VHDL Timer Synchronous/Asynchronous load speed issue - simulation

I am trying to code a i2c like bus on a spartan 6. I have a bunch of states that i time using the folowing counter.
-- Timer --
TimesUp <= true when TmrCnt = 0 else
false when TmrCnt /= 0 else
tmrProc: process(ClkxC, SetTmr, TmrInit)
if (rising_edge(ClkxC)) then
if (SetTmr = '1') then
TmrCnt <= TmrInit;
elsif (TmrCnt > 0) then
TmrCnt <= TmrCnt - 1;
end if;
end if;
end process;
The problem is that my state machine is clocked on the same clock and for some short duration states it just blasts through as if the timer is not set in time.
So I tried this:
-- Timer --
TimesUp <= true when TmrCnt = 0 else
false when TmrCnt /= 0 else
tmrProc: process(ClkxC, SetTmr, TmrInit)
if (SetTmr = '1') then
TmrCnt <= TmrInit;
elsif (rising_edge(ClkxC)) then
if (TmrCnt > 0) then
TmrCnt <= TmrCnt - 1;
end if;
end if;
end process;
Now it simulates just fine, but when I try to implement i get an error message saying that:
This design contains one or more registers/latches that are directly
incompatible with the Spartan6 architecture. The two primary causes of this is
either a register or latch described with both an asynchronous set and
asynchronous reset, or a register or latch described with an asynchronous
set or reset which however has an initialization value of the opposite
polarity (i.e. asynchronous reset with an initialization value of 1).
I really don't know how to make the timer load fast enough without braking the rules of the spartan 6.

The warning has been explicitly described in Xilinx WP309 Targeting and Retargeting Guide for Spartan-6 FPGAs [P9-11].
To reduce cost of the overall architecture, slices in Spartan-6 FPGAs do not have a REV
pin. As a result, flip-flops no longer implement both a set signal and a reset signal. In
addition, a register with a set or reset signal can only have an initialization value of
the same polarity. For example, a flip-flop with an asynchronous reset can only have an
initialization value of 0.
That is to say, the following kinds of registers/latches are NOT RECOMMENDED when using Xilinx Spartan-6 FPGAs:
| Set |
| |
---| D Q |--- -- 1. a register/latch with both ASYNCHRONOUS
| _ | set and reset signals
---|>Clk Q |o-- -- NOT RECOMMENDED
| |
| Reset |
-- 2. a register/latch described with an ASYNCHRONOUS set/reset which
however has an initialization value of the opposite polarity
-- The default value of reg is 0 which is the left
-- bound value of the integer type definition.
signal reg: integer range 0 to 7; <-----
process (clk, reset) |___ opposite
if (reset = '0') then |
reg <= 7; <-----
elsif ( rising_edge(clk) ) then
reg <= val;
end if;
end process;
Solutions recommended by Xilinx:
1. Remove either the set or reset from all registers and latches
if not needed for required functionality
2. Modify the code in order to produce a synchronous set and/or
reset (both is preferred)
3. Ensure all registers have the same initialization value as the
described asynchronous set or reset polarity
4. Use the -async_to_sync option to transform the asynchronous
set/reset to synchronous operation
(timing simulation highly recommended when using this option)
In your design, you can either initialize TmrCnt to TmrInit or count TmrCnt in an upward direction.

Moving from the first (synchronous) approach to the second (asynchronous set) is rarely the right way to solve the problem; regardless of the Spartan-6 economies on reset logic. Indeed I would justify them on grounds of ... "don't do that".
Instead, look at the statement "The problem is that my state machine is clocked on the same clock and for some short duration states it just blasts through as if the timer is not set in time."
Firstly, there is nothing short duration about I2C signals, unless perhaps this is a multi-hundred MHz derivative of it...
Secondly, one thing VHDL does really well is synchronous design, so "blasting through" without resetting the counter points at something else : possibly the signal assignment rules referred to here.
I suspect this is causing issues where the state machine is setting SetTmr to communicate with the counter in a separate process; so the counter sees SetTmr one cycle later, and that cycle delay is causing the observed mis-behaviour because TimesUp has the wrong value during that cycle.
One answer - a pattern I use a lot - is simply to roll the timer into the SM process itself; then you set it directly and save the handshaking logic and a separate process...
StateMch : process(Clock)
if rising_edge(Clock) then
-- default actions
if Timer > 0 then
Timer <= Timer - 1;
end if;
-- state machine
case State is
when Start_Wait =>
Timer <= My_Delay;
State <= Waiting;
when Waiting =>
if Timer = 0 then
State <= Done;
end if;
when others =>
State <= Start_Wait;
end case;
end if;
end process;
Apart from being simpler and (I find) easier to understand than a huge collection of tiny processes, this allows several states to use the same timer to generate different delays.


