Getting SessionId of Taleo User - taleo

We are creating an application for TBE, which will bring all the requisitions and candidate from the Taleo Business Edition via Taleo Web API, so I have two questions.
Is there necessary to send client's user credentials to obtain
Isn't there a way where we can send partner credentials(username, password) and get sessionId of the client which will be used further to make API call?

The short answer is yes, you need to send credentials for an administrator to obtain an authToken. It's suggested that a new authToken be obtained for each 'transaction'. You need to make sure you logout by calling '/logout' after each transaction in order to release the slot back into the pool. You only get 20 concurrent connections.
I'm not sure exactly what you mean by partner credentials. I suggest you create a separate user called something like 'APIAccess' and use it exclusively for all API calls.


OAuth - what to store on disk

TL;DR When using google oauth on desktop app, what to save on disk to avoid repeated sign in? Save the google user id? or the token? or an session id?
I'm creating an little desktop app, whitch must authenticate to my REST API server. I'm using google oauth2 for that.
The idea is, that when the desktop app will be authentivated, it generates some data that will be send to my server. The server will store the data with the google user id received from
On the first run of the desktop app, it will open the default browser, with and url for my server and start an local http server. then:
my server will redirect the browser to google (with the clientid, secret, etc.)
user logs in and it will be redirected back to the server with the oauth code
server uses the code to get the token, and then the user profile and stores the token and the profile in db, then redirects the browser to localhost with an paramerer
the desktop app catches the parameter and stores it in an file on the disk
next time the desktop app will start it only reads the file for the parameter to send the generated data with it to my server
my question is: what the parameter should be? the google user id? the oauth token? an generated session id for this desktop app? or something else?
when it will be the google user id, it can conveniently sent the data with the user id and the rest server will just store it in db as is. but I don't think it's safe
when it will be the token, the rest server has to with every request also get the user profile from google with the token. and imho sending the token with every request isn't safe either
generating an session id means to store it with the user and the token on the server and the desktop app will just store it and send it with every request. but I don't know if it's safe to do that
As it's normally the case in software development you have a couple of options depending on requirements.
The mandatory requirement is that your client (desktop) application needs to send something to your REST API so that the API can perform up to two decisions:
Decide who the user is.
Decide if the user is authorized to perform the currently requested action.
The second step may not be applicable if all authenticated users have access to exactly the same set of actions so I'll cover both scenarios.
Also note that, for the first step, sending the Google user ID is not a valid option as that information can be obtained by other parties and does not ensure that the user did authenticate to use your application.
Option 1 - Authentication without fine-grained authorization
Either always sending the id_token or exchanging that token with your custom session identifier both meet the previous requirement, because the id_token contains an audience that clearly indicates the user authenticated to use your application and the session identifier is generated by your application so it can also ensure that. The requests to your API need to use HTTPS, otherwise it will be too easy for the token or session ID to be captured by an attacker.
If you go with the id_token alternative you need to take in consideration that the token will expire; for this, a few options again:
repeat the authentication process another time; if the user still has a session it will indeed be quicker, but you still have to open a browser, local server and repeat the whole steps.
request offline_access when doing the first authentication.
With the last option you should get a refresh token that would allow for your application to have a way to identify the user even after the first id_token expires. I say should, because Google seems to do things a bit different than the specification, for example, the way to obtain the refresh token is by providing access_type=offline instead of the offline_access from OpenID Connect.
Personally, I would go with the session identifier as you'll have more control over lifetime and it may also be simpler.
Option 2 - Authentication + fine-grained authorization
If you need a fine-grained authorization system for your REST API then the best approach would be to authenticate your users with Google, but then have an OAuth 2.0 compliant authorization server that would issue access tokens specific for your API.
For the authorization server implementation, you could either:
Implement it yourself or leverage open source components
⤷ may be time consuming, complex and mitigation of security risks would all fall on you
Use a third-party OAuth 2.0 as a servive authorization provider like Auth0
⤷ easy to get started, depending on amount of usage (the free plan on Auth0 goes up to 7000 users) it will cost you money instead of time
Disclosure: I work at Auth0.
There should be no problem sending the access_token with every request since they are created for that purpose and are thus short lived. You can use the Google Authorization Server endpoint to verify a token instead of using it to do a request for a users profile.
If you're only relying on Google for authentication, here's how your workflow can look:
the client (desktop application, in your case) retrieves the
Google id_token following the user's log in, and then sends it to
the server
the server validates the integrity of said token and extracts the user's profile data; this could mean a simple GET on Google's endpoint to verify this token:{0}
On subsequent requests, nothing should change really, except that the user's login process will be automated (since he's given permissions & all), and thus much faster. #danielx is right, there's no problem with sending the token each and every time.

