Facebook SDK Login - facebook

We have an app that integrated the facebook login, recently we had received an email from Facebook stating the following:
"1. Your Android or iOS app does not use our native SDKs to initiate Facebook Login. We suggest you implement our native SDKs so that people who are already logged in to their Facebook accounts don't have to log in again. Note that starting October 2, using our native SDKs for login will be required by Facebook Platform Policy I.3. For more information on this, visit:https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/using-sdks/"
But the fact is, our app uses the following for login
session openWithBehavior:FBSessionLoginBehaviorForcingWebView
Which obviously is a function PROVIDED WITHIN Facebook's SDK
And also the app does not require the user to re-log in if he/she is already logged in. We tried to contact FB for clarification but they had not replied since. So can someone tell if our app's facebook login needs to be changed? Or has FB "wrongfully accused" us?


Login Failed: You can't use Facebook to log into this app or website because there's an issue with its implementation of Facebook Login

Since last few weeks our FB integration is broken, our app and website having option to login using FB, we were pulling FB token and public profile info such as name, email but now seems FB has restricted our app, and got message
"We've restricted this app for violating the Facebook Platform Policies."
We double checked updated policies document and it seems nothing is there which can break FB policies, we are struggling to identify exact reason, we raised Appeal few weeks ago to FB but no reply, now we all our live users are stuck they are not able to use their account anymore in our platform.
Is there any way to identify exact reason, based on which parameters FB has blocked our app?
Finally FB Login started working, as we sent Appeal to FB and they re-activated API Key, explained about data which we are exacting from FB API and use of that data.

How to get to know from FB Login Web that a user has already logged in in native FB app and use it to login a user in web app?

I don’t know if there is a term for this issue already. So will try to explain it.
The question.
How to get to know from FB Login web that a user has already logged in in native FB app and use that auth session to login a user in web app? So that a user doesn’t need to see FB login dialog and provide their credentials again.
The problem.
There are users who never use FB in mobile browsers on smart phones. Only FB native app.
So when a user tries to login with FB in my web app, they are always asked to provide their credentials, email and password. And users complain that they are logged in already and don’t understand why they’re asked to login again. Many just do not remember their passwords.
So, does FB Login API foresee this use case, a combination of logins? Is it possible to implement it?
Similar question Facebook login to web via native FB app
Found this here.
However the question still remains: How to login in web app seamlessly without login dialog if logged in in FB native app?
Once someone has created an account on one platform, they can log into your app — often with a single click — on all your other platforms.

How to track facebook password change and profile changes?

I am integrating facebook iOS SDK 4.0 in my mobile app. I came into scenario where user logged into our mobile app with facebook credentials, after some time the user changed his password and Firstname in facebook. Now How do I track this change in mobile app? and redirect user to validate facebook credentials in mobile app?
In both v3 and v4 of the SDK, the access token is cached locally on the device (by default), and the only way to know if it's still "valid" is to make a graph request.
You can make a /me or /permissions request during app start if you have a cached token, and check for errors, and prompt the user to re-log in if the token is no longer valid. There are also some auto-error recovery mechanisms built into the SDK, see https://developers.facebook.com/docs/ios/errors.

How do I test Facebook integration (retrieving a user's friendlists) before the app is approved?

I've tried requesting permissions in my app, but the FB login popup contains a red error message saying that the app must be approved before it can request the user_friendlists permission.
How is this possible if the review/approval process requires a working test version of the app?
The problem is similar to this question: Testing Facebook integration prior to approval except mine is a website so the solution there doesn't apply.
The user logging into facebook from the app must be listed under the Tester roles in the app settings. The tester also has to be a profile other than the administrator, which you probably are if you created the app, and it must have a profile picture and be friends with the administrator.

Facebook PHP SDK - Questions about accessing information / logging out

i want to connect a customer's website to Facebook using the PHP sdk (newest version). Visitors should be able to sign up using their Facebook account in order to be logged in automatically on the page itself if they are already logged in at Facebook, being identified by their profile ID which is saved in my database.
Here are my questions:
If I visit a website (which is using Facebook Login) for the first time, will this website be able to recognize whether I am logged in in Facebook or not, if I have not granted the permissions to the corresponding Facebook app yet?
If I have granted the permissions to the app and the page recognizes me as being logged in at Facebook, what does happen if I call the logout function of the PHP sdk? Will I only get disconnected from Facebook on the current page or will I get logged out on Facebook, too?
This was the case a year or so ago, but now - without permissions - you don't know who the user is. (Facebook authentication)
You will be logged out of Facebook too. (Facebook getLogoutUrl)