How can I disable facebook's new-message popup? - facebook

I know the standard way of handling the wmode problem is to register a callback that pauses the flash app and replaces the flash area with an image while the flash object is hidden.
What I'm trying to avoid is the flash disappearing in mid-game because of the facebook-chat auto-flyout when somebody sends a message the user (user's friends can essentially pause the user's game remotely, simply by sending them an instant message).
It seems as if Angry Birds Friends and Zynga's Ruby Blast Adventure have solved this problem somehow. These games run on stage3d so their wmode is set to 'direct', and when an instant message is received, facebook shows only a small new-message-indicator instead of displaying the full messages-dialog right away.
I can't figure out how they've managed to do that.
For me, facebook always seems to pop up the messaging as soon as a message is received.
The game is in stage3d so having a wmode of 'direct' is a must.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I'm battling with the same issue, except imo the perfect solution would be to show both the chat (and other facebook menus) and the stage3d flash at the same time. It seems that setting the element containing the flash, e.g. div as:
display: block !important;
visibility: visible !important;
does the trick, but I'm not really confident that is the perfect solution.. It seems that on some browser/OS combination some (Facebook invoken) ui stuff is now shown behind the flash at least partially. Would appreciate a lot for "an official correct answer(tm)".

You can write a listener function to be called when your game loses or regains focus, and register it with the Facebook environment by passing it to FB.init() as the hideFlashCallback parameter. The listener will be passed a parameters dictionary which will contain a key called state, which will be set to opened if you should be hiding your game.
In that case, the listener should call the Flash app's exportScreenshot method, use the Base64-encoded image data to create a data URL, and make that the src of an img element; it should move your app's containing element offscreen using the FB.hideFlashElement method in the JS SDK, and replace it with that img. If the parameters dictionary passed to the listener does not have state: "opened" then, instead, bring your Flash app back onscreen using FB.Canvas.showFlashElement.
You can find more information here:


Anyone implemented/used Mobile Device Screen Orientation plugin?

Has anyone successfully implemented screen orientation plugin in Sitecatalyst to capture mobile device orientation?. When we use the below code in the s_code, in the web page i am seeing some unusual behavior(ie: when we scroll the page to the bottom and then if i click anywhere on the content section, page goes to the top by default). I understand, that's happening because of this line "window.scroll(0,0)". Any help or thoughts?
Plugin Code below:
function screenOrientation(){switch(window.orientation){case 0:case 180:return("Portrait");break;case 90:case -90:return("Landscape");}window.scroll(0,0)}
Reference: []
Thanks in Advance.
This is clearly a code bug (or more a typo I think) and the line window.scroll(0,0) can be safely removed from the 'plugin' (its not really a plugin, just a js function that returns the orientation).
The reason this fires every time a user clicks on anywhere on the page is because you have ClickMap functionality enabled in your s_code.js configuration. This will fire an everytime a click event occurs. the will call the screenOrientation() function to populate your required prop/eVar.
So if you were to turn off clickMap (s.trackInlineStats=false;) this random scrolling to the top would stop even if you didn't remove the offending line. That said, remove the scrolling code, its not right or required!

iOS 7 Safari: OS locks up for 4 seconds when clicking/focusing on a HTML input

UPDATE: The issue seems to stem from having many select elements on a page. How random is that?
So here's the issue. On iOS 7 Safari, when tapping the a text input on my site, the keyboard opens then freezes the OS for about 2-5 seconds then finally scrolls to the input. After this happens once, it never happens again until you refresh the page. I've looked all over the place, and yes, iOS 7 Safari is super buggy, but lets try and see if we can figure this out.
Note: This does not happen in any other mobile browser or any previous iOS Safari. It happens both on the ios 7 iphone and ios 7 ipad.
I will list everything my friend and I have tried so far:
Removed the ability to add event handlers in jQuery. (Note: all our event handlers are assigned through jQuery except for unload and onpageshow).
Removed the jQuery autocomplete script from the inputs.
Removed all JavaScript from the inputs.
Removed all third-party libraries being added on the page by rejecting the domains on the Mac.
Switched back to previous jQuery versions. The last one we could actually use before nothing worked was 1.7.0.
Switched back to previous jQuery UI versions.
Changed input event handling to delegate and live, instead of on('click')
Removed all CSS classes.
Removed all CSS from the page. Note: The response time for the OS this went down to 1-2 seconds but still happened.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Thanks a bunch!
(There are some somewhat-effective solutions, see near the end of the list)
At my company we are also suffering from this. We filed an issue with Apple but have heard mum.
Here are some interesting jsfiddles to help illustrate some of the issues, it definitely seems to revolve around the number of hidden fields, and textareas do not seem to be affected.
From debugging efforts, my guess is that there is some functionality trying to detect if an input is a credit card or phone number or some special kind which seems to cause the locking behavior. This is just one hypothesis though..
On a page with a form containing named input elements inside containers that are marked "display: none", the first press on an input in that form has a very noticeable delay (20sec-2min) between the keyboard coming up and the input being focused. This prevents users from using our web app due to the enormous time spent with the ui frozen waiting for the keyboard to respond. We have debugged it in various scenarios to try and discern what is going on, and it appears to be from a change in how iOS7 parses the DOM versus how it did on iOS6, which has none of these issues.
From debugging within Safari's Inspector with the iPad connected, we found that iOS7 provides much more information about the (program)'s activities, to the point that we found that _CollectFormMetaData is the parent of the problem. Searching for meta data causes massive churn that increases more than linearly along with the number of hidden containers containing inputs. We found that _isVisible and _isRenderedFormElement are called far more than they reasonably should be. Additionally, if it helps, we found some detection functions relating to credit cards and address books were large time consumers.
Here are some jsFiddles for illustration. Please view them in Safari on an iPad running iOS6 and then on an iPad running iOS7: - Runs fine on both - Just noticeable delay on iOS 7 - More noticeable delay on iOS 7 - VERY noticeable delay on iOS 7 - Same as 29 but with none hidden - no delay on iOS 7 - Same as 29 but further exacerbated - 99 hidden inputs, one visible, one separately visible - 99 hidden textareas, one visible, one separately visible - 99 hidden inputs, one visible, one separately visible, all
with the autocomplete="off" attribute - 99 hidden inputs, one visible, one separately visible. Hidden by position absolute and left instead of display. - Same as gUDvL/43/ but with autocomplete, autocorrect, autocapitalize, and spellcheck off - Same as gUDvL/63/ but with cleaned up indentation (seems slower on iPad) - Same as gUDvL/65/ but with display none via css again instead of DOMReady jQuery - Same as gUDvL/66/ but with TedGrav's focus/blur technique - Same as gUDvL/66/ but with css driven text-indent instead of display:block again (noticeable improvement - reduction to 2-3 secs for initial focus) - Same as gUDvL/68/ but with TedGrav's focus/blur re-added - Same as gUDvL/66/ but with js adding a legend tag before each input. (noticeable improvement - reduction to 2-3 secs for initial focus)
<input type="text" autocomplete="off" /> (links to must be accompanied by code..)
(We should note that having the iPad connected to a Mac with Safari's debugger engaged dramatically emphasizes the delays.)
Steps to Reproduce:
Load any of the above jsfiddles on the iPad
Press an input to gain focus
Watch screen until you can type
Expected Results:
Expect to be able to type as soon as the keyboard pops up
Actual Results:
Watch the keyboard pop up and the screen freeze, unable to scroll or interact with Safari for a duration. After the duration, focus is given as expected. From then on no further freezes are experienced when focusing on inputs.
tl;dr technique summary
So overall there are a couple proposed fixes from various answers:
Don't hide the divs with display: none - use something like text-indent
Short circuit Apple's metadata scanning logic - many form tags or legend tags seem to do the trick
Auto focus/blur - Did not work for me but two people reported it did
Related threads at Apple:
There seems to be a problem with how IOS handles the touch-event for inputs and textareas. The delay gets larger when the DOM gets larger. There is however not a problem with the focus event!
To work around this problem you can override the touchend event and set focus to the input/textarea.
document.addEventListener("touchend", function (e) {
if ( == 'INPUT' || == 'TEXTAREA') {
This will however create a new problem. It will let you scroll the page while touching the input/textarea, but when you let go, the site will scroll back to the original position.
To fix this, you just need to check if any scrolling has occured, and surround the preventDefault and target.focus with an if statement.
To set the original position, you can use the touchstart event.
document.addEventListener("touchstart", function (e) {
... //store the scrollTop or offsetHeight position and compare it in touchend event.
EDIT Me and a colleague have improved it a little bit, and it works like a charm.
var scroll = 0;
document.addEventListener("touchstart", function (e) {
scroll = document.body.scrollTop;
document.addEventListener("touchend", function (e) {
if (scroll == document.body.scrollTop) {
var node =;
if (node == 'INPUT' || node == 'TEXTAREA' || node == 'SELECT') {
if(node != 'SELECT') {
var textLength =;, textLength);
Struggled with this issue as well within an ios fullscreen which was inserting /removing pages containing a single input element. Was experiencing delays up to 30 seconds with only a single visible text input element on the page (and within the entire DOM). Other dynamically inserted pages with single or multiple text inputs in the same webapp were not experiencing the input delay. Like others have mentioned, after the initial delay, the input field would behave normally on subsequent focus events (even if the dynamic page containing the input element was removed from the DOM, then dynamically re-rendered/inserted back into the DOM).
On a hunch based on the above behaviour, tried the following on page load:
While the above executes immediately with no delay, the end result is no subsequent delays when the input gets focus via user interaction. Can't explain the reason behind this working, but it appears to work consistently for my app while other suggested fixes have failed.
I have the same freezeing problem.
I am not sure we're in the same situation.
here is my demo:
In my page, i use a <p> element with onclick attribute as a button.
When user click on the button, page change to a textarea.
Then a click on it will freezes the browser.
The time freezing spent relevent to the numbers of the dom elements.
In my pages, there are 10000 elements, which make it freeze by 10+ seconds.
We can solve the problem by switching the <p> element to the real <button>, or reducing the nums of dom elements.
ps: sorry for my poor english. LOL
The main issue for me was with hidden fields. Made the form hang for 10-15 seconds.
I managed to get around by positioning the hidden form fields off the screen.
To hide:
position: absolute;
left: -9999px;
To show:
position: relative;
left: 0;
Met the same problem in quite complex application having many inputs.
Attached debugger to Safari iOS7 via USB and logged UI events. I see "touchend" event coming as soon as I am clicking on textarea (or any input) and in 10-20 seconds after that I see "click" being dispatched.
Clearly it is a bug in Safary as on other devices like Android or iOS6 there is no problem with the very same application.
It happens not only in iOS but in safari 7 for MAC OS (Maverics) too, I have found that the problem happens when you use a lot of div tags to contain inputs (or selects) within a form:
<div> <select>...</select> </div>
<div> <select>...</select> </div>
I changed the layout of my selects to use ul/li and fieldsets instead of divs and the freezze time was reduced drastically.
Here are two examples in jsfiddle:
freezze for 5 seconds
freeze for 1 second
I hope it might help someone
For me, this issue was being caused by user inputs being hidden on the page with display:none.
The workaround I used: instead of hiding inputs with display:none, I used jQuery's detach() method on document ready to 'hide' all the user inputs that were not being used. Then append() the inputs when they were needed.
That way no inputs had display:none on when the page was first loaded and so no delay occurred on the initial user interaction.
We had the same or a similar problem at my company. Whenever we displayed a large number of drop down lists and then a user clicked on a drop down, IOS 7 would freeze the page for a minute or two. After it unfroze, everything would work properly from that point forward.
This affected all input types. The large number of drop downs were actually hidden on first load - the user would initiate the display of the drop downs. Until the drop downs were displayed - everything would work fine. As soon as they were displayed, the next input click, even an input that had been working properly, now would cause the browser to freeze.
As others have noted, it seems that IOS 7 has a problem when parsing the visible inputs in the DOM after the user first interacts with an input. When the number and/or complexity of the elements/options/DOM are higher, the freeze is more pronounced.
Because it always froze on the initial user interaction, we decided to initiate a hidden user action as soon as we displayed the list of drop downs. We created a transparent button (it could not be hidden - it had to be "displayed") and initiated a click on it as soon as the user opened the drop down list. We thought that this would make IOS start parsing the DOM quicker, but found that it actually fixed the problem completely.
I have encountered this problem as well since I noticed many people are still having a problem with this I thought I'd put my solution.
Basically my solution is server side hiding of elements.
My page is ASP.NET so I wrapped my divs with the inputs with Panels and set these panels as Visible false.
This way if I click on an input the safari can't see all the other controls since they are hidden server side.
Of course if you want to make this work a little like clientside jquery you'll need automatic postback and an updatepanel somewhere.
This solution requires an effort but still its better than actually trying to fix a safari bug.
Hope this helps.
My answer might be slightly off the main topic, but I did arrive here after some searching as the scenario "feels" similar.
My issue felt like a lockup in iOS, but not quite, since other elements on the page were still interactive. I had an <input type="search" /> element, that would not focus when I clicked into the field. But it would eventually catch focus after about 4-5 taps on the screen.
Additional Info:
My project is a hybrid app: WebView inside of an iOS app. The site is built with Twitter Bootstrap.
I happened to also have the autofocus attribute set on the element. I tried removing that and it worked... no more consecutive taps to get the field to focus.
iOS 12.1.1 - December 2018
Here is a simple fix that worked in my case:
window.scrollTo(0,0) // attached to 'blur' event for the input fields
While it may not be ideal in terms of UX (especially if you have a form with many fields), it's definitely better than having 10+ second freezing time.
have you tried to turn off "Password & Autofill" > "Credit Cards" into Safari settings ?
After this operation it works fine. This isn't a final solution but maybe the problem's reason on iOS.

How to show message during initial loading of gwt application?

I want to display a message (please wait...) or animated gif before the initial entire loading of my gwt application.
Can you give me a full example please.
Because the GWT app is not yet loaded, you have to do it in pure HTML/CSS and/or JS in your HTML host page. The easiest is to just put it in your <body> and when the GWT app loads it starts by cleaning that "loading" message (e.g. Document.get().getElementByid("loading").removeFromParent())
Another possibility is to use code-splitting: make a first fragment that's as small as possible and will display your "loading" message, and load the rest of the app in the background. In the RunAsyncCallback, hide your "loading" message.
That said, if you feel the need to display such a "loading" message, then IMO you have a bigger problem than finding how to display it (and if you struggle to find how to display one, you're in bad shape to build an app that people will enjoy using; fortunately, this is fixable: keep learning!).

CSS pseudo class for when a user is touching an element in iOS Safari?

In Safari on iOS, is there a CSS pseudo class for when a user is touching an element? Or do I have to use javascript?
Similar to how :hover works on desktop computers, it would be active while the finger is touching the element, and then be inactive as soon as the user stops touching the element.
CSS currently does not define any user-action pseudo-classes for touch paradigms.
You'll have to listen for events and handle them accordingly with JavaScript. In fact, Apple recommends this; see Handling Events in the Safari Web Content Guide for details. You'll want to look at the touchstart, touchend, touchmove and touchcancel events, for example.
Answered here:
<body ontouchstart="">
Applied just once, as opposed to every button element seemed to fix
all buttons on the page. Alternatively you could use this small JS
library called '[Fastclick][1]'. It speed up click events on touch
devices and takes care of this issue too.

Prevent cached iPhone webapp from reloading (scrolling to top)

I have an iPhone webapp that uses a cache manifest to work offline. I add the webapp to my home screen, use it (say scroll to a certain location on a page), then go back to homescreen.
When I open the app again, for a brief moment I see where I used to be (at that scrolled location on that page), but then the app "reloads" and I get scrolled to the top of the mainpage. Is there a way to prevent this "reloading"? This happens even in airplane mode (ie everything is working off the cache).
You're just seeing the default startup image, which is just a screenshot of the last place you were at. It's not "reloading"; the app wasn't loaded to begin with.
Search for "apple-touch-startup-image" to set a real loading image.
What I'm struggling with here is that the app actually seems to stay "in memory" longer if I use regular Safari as opposed to running in "apple-mobile-web-app-capable" mode. In the later case something as simple as pressing the home button, then task-switching back to the app causes a reload. Doing the same thing just in Safari often does not reload. So I'm worse off by using "apple-mobile-web-app-capable".
I don't believe there is a real 'reload' event. onload and onunload are all we get.
the onload handler starts up as if it is your first time coming to the page.
the onunload handler is the key to clearing out old content.
I like to provide alternate content for people who are coming back to my web app.
document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].className+=' unloading'
And let the CSS do the dirty work to hide most of the body and show alternate content.
(this answer does not rely on jQuery or other frameworks)
// on load
To ensure no old content is displayed while launching I use this in my page:
window.addEventListener('unload', function() { $('body').hide(); } );
Thus the last state of the page is empty and is what is shown to the user when the page is opened again.