The definition of silence in human mouse movement analysis - mouse

I am trying to analyse human mouse movements while they are interacting with a website.
I want to define a "movement" as a "mouse movement between two silences".
However, I am not sure if there is any definition of "silence" in the literature.
What is the time threshold for a "silence"? is it 500 ms? 1s? 300ms? ...
I would appreciate any help. Thanks.


How do I make a SKSpriteNode avoid another SKSpriteNode?

I am working on an AI mode for a SpriteKit game I am making in Xcode. I have dynamic physics bodies which can be launched towards the AI. I want to make it so that when one of these bodies is within a certain radius of the AI, the AI tries to dodge it. I have started working through different routes and got decent results.
1st method (pseudocode): Check AI.position.x and AI.position.y and compare to incomingSprite.position.x and incomingSprite.position.y. Break this comparison into quadrants if both x and y are within radius. (i.e. incomingSprite is bottom left relative to AI, bottom right, etc). Based on this info move the AI's position to move away from it.
-lots of code and calculations in update function to account for multiple incoming sprites
-depending on dx and dy of incoming sprite, the AI often make illogical decision
2nd method (pseudocode): Calculate distance from AI to incomingSprite. Then check dx and dy of incomingSprite and set dx and dy to go in reverse direction of incomingSprite. This seems logical. I am a little rusty on reversing vectors to do this. I feel like this might be possibly a good idea though.
Is there a better method to accomplish this? Perhaps a force field on the magnet I could use to repel the AI at a certain strength so that if the incomingSprite is fast enough it will override and still collide anyway? Im concerned about memory as most of the AI logic is in the update function, which can cause big problems if I'm not careful.
Edit: I decided to use the electric field and gave the incoming sprites a positive charge so that they are repelled by the AI. This makes things accurate/lightweight and more interesting. If the incoming sprites are fast enough, they will break through the electric field and still collide with AI. This also gives room as an additional difficulty parameter in my game (the stronger the field, the harder it is to get the incoming sprites to collide with the AI).

Using process modelling library for vessel sailing behavior in Anylogic

I want to use 'process modelling library' to mimic vessel movement from one point to another (because 'road traffic library' cannot realistically reflect the ship movement).
However, I am stuck at defining a way for speed control and keeping a safe distance between two vessels. What I want to achieve is the speed of each vessel (agent) should be restricted in a threshold [MaxSpeed,MinSpeed], and all the vessels should keep a safe distance/time with the vessels in front or behind. For example, if a vessel with speed 15 knots catches the vessel with speed 10 knots, it will change the speed to 10 knots before reaching the required safe distance/time.
Currently, what I am thinking is to set the agent speed at 'Source' block or 'MoveTo' block, and create a function to avoid collision. Does anybody know how the function will look like? I am very appreciate if any idea or comments, thanks!
Even though depending on your model there may be smart ways of doing this, I will show you a generic inefficient way of doing this in a very simplified way without deceleration or any fancy stuff.
It's a good idea to first set up a node in front of your boat as a safety distance:
I also added an event that will check if other boats are getting too close to the boat itself... so in the event you can have code like this that runs every minute for example:
for(Boat c :{
This code checks if there is any boat inside the safety node, and if there is one, the boat will instantaneously change its speed to the speed of the boat in front of it.
This code is ugly and inefficient, but if you want something better, you need to think about it yourself using the characteristics of your situation in order to make it better... but this solution should work using moveTo blocks from the Process modeling library.

Modeling Matlab Script with Adobe After Effects

So I am looking for some general advice. For my final project in my Computational Physics class. I have to complete the following problem.
(4.16 from Computation Physics 2nd Edition By Giordano and Nakanishi)
-Carry out a true three-body simulation in which the motions of Earth, Jupiter, and the Sun are all calculated. Since all three bodies are now in motion, it is useful to take the center of mass of the three-body system as the origin, rather than the position of Sun. We also suggest that you give Sun and initial velocity which makes the total momentum of the system exactly zero(so that the center of mass will remain fixed). Study the motion of Earth with different initial conditions. Also, try increasing the mass of Jupiter to 10, 100, and 1000 times its true mass.
My question: Is it possible to write the code for the problem above, and then import that code(or the result) into Adobe After Effects to model the three-body simulation? My teacher has expressed that if i am able to do so, he would be inclined to give me extra credit, which i desperately need.
It is possible to do some scripting in After Effects, but the language is Javascript (or rather, ExtendScript), not Matlab. I would do everything in a javascript: first calculate your solution (3 streams of position data), and use these to keyframe the corresponding layers in After Effects. You will have to learn a bit of the After Effects object model, but in that case you wont need much: the Layer object and how to keyframe its position property. You should go to the Adobe After Effects scripting forum for some script examples.

Simulating physics for voxel constructions (Minecraft, Dwarf Fortress, etc)?

