How to keep output window open in Eclipse's COBOL IDE? - eclipse

I need to know how to keep a window open so I can see the output of the screen when I run the program. It flashes before I can see the program's output. Thanks.
program-id. Experiment as "Experiment".
environment division.
configuration section.
Source-Computer. IBM-PC.
Object-Computer. IBM-PC.
console is crt.
data division.
working-storage section.
procedure division.
Display "Hello World".
end program Experiment.

I think you are describing normal behaviour.
If the Operating System has to open a window to run a program, then the Operating System will close that window when the program ends.
If you open the window, to get a DOS-prompt, and run the program, you will get different behaviour.
A little trick for testing is to put DISPLAY/ACCEPT statement immediate before the program ends:
01 some-rubbish PIC X.
DISLAY "The Program is ending. Press Enter to allow it to finish."
There may well be something available in Eclipse, as it is a common development requirement, but until you find that, this should get you going.


waitbar matlab before start a standalone script

I did a standalone application in Matlab and it works. The only problem is that when I launch the application, it takes time before start asking to the user some file (it is the first think the program has to do). The user does not understand if the program is working or not, since no message neither symbol of working progress appear on the screen.
My idea is to show a waitbar until the window asking the file to user appears.
How can I do this? is it possible to use the waitbar outside a loop?
The script starts as follow:
close all
clear all
[filename,pathname] = uigetfile({'*.xlsx'},'Opening File','C:\');
I don't know why, it takes time before open the window for choosing the file.
The time between launch and file selection input appearing is most likely due to the time it takes to load the MCR. You could add a splash screen to your compilation.
If the end user is running from a command line wrap your exe in a system/shell which writes to the command window that the application is starting.
Your issue is most likely the use of clear all. This makes MATLAB remove all variables (in scope, global and persistent), and compiled scripts from memory, forcing it to recompile and load everything again.
If your purpose is to clear all variables in the current scope, you should be able to increase the initial speed of your script by only running clear instead.
Even faster speed can be achieved if you specify which variables to clear using clear var1 var2 ...

Goto in MATLAB?

I was looking through an error message that MATLAB gave me when I saw the command opentoline. After opening its help doc:
opentoline Open to specified line in function file in Editor.
Doesn't this serve the same purpose as goto as it can take you to the specific line number of any program?
opentoline will open the file in Matlab's editor. That's handy if a routine indicates a problem in a specific file/line. Then it can jump (or offer a link) to this location and the user sees the file/line.
goto is only for execution, it jumps to the position on execution and will continue executing from the goto target. The editor is not involved in this case. BTW, there is no built-in goto statement in Matlab, but functions called goto from third parties. I wouldn't use them anyway.

How to return to prompt after running an exe file compiled with mcc (Matlab compiler)

I have an executable created with mcc. The .m file has a simple function that reads and plots values. After I run it from DOS, it freeze without returning execution to DOS. 2 questions:
1) How can i return execution to dos? I tried "return" and "exit" commands but didnt help
2) How to close the dos windows? is the only way to use a batch file or can I do it with a command in the .m file?
There are 2 scenarii:
If your run your matlab executable from a DOS window, the DOS window will not get control back until the program terminates. If the program generate matlab figures (plot, surf, etc...), the program will not return to the console until all of the figures are closed.
You may think it is a waste for a simple plot, but after all your figure could be a evolved gui with a lot of code to execute. Or even a simple figure with a closeRequestFcn. So in Matlab terms, your program may still have instructions to execute as long as a figure is opened, so it will not return until it sure there is nothing more to do.
If you simply double clicked on your executable, the DOS looking console which open with your program will have the same behaviour. It will not disappear until the program returns (so until all your figures are closed if relevant).
I am not sure about linux, versions, but if you are running on windows, there is a way to suppress the DOS looking console for your graphic applications. Look at the -e switch in the mcc options.
This switch will compile your program in a way that no DOS console is opened when you double click on your executable.
So to summarize, I would recommend:
If your program is a 'command line' type (a function that takes input from the console and return values to the same). => Compile with normal options, and execute it from a DOS window (you do not want the window to disapear as soon as the program terminates.)
If your program is a gui or even simple plotting functions, with no need for console interactions, then compile with the -e switch and execute it by double clicking the .exe file.
note that in case you use the -e switch, it is recommended to direct potential output to a logfile. Look at the mcc documentation for more info.
If you really need the DOS console and some graphic output, run your program form the command window with the following syntax:
start /b YourProgram
This will start the program in "background mode" (use YourProgram & in Linux terminal). You will be able to do anything in this console window, and you will also see the output from your matlab executable.
It can be confusing because the output from your program will be added to the simple dos prompt and you may think you do not have the control but if you type any command it will work. You can even start many program this way and retain control in your console, but all the output will arrive in the same window and they may be difficult to differentiate.

