Dojo dgrid not displaying "No Results found" Message - rest

i have this as my dgrid constructor ,
var MyQuickGrid = declare([onDemandGrid,Keyboard,Selection,ColumnHider,ColumnResizer,ColumnReorder]);
and the partial config_opts are
var config_opts = {
loadingMessage: " Loading data...",
noDataMessage: "No results found."
window.grid = new MyQuickGrid(grid_opts,'node_of_intrest');
however when i request data from the server using a JsonRESTStore, and the returned json data is empty i.e "[]" the grid does not display the "noDataMessage", i initially thought this was because of the headers i was returning, since i was returning 200 OK even for empty results set, i changed this to 204 No Content but still nothing seems to be working. I would appreciate a work around, or even a way to know if the grid failed to get results cuz this native feature for some reasons seem to be too smart for me for now.

Mentioned by nbjoerg on IRC
make sure your JsonRest server is setting the proper Content-Range headers in its query responses (e.g. in this case it should be "items 0-0/0").
For more info on how Dojo expects JsonRest endpoints to behave, see
Here's an example of the headers returned by a JsonRest service for which noDataMessage displays fine:
Content-Range:items 0-0/0
Date:Thu, 19 Sep 2013 12:56:19 GMT
Keep-Alive:timeout=5, max=92
Server:Apache/2.2.12 (Win32) DAV/2 mod_ssl/2.2.12 OpenSSL/0.9.8k mod_autoindex_color PHP/5.3.0
And a screenshot, for good measure:


CA LISA unable to create VS from Req/Rsp pairs

I have been trying to create a REST/Json Virtual service on CA LISA 7.5 (we can’t update), using request response pairs. The request response looks like the following:
GET /cods_party_web/party/111700 HTTP/1.1
Pragma: no-cache
Cache-Control: no-cache
x-abc-outlet-id: 017879
x-abc-user-id: CTM
x-abc-consent-level: 2
x-abc-application-id: 00028
x-abc-outlet-id-type: OU_ID
x-abc-user-id-type: 1
x-IBM-Client-Id: XXX....
x-IBM-Client-Secret: XXX...
HTTP/1.1 200 {"party":{"partyId":111700,"foreNames":["Julie","Pamela",""],"lastName":"Duncan","initials":["J"],"...lots of content......."type":"EMAIL"}],"associatedOU":null}
When I try to build the virtual service image, no matter what options I select, my VS image response is either in hex as shown below or it is blank.
I remember having this problem 1 year ago, and was able to get the reponse to look like below but I can’t remember how I did it.
Success response
Not found response.
Many thanks in advance
It's not returning hex - those are just column numbers for an empty binary response. I think the problem is your response document is not properly formed HTTP - there's no reason phrase in the status line, and you need two line feeds after the status line. Try this:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
{"party":{"partyId":111700,"foreNames":["Julie","Pamela",""],"lastName":"Duncan","initials":["J"],"...lots of content......."type":"EMAIL"}],"associatedOU":null}
I understand that you can't upgrade, so this doesn't really help you, but LISA 9.5 doesn't have this issue -- the response looks like it's supposed to.
On the other hand, CA has released a free, simpler version of LISA that also successfully generates a VS from your example. Check it out here:

Lightstreamer Client for Matlab

I am trying to build a lightstreamer client for Matlab. There do exist a couple of libraries for platforms like JAVA, Python, .Net etc. But unfortunately not Matlab.
However, it turns out that most of these client implementations use the very same text-mode protocol for lightstreamer which is pretty basic HTTP requesting.
I figured out how to establish/close a lightstreamer session. I get the sessionId and I can use this id to subscribe to the data I want to stream. But although I do get a valid response for the subscription call, there is no data pushed.
I use the urlead2 function and the response seems fine:
[output,extras] = urlread2([lightstream_url,'/lightstreamer/control.txt'],'POST',body,headers);
allHeaders =
Response: {'HTTP/1.1 200 OK'}
Server: {'Lightstreamer'}
Content_Type: {'text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1'}
Cache_Control: {'no-store' 'no-cache'}
Pragma: {'no-cache'}
Expires: {'Thu, 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT'}
Date: {'Wed, 8 Apr 2015 11:15:02 GMT'}
Content_Length: {'4'}
status =
value: 200
msg: 'OK'
isGood =
output =
It is correct that the response body contains "OK ", this is documented (documentation, page 20ff.), but there is supposed to be the stream data itself as well, isn't it?
So how do I get the actual data?
Somewhere in your code you should have a create_session.txt/bind_session.txt request, otherwise you should not have a valid session id that is required to obtain an OK answer from a control.txt request (e.g. the following generates the SYNC ERROR, that means that the server does not recognize the specified session: )
The data stream is not received on the control.txt response, that OK response simply means "OK I have added the subscription to your session".
The data stream is received on the create_session.txt/bind_session.txt response. Sections 4.1 and 4.2 + section 4.5 on the document you linked should explain how the data is received
I've found that opening a polling connection by setting LS_polling=true works fine without needing a listner. urlread2 hangs if you leave LS_polling as the default of false.
Create the session with /lightstreamer/create_session.txt
Request a subscription with /lightstreamer/control.txt
Repeatedly poll the connection to get the data with
The return from urlread2 will look something like this:
d =
LOOP 1000