I'm hoping to prototype some very basic physics/statics simulations for "voxel-based" games like Minecraft and Dwarf Fortress, so that the game can detect when a player has constructed a structure that should not be able to stand up on its own.. Obviously this is a very fuzzy definition -- whether a structure is impossible depends upon multitude of material and environmental properties -- but the general idea is to motivate players to build structures that resemble the buildings we see in the real world. I'll describe what I mean in a bit more detail below, but I generally want to know if anyone could suggest either an potential approach to the problem or a resource that I could use.
Here's some examples of buildings that could be impossible if the material was not strong enough.
Here's some example situations. My understanding of this subject is not great but bear with me.
If this structure were to be made of concrete with dimensions of, say, 4m by 200m, it would probably not be able to stand up. Because the center of mass is not over its connection to the ground, I think it would either tip over or crack at the base.
The center of gravity of this arch lies between the columns holding it up, but if it was very big and made of a weak, heavy material, it would crumble under its own weight.
This tower has its center of gravity right over its base, but if it is sufficiently tall then it only takes a bit of force for the wind to topple it over.
Now, I expect that a full-scale real-time simulation of these physics isn't really possible... but there's a lot of ways that I could simplify the simulation. For example:
Tests for physics-defying structures could be infrequently and randomly performed, so a bad building doesn't crumble right as soon as it is built, but as much as a few minutes later.
Minecraft and Dwarf Fortress hardly perform rigid- or soft-body physics. For this reason, any piece of a building that is deemed to be physically impossible can simple "pop" into rubble instead of spawning a bunch of accurate physics props.
Have you considered taking an existing 3d environment physics engine and "rounding off" orientations of objects? In the case of your first object (the L-shaped thing), you could run a simulation of a continuous, non-voxelized object of similar shape behind the scenes and then monitor that object for orientation changes. In a simple case, if the object's representation of the continuous hits the ground, the object in the voxelized gameplay world could move its blocks to the ground.
I don't think there is a feasible way to do this. Minecraft has no notion of physical structure. So you will have to look at each block individually to determine if it should fall (there are other considerations but this is minimum). You would therefore need a way to distinguish between ground and "not ground". This is modeling problem first and foremost, not a programming problem (not even simulation design). I think this question is out of scope for SO.
For instance consider the following model, that may give you an indication of the complexities involved:
each block above height = 0 experiences a "down pull" = P, P may be any of the following:
0 if the box is supported by another box
m*g (where m is its mass which depends on material density * voxel volume) otherwise if it is free
F represents some "friction" or "glue" between vertical faces of boxes, it counteracts P.
This friction should have a threshold beyond which it "breaks" and the block then has a net pull downwards.
if m*g < sum F, box stays where it is. Otherwise, box falls.
F depends on the pairs of materials in contact
for n=2, so you can form a line of blocks between two towers
F is what causes the net pull of a box to be larger than m*g. For instance if you have two blocks a-b-c with c being on d, then a pulls on b, so b should be "heavier" than m*g where it contacts c. If this net is > F, then the pair a-b should fall.
You might be able to simulate the above and get interesting results, but you will find it really challenging to handle the case where there are two towsers with a line of blocks between them: the towers are coupled together by line of blocks, there is no longer a "tip" to the line of blocks. At this stage you might as well get out your physics books to create a system of boxes and springs and come up with equations that you might be able to solve numerically, but in a full 3D system you will have a 3D mesh of springs to navigate iteratively to converge to force values on each box and determine which ones move.
A professor of mine suggested that I look at this paper.
Additionally, I found the keyword for what it is I'm looking for. "Structural Analysis." I bought a textbook and I have a long road ahead of me.

Falling Sand simulation

I'm trying to re-create a 'falling sand' simulation, similar to those various web toys that are out there doing the same thing - and I'm failing pretty hard. I'm not really sure where to begin. I'm trying to use cellular automata to model the behavior of the sand particles, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to make the direction in which I update the 'world' not matter...
For example, one of the particle types I'd like to have is Plant. When Plant comes in contact with Water, Plant turns that Water particle into another Plant particle. The problem here though is that if I'm updating the game world from top to bottom and left to right, then a Plant particle placed in the middle of a sea of Water particles will immediately cause all of the Water particles to the right and below that new Plant particle to turn into Plants. This is not the behavior I am expecting. =(
One straightforward solution is to not do each iteration in-place. Instead, every time you update the world, create a copy of it... then look at the original, but update the copy. That way the order of updating does not matter any more, because you are completely disregarding your updates while you're looking for particles.
Don't program it in a sequential way (looping over all particles) but use real simulation programming techniques in which every particle is treated as an individual object/agent that obeys the laws of physics and that can act (run) asynchronously and respond to "events" (interactions with other particles).
If making every sand particle a separate object is too fine-grained, then divide the world into small blocks of let's say 1000 particles and simlute the behavior of these blocks instead.