Disable auto-scrolling in command window

A lot of the code that I write in Matlab has a very verbose output. As the program runs, information is printed to the command window, and with each new line, the window automatically scrolls to the bottom. This becomes a problem when I want to read some of the output more closely or scroll up to look at older output. I can scroll up, but only until a new line is printed, which is often less than a second.
Does anyone know if it is possible to turn off this automatic scrolling in the Matlab window? I work in a number of different Matlab versions, depending on the machine, and this happens with all of them. The answer to this might be "No", but I swear I remember having this functionality at one point.
Use the more function:
more on
Then run your program. Press spacebar when you wish to see more of the output.
more off will turn it off.
You may find this workaround useful.
First launch matlab using the command line matlab -logfile 'myLog.txt' (the doc says it "starts MATLAB and makes a copy of any output to the Command Window in filename. This includes all crash reports.")
Then open your .txt file using a text editor supporting automatic refresh of content (see picture). On OSX I use TextWrangler (freely available at www) but others have been reported to have this feature (see here or here).
Results: output displays (fprintf, disp, but not the commands per se) are printed both on the Matlab console and the text editor (file is refreshed with a little lag time, below half a second I would say with my configuration). And there is no automatic scrolling. Such procedure does not seem to impact the overall performance of the script (although it may deserve some testing).

How can I set the current line of execution in the eclipse java debugger?

I want to force the current execution line to a specific line in the same function, possibly skipping intermediate lines. All my old school debuggers had this feature, but I can't find it in eclipse. Is there a way to do it without changing code?
The first two answers seem to miss the topic, unless it is me not understanding the question.
My understanding, a feature I searched myself, is that you want to skip a number of lines (when stepping in code) and set the program counter (to take assembly vocabulary) to the given line. It might be interesting to skip some costly object creation, see some error situations, etc. I used to do that in Visual Studio (C or C++ code).
I haven't found that in Eclipse, nor in NetBean. It might be a limitation of JVM, or an enforcement of some policy...
The Run to line command execute, of course, all lines between the current execution position and the designated one.
I too have long sought this feature, and "Run to line" is not the same thing.
This may well be a limitation of the JVM. Java does not implement goto, though it does have jump statements, like break and continue. Those are at the block level however. If this is a JVM limitation, my guess is that it is more likely due to the security architecture. Tight control of the program counter is debilitating for interlopers, like viruses -- and sadly debuggers.
I think that is not possible in Java. The only feature that allows you to "step back" is using "drop to frame", which takes you back to the first instruction of the current frame. At least I haven't seen any debugger with this specific functionality, but I haven't been able to find on the net why is it so...
I know the debugger in Visual C allows to change to pointer. I will keep on searching, maybe at least we will know why is like this, but it seems to be some kind of design limitation.
Feature request saying it is not possible
In (credits to Amitd) Darin Wright says it is a limitation of the underlying Java debugger:
Currently, this is not possible with the Java debugger as the native debug interface does not provide the ability to move/set the program counter arbitrarily.
C / C++
CDT supports it however (tested on Neon, Ubuntu 14.04). Right click on the line you want to go to, and select either:
"Move to line": jump to line and break there
"Resume at line": jump to line and continue execution from there
This also serves as further evidence that there is an underlying Java limitation, as Java tends to be more feature rich in Eclipse, and those menu entries are not present in Java next to "Run to line" (which does not skip execution of lines).
This test program prints 0 if you jump the line i = 1:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int i;
i = 0; /* Break here. */
i = 1;
printf("%d\n", i); /* Jump to here. */
"Run to line" appears to need the program to be running and in a paused state to use. The other option is to set a breakpoint for that line when running in debug-mode.
Double-click far-left vertical bar in the source pane on the same line to add a breakpoint; or,
Select the line and go to Run > Toggle Breakpoint.
At least, this is in Eclipse 3.3.2.