Detect timescale in System Verilog

How do I detect the timescale precision used in a simulation from the source code ?.
Consider I have a configuration parameter(cfg_delay_i) of some delay value given by user in timeunits as fs .If the user gives 1000 , my code has to wait 1000fs or 1ps before executing further.
#(cfg_delay_i * 1fs );//will wait only if timescale is 1ps/1fs
If the timescale precision is 1fs ,there won’t be any problem but if the precision is higher than that it won’t wait and it will work as 0 delay .
So I want to write a code which will determine the timescale used by the user and give the delay accordingly.My expected pseudo-code will be like below,
if(timeprecision == 1fs )#(cfg_delay_i * 1fs ) ;
else if(timeprecision == 1ps )#(cfg_delay_i/1000 * 1ps ) ;
Please help me with the logic to determine the timescale unit and precision internally.
You can write if (int'(1fs)!=0) // the time precision is 1fs and so on. But there's no need to do this.
#(cfg_delay_i/1000.0 * 1ps)
The above works regardless if the precision is 1ps or smaller. Note the use of the real literal 1000.0 to keep the division real. 1ps is already a real number, so the result of the entire expression will be real. You could also do
#(cfg_delay_i/1.e6 * 1ns)
If the time precision at the point where this code is located is greater than 1fs, the result gets rounded to the nearest precision unit. For example if cfg_delay is 500 and the current precision is 1ps, this would get rounded to #1ps.
Do be aware that the user setting cfg_delay has to take the same care to make sure their value is set with the correct scaling/precision.
This seems to work in Vivado
// Example where we need to check the clock frequency or the time of an event
real tscale_unit;
realtime t_edge1;
realtime t_edge2;
realtime t_event;
real clk_freq;
initial begin
t_edge1 = 0.0s;
#1; // Single unit time delay
tscale_unit = $realtime / 1ps; // Normalise the timescale into picoseconds (1*10^-12)
always begin
#(posedge clk);
t_edge2 = t_edge1;
t_edge1 = $realtime;
clk_freq = 1.0s/((t_edge1 - t_edge2) * tscale_unit * 1ps);
always begin
#(posedge event);
t_event = $realtime * tscale_unit * 1ps;

Dispatching Tasks periodically from a List FreeRTOS

I am using FreeRTOS to dispatch task set of 4 periodical tasks.
All tasks have the same period of 10 time units, but they differ in their release times. Release times are 10,3,5,0 time units for tasks T1,T2,T3,T4 respectively. All 4 tasks are stored inside the linked list gll_t* pTaskList. Tasks should run e.g.,
t=0 T4 is released, t=3 T2 is released, t=5 T3 is released, t=10 T1 is relased and T4 is executed again since it was released at t = 0, and so on...
However I have two problems with my dispatcher code:
1. Problem At t=0, only T4 is ready, but note that T1 has release time at 10, According to my if statement for T1 I have 0 % (10 + 10) == 0, and T1 gets released even though it's not ready. I could introduce a boolean that tells whether a task has been released, but is there a smarter way to do it without introducing extra variables?
2. Problem At t=26, no tasks are ready, however, task T2 gets released. According to my if statement for T2 I have 26 % (3 + 10) == 0.
void prvTaskSchedulerProcess(void *pvParameters) {
uint32_t uCurrentTickCount = 0;
gll_t* pTaskList = (gll_t*) pvParameters;
WorkerTask_t* pWorkerTask = NULL;
while (true) {
for (uint8_t uIndex = 0; uIndex < pTaskList->size; uIndex++) {
pWorkerTask = gll_get(pTaskList, uIndex);
// Check if the task is ready to be executed
if ( (uCurrentTickCount % (pWorkerTask->uReleaseTime + pWorkerTask->uPeriod) ) == 0) ){
// Dispatch the ready task
// Sleep the scheduler task, so the other tasks can run
Using extra flags seems like a simple solution. However I was told that introducing flags variables is not best solution, because it makes code less readable and maintainable. Thus, I want to avoid using them. How would the correct task dispatching be achieved without using the extra flags (possibly correcting my if statement condition)?
Note using vTaskResume() in this way in inherently dangerous if there is even the tiniest little chance that the task you are resuming has not finished its previous actions and suspended itself again. See the API docs for a fuller explanation https://www.freertos.org/taskresumefromisr.html
To fix problem 2, use the following condition instead of what you have.
if ((uCurrentTickCount % pWorkerTask->uPeriod) == pWorkerTask->uReleaseTime)
To fix problem 1 (and problem 2), use the following condition.
if ((uCurrentTickCount >= pWorkerTask->uReleaseTime) &&
((uCurrentTickCount % pWorkerTask->uPeriod) == (pWorkerTask->uReleaseTime % pWorker->uPeriod)))

