line. Here's an example.
#!/usr/bin/perl -i.bak -p
# -i.bak Backs up the file.
# -p Puts each line into $_ and writes out the new value of $_.
# So this changes all instances in a file of " with '.
Use alternative quote delimiters
Perl has a slew of alternative ways to write quotes. Use them instead. This is good for both one liners as well as things like q[<tag key='value'>].
perl -e "print qq[\n]"
Escape the quote
^ is the cmd.exe escape character. So ^" is treated as a literal quote.
perl -e "print ^"\n^""
Pretty yucky. I'd prefer using qq[] and reserve ^" for when you need to print a literal quote.
perl -e "print qq[^"\n]"
Use the ASCII code
The ASCII and UTF-8 hex code for " is 22. You can supply this to Perl with qq[\x22].
perl -e "print qq[\x22\n]"
You can read the file into a string and then use
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptionsFromString);
$ret = GetOptionsFromString($string, ...);
to parse the options from that.

Perl one-liner to remove trailing space from a file

I am calling a perl one-liner inside a Perl script.
The intention of the one-liner is to remove the trailing space from a file.
Inside the main perl script:
`perl -pi -e 's/\s+$//' tape.txt`;
Now it is throwing me an error Substitution replacement not terminated at -e line 2.
Where is it going wrong?
It's because of the $/ (special variable) inside your main perl script. Note that variables are interpolated inside `` strings just like inside "" strings, and the fact that there are some single quotes in there doesn't change that. You need to escape that $:
`perl -pi -e 's/\s+\$//' tape.txt;`
The backtick syntax invokes a shell and when invoked, the shell assumes it should interpolate the string passed.
A cleaner syntax might be:
system('perl -pli -e "s/\s*$//" tape.txt');
Since you aren't capturing the output of the command, using backticks or qx in lieu of system isn't an issue.
Too, adding the -l switch autochomps each line read and then adds a newline back --- probably what you want.
\s matches [ \t\n\r\f] and do not want to match \n.
Notice use of {} for subst delimiters:
$ echo -e 'hi \nbye'| perl -pe 's{[\t\040]+$}{};' | cat -A