Opening IPhone app when reaches a particular location? [closed] - iphone

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is there any way to open an iphone app without user interaction , like reminder setting etc
I want to open my iphone app when the user reaches a particular lat and long, if it is possible please give me an idea
Thanks in advance

You'll turn on location services and request location updates while in the background.
Location Services
But you will not be able to launch the app. You will be able to post a notification.
Notifications Guide

Yes, there is only one way:
The significant location service from Apple Location Api.
This will really open your app, even when it is terminated.
(Drawback: not accurate, up to 1000m because based on cell tower / wifi))
The other solution: Your app runs in background, consumes GPS positions regulary:
+/- : acurate up to some meters, needs more batterfy, app can be terminated by user


Is it possible to send a Users Location from an iOS App to a Webserver? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I´m new to coding and programming and I have basically no knowledge, but my task is to create an iOS App.
I am working in an app project and the goal is to create an Emergency-App. The idea is that if you open the app, there is one button that you have to press for 2 seconds to send an Emergency call to a Web-Server, including the CoreLocation of the user and if possible also the floor where the user´s currently at. (As mentioned, I have no idea whether it is possible, thats why I am asking)
I also read that some people sent the location with an sms to a phone number.
So if any of you guys could help me on how to send the location to a web server that would be very helpfull! Or if you have an advice for me thats helpfull as well !
Thanks in common!
I haven´t really tried anything yet because i don´t know how.
From beginning, First set location Autorization status:
For that you need to specify permission in info.plist.
After the user will allow location services you will be able to get the real location coordinate on real device, if you want to simulate the location you can do it on simulator.
CoreLocation is the framework which Apple provide to access the location service. You sometime need to turn on the location capabilities.
You will have LocationManager class which does all you need. It also has delegate method that will give you all update of location, you can save current location in UserDefault everytime update comes.
When user press button you can send those coordinates from UserDefault

swift get another user location [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Hi I was shown an adroid app where parents can see their kids location. I am wondered whether it is possible to do the same in ios. I know you can show your own location but how about showing another person's location. Is it possible? Their kids should not have to do anything the app itself receives child's location
Well that would be if you have a database that everyone can access where you store the positions. Take a look at Firebase for the database part.
So basically:
Get the position from the user
Store the position in the database
Get the position from the database
Parse the result and add an annotation to your mapview
If your iOS app must keep monitoring location even while it’s in the
background, use the standard location service and specify the location
value of the UIBackgroundModes key to continue running in the
background and receiving location updates. (In this situation, you
should also make sure the location manager’s
pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically property is set to YES to help
conserve power.) Examples of apps that might need this type of
location updating are fitness or turn-by-turn navigation apps
For more information read this guide by Apple.

Develop an iOS app to control OS X GarageBand [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I need to build an app that controls GarageBand on OS X.
It's an app for iPhone that would control basic functions from OS X GarageBand like play, pause, etc.
I don't know how to build this app, how can I communicate with OS X?. Some friends told me about bonjour, but I have no experience with it and I have no idea on how to use it to build this app and yes I've read the bonjour's page.
Can someone give me some direction?
Your best bet is CoreMidi
Garage Band speaks midi, and if your app sends midi signals either over USB or some other protocol (like Bonjour to a listening client app) you can interact with GarageBand this way.

Tracking anothe iphone on Mapview [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to developed iphone application in which i want to track another iphone on google map with in 10km region what kind of API can i use please tell me
You'll need the device you're tracking to tell you its position. That means that it'll have to be running some app (possibly the same app) to get its position using Core Location. Then, it'll have to provide that information. As Richard Ross points out in his comment, you could do that using GameKit. Another approach would be to have the device send its location to a server that you create, perhaps using a web service. Your device would then query the server to find out the location(s) of device(s) it cares about.

Name of iPhone app [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I hope this is not outside the scope of the this forum.
I was just wondering if anyone knows of any rules or guidelines for namming your iPhone app. Particulary I want mine to start with the letter 'i' as in iAwesomeApp (for example). But I thought maybe Apple wouldn't allow it because it is too close to their own marketing scheme i.e. it is too close to iTunes, iPod, iPhone etc.
What do we think?
There are plenty if i apps but you need to stay clear of any other Apple brands like
Pod / Pad
MacBook etc
You probably want something short for your display name so to avoid the ... in the middle if it's too long.
Just look at the iTunesApp store. There are many, many apps that start with "i" for the same reasons, so I think it must be fine. There isn't anything I've read in the guidelines that disallows it.
Steer clear of any registered trademarks. You can get away with putting trademarks in your keywords sometimes, but Apple can and will reject your app for that as well so I would avoid it if possible.