auth.logout is not working in my app using firebase facebook authentication - facebook

I have tried basic steps of Firebase Facebook authentication. So in my app the user can successfully log in using Firebase Facebook authentication. But I have a problem in logout.
I used logout button and bind click event on that, as shown below:
For login I use this code:
var chatRef = new Firebase('https://my-firebase-url');
var auth = new FirebaseSimpleLogin(chatRef, function(error, user) {
if (error) {
// an error occurred while attempting login
alert("please login first");
} else if (user) {
// user authenticated with Firebase
//alert('User ID: ' + + ', Provider: ' + user.provider);
type: "GET",
url: "",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
success: function(data) {
$('#user').text("Welcome ";
} else {
// user is logged out
In login also, I got one problem as you can see in else part I used auth.login('facebook'); that is not working showing error
auth is not defined. But if I used outside of else then it working fine.
Please help me to figure out this problem.

Separate from the issue regarding auth.logout(), you should never call auth.login('facebook'); from within this callback. Rather, it should be called after a user click event, as your browser will prevent the Facebook pop-up from launching.
Third-party authentication methods use a browser pop-up window to
prompt the user to sign-in, approve the application, and return the
user's data to the requesting application. Most modern browsers will
block the opening of this pop-up window unless it was invoked by
direct user action.
For that reason, we recommend that you only invoke the "login()"
method for third-party authentication methods upon user click.


React-native facebook login shows blank screen / white screen

facebook: ~5.0.1andexpo: 33.0.0`
onFacebookSignIn = async () => {
try {
const {
} = await Facebook.logInWithReadPermissionsAsync(facbookAppId, {
permissions: ['public_profile', 'email'],
browser: 'browser'
if (type === 'success') {
const response = await fetch(`${token}`);
Alert.alert('Logged in!', `Hi ${(await response.json()).name}!`);
} else {
} catch ({ message }) {
alert(`Facebook Login Error: ${message}`);
**on click of a button it opens facebook login page login via my email and password works fine but in case of login via install facebook app, it takes me to next allow page but than next page show blank:(
i have spent couple of days on this on and off, thankyou.
Since Facebook actually opens and you are prompt with the login page then it is most probably that you make a mistake setting up your Facebook app on your Facebook developer account.
Follow this to set your Facebook app correctly
Make sure to set host.exp.Exponent for your app field iOS Bundle ID
Make sure to set rRW++LUjmZZ+58EbN5DVhGAnkX4= for your app field Android key hash
Please follow this since you are using expo SDK 33

FIrebase Google auth operation not supported in this environment

I am working on ionic and firebase project, made a login page to sign in with google. I am using this Below.
var provider = new firebase.auth.GoogleAuthProvider();
firebase.auth().signInWithRedirect(provider).then(function (result) {
var token = result.credential.accessToken;
// The signed-in user info.
var user = result.user;
}).catch(function (error) {
firebase.auth().getRedirectResult().then(function (result) {
if (result.credential) {
var token = result.credential.accessToken;
// The signed-in user info.
var user = result.user;
}).catch(function (error) {
When I run it in the browser it is working fine, but when I run it in android device I am getting auth/operation-not-supported-in-this environment.
The application is running on "location.protocol".
I researched a bit but could not find an exact answer. What could be wrong ?
popup and redirect operations are not currently supported in Ionic/Cordova environment. As a a fallback you can you an oauth cordova plugin to obtain a google/facebook OAuth access token and then sign in the user via signInWithCredential. Check this thread for more on this:
Try the following because local storage is not enabled in webView, which is required for firebase

