Library property, org.zkoss.zul.chart.engine.class, required - zk

I am trying to use the charts in a Maven project for zk but get this error
Library property, org.zkoss.zul.chart.engine.class, required
On the outline the chart icon is there.
any ideas what maven dependency I need to add?

You did not mentioned which ZK version you are talking about here or its a CE or EE or any other product of ZK.
For your reference you can check ZK Chart Exception
For further details about feature in differnt version of ZK you can check Features Comparison between CE,EE,PE version


com.itextpdf.text which itext jar last version was included?

what is the jar version com.itextpdf.text package was included ?
I was using this code below maven code updating package version 7.0.0
Showing errors while building the application and cloud not generate the jar file in the maven repository location ,I thought will able to get the external jar file use it.
iText was rewritten from scratch a couple of years ago. During this operation, the package names were changed so that there wouldn't be any clashes if people used both versions next to each other.
The package name com.itextpdf.text was used with the iText 5 series. All iText 5 versions are being phased out. If you start a new project, you should start with iText 7, not iText 5.
If you are working on an existing project, then there are two options:
Either you are distributing iText in an open source context (using the AGPL license); in that case, please show us where you have published the full source code of your project (making your own code open source is required if you're using iText for free under the AGPL).
Or you are distributing iText in a closed source context. In that case, you should be a paying customer (if not, you are in violation with the AGPL). As a paying customer, you have the right to updates of iText 5 with bug fixes. We won't add new functionality to iText 5, but we make maintenance releases at the request of our paying customers.
Summarized: either use iText 7 (but then don't use the com.itextpdf.text packages); or use iText 5 (5.5.13 was the latest maintenance release), but only if you have to support legacy software. In both cases, make sure that you purchased a commercial license if you are working in a closed source context.
First of all: read and understand Bruno's answer.
iText 7
<!-- -->
This is a pom-only dependency that pulls in all iText modules, even the ones you don't need. See for detailed installation instructions (so you only pull in the dependencies you really need) and a compatibility matrix.
iText 5
<!-- -->
Information valid as of 17 April 2018. In a few days this information will already will be obsolete, when iText 7.1.2 comes out.

liferay-7 dynamic data lists hook

Hi I would like to create hook on Dynamic data lists in liferay 7.
Unfortunately I am not able to achieve DDLRecordServiceWrapper, according to source code it should be accessible under
But this class, nor service package are resolved.
In Liferay 6.x this service was available under
Is it possible to create DDL hook on liferay-7 somehow?
While using maven, this wrapper can be found inside this artifact
And referenced as
Using only liferay SDK I wasn't able to get this.

Running Storm Starter project in Maven / Eclipse

I am new to eclipse and maven. I have been trying for two days to run the storm starter project and am hitting a number of problems.
I have a couple of questions of which I will explain my attempts below.
How can I import this project in to eclipse so that it runs and retrieves all required dependencies.
How can I start a storm project from scratch in eclipse. When I start a new maven project and add storm dependency, it only adds storm, and not all of its dependencies.
What I have tried:
I have the latest m2eclipse plugin installed. When I choose import existing maven project (I change the m2-pom.xml to pom.xml I dont know why it is named m2-pom) everything looks ok, but when I do maven install, in maven build, i get the error
clojure-maven-plugin:1.3.8:compile(1 errors)
No marketplace entries found to handle clojure-maven-plugin:1.3.8:compile in Eclipse. Please see Help for more information.
I have tried maven 2 and 3, I have tried creating a new java project then adding a maven configuration and running that.
I have got to the point where it looks like all dependencies have been downloaded, but in my project, all backtype types are still underlined in red and it when I hover over them, it does say import..
I also had another attempt when it said "import backtype.storm..." but when I cliked it the dependency still didnt resolve.
The code I am trying to run is:
Please help
#girlcoder: I had a similar issue while playing with the "storm-starter" project (i.e. backtype types not recognized despite importing them). I used IntelliJ IDEA at that time, but the fix I found may apply to your case as well:
In the pom.xml file (I also renamed m2-pom.xml as pom.xml), go to the section that defines the dependency on Storm and change its scope to "compile":
<!-- keep storm out of the jar-with-dependencies -->
I used the "provided" scope when deploying the topologies to an actual Storm cluster, but I had to change the scope to "compile" to submit a topology to a LocalCluster. I hope this will help you solve the problem.
UPDATE: I am now trying to package storm-starter in Eclipse 4.3. It turned out that the pom.xml file is not compatible with the m2e eclipse plugin. Besides the modification I suggested above, I was able to compile the project only after changing the pom.xml as described here:

How should you load Spring related jar in Eclipse?

I new with spring and is following the example from "Spring in Action 3rd Edition".
I want to run the code from the example, so I copied the code.
I install Spring STS suite and have a test spring project. It seems it doesn't include spring's jar implicitly so I need to configure the build path and include and jar one by one.
And jar is in some strange location too (I think they are installed by Spring STS, although I have no idea whether it include Spring itself).
And the spring core depends on common logging from apache:
And I need to go to apache common logging site to download the jar and put it in the lib folder of the project, then set it in the build path.
The whole process is unbearable. What if spring got 20 jars? Is there other way to do this?
Thanks all.
To ease the pain of getting the dependencies, it's highly recommended that you use Maven.
All you need to get started is the following :
Checkout this 5 minute start for Apache Maven.
I have a 'Helloworld' Spring + Maven project (specifically to work with Spring In Action, I might add) setup on Git Hub which should get you started without any hassle.
If you are familiar with GIT then fork this repository otherwise,
Download the whole project as a zip/tarball from here.
This project can also be used as the starting point for a Spring app. Read more about how to get the Spring dependencies using Maven here.
Once you do that a mvn clean install inside the project directory is all you need to get all the required dependencies and there is no manual mucking about to get the jars, put them in the classpath and so on and so forth.
There should be a file called pom.xml in the root folder of your project. It contains all the dependencies.
Add this code block inside of the <dependencies> element:
This will add the missing dependency to your project. Alternatively, right click on pom.xml and select Maven -> Add Dependency ... and then type commons-logging in the search field. The editor will add the dependency in the right place when you click OK.

IDE features in NetBeans platform application

I am developing application based on the NetBeans platform. I use Maven to build it and I need to provide IDE features in my app (text editing, syntax highliting for XML files and so on).
Which libraries do I need to declare as dependencies to be able to provide the editor support? And what about XML syntax highliting (or full XML files support)? I am kinda lost in those dozens of JARs. Is there any way to include whole NB cluster? (To make sure everyone gets it, once again, I use Maven.)
Thanks for any help.
Have a look at the NetBeans API index in the content section there is a short description about what each API provides. At a guess I think you're wanting to use the Editor Module and maybe the XML API
I think that if you include the following dependency you will get the entire NetBeans (This is not something that I've tried) IDE as a dependecy