I can't import files from the dashboard in ipython - ipython

i'm looking at the Ipthon in depth videos. One of the first execises is import files from the dashboard. It's a very simple process, preesing the "click here" to import the file, select the ipython notebook file, and that's it. That's why i'm very frustrated. Every time i do this, the name of the file is on the list for a few seconds (with the upload button), and then disappears, without any error message on the dashboard nor in the terminal. There's is some kind of verbose output so i can see what's happen? I'm using Ipython 0.13.2 on fedora 18

Until you get a complete answer this might work. When I was having issues with this (a complete cleanout and reinstall of IPython sorted it for me), I could still import files by using the drag and drop interface.
I am on Win7 64 so different OS


Python3 can't open file 'practice1.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

Please help me... I'm a fresh python user. I'm on python 3.8.3, MacOS Sierra 10.12, and VSCode 1.55.0. This error just showed up when I typed the python3 filename.py. But my program worked fine when I simply clicked the run play button.
However there are few python programs I can normally run by typing python3 and the file name.
Another thing is I couldn't even navigate into a folder by typing cd /Users/Aryanadi/Documents/ONLINE COURSES 2020/
enter image description here
Everything worked fine last year, I dont know why this is happening to me by now. Maybe error coming from the VS Code? I am attaching the screen shot:enter image description here
enter image description here
Any help will be greatly appreciated! Million thanks!
PROBLEMS SLOVED! I just learned that to be able to run the python program file in VS Code I must open the folder containing the python code file name with extension py, so I can not just simply open and run the python code in VS Code. The whole foldercontaining the python code file name with extension py must be opened. Thank you!

Unable to execute code on Jupyter Notebook

I have been watching tutorials on data mining using python. I have installed Anaconda Python 3.5 package for windows 64 bit with default installation. I have made the program available to all users on my laptop. I am running windows 10 64 bit. I am able to open Jupyter notebook on localhost at http://localhost:8888 and browse to the folder than contains iPython notebook file. I can type commands in the text box but could not execute them. I don't know if this can be fixed by changing the current configuration. I have attached two screenshots for references. It is weird that the play button is missing. Instead a next button is shown at the same place. It will be greatly appreciated if someone could walk me through the steps. I do not know how to generate logs for debugging. But I am willing to try. Thanks everyone!
The info here http://jupyter-notebook.readthedocs.io/en/latest/examples/Notebook/Running%20Code.html says try shift+enter or green rectangle button. Would it not be easier to just save the file and run it from terminal with python (file)?
Try the "Cell" dropdown and "Run all" or while in the cell (the side highlight would be green), do shift + enter at same time.
Ipython has two modes: One to edit/run. Another to navigate.

Jupyter webpages not displaying properly

Screen shot here.
With Cntrl-Shift-I
No matter how I install Jupyter(aka IPython) I get a dud webpage. It does not display tabs or menus as expected.
The screen shot above is from a 64bit Windows Anaconda install. It was a default install. Install finished. No changes to configuration. First action after install was select IPython menu item in start menu.
Now, trust me, I have tried everything. I have tried installing IPython from pip over top my python2.7 installation, anaconda etc. No matter how I install it ends up with the same problem. I even tried 32bit installs etc.
It doesn't appear to be the browser as both IE and Chrome see the same mangled display.
It is almost like the css files are not being picked up or are not there at all.
I opted to allow the installation of the Anaconda to update my environment variables etc. so the dang blasted thing should be finding where it has put itself.
What is the likely cause? What is the fix please?
I did have a very similar issue on Windows recently. Some program has overwritten your mime type associations. For me it was Inkscape killing SVG by setting the mime type to application/svg.
Try this on terminal:
import mimetypes
You should get text/css. If you get application/css this is most likely your problem. My solution: Change back the mime type association. Start regedit and search for application/css in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT. Replace it with text/css.
Please refer to this https://github.com/ipython/ipython/issues/7024 for further reference.

pylab backend from cmd prompt?

I've run into an issue...
First, I've been trying (with little success yet) of 'packaging' a Canopy python file into an .exe. I'm trying to make a 'simple' way to run our program(s) for our client.
With those issues, I thought I'd make a .cmd file with 'python myprog.py' in it. Well, it fires up my code without having the Canopy environment there to confuse my end-users, BUT, it appears that the PyLab backend isn't Qt4, as the screen appears quite a bit different, and the actual program doesn't quite run the same :(
Is there some way to tell Canopy that when I start a program using 'python xxx.py' that it should be using the Qt4 package? I've looked at the Preferences for Canopy, and both the Notebook tab and the Python tab have the PyLab backend set to Interactive (Qt4)? If I can find that and get my panels to look the same as in the Canopy environment, I'll see if the rest of the program straightens out too.
Steve, if you wish you can hard-code this into your program, but as a quick solution, precede your python call with:

Display of music21, musicXML PNG objects using iPython Notebook/Enthought Canopy

I am experimenting with the music21 library, in preparation for a Machine Learning project that involves genre classification and categorization. I and following some tutorials available here. I am using MuseScore as my MusicXML program, and I am trying to run the whole thing from iPython.
Although I can run the some of the turtorials from the terminal, some elements don't seem to run well from inside iPython. For example:
In [3]: sBach.show()
Out[3]: <music21.ipython21.objects.IPythonPNGObject at 0x10da0aa10>
The line above shows that the PNG object is created, but not displayed. The expected output for 3 above is the following:
Experimenting with the following iPython command, I get a placeholder for an image, but not image.
In [6]: %load_ext music21.ipython21.ipExtension
In [7]: sBach.show()
I can't find any problem with my MusicXMLPath. This tutorial refers to the use of musc21 with Anaconda, but all my developments is done with Enthought, so I prefer not to run another virtual environment to use music21 with iPython.
Is there any way to run music21 in an Enthought/iPython notebook?
I have been grappling with this issue myself. ... Have you set your musicxmlPath in music21? If you have not, it's done via environment.set(key, value). You can query for available keys with environment.keys(). I hope this isn't too simple an answer, but it cleared up the problem for me.
This should be in the iPython music21 documentation somewhere, my apologies: iPython in music21 requires Lilypond to be installed for images to be generated within the notebook itself. There hasn't been (and won't be until MuseScore 2.0 is released) a way using MusicXML to generate PNG images of scores directly.
Edit: 2015 July; music21 2.0 w/ MuseScore 2 will generate the PNG images with MuseScore if it is installed and fallback to Lilypond if it is not installed.
If not yet tried, some steps to isolate the cause of the problem:
1) Update to the latest Canopy (Edit: currently 1.4.1) (might help this, will help generally, won't hurt).
2) Change the Pylab backend in Canopy's IPython shell to "Inline (SVG)", via Preferences / Python. (The default Qt backend in that shell conflicts with music21's use of the tkinter library.)
3) Test your script in that shell rather than in the notebook.
4) Ensure that Canopy User Python is your default Python in a Terminal window, as described here.
5) Test your scripts inside of plain ipython terminal (from Terminal, type ipython).
6) Test in ipython terminal in pylab mode (ipython qtconsole --pylab=inline).
7) Test your scripts inside of ipython notebook running in a regular browser (from Terminal, type ipython notebook, and/or ipython notebook --pylab=inline).
Had similar issues before. It's the same problem when people try to use plot function in ipython/jupyter notebook. You need to call
%matplotlib inline
For me the issue was solved by uninstalling the snap version of musescore and installing it from ppa:mscore-ubuntu/mscore3-stable via https://launchpad.net/~mscore-ubuntu/+archive/ubuntu/mscore3-stable