Why is a monitor implemented in terms of semaphores this way?

I have trouble understanding the implementation of a monitor in terms of semaphores from Operating System Concepts
5.8.3 Implementing a Monitor Using Semaphores
We now consider a possible implementation of the monitor mechanism
using semaphores.
For each monitor, a semaphore mutex (initialized to 1) is provided. A
process must execute wait(mutex) before entering the monitor and must
execute signal(mutex) after leaving the monitor.
Since a signaling process must wait until the resumed process either leaves or waits, an additional semaphore, next, is introduced,
initialized to 0. The signaling processes can use next to suspend
themselves. An integer variable next_count is also provided to count
the number of processes suspended on next. Thus, each external
function F is replaced by
body of F
if (next count > 0)
Mutual exclusion within a monitor is ensured.
We can now describe how condition variables are implemented as well.
For each condition x, we introduce a semaphore x_sem and an
integer variable x_count, both initialized to 0. The operation x.wait() can now be implemented as
if (next_count > 0)
wait(x sem);
The operation x.signal() can be implemented as
if (x_count > 0) {
What does the reason for introducing semaphore next and the count next_count of processes suspended on next mean?
Why are x.wait() and x.signal() implemented the way they are?
------- Note -------
WAIT() and SIGNAL() denote calls on monitor methods
wait() and signal() denote calls to semaphore methods, in the explanation that follows.
------- End of Note -------
I think it is easier if you think in terms of a concrete example. But before that let's first try to understand what a monitor is. As explained in the book a monitor is a Abstract Data Type meaning that it is not a real type which can be used to instantiate a variable. Rather it is like a specification with some rules and guidelines based on which different languages could provide support for process synchronization.
Semaphors were introduced as a software-based solution for achieving synchronization over hardware-based approaches like TestAndSet() or Swap(). Even with semaphores, the programmers had to ensure that they invoke the wait() & signal() methods in the right order and correctly. So, an abstract specification called monitors were introduced to encapsulate all these things related to synchronization as one primitive so simply any process executing inside the monitor will ensure that these methods (semaphore wait and signal) invocations are used accordingly.
With monitors all shared variables and functions (that use the shared variables) are put into the monitor structure and when any of these functions are invoked the monitor implementation takes care of ensuring that the shared resources are protected over mutual exclusion and any issues of synchronization.
Now with monitors unlike semaphores or other synchronization techniques we are not dealing with just one portion of the critical section but many of them in terms of different functions. In addition, we do also have shared variables that are accessed within these functions. For each of the different functions in a monitor to ensure only one of them is executed and no other process is executing on any of the functions, we can use a global semaphore called mutex.
Consider the example of the solution for the dining philosophers problem using monitors below.
monitor dining_philopher
enum {THINKING, HUNGRY, EATING} state[5];
condition self[5];
void pickup(int i) {
state[i] = HUNGRY;
if (state[i] != EATING)
void putdown(int i) {
state[i] = THINKING;
test((i + 4) % 5);
test((i + 1) % 5);
void test(int i) {
if (
(state[(i + 4) % 5] != EATING) &&
(state[i] == HUNGRY) &&
(state[(i + 1) % 5] != EATING))
state[i] = EATING;
initialization code() {
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
state[i] = THINKING;
Ideally, how a process might invoke these functions would be in the following sequence:
// do somework
Now, whilst one process is executing inside the pickup() method another might try to invoke putdown() (or even the pickup) method. In order to ensure mutual exclusion we must ensure only one process is running inside the monitor at any given time. So, to handle these cases we have a global semaphore mutex that encapsulates all the invokable (pickup & putdown) methods. So these two methods will be implemented as follows:
void pickup(int i) {
// wait(mutex);
state[i] = HUNGRY;
if (state[i] != EATING)
// signal(mutex);
void putdown(int i) {
// wait(mutex);
state[i] = THINKING;
test((i + 4) % 5);
test((i + 1) % 5);
// signal(mutex);
