little mathematical thing : squares and roundings - scala

in scala, given the integers d & x, I would have a boolean expression which should be true if and only if y = (x^2 - 1) / d^2 is a square.
I tried this:
(Math.sqrt((x * x - 1) / (d * d)).toInt * Math.sqrt((x * x - 1) / (d * d)).toInt == ((x * x - 1) / (d * d)))
but the 3-tuple (x = 2, d = <all values tested>, y = 0.0) seems to be always an answer of my problem, which is obviously wrong.
I think my error comes from the rounding made: if x=2, d=4 (for example) then x * x - 1 == 3 and d * d == 16 so the division leads to 0.
do you know what is the good expression?

if n is a round square, then Math.sqrt(n).toInt == Math.sqrt(n). In your case:
(Math.sqrt((x * x - 1) / (d * d)).toInt == Math.sqrt((x * x - 1) / (d * d)))
But before doing that, you need to make sure that x and d are doubles.
Try in REPL:
scala> val x = 1
scala> val d = 3
scala> x/d
A Int divided by an Int will result the rounded Int, so you are applying sqrt to zero.
Also due to float point arithmetic, you may want to compare like this instead:
(Math.sqrt((x * x - 1) / (d * d)).toInt - Math.sqrt((x * x - 1) / (d * d))) <= ZERO
where ZERO is replaced by a really small number like 0.00001

Because this is integer division, you are checking whether ((x*x-1)/(d*d)).toInt is a perfect square. You can convert everything to doubles first, but if you want to stay in the realm of integers, check that the division should result in an integer:
( x*x-1 % d*d == 0 ) && Math.sqrt(y).toInt == Math.sqrt(y)


Scala for the Impatient, chapter 2, exercise on recursive pow function

I am reading Scala for the Impatient, Chapter 2 and there is an exercise question I don't understanding what exactly does it want:
Write a function that computes x^n, where n is an integer. Use the
following recursive definition:
X^n = y * y if n is even and positive, where y = x^(n/2)
X^n = x * x^(n-1) if n is odd and positive
x^0 = 1
x^n = 1 / x^-n if n is negative
If the question want x^n, I could just use the pow method defined in scala.math:
def pow(x: Double, y: Double): Double
The question is asking to (re)implement a recursive pow function on integers:
def pow(x: Int, y: Int): Int = ...
You need write a smarter implementation than the naive O(n) algorithm:
def slowPow(x: Int, y: Int): Int =
if (y == 0) 1 else x * slowPow(x, y - 1)
Try to use the given recursive definition instead...
To answer your question directly, I don't think you can dodge the question using the one from scala.math. As you noted it only works on Doubles. Also is neither recursive nor implemented in Scala.
def pow(x: Double, n: Int): Double = {
if (n == 0) 1
else if (n < 0) 1 / (x - n)
else if (n % 2 == 1) x * pow(x, n - 1)
else {
val y = pow(x, n / 2)
y * y
pow(2, 0) == 1
pow(2, -2) == 0.25
pow(2, 4) == 16
pow(2, 5) == 32

Integer division in Scala [duplicate]