Play framework - retrieving the Date header in the request

I need to access the Date: header when I handle the request, but this seems to be "swallowed" by the framework; any other header (even made up FooBar ones) show up and I can get them, but this gives me None (I'm using Postman to send a simple GET request - everything else works just fine):
println("Date: " + request.headers.get("Date").getOrElse("no date!"))
returns "no date!" no matter how I try to send something sensible.
I'm wondering whether this gets processed before the request object reaches my Action.
I need the actual string value sent, as this should be part of the request's signature - so an equivalent Date object representing the same value would not be of much use (as it needs to be part of the hash, to avoid replay attacks).
Just as a test, I replaced the Date header with a Date-Auth one, and this one shows up just fine:
ArrayBuffer((Date-Auth, ArrayBuffer(Wed, 15 Nov 2014 06:25:24 GMT))
Any ideas or suggestions greatly appreciated!
Are you sure there is a Date Header in your request (tested with tools like firebug or wireshark)?
Browsers do not need to send a Date header.
RFC 2616 (HTTP 1.1) from the Date section (14.18)
Clients SHOULD only send a Date header field in messages that include an entity-body, as in the case of the PUT and POST requests, and even then it is optional. A client without a clock MUST NOT send a Date header field in a request.
I stand corrected - it turns out that Chrome blocks a whole bunch of headers:
I wrote a Python Flask test server and, in fact, the Date header is not there.
That page has also a fix, which works just fine with Postman Version and Interceptor(1).
sorry for wasting everyone's time!
1 Incidentally, IMO Postman is the best REST client and has now also some awesome looks, beyond incredible functionality. If you're working with REST APIs, I highly recommend it.

HTTP Status 202 - how to provide information about async request completion?

What is the appropriate way of giving an estimate for request completion when the server returns a 202 - Accepted status code for asynchronous requests?
From the HTTP spec (italics added by me):
202 Accepted
The request has been accepted for processing, but the processing has not been completed. [...]
The entity returned with this response SHOULD include an indication of the request's current status and either a pointer to a status monitor or some estimate of when the user can expect the request to be fulfilled.
Here are some of thoughts:
I have glanced at the max-age directive, but using it would be abusing Cache-Control?
Return the expected wait time in the response body?
Add an application specific X- response header, but the X-headers was deprecated in RFC 6648?
Add a (non X-) specific response header? If so, how should it be named? The SO question Custom HTTP headers : naming conventions gave some ideas, but after the deprecation it only answers how HTTP headers are formatted, not how they should be named.
Other suggestions?
Definitely do not abuse existing HTTP headers for this. Since it's your own server, you get to define what the response looks like. You can (and should) pick whatever response works best for the intended recipient of this information and return the actual information in the response body.
For example, if you are only interested in displaying a human-readable message then you could return text/plain saying "Your request is likely to be processed in the next 30 minutes.".
At the other end of the spectrum, you might want to go all the REST way and return application/json, perhaps formatted like this (I totally made this up on the spot):
"status": "pending",
"completion": {
"estimate": "Thu Sep 08 2011 12:00:00 GMT-0400",
"rejected-after": "Fri Sep 09 2011 12:00:00 GMT-0400",
"tracking": {
"url": "http://server/status?id=myUniqueId"
You can use the Location header to specify the URL of the status monitor. Things like current status and estimate can either go in custom headers (which noone but your own software would use), or in the response body (which a web browser would display to a user, at least).
Although not explicitly mentioned specifically for the 202 - Accepted response code, the Retry-After header seems to be a suitable option. From the documentation:
The Retry-After response-header field can be used [...] to indicate how long the service is expected to be unavailable to the requesting client.

Rest Api Return

I'm building a rest api and was wondering about returning errors. Currently, my plan was to use the http status codes but also always return a result. The result would look like the following, if an error occured or not.
"Data":[the data],"
Errors":[the errors]
Basically, if an error occurred a Http Status code of 4xx or 5xx would be returned and the Errors collection in the returned JSON would have more details about the error, with the Data section being null. If the call succeeded a Http Status code of 200 would be returned with the data element containing the requested data, and the errors element would be empty.
Would this be a good way of returning data with error information?
In my design, I didn't include both the 'data' and the 'errors' properties in the response JSON object.
If the API succeeds, I will return the 'data' only. And the http status code is 2XXX.
If the API fails, I will return a 'error' object. The http status follows the specification defined in section 10 of RFC 2616.
An example of my error object is as below.
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
X-Powered-By: Express
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 100
Date: Thu, 08 Nov 2012 07:07:05 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
"type": "error",
"status": 404,
"message": "Not Found",
"help_url": "/api/help.html"
I am also using this approach. I understand this doesn't follow standard convention. But whatever. I think it can be argued either way. For me personally, my API's are not publicly available (they are all used internally by my application). So i think it's one of those "it depends" kind of situation.
All of my API's return the same data structure with a T template payload. The data structure itself is nice because the consumer has everything they need (success status, error codes, error details, and of course the data payload itself).
This way my presentation layer can treat all http responses uniformly in a friendly way.