IMP-00058: ORACLE error 1017 encountered - importerror

I am using Oracle 11g client 32bit on all my servers and i have proceeded with all the dump imports the very same way I am doing here.
Firstly I create the user with default tablespace
Secondly I alter the user quota unlimited on tablespace
Thirdly I grant connect resource dba to the user.
Then I exit from Oracle and this is my import command
C:\Users\romit.poladiya>imp fajbdummy/fa#dmate file='E:\dump\fajblatest.dmp' full=Y;
I have always been doing this and I do not know why I have not been able to import this time. Please assist. Let me know if you require any more information
Thanking the team in advance,

ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
Cause: An invalid username or password was entered in an attempt to log on to Oracle. The username and password must be the same as was specified in a GRANT CONNECT statement. If the username and password are entered together, the format is: username/password.
Cure: Use the correct username & password. Check the system to make sure that the username exists, and set the password if necessary.

The following issue can be closed as I was able to do the tnsping but unfortunately my oracle went into an Idle Instance while I was connecting. Earlier it was not an issue and I have no idea whatever happened and the the oracle just went into Shutdown


Postgres 14.3 created user authentication failed

I am new to this SQL stuff and I recently installed Postgres 14.3 on my windows machine as part of an online learning requirement. I created a database and a user to connect to the database in the following lines from the shell:
postgres=# create database staff;
postgres=# create user Naruto with encrypted password 'secret';
postgres=# grant all privileges on database staff to Naruto;
postgres=# \c staff Naruto;
password for user Naruto:
After inputting the password I get an error message like this
connection to server at "local host" (, port 5432 failed: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "Naruto"
Previous connection kept
Whereas the video description from which I am taking tutorials didn't ask for a password prompt but it connected to the database straight up with the designated user.
I have tried numerous suggestions on stack overflow but still, no breakthrough in any way. I'd appreciate any hint because I haven't recorded any progress with my learning recently. Thanks!
The user you created is named "naruto", not "Naruto", because identifiers are case-folded when not inside double quotes. In the \c, however, it is not case folded because at that point is not an identifier, it is more like a command line argument.
Depending on the contents of pg_hba.conf, PostgreSQL might not tell you when you try to login as a nonexistent user. Instead it goes through the motions of authentication, even though authentication is doomed to fail. This is so that an attacker cannot determine which users exist by trying a bunch and looking at the error messages. The real reason for failure is published to the db server's log file, so if you had looked there you should have seen role "Naruto" does not exist.
If you want the user to have a capital letter, put double quotes around the name when you do the CREATE. Alternatively given that you already created the user without the cap, connect to it using the lower-case spelling. And either way, look in the servers log file when you run into problems.
I hope this might help someone in the future. All I had to do was fix the caps for the user I initially created as 'Naruto' and it got executed smoothly.
postgres=# create database staff;
postgres=# create user naruto with encrypted password 'secret';
postgres=# grant all privileges on database staff to naruto;
postgres=# \c staff naruto;

Firebird permission denied when connecing with FlameRobin but is okay with isql

I'm trying to connect to employee.fdb in Firebird3.0 (localhost) using FlameRobin 0.9.3 on a Ubuntu OS.
The connection to Firebird using isql has no issues. I can create users, roles, etc all from the terminal. However, when I attempt to make a connection using FlameRobin I receive a 335544344 "Error while trying to open file Permission denied" response.
This occurs with the SYSDBA profile and any other new user profiles that I create in isql. I can even create new users in FlameRobin but I cannot connect to any database. I've verified in /etc/firebird/3.0/firebird.conf that DatabaseAccess = Full and have attempted to access the db from a couple different folders in case this is a read/write issue. No success.
I feel like I'm missing something obvious. Any thoughts?
Added info in response to Mark (4/26):
The db is stored in /var/lib/firebird/3.0/data/. I have assumed this to be the default location for Firebird DBs and that the server automatically has access to it, but I suppose that might not be the case. Is there a way to confirm server permissions to this directory and/or is this the customary spot to store work?
Terminal Connection with ISQL:
daniel#daniel-desktop:~$ isql-fb
Use CONNECT or CREATE DATABASE to specify a database
SQL> connect '/var/lib/firebird/3.0/data/employee.fdb' user sysdba password 'xxxxxxx';
Database: '/var/lib/firebird/3.0/data/employee.fdb', User: SYSDBA
FlameRobin Database Registration Info:
FlameRobin Error:
This is a permissions issue as #MarkRotteveel suggested. Problem was that I installed the server as a user and not as root. Problem solved by removing and reinstalling both Firebird and FlameRobin as root.