(note: not the same as this other question since the OP never explicitly specified rounding towards 0 or -Infinity)
JLS 15.17.2 says that integer division rounds towards zero. If I want floor()-like behavior for positive divisors (I don't care about the behavior for negative divisors), what's the simplest way to achieve this that is numerically correct for all inputs?
int ifloor(int n, int d)
/* returns q such that n = d*q + r where 0 <= r < d
* for all integer n, d where d > 0
* d = 0 should have the same behavior as `n/d`
* nice-to-have behaviors for d < 0:
* option (a). same as above:
* returns q such that n = d*q + r where 0 <= r < -d
* option (b). rounds towards +infinity:
* returns q such that n = d*q + r where d < r <= 0
long lfloor(long n, long d)
/* same behavior as ifloor, except for long integers */
(update: I want to have a solution both for int and long arithmetic.)
If you can use third-party libraries, Guava has this: IntMath.divide(int, int, RoundingMode.FLOOR) and LongMath.divide(int, int, RoundingMode.FLOOR). (Disclosure: I contribute to Guava.)
If you don't want to use a third-party library for this, you can still look at the implementation.
(I'm doing everything for longs since the answer for ints is the same, just substitute int for every long and Integer for every Long.)
You could just Math.floor a double division result, otherwise...
Original answer:
return n/d - ( ( n % d != 0 ) && ( (n<0) ^ (d<0) ) ? 1 : 0 );
Optimized answer:
public static long lfloordiv( long n, long d ) {
long q = n/d;
if( q*d == n ) return q;
return q - ((n^d) >>> (Long.SIZE-1));
(For completeness, using a BigDecimal with a ROUND_FLOOR rounding mode is also an option.)
New edit: Now I'm just trying to see how far it can be optimized for fun. Using Mark's answer the best I have so far is:
public static long lfloordiv2( long n, long d ){
if( d >= 0 ){
n = -n;
d = -d;
long tweak = (n >>> (Long.SIZE-1) ) - 1;
return (n + tweak) / d + tweak;
(Uses cheaper operations than the above, but slightly longer bytecode (29 vs. 26)).
There's a rather neat formula for this that works when n < 0 and d > 0: take the bitwise complement of n, do the division, and then take the bitwise complement of the result.
int ifloordiv(int n, int d)
if (n >= 0)
return n / d;
return ~(~n / d);
For the remainder, a similar construction works (compatible with ifloordiv in the sense that the usual invariant ifloordiv(n, d) * d + ifloormod(n, d) == n is satisfied) giving a result that's always in the range [0, d).
int ifloormod(int n, int d)
if (n >= 0)
return n % d;
return d + ~(~n % d);
For negative divisors, the formulas aren't quite so neat. Here are expanded versions of ifloordiv and ifloormod that follow your 'nice-to-have' behavior option (b) for negative divisors.
int ifloordiv(int n, int d)
if (d >= 0)
return n >= 0 ? n / d : ~(~n / d);
return n <= 0 ? n / d : (n - 1) / d - 1;
int ifloormod(int n, int d)
if (d >= 0)
return n >= 0 ? n % d : d + ~(~n % d);
return n <= 0 ? n % d : d + 1 + (n - 1) % d;
For d < 0, there's an unavoidable problem case when d == -1 and n is Integer.MIN_VALUE, since then the mathematical result overflows the type. In that case, the formula above returns the wrapped result, just as the usual Java division does. As far as I'm aware, this is the only corner case where we silently get 'wrong' results.
return BigDecimal.valueOf(n).divide(BigDecimal.valueOf(d), RoundingMode.FLOOR).longValue();

How to compute log of multvariate gaussian in matlab

I am trying to compute log(N(x | mu, sigma)) in MATLAB where
x is the data vector(Dimensions D x 1) , mu(Dimensions D x 1) is mean and sigma(Dimensions D x D) is covariance.
My present implementation is
function [loggaussian] = logmvnpdf(x,mu,Sigma)
[D,~] = size(x);
const = -0.5 * D * log(2*pi);
term1 = -0.5 * ((x - mu)' * (inv(Sigma) * (x - mu)));
term2 = - 0.5 * logdet(Sigma);
loggaussian = const + term1 + term2;
function y = logdet(A)
y = log(det(A));
For some cases I get an error
Warning: Matrix is close to singular or badly scaled. Results may be inaccurate. RCOND =
I know you will point out that my data is not consistent, but I need to implement the function so that I can get the best approximate instead of throwing an warning. . How do I ensure that I always get a value.
I think the warning comes from using inv(Sigma). According to the documentation, you should avoid using inv where its use can be replaced by \ (mldivide). This will give you both better speed and accuracy.
For your code, instead of inv(Sigma) * (x - mu) use Sigma \ (x - mu).
The following approach should be (a little) less sensitive to ill-conditioning of the covariance matrix:
function logpdf = logmvnpdf (x, mu, K)
n = length (x);
R = chol (K);
const = 0.5 * n * log (2 * pi);
term1 = 0.5 * sum (((R') \ (x - mu)) .^ 2);
term2 = sum (log (diag (R)));
logpdf = - (const + term1 + term2);
If K is singular or near-singular, you can still have warnings (or errors) when calling chol.

