Stuck on SSRS insert stored proc - tsql

I have created a update tool in SSRS that writes holiday details to the specified data base. This has been created by using an insert stored procedure as the dataset in the report. Everything works fine as long as i only want to specify single dates. Ideally though i need get this to do a date range. I have the following columns that are needed:
I know this would be best done in .net or something similar but that's a little outside my skill set. What i need is a multi-paramater stored proc that will create a record for each date based on selecting a date range in SSRS. Standard SSRS report would be easy, a simple BETWEEN #DATE AND #DATE But i can't figure out a way of putting that into my set up and i'm getting frustrated.
Hope i've not been too vague.

The crux of the matter here is you really need to be able to get a list of dates between start/end date.
Keeping it simple, let's say you have report parameters #StartDate, #EndDate and #StaffCode, with values of 01-Jan-2013, 05-Jan-2013 and Staff1 respectively.
Your SP will have three corresponding parameters - based on these we can build a list of days for that StaffCode in the SP.
Here's one way of doing it:
create procedure MySP
#StartDate date
, #EndDate date
, #StaffCode varchar(10)
) as
with dates as
select HolidayDate = #startDate
union all
select HolidayDate = dateadd(dd, 1, HolidayDate)
from dates
where dateadd(dd, 1, HolidayDate) <= #EndDate
insert into HolidayDates
select HolidayDate, StaffCode = #StaffCode
from dates;
So this inserts a row for each date from #StartDate to #EndDate.
This is just one example, and I used a recursive CTE to make the dates set - if you had a calendar or numbers table you could just use this instead; there are numerous examples out there.
Another approach is just build up a set based with a loop based on the date parameters:
create procedure MySP
#StartDate date
, #EndDate date
, #StaffCode varchar(10)
) as
declare #Dates table (HolidayDate date)
while (#StartDate <= #EndDate)
insert into #Dates select #StartDate
select #StartDate = dateadd(dd, 1, #StartDate)
insert into HolidayDates
select HolidayDate, StaffCode = #StaffCode
from #Dates;
You've said yourself this isn't an ideal workflow - SSRS isn't really a data entry mechanism, but there's no reason why the above shouldn't work in most cases.


Have Datetable with dates and if business day, need to find the 11th business day after a date

I need to find a date that is 11 business days after a date.
I did not have a date table. Requested one, long lead time for one.
Used a CTE to produce results that have a datekey, 1 if weekday, and 1 if holiday, else 0. Put those results into a Table Variable, now Business_Day is (weekday-holiday). Much Googling has already happened.
select dt.Datekey,
(dt.Weekdaycount - dt.HolidayCount) as Business_day
from #DateTable dt[enter image description here][1]
UPDATE, I've figured it out in Excel. Running count of business days, a column of business day count + 11, then a Vlookup finding the +11 date . Now how do I do that in SQL?
Results like this
Business_day 0
I will assume you want to set your weekdays, and you can enter the holidays in a variable table, so you can do the below:-
here set the weekend names
Declare #WeekDayName1 varchar(50)='Saturday'
Declare #WeekDayName2 varchar(50)='Sunday'
Set the holiday table variable, you may have it as a specific table your database
Declare #Holidays table (
[Date] date,
HolidayName varchar(250)
Lets insert a a day or two to test it.
insert into #Holidays values (cast('2019-01-01' as date),'New Year')
insert into #Holidays values (cast('2019-01-08' as date),'some other holiday in your country')
lets say your date you want to start from is action date and you need 11 business days after it
Declare #ActionDate date='2018-12-28'
declare #BusinessDays int=11
A recursive CTE to count the days till you get the correct one.
;with cte([date],BusinessDay) as (
select #ActionDate [date],cast(0 as int) BusinessDay
union all
select dateadd(day,1,cte.[date]),
when DATENAME(WEEKDAY,dateadd(day,1,cte.[date]))=#WeekDayName1
OR DATENAME(WEEKDAY,dateadd(day,1,cte.[date]))=#WeekDayName2
OR (select 1 from #Holidays h where h.Date=dateadd(day,1,cte.[date])) is not null
then cte.BusinessDay
else cte.BusinessDay+1
end BusinessDay
From cte where BusinessDay<#BusinessDays
--to see the all the dates till business day + 11
--select * from cte option (maxrecursion 0)
--to get the required date
select MAX([date]) from cte option (maxrecursion 0)
In my example the date I get is as below:-
ActionDate =2018-12-28
After 11 business days :2019-01-16
Hope this helps
1st step was to create a date table. Figuring out weekday verse weekends is easy. Weekdays are 1, weekends are 0. Borrowed someone else's holiday calendar, if holiday 1 else 0. Then Business day is Weekday-Holiday = Business Day. Next was to create a running total of business days. That allows you to move from whatever running total day you're current on to where you want to be in the future, say plus 10 business days. Hard coded key milestones in the date table for 2 and 10 business days.
Then JOIN your date table with your transaction table on your zero day and date key.
Finally this allows you to make solid calculations of business days.
WHERE CONVERT(date, D.DTRESOLVED) <= CONVERT(date, [10th_Bus_Day])