Now only one process will be able to execute inside the monitor in any of its methods. Now, with this setup, if Process P1 has executed pickup() (but is yet tp putdown the chopsticks) and then Process P2 (say an adjacent diner) tries to pickup(): since his/her chopsticks (shared resource) is in use, it has to wait() for it to be available. Let's look at the WAIT and SIGNAL implementation of the monitor's conditional variables:
if (next_count > 0)
if (x_count > 0) {
The WAIT implementation of the conditional variables is different from that of the Semaphore's because it has to provide more functionality, like allowing other processes to invoke functions of the monitor (whilst it waits) by releasing the mutex global semaphore. So, when WAIT is invoked by P2 from the pickup() method, it will call signal(mutex) allowing other processes to invoke the monitor methods and call wait(x_sem) on the semaphore specific to the conditional. Now, P2 is blocked here. In addition, the variable x_count keeps track of the number of Processes waiting on the conditional variable (self).
So when P1 invokes putdown(), this will invoke SIGNAL via the test() method. Inside SIGNAL when P1 invokes signal(x_sem) on the chopstick it holds, it must do one additional thing. It must ensure that only one process is running inside the monitor. If it would only call signal(x_sem) then from that point onwards P1 and P2 both would start doing things inside the monitor. To prevent this P1, after releasing its chopstick it will block itself until P2 finishes. To block itself, it uses the semaphore next. And to notify P2 or some other process that there is someone blocked it uses a counter next_count.
So, now P2 would get the chopsticks and before it exits the pickup() method it must release P1 who is waiting on P2 to finish. So now, we must change the pickup() method (and all functions of the monitor) as follows:
void pickup(int i) {
// wait(mutex);
state[i] = HUNGRY;
if (state[i] != EATING)
if (next_count > 0)
void putdown(int i) {
// wait(mutex);
state[i] = THINKING;
test((i + 4) % 5);
test((i + 1) % 5);
if (next_count > 0)
So now, before any process exits a function of the monitor, it checks if there are any waiting processes and if so releases them and not the mutex global semaphore. And the last of such waiting processes will release the mutex semaphore allowing new processes to enter into the monitor functions.
I know it's pretty long, but it took some time for me to understand and wanted to put it in writing. I will post it on a blog soon.
If there are any mistakes please let me know.
I agree its confusing.
Lets first understand the first piece of code:
// if you are the only process on the queue just take the monitor and invoke the function F.
body of F
if (next_count > 0)
// if some process already waiting to take the monitor you signal the "next" semaphore and let it take the monitor.
// otherwise you signal the "mutex" semaphore so if some process requested the monitor later.
back to your questions:
What does the reason for introducing semaphore next and the count
next_count of processes suspended on next mean?
imagine you have a process that is doing some I/O and it needs to be blocked until it finishes. so you let other processes waiting in the ready queue to take the monitor and invoke the function F.
next_count is only for the purpose to keep track of processes waiting in the queue.
a process suspended on next semaphore is the process who issued wait on condition variable so it will be suspended until some other
process (next process) wake it up and resume work.
Why are x.wait() and x.signal() implemented the way they are?
Lets take the x.wait():
semaphore x_sem; // (initially = 0)
int x_count = 0; // number of process waiting on condition (x)
* This is used to indicate that some process is issuing a wait on the
* condition x, so in case some process has sent a signal x.signal()
* without no process is waiting on condition x the signal will be lost signal (has no effect).
* if there is some process waiting on the ready queue,
* signal(next) will increase the semaphore internal counter so other processes can take the monitor.
if (next_count > 0)
* Otherwise, no process is waiting.
* signal(mutex) will release the mutex.
* now the process that called x.wait() will be blocked until other process will release (signal) the
* x_sem semaphore: signal(x_sem)
// process is back from blocking.
// we are done, decrease x_count.
Now lets take the x.signal():
// if there are processes waiting on condition x.
if (x_count > 0) {
// increase the next count as new blocked process has entered the queue (the one who called x.wait()). remember (wait(x_sem))
// release x_sem so the process waiting on x condition resume.
// wait until next process is done.
// we are done.
Comment if you have any questions.