Matlab - define a general variable

I want to calculate Fourier series for some function func.
I build this method:
function y = CalcFourier(accurate, func, a, b, val_x)
f = #(x) eval(func);
% calculate coefficients
a0 = (2 / (b - a)) * calcArea(func, a , b);
an = (2 / (b - a)) * calcArea(strcat(func, '*cos(2*n*pi*x / (b - a))'), a , b);
an = (2 / (b - a)) * calcArea(strcat(func, '*sin(2*n*pi*x / (b - a))'), a , b);
partial = 0;
an_f = #(n) an;
bn_f = #(n) bn;
for n = 1:accurate
partial = partial + an_f(n)* cos(2*n*pi*val_x / (b - a)) + bn_f(n) * sin(2*n*pi*val_x / (b - a));
y = (a0 / 2) + partial;
And this - to approximate the coefficient's:
function area = calcArea(func, a, b)
f = #(x) eval(func);
area = (a - b) * (f(a) - f(b)) / 2;
On line an = (2 / (b - a)) * calcArea(strcat(func, '*cos(2*n*pi*x / (b - a))'), a , b); I'm getting error:
??? Error using ==> eval
Undefined function or variable 'n'.
Error in ==> calcArea>#(x)eval(func) at 2
f = #(x) eval(func);
Error in ==> calcArea at 3
area = (a - b) * (f(a) - f(b)) / 2;
Error in ==> CalcFourier at 5
an = (2 / (b - a)) * calcArea(strcat(func,
'*cos(2*n*pi*x / (b - a))'), a , b);
Is there any option to declate n as "some constant"? Thanks!
You try to use a variable called n in line 4 of your code. However at that time n is not defined yet, that only happens in the for loop. (Tip: Use dbstop if error at all times, that way you can spot the problem more easily).
Though I don't fully grasp what you are doing I believe you need something like this:
n=1 at the start of your CalcFourier function. Of course you can also choose to input n as a variable, or to move the corresponding line to a place where n is actually defined.
Furthermore you seem to use n in calcArea, but you don't try to pass it to the function at all.
All of this would be easier to find if you avoided the use of eval, perhaps you can try creating the function without it, and then matlab will more easily guide you to the problems in your code.
if the symbolic toolbox is available it can be used to declare symbolic variables , which can be treated as 'some variable' and substituted with a value later.
however a few changes should be made for it to be implemented, generally converting anonymous functions to symbolic functions and any function of n to symbolic functions. And finally the answer produced will need to be converted from a symbolic value to some more easy to handle value e.g. double
quickly implementing this to your code as follows;
function y = test(accurate, func, a, b, val_x)
syms n x % declare symbolic variables
%f = symfun(eval(func),x); commented out as not used
The two lines above show the declaration of symbolic variables and the syntax for creating a symbolic function
% calculate coefficients
a0 = symfun((2 / (b - a)) * calcArea(func, a , b),x);
an = symfun((2 / (b - a)) * calcArea(strcat(func, '*cos(2*n*pi*x / (b - a))'),...
... a , b),[x n]);
bn = symfun((2 / (b - a)) * calcArea(strcat(func, '*sin(2*n*pi*x / (b - a))'),...
... a , b),[x n]);
partial = 0;
the function definitions in in your code are combined into the lines above, note they functions are of x and n, the substitution of x_val is done later here...
for n = 1:accurate
partial = partial + an(val_x,n)* cos(2*n*pi*val_x / (b - a)) +...
... bn(val_x,n) * sin(2*n*pi*val_x / (b - a));
The for loop which now replaces the symbolic n with values and calls the symbolic functions with x_val and each n value
y = (a0 / 2) + partial;
y = double(y);
Finally the solution is calculated and then converted to double;
Disclaimer: I have not checked if this code generates the correct solution, however I hope it gives you enough information to understand what has been changed and why to carry out the process given in your code above, using the symbolic toolbox to address the issue...

Issues with matrix division

I have this matrix division issue. I have something like this
I think I can write it as
(A/C) * (B/C). Correct me if I am wrong.
Now is there any way to eliminate this from taking this form. B and C are both very huge matrices and calculating B/C takes almost 1 minute in matlab. So is there any other way I can manipulate this?
If all of your matrices are square, then for your first expression you have the equivalence
A * B / (C * C) <==> A * B * inv(C * C) <==> A * B * inv(C) * inv(C)
On the other hand, your second expression is equivalent to
(A / C) * (B / C) <==> A * inv(C) * B * inv(C)
Since matrices don't commute in general, these don't have to be the same. If we equate the right-hand sides, we find that (as long as A and C are invertible) we can make some cancellations, and end up with the equation
B * inv(C) == inv(C) * B
i.e. the two expressions are the same if B commutes with inv(C). In fact we can multiply on the left and right by C, and get
C * B = B * C
so this is the same as requiring that B commutes with C.