Including Checkstyle suppressions in SonarQube Checkstyle Permalink to use in Eclipse - eclipse

I want to use Sonar's Checkstyle configuration in our Eclipse environment for on-compile-time analysis of our rules.
Therefore I've already included the permalink of Sonar's quality profile in Eclipse Checkstyle plug-in. However the generated Checkstyle configuration XML file only contains an empty SuppressionCommentsFilter tag.
I want to include our project specific suppressions XML file in the configuration as well. I've set the link to the suppressions.xml in the project settings for the Checkstyle plug-in.
Is there a way to include the suppressions configuration in the permalink generated from sonar? Or is there a different approach that I should try to accomplish this?
Using SonarQube Eclipse plug-in on full maven builds only isn't an option as mentioned in this similar question (Using SonarQube to distribute checkstyle for multiple projects including Suppressions for eclipse) as I want fast feedback about most violations and errors when saving code changes the same way it is offered by Eclipse Checkstyle plug-in (and others like PMD and FindBugs).
My current impression is that there is a discrepancy between project configuration and reusable quality profiles. I should be able to reuse profiles for new projects in Sonar - which I can - but import project settings in other applications - which i can't right now.


Tycho and Eclipse: How to resolve OSGI dependencies to my own bundles at development time within Eclipse, without opening all of them in the IDE

My Eclipse RCP application is built using Tycho. It consists of multiple components (in the form of OSGi bundles/Eclipse plug-ins). One of these component contains the product file and materializes the product.
There is a reactor POM at the application root, which builds all components in order, but I also want to build other components independently (using mvn deploy) .
Building such a single component works as follows:
Retrieve the latest versions of all the component's dependencies from our company (p2) repository.
Build the component.
Deploy the component to our company repository to be used as a dependency for other components itself.
Note: Our repository is a normal maven2 repository hosted on a Nexus, whose RCP artifacts are automatically mapped to a p2 repository format as well. This way, Tycho can use the p2 repository format to find dependencies, while the standard Maven deployment can be used. This works fine.
Note: My parent POM makes sure that we look for dependencies at the p2 repository URL. The deployment URL is the default maven2 format location of the repository. This works fine.
When building such a single component through the command-line (mvn deploy), Maven looks for intra-project dependencies in the p2 repository and they are correctly resolved (i.e. latest version is automatically downloaded and used in build).
However, when developing in Eclipse, the IDE cannot resolve them. The manifest files gives an error at each of my intra-project dependencies that they cannot be resolved.
My question is: How can I make the Eclipse IDE look for dependencies (and new versions of dependencies) in either:
My local p2 repository (~/.m2/repository/p2/osgi/bundles)
My company p2 repository (
Ideally, it would look for them every time and fetch the latest version if a newer version is available.
If it does not use the p2 repository URLs in the POM, how should I configure Eclipse?
Consider an eclipse plug-in com.mycompany.myproduct.fancy, which depends on another eclipse plug-in com.mycompany.myproduct.core.
Both also have a POM (configured for Tycho use), which (through their parent POM) have my Nexus repositories configured correctly: maven2 repository URL for deployment and p2 repository URL to look for dependencies.
First I deploy the core plug-in to my maven repository (using the default mvn deploy). The Nexus repository will provide this deployed plug-in in both maven and p2 format.
When I build the fancy component through the command line (using mvn install), the (earlier deployed) core component is found and downloaded automatically.