Bounded Waiting in Test and Set Instruction

In order to gurantee Bounded wait in Test and set Instruction,following is the code given in Operating system book,Galvin -:
do {
1 waiting[i] = true;
2 while (waiting[i] && test_and_set(&lock)) ;
3 waiting[i] = false;
/* critical section */
4 j = (i + 1) % n;
5 while ((j != i) && !waiting[j])
6 j = (j + 1) % n;
7 if (j == i)
8 lock = false;
9 else
10 waiting[j] = false;
/* remainder section */
} while (true);
I am getting the complete code and concluded that
A process P_i will be in the critical section if either
Waiting [i]=false or test_and_set(&lock)=FALSE which ensures that Lock was FALSE previously. so Exit Section is either setting Waiting[j] or lock to FALSE.
But i have got some doubts-:
if in the exit section section it is found that same process again requests for critical section i.e
if j==i
then according to the code,that process have to start its execution form line number 2,i.e will execute
in while loop and find the return value of test_and_set(&lock)) as false and then move to critical section.My doubt is that if same process wants to be in critical section ,is it necessary to start its exection right from line number 2
2.Now i want to do following Permutation and want to check the possible outcome.i want to swap line number 8 and 10
in line number 8 if i make
then also it will move to critical section even though lock =true now.
in line number 10 if i make
then also it(process p_j) will move to critical section even though waiting[i]=true and i think it would be better because line number 3 will assign waiting[i]=false ,after the while loop breaks due to test_and_set(&lock)=false.
On the other hand if i make this change process have to execute test_and_set(&lock) which is time consuming
Is my assumption for point2 right?
what is the correct reason for point 1?
Regarding point 1:
My doubt is that if same process wants to be in critical section ,is
it necessary to start its exection right from line number 2
A process is basically an program in execution. A process just cannot jump around choosing which instruction to execute next. The control flow decides that. The control of the code(which is the process itself) suggests that if a process successfully enters critical section, and again wants to enter critical section, then it will first execute lines 4 to 10 and then execute remainder section and would have to start execution right from line 1
Regarding your point 2
Now i want to do following Permutation and want to check the possible
outcome.i want to swap line number 8 and 10
If you swap the lines, the bounded waiting condition would no longer exist.
Suppose that only 1 process P(i) made the request to access Critical Section and it successfully entered. So
lock = true and waiting[i] = true
because only then it would have been able to come out of the for loop. Now it starts executing from line 4
Then j takes following values:
i + 2 , i + 3, ......0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4....i
wrap around of values occurs because of % operator. And Because no other process made request to enter critical section, waiting[j] = false for j != i
Therefore the condition while ((j != i) && !waiting[j]) becomes false when j equals i, and now we are at line 7. The new code is:
if (j == i)
waiting[j] = false;
lock = false;
Now if any process makes a request to enter critical section, then while (waiting[i] && test_and_set(&lock)) ; would always evaluate to true because lock is true and waiting[i] is also true and it would be stuck in spinlock. There would be no progress.

Xilinx, Isim treatment of Verilog integer types in simulation

I'm pretty new to FPGA and Verilog, but I'm having a problem getting my code to run in the simulator they way I would expect. It seems the Isim simulator is not "operating" on integers in my code. Below is a snippet of the relevant code. I'm trying to divide the clk pulse by toggling SCK_gen every time integer i reaches 10. When I run this code in Isim, SCK_gen never changes value. Also it When I impliment the code on the FPGA, it behaves as I would expect, I can observe a pulse at 1/10 the clock frequency. If anyone can point me in the right direction I'd be grateful. Thanks
//for SCK_clock
reg SCK_gen, SCK_hold;
integer i;
reg en_SCK;
wire neg_edge_SCK;
always #(posedge clk, posedge reset)
if (reset)
SCK_gen <= 0;
i <= i+1;
SCK_hold <= SCK_gen;
if(i == 10)
SCK_gen <= ~SCK_gen;
i <= 0;
//detect neg edge of SCK
assign neg_edge_SCK = SCK_hold & SCK_gen;
The result of any arithmetic or logical equality operation is 'x' if any of the operands are 'x'. Since it looks like i is not initialized, the statement i <= i+1 has no effect on i and so the comparison (i == 10) will always be false.