Add dates ranges to a table for individual values using a cursor

I have a calendar table called CalendarInformation that gives me a list of dates from 2015 to 2025. This table has a column called BusinessDay that shows what dates are weekends or holidays. I have another table called OpenProblemtimeDiffTable with a column called number for my problem number and a date for when the problem was opened called ProblemNew and another date for the current column called Now. What I want to do is for each problem number grab its date ranges and find the dates between and then sum them up to give me the number of business days. Then I want to insert these values in another table with the problem number associated with the business day.
Thanks in advance and I hope I was clear.
TRUNCATE TABLE ProblemsMoreThan7BusinessDays
DECLARE #date AS date
DECLARE #businessday AS INT
DECLARE #Startdate as DATE, #EndDate as DATE
SELECT date, businessday
FROM CalendarInformation
OPEN contact_cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM Contact_cursor INTO #date, #businessday
SELECT #enddate= now FROM OpenProblemtimeDiffTable
SELECT #Startdate= problemnew FROM OpenProblemtimeDiffTable
SET #Date=#Startdate
PRINT #enddate
PRINT #startdate
SELECT #businessday= SUM (businessday) FROM CalendarInformation WHERE date > #startdate AND date <= #Enddate
INSERT INTO ProblemsMoreThan7BusinessDays (businessdays, number)
SELECT #businessday, number
FROM OpenProblemtimeDiffTable
I tried this code using a cursor and I'm close, but I cannot get the date ranges to change for each row.
So if I have a problemnumber with date ranges between 02-07-2018 and 05-20-2019, I would want in my new table the sum of business days from the calendar along with the problem number. So my output would be column number PROB0421 businessdays (with the correct sum). Then the next problem PRB0422 with date ranges of 11-6-18 to 5-20-19. So my output would be PROB0422 with the correct sum of business days.
Rather than doing this in with a cursor, you should approach this in a set based manner. That you already have a calendar table makes this a lot easier. The basic approach is to select from your data table and join into your calendar table to return all the rows in the calendar table that sit within your date range. From here you can then aggregate as you require.
This would look something like the below, though apply it to your situation and adjust as required:
select p.ProblemNow
,sum(c.BusinessDay) as BusinessDays
from dbo.Problems as p
join dbo.calendar as c
on c.CalendarDate between p.ProblemNow and p.Now
and c.BusinessDay = 1
group by p.ProblemNow
I think you can do this without a cursor. Should only require a single statement.
I assume your "businessday" column is just a bit or flag-type field that is 1 if the date is a business day and 0 if not? If so, this should work (or something close to it if I'm not understanding your environment properly).:
insert ProblemsMoreThan7BusinessDays
, number
, sum( businessday ) -- or count(*)
from OpenProblemtimeDiffTable op
inner join CalendarInformation ci on op.problem_new >= ci.[date]
and op.[now] <= ci.[date]
and ci.businessday = 1
group by
I usually try to avoid the use of cursors and working with data in a procedural manner, especially if I can handle the task as above. Dont think of the data as 1000's of individual rows, but think of the data as only two sets of data. How do they relate?

