Adding JsValue to Mongo - mongodb

Let's say I have a JsValue.
val dbo = MongoDBObject("id" -> "0001", "name" -> "Kevin", "age" -> "100")
val json: JsValue = Json.parse(dbo.toString)
I tried to insert json via:
val obj = MongoDBObject("key" -> json)
However, there are many brackets [ and ] added to the json part when I do a db.collection.findOne() from the Mongo shell.
How can I properly add a JsValue into Mongo in Casbah?


Filter Seq[Map[k,v]] given a Seq[String]

I have this Seq[Map[String, String]] :
val val1 = Seq(
Map("Name" -> "Heidi",
"City" -> "Paris",
"Age" -> "23"),
Map(("Country" -> "France")),
Map("Color" -> "Blue",
"City" -> "Paris"))
and I have this Seq[String]
val val2 = Seq["Name", "Country", "City", "Department"]
Expected output is val1 with all keys present in val2 (I want to filter out the (k,v) from v1 that have keys that are not present in val2) :
val expected = Seq(Map("Name" -> "Heidi", "City" -> "Paris"), Map( "Country" -> "France")), Map("City" -> "Paris"))
Age and Color are strings that are not in val2, I want to omit them from val1 map.
I'm not sure if what you propose is a right approach but nevertheless, it can be done like this: {
case (key, value) => val2.contains(key)
It seems you want something like this:
(note that I used a Set instead of a List to make contains faster)
def ensureMapsHaveOnlyValidKeys[K, V](validKeys: Set[K])(data: IterableOnce[Map[K, V]]): List[Map[K, V]] =

Update a key within an object inside a JsObject in Play

I am creating a JsObject using the following code:
var json = Json.obj(
"spec" -> Json.obj(
"type" -> "Scala",
"mode" -> "cluster",
"image" -> sparkImage,
"imagePullPolicy" -> "Always",
"mainClass" -> mainClass,
"mainApplicationFile" -> jarFile,
"sparkVersion" -> "2.4.4",
"sparkConf" -> Json.obj(
"spark.kubernetes.driver.volumes.persistentVolumeClaim.jar-volume.mount.path" -> "/opt/spark/work-dir/",
"spark.kubernetes.driver.volumes.persistentVolumeClaim.files-volume.mount.path" -> "/opt/spark/files/",
"spark.kubernetes.executor.volumes.persistentVolumeClaim.files-volume.mount.path" -> "/opt/spark/files/",
"spark.kubernetes.executor.volumes.persistentVolumeClaim.jar-volume.mount.path" -> "/opt/spark/work-dir/",
"spark.kubernetes.driver.volumes.persistentVolumeClaim.log-volume.mount.path" -> "/opt/spark/event-logs/",
"spark.eventLog.enabled" -> "true",
"spark.eventLog.dir" -> "/opt/spark/event-logs/"
Now, I will be fetching some additional sparkConf parameters from my Database. Once I fetch it, I will be storing it inside a regular Scala Map (Map[String, String]) which will contain the key-value pairs that should go into the sparkConf.
I need to update that the sparkConf within the spec inside my JsObject. So ideally I would want to apply a transformation like this:
val sparkSession = Map[String, JsString]("spark.eventLog.enabled" -> JsString("true"))
val transformer = (__ \ "spec" \ "sparkConf").json.update([JsObject].map(e => e + sparkSession)
However, I'm not getting ways to do this.

How to call remote SQL function inside PySpark or Scala databriks notebook

I am writing databriks scala / python notebook which connect SQL server database.
and i want to execute sql server function from notebook with custom paramters.
val ID = "1"
val name = "A"
val config = Config(Map(
"url" -> "",
"databaseName" -> "DBsample",
"dbTable" -> "dbo.FN_cal_udf",
"user" -> "useer567",
"password" -> "pppp#345%",
"connectTimeout" -> "5", //seconds
"queryTimeout" -> "5" //seconds
val collection =
here function is FN_cal_udf which stored in sql server database -'DBsample'
I got error :
jdbc.SQLServerException: Parameters were not supplied for the function
How i can pass parameter and call SQL function inside notebook in scala or pyspark.
Here you can first make query string which stores function calling statement with dynamic parameters.
and then use in congig.
val ID = "1"
val name = "A"
val query = " [dbo].[FN_cal_udf]('"+ID+"','"+name+"')"
val config = Config(Map(
"url" -> "",
"databaseName" -> "DBsample",
"dbTable" -> "dbo.FN_cal_udf",
"user" -> "useer567",
"password" -> "pppp#345%",
"connectTimeout" -> "5", //seconds
"queryTimeout" -> "5" //seconds
val collection =

How to write spark DataFrames to Postgres DB

I use Spark 1.3.0
Let's say I have a dataframe in Spark and I need to store this to Postgres DB (postgresql-9.2.18-1-linux-x64) on a 64bit ubuntu machine.
I also use postgresql9.2jdbc41.jar as a driver to connect to postgres
I was able to read data from postgres DB using the below commands
import org.postgresql.Driver
val url="jdbc:postgresql://localhost/postgres?user=user&password=pwd"
val driver = "org.postgresql.Driver"
val users = {
sqlContext.load("jdbc", Map(
"url" -> url,
"driver" -> driver,
"dbtable" -> "cdimemployee",
"partitionColumn" -> "intempdimkey",
"lowerBound" -> "0",
"upperBound" -> "500",
"numPartitions" -> "50"
val get_all_emp ="*")
val empDF = get_all_emp.toDF
I want to write this DF back to postgres after some processing.
Is this below code right?
empDF.write.jdbc("jdbc:postgresql://localhost/postgres", "test", Map("user" -> "user", "password" -> "pwd"))
Any pointers(scala) would be helpful.
You should follow the code below.
val database = jobConfig.getString("database")
val url: String = s"jdbc:postgresql://localhost/$database"
val tableName: String = jobConfig.getString("tableName")
val user: String = jobConfig.getString("user")
val password: String = jobConfig.getString("password")
val sql = jobConfig.getString("sql")
val df = sc.sql(sql)
val properties = new Properties()
properties.setProperty("user", user)
properties.setProperty("password", password)
properties.put("driver", "org.postgresql.Driver")
df.write.mode(SaveMode.Overwrite).jdbc(url, tableName, properties)

Count in Reactivemongo with JsObject

I'm trying to implement Count on a query but I'm having issues since I do not
work with BSONDocument but with JsObject objects.
Should I translate my JsObject to a BSONDocument or is there a better way?
How would you do this in ReactiveMongo 0.9?
Translate example:
def countSentMailForVenue(currentId: Long, from: DateTime, to: DateTime) : Future[Int] = {
val query = Json.obj("venueInfo.currentId" -> venueId, "origin" -> Origin.EMAIL_INVITE, "updated" -> Json.obj("$gte" -> from.getMillis, "$lt" -> to.getMillis))
And in Dao:
* Currently Count() only supports BSONDocument.
def count(query: BSONDocument) : Future[Int] = {
Logger.debug(s"Counting documents: "+BSONFormats.toJSON(query))
val futureCount = collection.db.command(