project/com.mycompany.myproduct.fancy$ mvn clean install
<searches in p2 repository, download core>
<builds fancy>
When I open a new Eclipse workspace and open the fancy component, its Manifest (which contains its dependencies) gives the following error:
Bundle 'com.mycompany.myproduct.core' cannot be resolved.
My question is: how can I develop the fancy component in the Eclipse IDE without the need to open core as project in Eclipse.
This is some speculation from my side. Please correct me if I'm wrong and any other solution to the actual problem is also welcome!
I know the m2e plug-in of the Eclipse IDE currently maps Maven POMs to Eclipse concepts (using m2e connectors). I have installed the dedicated Tycho connectors. For example, the mvn compile step is actually performed by the Eclipse JDT compiler.
I also know that when a complete Tycho product is started in Eclipse, it is run in the Eclipse PDE environment. For example, I need to a specify a target platform in my Run configuration.
I know I can open all components in my Eclipse workspace. This would solve the problem, but is not feasible as I have many components and this would break independent component development.
I assume the Eclipse m2e mapping and/or the PDE build environment is not smart enough to fetch (latest) dependencies automatically at build time. Please correct me if I'm wrong. :)
Therefore, I assume I need to specify the target platform at build time too. I have taken a look at Window > Preferences > Plug-in Development > Target Platform. I can add our p2 repository to the Target Platform, which solves the problem. However this gives many problems:
I need a feature containing all components for this to work. Only features can be added.
Every time I deploy a new build of a single component, I would have to rebuild the complete feature (to create a new feature version on our p2 repository).
Every time I update a component and build the feature, I would have to manually change the Target Platform.
If the above is all correct, I speculate I need an m2e connector (or a different one from the current one) that actually checks the p2 repositories specified in the POM when resolving the OSGi dependencies and automatically adds those to the target platform.
As indicated by Nick Wilson, you will need to install the m2e Tycho Configurator, which basically "links up" Eclipse and Tycho (i.e., makes Tycho available in Eclipse).
You should've been pointed towards it after having installed m2e, but you can also install it manually:
Go to Window > Preferences > Maven > Discovery.
Click the "Open Catalog" button. This will open the "m2e Marketplace" window.
Search for "tycho", this should give you the "Tycho Configurator" as sole search result.
Click "Finish", you're done.
I've had this issue as well, and it isn't simple to find the solution, so I hope this helps!
The "most automated" way to configure your target platform in Eclipse is to use a target file. That file can be checked in with your sources, so every developer only needs to open the file and click on "Set as Target Platform" to activate it. AFAIK there is no m2e connector or Eclipse plug-in which does that automatically.
Given your development process, setting up this target file is a little more tricky. Since you don't have a feature which contains the latest version of all your bundles, you need to include the bundles directly in the target file. This is not possible via the rich editor, but can be done with a text editor:
Create a target definition file, add your p2 repository, and select any feature from that p2 repository. Save the file.
Open the target file in a text editor, remove the <unit> entry for the feature you added.
Instead, add an entry for each of your bundles:
<unit id="" version="0.0.0"/>
This target file then contains the latest version of each of the listed bundles. To see the content, open the file with the "Target Editor" again and switch to the "Content" tab. This file can now be used by all developers.
Note: When a new version of one of the bundles is deployed to Nexus, the developers will only see that new version if they open the target file and choose "Set as Target Platform" again.