How to verify email and name on a server using FB access token received by javascript SDK on a client side

I have a client (HTML+JavaScript) and a server (ASP MVC) and I need to provide a user some private information. To achieve that I need to verify that
user authenticated and
use users email address to retrieve its
private information.
I want to use FB authentication. It looks pretty straight forward but has a flaw which I am sure people can tell me how to solve or what am I missing.
client initializes FB SDK and requests user to authenticate using FB
result of successful step #1 is access token.
We can place another call to FB using this access token to retrieve
email and name.
How can my server know what is the email and name of the authenticated user?
My understanding that client should not send email and name to the server (it can be hacked and can not be trusted) but instead client should send the received access token, which server should use to get user's email and name, but on the server side.
Please explain, give me an example, point me to a link on how can I achieve that on the server as all my searches for that failed.
One more time, my backend is ASP MVC.
On the server, make a call to the Graph API:,email
Use the Access Token and you will get the correct data:,email&access_token=xxx
Btw, you should also read this:
I guess I was confused with what I need to do in ASP MVC in order to get a user info having an access token.
The suggested link: helped me to understand that all I really need is to make a HTTPS GET call (from the server) to "" passing access cookie (received from the client) to retrieve the information I need and exclude a possibility of hijacked/compromised client passing me a wrong email.
Using GRAPH API means placing https calls to - that was no clear to me.

How to authenticate without hitting the database?

A comment below an answer about state and REST recently piqued my interest. For clarity I'll quote the comment in full:
Nothing in my answer implies a solution based on database access on every request, if you think it does, it is a failing on your part to understand authentication and authorization at that scale. The authentication can be implicit in the state, do you think that facebook does a "database access" on every request of its REST API? Or Google for that matter? hint: no
I tried to think how one might authenticate without checking a user-provided value against a centrally-held one, even if one to know what data to display to the user, and came up blank. i freely admit this is a failing on my part to understand authentication and authorization at that scale. My question is therefore: how do sites like Facebook and Google accomplish this?
One way is claims based authentication. Simplified and somewhat loosely interpreted, it boils down to this;
Instead of the server application authenticating the user itself, an un-authenticated user is redirected to a separate authentication server.
The authentication server validates the user in any way it wants to (login+password, certificate, domain membership etc) and creates a signed "document" with the relevant user info (user id, name, roles, ...) It then redirects the user back to the server application with the document enclosed.
The server application validates the signature of the document, and if it trusts the signature, it can use the document contents to assume who the user is instead of accessing the database.
Normally, the server application caches the document in a cookie/session or similar so that the next access to the application does not have to bounce through the authentication server.
In this way, the server application does not need to concern itself with how the user is authenticated, just whether it trusts the judgement of the authentication server. If the authentication server (and possibly the client unless it's a browser) adds Facebook login support, the server application will automatically "just work" with the new login type.

Connection to MSSQL database for secure login in Objective C

I want to make an app having financial Transactions for iPhone.So, my first target is to make a login page(and that's where my problem starts):-
The Admin or customer Details are stored in MSSQL DB.Now, when the client enters his username and password in my app, i want to verify these Credentials. So how can i do this?
Acc. to my little knowledge, i cannot connect to the DB directly, I need some web service or something as a middleware(but don't know what).I cannot parse the url directly to check the credentials as it will not be safe.Did we have to Encrypt the Credentials of client and if yes then how can i retrieve and verify the Login?
Any Sample, Links or anything will be helpful.
Create a .net site with a login.aspx web service page where you will handle authentication for the app. Make sure to get a HTTPS/SSL cert set up on your site as well.
Call me overly cautious, but I hate the idea of direct web server database access from a client app, I always like a middle layer of control/protection.
for example, you app can make server calls similar to this (using POST of course):
Then on your Login.aspx page (or other pages for that matter) you would check for the POST variables (username, password, etc) and ask the database if they match. If they do then have the page return a success message, or do whatever additional processing you desire.
On multiple page requests within a certain amount of time, you can optionally use session states or go the more RESTful type of route, both are easily researched via Google.
POST + SSL is a must for basic security measures.

GWT security one more time

I'm going to develop site accessible to anonymous and registered users. Planed security schema is similar to let's say YouTube and most of others "web 2.0" sites. Logged user will get access to more functions, more data etc. What is best approach to implement that?
I'm thinking about create simple service returning random session code to client, and adding session object to singleton application object. When user provide credential, I'll change parameter "logged" in his session object. Session token will be passed as one of parameters in every single request, and services will change their behavior if user is registered or not (i.e. there will be returned only "public" data, or restricted content only)
Is it good approach, or should I use something different?
There is nothing inherently different about GWT security, it is the same with JSP,PHP, ASP, ROR, etc..., that is web application security.
There is already a session mechanism on the server side, that generates secure random session cookies, use it. As a bonus, it handles session expiration and other things you would have to handle if you rolled your own.
You cannot trust ANYTHING the client sends you, so if you send the username or some kind of token from the client to the server (other than the user logging in), you are doing it wrong.
If your information has any value, force SSL on all connections.
Your implementation of the server calls should check the server session for the current user info, and determine if the user is authorized to perform the action. Again, your RPC information should not include any information about the user making the call, other than the session cookie that is sent automatically with the request headers. Anything you store, such as whether the user is logged in, should be in the server side session.
Of course, you need to do something on the client to present logged in and anonymous users with the proper user interface. But that is not security, only work to present a consistent interface. All the security is on the server side.