T-SQL Count of items based on date

To make the example super simple, lets say that I have a table with three rows, ID, Name, and Date. I need to find the count of all ID's belonging to a specific name where the ID does not belong to this month.
Using that example, I would want this output:
In other words, I want to count how many ID's that a name has that aren't this month/year.
I'm more into PowerShell and still fairly new to SQL. I tried doing a case statement, but because it's not a foreach it seems to be returning "If the Name has ANY date in this month, return NULL" which is not what I want. I want it to count how many ID's per name do not appear in this month.
WHEN ( Month(date) NOT LIKE Month(Getdate())
AND Year(date) NOT LIKE Year(Getdate()) ) THEN Count(id)
END AS TotalCount
FROM dbo.table
I really hope this makes sense, but if it doesn't please let me know and I can try to clarify more. I tried researching cursors, but I'm having a hard time grasping them to get them into my statement. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
You only want to group by the non-aggregated columns that are in the result set (in this case, Name). You totally don't need a cursor for this, it's a fairly straight-forward query.
Count(*) count
where > eomonth(getdate()) or <= eomonth(dateadd(mm, -1, getdate())
group by
I did a little bit of trickery on the exclusion of rows that are in the current month. Generally, you want to avoid running functions on the columns you're comparing to if you can so that SQL Server can use an index to speed up its search. I assumed that the ID column is unique, if it's not, change count(*) to count(distinct ID).
Alternative where clause if you're using older versions of sql server. If the table is small enough, you can just do it directly (similar to what you tried originally, it just goes in the query where clause and not embedded in a case)
Month(date) <> Month(Getdate())
AND Year(date) <> Year(Getdate())
If you have a large table and sarging on the index is important, there some fun stuff you can build eomonth with dateadd and the date part functions, but it's a pain.
SELECT Name, COUNT(ID) AS TotalCount
FROM dbo.[table]
FROM dbo.table

Declaring variables in redshift

I have been using Amazon Redshift to execute my queries.
I know there was a question asked earlier regarding this. But I don't understand how to incorporate UDFs.
I want to assign a temporary variable which takes a particular value.
I want to do this to make my script dynamic. For instance- This is my
usual way of writing code.
SELECT * FROM transaction_table WHERE invoice_date >= '2013-01-01'
AND invoice_date <= '2013-06-30';
What I want to do is ...
Something like what you will see below. I believe SQL server has a declare variable which does this sort of a thing.
SET start_date TO '2013-01-01';
SET end_date TO '2013-06-30';
SELECT * FROM transaction_table WHERE invoice_date >= start_date
AND invoice_date <= end_date;
This way I don't have to search deep in my script. I can just have a set
statement up top and just change that.
Your feedback is greatly welcome.
There are no variables in Redshift, unfortunately. You can, however, get a variable-like behaviour by creating a temporary table and referring to it as follows:
'2013-01-01'::date as start_date
, '2013-06-30'::date as end_date
transaction_table, _variables
invoice_date >= start_date
invoice_date <= end_date

SQL Server 2008 R2 - store top result and use in SSRS

I have a SSRS Report that displays the total number of days lapsed since a complaint was received. This SQL Query is the difference between today's date and date of the last received complaint.
SELECT DATEDIFF(day, MAX(complaints.ComplaintReceived1Date),CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) as total
FROM complaints WITH (nolock)
If for example this is set to 30 (days) and then a complaint is received in my SSRS report I would like to display 30 as previous number of days with no complaint record. Is there a way to store previous results and recall this data? Maybe a temp table?
You are already storing it in the table referenced by your SQL query.
I would just retrieve it from there:
; with previouscomplaint as (
RN = ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by complaintreceived1dateorder by complaintreceived1date desc))
select datediff(day,complaintreceived1date,current_timestamp) as previoustotal from previouscomplaint where RN=2
If you want the dates between the two rows, make the second statement:
select datediff(day, (select complaintreceived1date from previouscomplaint where rn = 2),(select complaintreceived1date from previouscomplaint where rn = 1)) as previoustotal
This was not tested, but should work.