Postgresql server keeps on changing the password

I have a postgres 12.
I've set the password for user postgres as password and somehow after some time my application gets authentication failed for user "postgres".
Then I login with psql and change the password with ALTER USER ... command.
And then the cycle repeats itself.
I checked the table pg_user and there is null value on valuntil column.
I just ran into this same issue with the postgres user and a created user. After doing some testing I found out that by default postgres and my created user did not have a password expiry set and the password appeared as though it was changing and cause me to not be able to log into either account even after an hour since the previous password change.
Solution: After changing the expiry value to a future date the issues stopped.
I'm using PostgreSQL 13.3 with Ubuntu 20.
PostgreSQL doesn't randomly change your password.
Someone else is logging in and changing your password. Since your password is about the worst possible password, this would not be hard to do for anyone who can reach your box and can get past pg_hba.conf. Depending on your firewall and your pg_hba.conf, this could be anyone with internet access. Which is a lot of people.
Your quoted error message is incomplete. Did the message start with "password" which you stripped off? You can look in the server side log file to get more details on the failure than are sent to the unauthenticated client. For example:
FATAL: password authentication failed for user "postgres"
DETAIL: User "postgres" has no password assigned.
FATAL: password authentication failed for user "jjanes"
DETAIL: Password does not match for user "jjanes".

How to create the first DB in Postgres

I have just installed Postgres 12 on a Mac. As you may soon appreciate I am totally new to it.
During the installation process I was asked to provide a "password". I do not remember specifically, but I think it was for the some sort of admin role.
Now I want to create my first database. Reading the documentation I insert the command
createdb myfistdb
the system asks for a password. I give the one I set during the installation processes but I got the following error
createdb: error: could not connect to database template1: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "myusername"
where myusername is the user I am logged in.
The same happens if I give the system password of myusername.
I understand that my question is pretty basic, but I have been struggling quite some time without any success, so any help will be appreciated.
The database uset name used by createdb defaults to the operating system user name, so you'll have to specify the administrative superuser explicitly:
createdb -U postgres myfistdb

postgresql data directory not connecting

I am using windows 8.
My Postgres was Correct.
I just took the data directory from C:/postgresql/8.3/
Now database was connected through command prompt.
When I was trying to connect using pgadmin, it's saying
FATEL: error
An error has occured:
Error connecting to sthe server: FATAL: role "postgres" is not permitted to log in
I changed the required things in pg_hba.conf (trust) and postgresql.conf (connection *) (port 5433)
But, still I was unable to connect the database.
How to give the permissions to postgres role.
when am trying to give the permissions through cmd also it's giving same error.
I was tried in so many ways
but, still I didn't get the database.
It looks like you might have accidentally revoked the LOGIN and SUPERUSER rights from the postgres user. Perhaps you created a superuser with a different name instead? Log in as that user if you did.
If not, and you can't get access as user postgres, you will need to start the database engine up in single-user mode and manually GRANT the SUPERUSER right to postgres again. This is much the same process as is required when recovering from a dropped (deleted) superuser account.
See related:
Postgres reset password in PostgreSQL server 8.4
BTW, 8.3 is a very old and unsupported version. Plan your upgrade promptly.
If there's no data in PostgreSQL that you care about, the easiest thing to do will be:
Uninstall PostgreSQL 8.3;
Delete C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.3 (permanently and unrecoverably destroying all data in your PostgreSQL databases); and
Install a current PostgreSQL version