How to get a connection and hold it using DAAB? - enterprise-library

I have a task ahead of me that requires the use of local temporary tables. For performance reasons I can't use transactions.
Temporary tables much like transactions require that all queries must come from one connection which must not be closed or reset. How can I accomplish this using Enterprise library data access application block?

Enterprise Library will use a single database connection if a transaction is active. However, there is no way to force a single connection for all Database methods in the absence of a transaction.
You can definitely use the Database.CreateConnection method to get a database connection. You could then use that connection along with the DbCommand objects to perform the appropriate logic.
Other approaches would be to modify Enterprise Library source code to do exactly what you want or create a new Database implementation that does not perform connection management.

Can't see a way of doing that with DAAB. I think you are going to have to drop back to use ADO.Net connections and manage them yourself, but even then, playing with temporary tables on the server from a client-side app doesn't strike me as an optimal solution to a problem.


How to setup mutli-tenancy using row level security on Postgres with knex

I am architecting a database where I expected to have 1,000s of tenants where some data will be shared between tenants. I am currently planning on using Postgres with row level security for tenant isolation. I am also using knex and Objection.js to model the database in node.js.
Most of the tutorials I have seen look like this where you create a separate knex connection per tenant. However, I've run into a problem on my development machine where after I create ~100 connections, I received this error: "remaining connection slots are reserved for non-replication superuser connections".
I'm investigating a few possible solutions/work-arounds, but I was wondering if anyone has been able to make this setup work the way I'm intending. Thanks!
Perhaps one solution might be to cache a limited number of connections, and destroy the oldest cached connection when the limit is reached. See this code as an example.
That code should probably be improved, however, to use a Map as the knexCache instead of an object, since a Map remembers the insertion order.

Postgresql: How to access data of a transaction with another connection

I use Postgresql for my database engine and some operations use transactions to be sure that everything goes fine.
Sometimes I need to test some specific datas at "that poin" of my application but these operations often make al lot changes in the database and it's not easy to reproduce "all the changes made inside the transaction" with another connection (like using a PgAdmin query tool) outside the transaction to test the single aspect that i need.
One way to test the specific data, is to load the data into a variable, and then debug-it, but i was searching for a more "wide solution".
So that's the question: Is there a way to access the data of a specific connection (which is in transaction) with another connection/query_tool?
In postgresql (actually) there's no way to do it, full stop.

FireDAC: Shared Lock on Table with Firebird

I'm using Delphi 10.1 with FireDAC to connect to Firebird.
I would like to open a table in Exclusive mode in Firebird with FireDAC?
How would it be?
Firebird does not handle table or row locks. So there's no way you're going to get this to work with FireDAC... no connection parameters can do this magic.
What you can do with Firebird is to use the entire database in single user mode. To do this, you must shut it down, run GFIX to flag it as a single user database, and then reconnect to the database. You can find more details on the Firebird How-To FAQ. But I doubt this is what you are looking for.
You should explain better what you are trying to do. With real SQL servers you should not feel the need to lock tables or rows. Transactions and transaction isolation should be enough to handle most situations. If not, then you should probably start thinking about application level locks, that is, if you have just one application that uses the database.

Is there Entity Framework support for saving to multiple databases on the same SQL Server in single transaction?

I have two databases on the same SQL Server instance. I would like to write a record to each database in a single transaction.
In Linq-to-SQL, I would connect to either database with one context and use three part naming to identify the tables.
Is there a similar capability in Entity Framework?
I'm trying to avoid DTC, it has been forbidden - so the usual TransactionScope approach is not available to me.
There is not a way I know of... you could potentially use the UnitOfWork pattern
That might allow you to at least go back to the other Db and un-commit?
Personally I think your going to struggle.

How to automatically dispatch read-only transactions to slave

I would like all queries from my Spring-Hibernate application executed in a read-only transaction to be dispatched to a PostgreSQL slave and all read-write transaction queries to a master.
While using annotation driven transactions in Spring, if the transaction is defined as read-only, the PostreSQL driver allows only select queries to be executed, which is obvious, however there is no mention of how the driver would behave in a master slave configuration. For e.g., the MySQL driver has a replication connection class which automatically dispatches read-only transaction queries to the slave.
One solution would be to use multiple Hibernate session factories and use the one pointing to the slave for selects and the other for updates, but that would be too much manual handling. How should I be designing this?
This is a surprisingly complex question and the answer is not simply easy. You need to keep in mind that you have to have this dispatched in such a way that the layer which does the dispatching knows whether a transaction is likely to be read-only or not.
The cleanest solution is probably to implement the dispatching in your middleware. This has the advantage of being a functional dispatch-- we know what we are trying to do so let's dispatch there... Of course functions can create a bit of a knowledge gap in what is read-only and what writes....
The second option is that one could probably dispatch with something like PGPool or the like. I would expect you would probably want to avoid server-side prepared queries in these cases because the more knowledge you provide the intermediate layer, the fewer problems you will have.