Canvas -> Base64 post to Facebook

I have implemented a pure javascript function for sharing canvas content to an user's facebook wall. The implementation works, but the problem is:
Facebook does not approve the app, stating after review:
"publish_actions on Web - Your app's users must enter all content
in the user message field. Don't auto-populate the message field with
any content, including links and hashtags, even if you allow users to
edit the content before sharing. Watch this informational video for
more information, and see Platform Policy 2.3"
Afaik, there is no way to pass a base64 object through the FB.ui feed share dialogue with client side javascript only.
Question: Any workarounds or other ways go get a client side only canvas -> facebook share implementation that is passed by the Facebook app approval process?
The current implementation is as follows:
FB.login(function (response) {
if (response.authResponse) {
window.authToken = response.authResponse.accessToken;
} else {
}, {
scope: 'publish_actions'
function PostImageToFacebook(authToken) {
var imageData = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
try {
blob = dataURItoBlob(imageData);
catch (e)
var fd = new FormData();
fd.append("access_token", authToken);
fd.append("source", blob);
try {
url: "" + authToken,
type: "POST",
data: fd,
processData: false,
contentType: false,
cache: false,
success: function (data) {
console.log("success " + data);
error: function (shr, status, data) {
alert.log("error " + data + " Status " + shr.status);
complete: function () {
console.log("Posted to facebook");
$('#facebook-link').text('Ferdig delt :)').removeClass( "inProgress" );
} catch (e) {
The implementation does not append any text, making me wonder why it does not comply with the Facebook Platform Policy section 2.3.
I had the same problem in an application. Although we have chosen to use the database, I believe it has a solution to your problem.
Really has no way to share a Base64 code by FB.Ui
But as the policies of Facebook, you are not required to use it.
You can create a custom dialog window for the user to view the image that is being posted and enter/confirm the message, and posting after this action.
As the explanatory video from Facebook, the message posted by the user can not be changed, then it should be approved without problems.

How to ensure that a controllers action is only being called once in sails.js app ..?

I am trying to implement user authentication in my sails app.. But I am encountering a problem in different controllers that their action are being called twice.. I have checked from my browser and the request is only being sent once.. Here is an example..
// api/controllers/AuthController.js
logout: function (req, res) {
console.log("Loggin out");
res.json({message: 'Logged out succesfully'});
Following is my config/routes.js file. (using get for many action just for sake of ease for testing api..)
module.exports.routes = {
// By default, your root route (aka home page) points to a view
// located at `views/home/index.ejs`
// (This would also work if you had a file at: `/views/home.ejs`)
'/': {
view: 'home/index'
// testing the api
'get /users/check' : 'UserController.test',
'get /login' : 'AuthController.process',
'get /logout' : 'AuthController.logout',
'get /signup': 'UserController.add',
'get /verify/username/:username?' : 'UserController.checkUsername',
'get /verify/email/:email?' : 'UserController.checkEmail',
// add friend
'get /:user?/addfriend': 'FriendController.addFriend',
// accept request
'get /:user?/friendrequest/:request?/accept': 'FriendController.acceptRequest',
I have applied the isAuthenticated policy on this action.. which is like
module.exports = function(req, res, next) {
if(req.isAuthenticated()) {
console.log("Valid User");
return next();
else {
console.log("User not logged in");
return res.json({error: "Please login"});
No whenever I call <myhost>/logout I get the following json back..
"error": "Please login"
and here is the output on the server..
Valid User
Loggin out
User not logged in
This means that my controller's action is being called twice.. and this is not the problem with only this controller. The UserController.add action has the same problem. I seem to be doing every thing fine but I don't know where this problem is coming from. Can any one suggest how can I debug it . Or what could be the root of the problem. As far as I have check..
Browser is not sending the request twice.
The Controller's action is being called twice and so are the middleware assosiated with it.
Oh i have the same Problem a few weeks ago.
Sails also call the middleware on static files (like your styles.css). Console.log the req-object than you see what your browser requested.
There a two Ways to handle this Problem:
1.) Try to set skipAssets: true in your route (see:
2.) In your policy add an if-condition to skip assets (like ".js", ".css" and so on).

Facebook App in Profile Tab: problems getting the user session

I'm working in a mini-app, which will have 3 pages, and i want all the interaction to happen inside a profile-tab.So, using javascript, i want to show/hide a few divs, which i'll populate using the FBJS ajax object.
My problem is, i'm not getting the user session in the ajax calls.As documentation is extremely confusing, i've ended up not knowing if this is possible at all.Any ideas?
You can get the user's id if you require login from your ajax request on a profile tab. For instance:
var ajax = new Ajax();
ajax.responseType = Ajax.RAW;
ajax.ondone = function(data) {
ajax.onerror = function(data) {
ajax.requireLogin = true;'http://DOMAIN/add_story', {story: story});
The requireLogin = true part will cause an authorization window to popup. If they agree, you can get the user ID in your AJAX handler using the PHP SDK, like: