PostgreSQL to Java Data Types (Grails) - postgresql

I have the following (Grails) domain object:
class Country {
Integer id
char country_abbr
String country_name
static mapping = {
version false
id name: 'id'
table 'country'
id generator:'identity', column:'id'
static constraints = {
The 'country_abbr' field within the 'country table' has type: character(2). However, whenever I am setting the domain object's data type (for 'country_abbr') to String, initialization is failing with the following exception
org.hibernate.HibernateException: Wrong column type in for column country_abbr. Found: bpchar, expected: varchar(255)
On the other hand, leaving this type as a Java char would only retrieve the first character. Any ideas how may I map to this type? Also, what is bpchar exactly?

Just to make this question answered. The solution is to change the country_abbr mapping:
country_abbr columnDefinition: 'char'
Reference here.


How to get correct type and nullability information for enum fields using jOOQ's metadata API?

I'm trying to use jOOQ's metadata API, and most columns behave the way I'd expect, but enum columns seem to be missing type and nullability information somehow.
For example, if I have a schema defined as:
CREATE TYPE public.my_enum AS ENUM (
CREATE TABLE public.my_table (
id bigint NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL,
name text,
my_enum_column public.my_enum NOT NULL,
The following test passes:
// this is Kotlin, but hopefully pretty easy to decipher
test("something fishy going on here") {
val jooq = DSL.using(myDataSource, SQLDialect.POSTGRES)
val myTable = jooq.meta().tables.find { == "my_table" }!!
// This looks right...
val createdAt = myTable.field("created_at")!!
createdAt.dataType.nullability() shouldBe Nullability.NOT_NULL
createdAt.dataType.typeName shouldBe "timestamp with time zone"
// ...but none of this seems right
val myEnumField = myTable.field("my_enum_column")!!
myEnumField.dataType.typeName shouldBe "other"
myEnumField.dataType.nullability() shouldBe Nullability.DEFAULT
myEnumField.dataType.castTypeName shouldBe "other"
myEnumField.type shouldBe
It's telling me that enum columns have Nullability.DEFAULT regardless of whether they are null or not null. For other types, Field.dataType.nullability will vary depending on whether the column is null or not null, as expected.
For any enum column, the type is Object (Any in Kotlin), and the dataType.typeName is "other". For non-enum columns, dataType.typeName gives me the correct SQL for the type.
I'm also using the jOOQ code generator, and it generates the correct types for enum columns. That is, it creates an enum class and uses that as the type for the corresponding fields, which are marked as not-nullable. The generated code for this field looks something like (reformatted to avoid long lines):
public final TableField<MyTableRecord, MyEnum> MY_ENUM_COLUMN =
So it appears that jOOQ's code generator has the type information, but how can I access the type information via the metadata API?
I'm using postgres:11-alpine and org.jooq:jooq:3.14.11.
Update 1
I tried testing this with org.jooq:jooq:3.16.10 and org.jooq:jooq:3.17.4. They seem to fix the nullability issue, but the datatype is still "other", and the type is still Object. So it appears the nullability issue was a bug in jOOQ. I'll file an issue about the type+datatype.
Update 2
This is looking like it may be a bug, so I've filed an issue.

Use UUID in Doobie SQL update

I have the following simple (cut down for brevity) Postgres table:
create table users(
id uuid NOT NULL,
year_of_birth smallint NOT NULL
Within a test I have seeded data.
When I run the following SQL update to correct a year_of_birth the error implies that I'm not providing the necessary UUID correctly.
The Doobie SQL I run is:
val id: String = "6ee7a37c-6f58-4c14-a66c-c17083adff81"
val correctYear: Int = 1980
sql"update users set year_of_birth = $correctYear where id = $id"
I have tried both with and without quotes around the given $id e.g. the other version is:
sql"update users set year_of_birth = $correctYear where id = '$id'"
The error upon running the above is:
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: operator does not exist: uuid = character varying
Hint: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts.
Both comments provided viable solutions.
a_horse_with_no_name suggested the use of cast which works though the SQL becomes no so nice when compared to the other solution.
AminMal suggested the use of available Doobie implicits which can handle a UUID within SQL and thus avoid a cast.
So I changed my code to the following:
import doobie.postgres.implicits._
val id: UUID = UUID.fromString("6ee7a37c-6f58-4c14-a66c-c17083adff81")
sql"update users set year_of_birth = $correctYear where id = $id"
So I'd like to mark this question as resolved because of the comment provided by AminMal

Node pg-promise, bind multiple values with type casting

I'm currently using the pg-promise library to insert multiple values into a database in the format:
const cs = new pgp.helpers.ColumnSet(['booking_id', {name:'timeslot', cast:'timestamp'}], {table: 'booking'});
// data input values:
const values = [];
bookings.forEach(slot => {
values.push({booking_id: booking_id, timeslot: slot});
Where I need timeslot to be a timestamp. However it comes into the API as value like
Using the above cast property my query gets resolved like so
insert into "booking"("booking_id","timeslot") values(1,'1515586500.0'::timestamp)
however this throws an error of cannot cast type numeric to timestamp without time zone
If I use the to_timestamp function however this works how I need it to e.g
insert into "booking"("booking_id","timeslot") values(1,to_timestamp('1515586500.0'));
Is there any way I can get pg-promise to use to_timestamp rather than the ::timestamp notation?
Change the column definition to this one:
name: 'timeslot',
mod: ':raw',
init: c =>'to_timestamp($1)', c.value)
name: 'timeslot',
mod: ':raw',
init: c =>'to_timestamp(${value})', c)
} per the Column type documentation.
Or you can use Custom Type Formatting on the type, to self-format automatically.
Also, you do not need to remap values to suit the ColumnSet object, you use ColumnSet object to fit the data instead. So if the value for column timeslot is in property slot, you just use prop: 'slot' within your column definition to change where the value is coming from.

f# Insert on MongoDB using Records

I've been trying for a while to insert on MongoDB using only records with no success.
My problem is that I want to create a simple insert function which I send a generic type and it is inserted into the database.
Like so.
let insert (value: 'a) =
let collection = MongoClient().GetDatabase("db").GetCollection<'a> "col"
collection.InsertOne value
From this function, I tried inserting the following records.
// Error that it can't set the Id
type t1 = {
Id: ObjectId
Text: string
// Creates the record perfectly but doesn't generate a new Id
type t2 = {
Id: string
Text: string
// Creates the record and autogenerates the Id but doesn't insert the Text, and there are two Ids (_id, Id#)
type t3 = {
mutable Id: ObjectId
Text: string
// Creates the record and autogenerates the Id but for every property it generates two on MongoDB (_id, Id#, Text, Text#)
type t4 = {
mutable Id: ObjectId
mutable Text: string
So does anyone can think of a solution for this or am I stuck having to use a class.
// Works!!!
type t5() =
member val Id = ObjectId.Empty with get, set
member val Name = "" with get, set
Also, does anyone has any Idea of why when the C# MongoDB library translates the mutable he gets the property with the # at the end?
I would be fine with having all my properties set as mutable, although this wouldn't be my first choice, having he create multiple properties on the DB is quite bad.
You could try annotating your records with CLIMutable (and no mutable fields).
The #s end up in the DB because MongoDB using reflection and F# implementing mutable with backing fields fieldName#

SailsJs Models long integer support with postgresql

I'm having issues with a Sails application running with a PostgreSQL database. I needed to insert an 11 digits integer, but I can't find a simple way to tweak my models for this.
Edit 1
here is an example of a model :
* Phone.js
* #docs ::!documentation/models
module.exports = {
attributes: {
number: {
type: 'integer',
required: true,
minLength: 9
Is there a way (using the ORM) to change that integer into a BIGINT in Postgre so I don't get ERROR: integer out of rage when inserting?
According to this, yo should just be able to define "bigint" as the type
also supports float, real, smallint ect . . .
Defining type as bigint didn't work in my case. I was getting an error in validation while creating an entry in the model.
However, I gave the following properties,
type: string,
numeric: true,
minLength: 10
It was good enough but not exactly what I wanted.
The reason your value is returned as a string is because PostgreSQL's maximum value for BIGINT (2^63-1 = 9223372036854775807) is considerably bigger than Javascript's Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER (2^53 - 1 = 9007199254740991) so if Sails / Waterline ORM were to cast your returned value as an integer all the time there is a possibility of breaking things.
So, it's safer to return a string every time.
I was able to get it to work by setting the attributes with the following:
type: 'ref',
columnType: 'int8',