Image gets mixed up after orientation in iPhone - iphone

I'm currently working on an app which is like a photo gallery. It supports orientations too. The UIImageView which contains the UIImage, is in UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit. When I change the orientation of the device, some part of the UIImage gets displayed on the part of the view which is not a part of the aspect fit region.Any ideas to tackle it??

I just got similar kind of problem while using zooming effect. After changing the orientation of device while the image is zoomed in, it overlaps the imageView. Try to zoom out the image just after changing the orientation. That worked for me.


How to keep image size when changing iPhone orientation

I have an image that's 575x300px with text inside it.
While the iPhone is in the landscape position everything's dandy, but change the orientation to portrait and the image 'shrinks' in size (resolution change?) and the text becomes unreadable.
Is there a way to maintain the image size for both orientations?
Edit - I'm talking about a web page, not an app.
Set the view's contentMode to the value you would like. You probably want a value like UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFill.
try to set the autoresizing mask property for the UIImageView to UIViewAutoresizngmasknone.

is there a declarative approach to have one's background image changed from the portrait to landscape version upon orientation change in IOS?

Background - I have an iPhone/iPad app that has a background image in the main view. I'd like to introduce a specific portrait and landscape image for this background image, which is in a UIImageView subview.
Question - is there a declarative approach to have one's background image changed from the portrait to landscape version upon orientation change in IOS? For example through some file name convention approach?
(i.e. or do you have to manually change the image yourself each orientation change in the view controller's didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation)
I've never heard about such sweet opportunity. So I think you should manually reload images.

How code in program for display same image view whatever orientation?

I want to show same image view whatever u have mode either portrait or LAndsacpe mode.5n my case when i change my UIView then image frame in scroll layout frame don't show same image it start from image no.1 but i required same image no. when i change orientation. So for that what will i do ?
It sounds like you're having problems with scroll views when the orientation changes? Have a look at this answer I posted a while ago (example code included).

Changing interfaceOrientation based on image dimensions

I'm looking to change the phone's rotation based on the size of an image. is there a way to detect if the image has 480px x 300px dimensions then use landscape rotation and vice versa?
I have many photos some of which are best view landscape and other best viewed in portrait mode.
thanks for any help.
Think hard about whether you want to rotate the whole UIView that the image is on, versus just doing a rotation transform on the image, so it's turned 90 degrees inside a view that's still portrait mode. When I came up against this issue myself recently, I chose the latter. The whole rest of my app is locked in portrait mode, and to have this one view re-orient its whole thing to be landscape was just weird. Instead I float the image out in a UIView up on top of everything else, and rotate it if that's the best-fit orientation of the image.

Question about using landscape mode with custom images on the iPhone/iPad

Hey I just had a simple question about implementing landscape mode for an app, particularly running on the iPad (but I am sure the concept holds true for the iPhone). I have a custom background image that I am wanting to use for my root view. I designed the image so that it fits the iPad screen size for portrait mode. Do I need to design a second image for landscape mode so that it fits correctly? Is that how the landscape/portrait transition works, switching between two different images? I really don't have any idea, so any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
One other thing to think about is that the UIImage class has stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth:topCapHeight: method to take an existing image, and build a new image that can adjust to any size by repeating only the central portion of the image and leaving the corners of the image as fixed image segments.
You can load in a fixed UIImage, generate a stretchable copy using this method, and assign it to a UIImageView - then as you resize the UIImageView due to rotation, the image will adjust as needed and not resample the image.
Assuming you have a UIImageView as your backdrop, change its image property after the device orientation changes.
See Handling View Rotations in