Checkstyle: Custom Rules - Eclipse Plugin

I have written few custom checkstyle rules using checkstyle API. They run fine using Maven (after I add the new project as a dependency to the checkstyle plugin).
Now I want these rules to be used by the Eclipse Checkstyle plugin. And this is where I am stuggling.
I've downloaded the sample plugin project (as suggested here and here).
I do not understand what to do next after reading these links.
Do I need to export my project as a JAR?
How do I plug it into my existing Checkstyle plugin?
You can do it like following :
Create plugin project and add your custom checks there.
Make appropriate changes to plugin.xml, checkstyle_packages.xml.
Export the project as Deployable Plug-ins and fragments (Export > Plug-in Developement)
Copy the jar file to Eclipse Plugin folde, so no need to install your custom check .
You can refer this tutorial
You already have the correct links that will eventually get you there. As for your questions:
All your custom checks can go into one JAR file. That JAR file must be an Eclipse plugin JAR. I simply install it by copying it to the Eclipse dropins folder, but there may be more elegant ways to do that.
So you end up with two plugins: The original, unmodified Eclipse-CS, and your own plugin which contains the custom checks. When both are independently installed in Eclipse, the Eclipse-CS configuration dialog will offer your custom checks for use in Checkstyle configurations.

Eclipse CheckStyle

Recently I added a new checkstyle (XML) file in Eclipse.
After I ran mvn checkstyle:checkstyle, I saw a bunch of checkstyle errors in
Then, in Eclipse, I right-clicked, and picked "Apply Checkstyle Fixes." However, no changes were made.
Please advise me on how to apply my checkstyle changes.
Note: I do not have Eclipse configured to build. I only use it for changing code, and then I build using maven on the command-line.
I don't know what Eclipse plugin you use, but I use eclipse-cs.
In eclipse-cs, when you write a CheckStyle Checker (a class for detecting CheckStyle-related issues), you can write another class as so-called quickfix. If the writer of a Checker does not provide a quickfix, none will be available to you.
As for the maven issue, where your maven output and Eclipse warnings differ: The configuration of Eclipse may differ from the configuration read by maven. Please make sure both use the same configuration file.
You have to fix your checkstyle warnings manually.

Can I Configure m2eclipse through pom.xml?

With the maven-eclipse-plugin, using mvn eclipse:eclipse, you can specifiy eclipse project natures and builders that will automatically be added to the eclipse project.
Earlier versions of m2eclipse used the configuration block of the maven-eclipse-plugin and also let you activate natures and builders using the same mechanisms. This seems to no longer be the case because a) I can't find any reference to maven-eclipse-plugin in the m2eclipse sources and b) it just doesn't work :-)
So this is my question: is there any way to configure the eclipse project generated by m2eclipse from the pom.xml? Specifically: project builders and natures, but I'd be interested in other options as well.
The following thread summarizes almost everything. First, it explains that m2eclipse doesn't and won't support anything from the Maven Eclipse Plugin anymore because:
Sonatype doesn't maintain it.
It causes them too much troubles.
Second, it states that the m2eclipse way to handle additional project natures and builders is to write project configurators:
(...) we encourage writing configurators to add the natures and builders you want based on what it available in the POM.
See this link for a guide and this project for some existing configurators for checkstyle, findbugs, pmd.
I have now implemented this as a maven plugin I call maven-eclipseconf-plugin.
Unfortunately it's proprietary work for a client, so I can't share it. But let me describe what I do:
Tied to the lifecycle verify, I check for the existence of an eclipse .project file. If it's there, I check it for the presence of the builders and natures I want to automatically add (and you can deactivate this behavior by using a maven property or a stop file with a configurable name). You can also define configuration files that will be written (like .pmd, which is related to this other question of mine). The contents of the Configuration files can be specified inline, it can come from an external file, or from a URL. I also tried to introduce variable substitution in the config files where a special placeholder would be replaced with a multi-moduke-project's root folder, but I had to give up on that approach.
Anyway, the plugin gives me pretty much all the functionality of the maven-eclipse-plugin I ever used (of course there is a lot more though) and I'm happy with that. Perhaps I will build something similar once more in open source when this contract is finished.
Project configurators are the proposed approach. But the latest version of m2e-extensions is from early 2010 and developed against m2eclipse 0.10.x. There is a successor project called m2e-code-quality which is more recent and active and developed against m2eclipse 0.12.x.
But neither m2e-extensions nor m2e-code-quality do support FindBugs at the moment. And there are some other limitations with header files, exclusions and modified JARs.
I have successfully used a universal approach with AntRun, Ant and XMLTask to automatically add project natures, builders and configuration files for Eclipse plugins from pom.xml.

How can I configure additional eclipse settings with m2eclipse?

With the maven eclipse plugin, I can configure checkstyle or sonar configurations by adding the necessary invocations to the pom.xml and calling "mvn eclipse:eclipse" to create the project configuration.
Some members of my team want to just use "Import Maven project" and therefore don't get the benefits of the project preconfigurations. Is there a way to provide the same (or similiar) hints to m2eclipse?
What I want to accomplish is that people simply "Import Maven Project", and they automatically get a project preconfigured with the correct checkstyle configuration (which is possibly downloaded from somewhere as defined in the POM) without having to manually go into the project preferences and click around a lot. That somehow defeats the purpose of automatic project generation :-)
There are more detailed answers to this topic in Can I Configure m2eclipse through pom.xml?: Completely automatic configuration can only be achieved with a ProjectConfigurator. But there is a solution based on AntRun and XMLTask even for FindBugs and Sonar. It needs manual triggering only once after checkout.
This is doable by writing custom ProjectConfigurator (as mentioned in this thread). And it looks like somebody plublished some of them (for Checkstyle, PMD, FindBugs) in the m2e-extensions project.